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Bingo Mafia - THE END!


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Not at the moment but I'm not fully here yet. Will be here in full in about 10-15 minutes though.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Why specifically us? Just because we're new? But even so, why?

Why are you telling marshy what not to do if he's scum?
More so because of the papertrails newer players tend to leave and the easier to read reasoning, if you look at marshy during my push, he's really only shouting about it which gives him the ability to shout tomorrow as well, plus he can kinda just handwave his own vote on me as "lol he needed to be hardbodied" especially because I still feel like he's approaching and voting me without commiting to a reason why im scummy, by continuously just saying "lol he's scum let's kill him" it absolves him of really weighing in on the wagon or it's participants which i don't like from marshy.

I'm not and he would do it anyway regardless, he's not going to stop doing things a way if they work and from what i'm seeing the only real person attemtping any analysis of my wagon is me which is pretty ironic given adumb's trying to lynch me for things i'm doing which other's are not. Him asserting i need to have my mind made up on how i want to take marshy and his push on me is ridiculous and im surprised people allow slots to do these types of things tbh

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
seems like stuff is happening

i had a dream in which kata pms saying i now have the 8 ball... my dreams are getting more and more tame


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
More so because of the papertrails newer players tend to leave and the easier to read reasoning, if you look at marshy during my push, he's really only shouting about it which gives him the ability to shout tomorrow as well, plus he can kinda just handwave his own vote on me as "lol he needed to be hardbodied" especially because I still feel like he's approaching and voting me without commiting to a reason why im scummy, by continuously just saying "lol he's scum let's kill him" it absolves him of really weighing in on the wagon or it's participants which i don't like from marshy.

I'm not and he would do it anyway regardless, he's not going to stop doing things a way if they work and from what i'm seeing the only real person attemtping any analysis of my wagon is me which is pretty ironic given adumb's trying to lynch me for things i'm doing which other's are not. Him asserting i need to have my mind made up on how i want to take marshy and his push on me is ridiculous and im surprised people allow slots to do these types of things tbh
You thought he was scum of his original response. You later changed your read to him being town due to him having "terribad" reasoning. Why does having "terribad" reasoning make him town? Scum can have bad logic too.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
More so because of the papertrails newer players tend to leave and the easier to read reasoning, if you look at marshy during my push, he's really only shouting about it which gives him the ability to shout tomorrow as well, plus he can kinda just handwave his own vote on me as "lol he needed to be hardbodied" especially because I still feel like he's approaching and voting me without commiting to a reason why im scummy, by continuously just saying "lol he's scum let's kill him" it absolves him of really weighing in on the wagon or it's participants which i don't like from marshy.

I'm not and he would do it anyway regardless, he's not going to stop doing things a way if they work and from what i'm seeing the only real person attemtping any analysis of my wagon is me which is pretty ironic given adumb's trying to lynch me for things i'm doing which other's are not. Him asserting i need to have my mind made up on how i want to take marshy and his push on me is ridiculous and im surprised people allow slots to do these types of things tbh
I actually agree with this to a certain degree, fwiw.

Adum's logic on Rake is "PUT THE PRESSURE ON" him, and what it's turned out to is the same damn thing as any typical RVS wagon. But that's what you were trying to get at wasn't it? I know you love RVS so much. There is no case on, Rake. It's nonexistent. Honestly, you try dealing with some of y'all's "pressure"... if you think there's an intelligent way to respond to it, you're wrong! Why? Cause the whole push itself wreaks of stupidity. Pressure is applied from actual reasoning, and building a case, imho. Actually given them something that could LEAVE a tell from responding, with what you guys are throwing at him he's turning into a broken record. And consistency is a town tell.

Scum is on this wagon for sure, prob mid ground, so lemme look at the list and see whats happeninnnn. More to come.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Haha, where's the actual defense? Your posts not only lacked substance but gave you an easy way to turn on them in the future. "Interesting", it's one of the best non-committal ways to look like you're producing content when being utterly useless and allowing you to draw any conclusion in the future. Explain what results actually suggest about the player or shut up, if it's about future actions, shut up. You also spend entirely too much time explaining town reads and the only things leaning scumish are people who are leading a lynch wagon on you. The people shouting "die rake die" specifically.

This rush of desperate content just cements it because it has exactly the same problem, beyond moving off hotcakes and agreeing with my read.

Now then, why is it grimy, and if it's so grimy, why aren't you voting for me? Breaking down and explaining why a post from somebody leading a lynch wagon on you isn't scummy, but proceeding to throw analysisless dirt on them is, doing it and not following it up with a vote, even more so unless you have a higher scum target, and what luck, you have none!

So then you'll die, totally fine with this result. 99.9% likely that you'll die post-claim too though.

Lol, meta isn't something you just throw on to see if it sticks, you need actual analysis of the play across multiple games. But the important part is, more dirt (of the "interesting" non-commital variety) and still no vote!

Would you kindly die?
Lacking substance 3 pages in ? Man you got me GG.

But seriously, your assertion is ridiculous, It was interesting at the time because hotcakes and jexs papertrails as I mentioned to jjexs will be a lot easier to read as new players usually are, their intent to vote and position on me will also be more immediately obvious. What sort of content am i supposed to produce when people are just voting me to vote me exactly ?

It's kind of silly you assert this as well as the only slot your producing any content on is mine, and yet you begrudge me for "not producing", when I already have a stated town read on RR and hotcakes due to him being more likely dumb than scum, and orbo due to reasons already mentioned.

If jexs doesn't follow through or dodges explaning why he votes me then that would be something worth following up on.

How is explaining town reads scummy though ?

Just gotta say you are by no means leading this wagon on me and the assertion you are is hilarious. If anything the fools who have yet to show any reason to vote beyond "lol vote rake" are leading it, your simply throwing fuel onto it by hitting me about with small null telss you then perceive or possibly change to fit your agenda of scum reading me, and all marhsy is doing is yelling and hte fact your fine with that over him actually committing to showing a papertrail does bother me because I still believe all of marshy's yelling allows him to absolve himself of responsibilty to the wagon or to do anything more than that.

Your not analyzing me either though, your just saying, "well this is scummy" without saying why.

Not voting you because I'm not sure your not just an idiot, your post is grimey and shortsighted to a point of causing me to wonder if your not just a dunce, I'm much closer and in fact probably will vote marshy due to his attitude toward this lynch which I've already expressed distaste for.

Your post is grimey because your picking on null tells and then calling them scummy, which is ridiculous by the way because of course my stances towards a 2 page wagon won't be set in stone and the fact your trying to lynch me over that boggles my mind.

I will die and laugh my actual ass off that the only person doing anything about my wagon / analyzing it , i.e me, will be lynched and people will blindly accept the assertion i'm not analyzing things "in-depth" and I'll laugh because I have no doubt multiple scum are running with the wagon and they were so scarred of me they convince a bunch of fools to lynch me in less than 36 hours .Scum be scurred of the Rake. apparently.

It wasn't dirt , it was an observation due to me trying to decicde on whether the change i'm perceiving is of a scum nature, or if i'm just unused to your style, or w/e.

Sadly I can't die and I have to keep addressing this thread cause I got town this time and it's my duty to try and not die stupidly.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
You thought he was scum of his original response. You later changed your read to him being town due to him having "terribad" reasoning. Why does having "terribad" reasoning make him town? Scum can have bad logic too.
The rest of his scum team from mypov wouldn't let him post something that dumb. His response also i feel highlights him to much because being on my wagon, like the others on my wagon to different extents, will be (hopefully) looked at and analyzed by others and for Hotcakes to post somehting as shortsighted and terribad like that would mean mor epeople might look at him if they took it as scummy, and even as a new player, scum wants to avoid being looked at, and especially newere scum tend to fold under the pressure and collapse which would mean he'd be less willing to share original or bad thoughts of his because htey may bring attention to him. the fact he didnt hesitate to post his extremely bad logic for voting me probably mean s he's just another dumb townie / newbtownie, who doesn't filter their content cause #nofear #justtown


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Not voting you because I'm not sure your not just an idiot, your post is grimey and shortsighted to a point of causing me to wonder if your not just a dunce, I'm much closer and in fact probably will vote marshy due to his attitude toward this lynch which I've already expressed distaste for.
Rake you keep saying marshy is yelling but what do you actually think of him? From here I presume a scum lean?

Yo! Hardbody the Show!

Apr 29, 2014
I actually agree with this to a certain degree, fwiw.

Adum's logic on Rake is "PUT THE PRESSURE ON" him, and what it's turned out to is the same damn thing as any typical RVS wagon. But that's what you were trying to get at wasn't it? I know you love RVS so much. There is no case on, Rake. It's nonexistent. Honestly, you try dealing with some of y'all's "pressure"... if you think there's an intelligent way to respond to it, you're wrong! Why? Cause the whole push itself wreaks of stupidity. Pressure is applied from actual reasoning, and building a case, imho. Actually given them something that could LEAVE a tell from responding, with what you guys are throwing at him he's turning into a broken record. And consistency is a town tell.

Scum is on this wagon for sure, prob mid ground, so lemme look at the list and see whats happeninnnn. More to come.
WHAT THE ****!?!?

Chaco has officially lost his mind. This is especially gross on a Rake. townflip.



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
More so because of the papertrails newer players tend to leave and the easier to read reasoning, if you look at marshy during my push, he's really only shouting about it which gives him the ability to shout tomorrow as well, plus he can kinda just handwave his own vote on me as "lol he needed to be hardbodied" especially because I still feel like he's approaching and voting me without commiting to a reason why im scummy, by continuously just saying "lol he's scum let's kill him" it absolves him of really weighing in on the wagon or it's participants which i don't like from marshy.
Why don't you ask marshy his reasoning?

I'm not and he would do it anyway regardless, he's not going to stop doing things a way if they work and from what i'm seeing the only real person attemtping any analysis of my wagon is me which is pretty ironic given adumb's trying to lynch me for things i'm doing which other's are not. Him asserting i need to have my mind made up on how i want to take marshy and his push on me is ridiculous and im surprised people allow slots to do these types of things tbh
See, you're missing the point. It's not that there's no analysis, it's that you dress things up with analysis and have no substance to that analysis. Only action you've made is the bad hotcakes push.

Ya, don't lie, your mind is obviously made up at least on me. "This post is pure grime", and no vote?

The inconsistency between the meaning of your words and the actions which you took is palatable.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
haven't read the any of the game yet cept for like the last post

but im pre sure marshy's town


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
The rest of his scum team from mypov wouldn't let him post something that dumb. His response also i feel highlights him to much because being on my wagon, like the others on my wagon to different extents, will be (hopefully) looked at and analyzed by others and for Hotcakes to post somehting as shortsighted and terribad like that would mean mor epeople might look at him if they took it as scummy, and even as a new player, scum wants to avoid being looked at, and especially newere scum tend to fold under the pressure and collapse which would mean he'd be less willing to share original or bad thoughts of his because htey may bring attention to him. the fact he didnt hesitate to post his extremely bad logic for voting me probably mean s he's just another dumb townie / newbtownie, who doesn't filter their content cause #nofear #justtown
have you heard of WIFOM


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I actually agree with this to a certain degree, fwiw.

Adum's logic on Rake is "PUT THE PRESSURE ON" him, and what it's turned out to is the same damn thing as any typical RVS wagon. But that's what you were trying to get at wasn't it? I know you love RVS so much. There is no case on, Rake. It's nonexistent. Honestly, you try dealing with some of y'all's "pressure"... if you think there's an intelligent way to respond to it, you're wrong! Why? Cause the whole push itself wreaks of stupidity. Pressure is applied from actual reasoning, and building a case, imho. Actually given them something that could LEAVE a tell from responding, with what you guys are throwing at him he's turning into a broken record. And consistency is a town tell.

Scum is on this wagon for sure, prob mid ground, so lemme look at the list and see whats happeninnnn. More to come.
Daf***, that is not what the wagon was about at all, that was explaining why taking scummy people to l-1 is a good thing for town, even early.

FoS: Chaco

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I actually agree with this to a certain degree, fwiw.

Adum's logic on Rake is "PUT THE PRESSURE ON" him, and what it's turned out to is the same damn thing as any typical RVS wagon. But that's what you were trying to get at wasn't it? I know you love RVS so much. There is no case on, Rake. It's nonexistent. Honestly, you try dealing with some of y'all's "pressure"... if you think there's an intelligent way to respond to it, you're wrong! Why? Cause the whole push itself wreaks of stupidity. Pressure is applied from actual reasoning, and building a case, imho. Actually given them something that could LEAVE a tell from responding, with what you guys are throwing at him he's turning into a broken record. And consistency is a town tell.

Scum is on this wagon for sure, prob mid ground, so lemme look at the list and see whats happeninnnn. More to come.
It's almost for sure marshy, not sure on adumb yet because his approach to me seems really really like he's only trying to lynch me without actually analyzing my posts or the people who voted for me but that's not necessarily scummy in and of itself.

Hotcakes is an idiot and more likely to be town, jexs pursuing me on calling him town seems like something a townie might do to try and hold me to something and make me make a actual commitment to a read and the reasons behind it as opposed to just letting me say things and then walk away from them like me lynching kantrip in Ryker mafia. Also giving it a slight town lean because i dont know why a mafia jexs cares to ask as it doesn't really gain him anything to possibly bury me with if he chose to. From mypov scum wants to gain ground or gain something in every instance they possibly can and i dont see jexs gaining anything but more understanding on me, my reasons and thought process, plus maybe a reason to give hotcakes more botd

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Rake you keep saying marshy is yelling but what do you actually think of him? From here I presume a scum lean?
Yes, i'm currently deciding if it's vote worthy because I know marhsy likes to yell as town too in fact i've seen it a couple times, but going with my gut atm

Vote: Hardbody the show

As I've said, don't like marshy not committing beyond yelling especially with the people who are voting me with him


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Yes, i'm currently deciding if it's vote worthy because I know marhsy likes to yell as town too in fact i've seen it a couple times, but going with my gut atm

Vote: Hardbody the show

As I've said, don't like marshy not committing beyond yelling especially with the people who are voting me with him
Basically what you're saying is marshy is doing something that he does all the time but you have a scum lean on him. What?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Why don't you ask marshy his reasoning?

See, you're missing the point. It's not that there's no analysis, it's that you dress things up with analysis and have no substance to that analysis. Only action you've made is the bad hotcakes push.

Ya, don't lie, your mind is obviously made up at least on me. "This post is pure grime", and no vote?

The inconsistency between the meaning of your words and the actions which you took is palatable.
Your post being grime doesn't make it specifically scummy though and your dumb for thinking my mind is made up on you, town player's can make grimey posts too, the intent behind is more telling than the post itself after all

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Basically what you're saying is marshy is doing something that he does all the time but you have a scum lean on him. What?
He doesn't do it all the time, your misunderstanding my meaning, I'm saying he's done it in both instances of alignment and in the instance i feel like his intent behind doing it is scummy and hence I am scum reading him because I feel like his commitment to my lynch is way too low especially if adumb is pushing that he and marshy are the ones leading the wagon.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
More so because of the papertrails newer players tend to leave and the easier to read reasoning, if you look at marshy during my push, he's really only shouting about it which gives him the ability to shout tomorrow as well, plus he can kinda just handwave his own vote on me as "lol he needed to be hardbodied" especially because I still feel like he's approaching and voting me without commiting to a reason why im scummy, by continuously just saying "lol he's scum let's kill him" it absolves him of really weighing in on the wagon or it's participants which i don't like from marshy.

I'm not and he would do it anyway regardless, he's not going to stop doing things a way if they work and from what i'm seeing the only real person attemtping any analysis of my wagon is me which is pretty ironic given adumb's trying to lynch me for things i'm doing which other's are not. Him asserting i need to have my mind made up on how i want to take marshy and his push on me is ridiculous and im surprised people allow slots to do these types of things tbh
who is the second half of this talking about?
haven't read the any of the game yet cept for like the last post

but im pre sure marshy's town
Basically what you're saying is marshy is doing something that he does all the time but you have a scum lean on him. What?
Marshy does the same thing as both alignments id the problem. Its getting to, is he usijg this to cover up his lack of having a reason to scumread someone thats the problem


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Lacking substance 3 pages in ? Man you got me GG.

But seriously, your assertion is ridiculous, It was interesting at the time because hotcakes and jexs papertrails as I mentioned to jjexs will be a lot easier to read as new players usually are, their intent to vote and position on me will also be more immediately obvious. What sort of content am i supposed to produce when people are just voting me to vote me exactly ?

It's kind of silly you assert this as well as the only slot your producing any content on is mine, and yet you begrudge me for "not producing", when I already have a stated town read on RR and hotcakes due to him being more likely dumb than scum, and orbo due to reasons already mentioned.

If jexs doesn't follow through or dodges explaning why he votes me then that would be something worth following up on.

How is explaining town reads scummy though ?

Just gotta say you are by no means leading this wagon on me and the assertion you are is hilarious. If anything the fools who have yet to show any reason to vote beyond "lol vote rake" are leading it, your simply throwing fuel onto it by hitting me about with small null telss you then perceive or possibly change to fit your agenda of scum reading me, and all marhsy is doing is yelling and hte fact your fine with that over him actually committing to showing a papertrail does bother me because I still believe all of marshy's yelling allows him to absolve himself of responsibilty to the wagon or to do anything more than that.

Your not analyzing me either though, your just saying, "well this is scummy" without saying why.

Not voting you because I'm not sure your not just an idiot, your post is grimey and shortsighted to a point of causing me to wonder if your not just a dunce, I'm much closer and in fact probably will vote marshy due to his attitude toward this lynch which I've already expressed distaste for.

Your post is grimey because your picking on null tells and then calling them scummy, which is ridiculous by the way because of course my stances towards a 2 page wagon won't be set in stone and the fact your trying to lynch me over that boggles my mind.

I will die and laugh my actual *** off that the only person doing anything about my wagon / analyzing it , i.e me, will be lynched and people will blindly accept the assertion i'm not analyzing things "in-depth" and I'll laugh because I have no doubt multiple scum are running with the wagon and they were so scarred of me they convince a bunch of fools to lynch me in less than 36 hours .Scum be scurred of the Rake. apparently.

It wasn't dirt , it was an observation due to me trying to decicde on whether the change i'm perceiving is of a scum nature, or if i'm just unused to your style, or w/e.

Sadly I can't die and I have to keep addressing this thread cause I got town this time and it's my duty to try and not die stupidly.
Lol, the issue is specifically and explicitly that you try to dress up things that have no substance as substance. You pose things as analysis which have no analysis, it's fake content to assert yourself. If you were producing the same amount of content and not disguising it, then there wouldn't be a problem.

Marshy's content has been far more substantial then yours with a tiny relative post and wordcount, because he took stances and followed them up with actions easily.

Your post being grime doesn't make it specifically scummy though and your dumb for thinking my mind is made up on you, town player's can make grimey posts too, the intent behind is more telling than the post itself after all
That's..... what grimey means. Urg do I have to meta read to figure out if you actually believe this?

Regardless, there's enough weight of it that your lack of commitment makes little sense. Especially without somebody else to vote.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Why don't you ?

Or jexs, or kantrip, or...any of my wagon seeing as you're the only one with a reason beyond "lol vote rake ".
Albeit bad reasoning but still.
Cause I've got a strong idea of what it is already so not particularly apt to. I don't find lack of indepth analysis with stances to be a problem, except in cases where you should be preemptively justifying it (omgus for example) but you should be ready to provide reasoning for challenges. The issue is again, lack of actual analysis in posts dressed up as analysis.
Little late tk that party
Jexs is likely town, I dont see him playing so out like he is as scum wrt voting rake.
I like dh approach to him even if I think its wrong.
Long hair, don't care. Nobody noticed it and he's gotten votes for it. Needs to be said.
Yes, i'm currently deciding if it's vote worthy because I know marhsy likes to yell as town too in fact i've seen it a couple times, but going with my gut atm

Vote: Hardbody the show

As I've said, don't like marshy not committing beyond yelling especially with the people who are voting me with him
Commitment finally! Justifacation is "going with my gut".

Ah, see how the scumbag flails.

Kill it with fire :)



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

[6] #HBC | Rake.: Yo! Hardbody the Show! / Potassium / #HBC | Gorf / Captain Hotcakes / adumbrodeus / JeXs

[1] adumbrodeus: Chaco
[1] JeXs: #HBC | Dark Horse
[1] #HBC | Red Ryu: #HBC | Joey
[1] Yo! Hardbody the Show!: #HBC | Rake.

[0] #HBC | Dark Horse
[0] #HBC | Gorf
[0] Orboknown
[0] #HBC | Mac
[0] Chaco
[0] Potassium
[0] #HBC | Joey
[0] Captain Hotcakes

[3] Not Voting: Orboknown / #HBC | Mac / #HBC | Red Ryu

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline set for Sunday, August 31st, 11:59 BST (British Summer Time)


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Cause I've got a strong idea of what it is already so not particularly apt to. I don't find lack of indepth analysis with stances to be a problem, except in cases where you should be preemptively justifying it (omgus for example) but you should be ready to provide reasoning for challenges. The issue is again, lack of actual analysis in posts dressed up as analysis.

Long hair, don't care. Nobody noticed it and he's gotten votes for it. Needs to be said.

Commitment finally! Justifacation is "going with my gut".

Ah, see how the scumbag flails.

Kill it with fire :)

straigh u told joey That was a townie post. Learn to read?

Yo! Hardbody the Show!

Apr 29, 2014

[6] #HBC | Rake.: Yo! Hardbody the Show! / Potassium / #HBC | Gorf / Captain Hotcakes / adumbrodeus / JeXs

[1] adumbrodeus: Chaco
[1] JeXs: #HBC | Dark Horse
[1] #HBC | Red Ryu: #HBC | Joey
[1] Yo! Hardbody the Show!: #HBC | Rake.

[3] Not Voting: Orboknown / #HBC | Mac / #HBC | Red Ryu
Clear evidence that the "there is scum on the wagon"

Yo! Hardbody the Show!

Apr 29, 2014


[6] #HBC | Rake.: Yo! Hardbody the Show! / Potassium / #HBC | Gorf / Captain Hotcakes / adumbrodeus / JeXs

[1] adumbrodeus: Chaco
[1] JeXs: #HBC | Dark Horse
[1] #HBC | Red Ryu: #HBC | Joey
[1] Yo! Hardbody the Show!: #HBC | Rake.

[3] Not Voting: Orboknown / #HBC | Mac / #HBC | Red Ryu
Clear evidence that the "there is scum on the wagon" train is full of ****. I have no problem with Orbo or Ruy at this time, but the Rake wagon looks pretty damn good and the votes [and lack thereof in Mac's case] off of it are awful.


Yo! Hardbody the Show!

Apr 29, 2014
btw thats not me townreading the whole rake wagon. while i LOVE adumbs contributions thus far i acknowledge that hes good enough scum to do this **** cuz he def has the upper hand when it comes to argumentation. i just dont buy the "omg scum are all over this wagon" bs that chac and rake are pushing outside of surface analysis cuz all of the peoples votes off of it are pretty whack and thats a lazy as **** way to scumhunt. i would lynch literally no one on the rake wagon as it stands and would take anyone off it in a heartbeat

chillin for now. gonna talk to gheb soon and need more from mac



Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Daf***, that is not what the wagon was about at all, that was explaining why taking scummy people to l-1 is a good thing for town, even early.

FoS: Chaco
Okay, so you took him to L-1 then whined when he was taken off of L-1? I still have yet to see anything concrete out of you at all. I get you want to pressure him, but what I'm saying at this point it's a ****ing waste. Rake is repetitively saying the same damn thing in defense, that is a town tell. His argument is augmented, which is the why behind it.

I understand the logistics of pressure. But when it's just stupidly, and you're yelling "Die, scum die." without the slightest bit of an actual read, it's hilarious. Or is that what mafia has evolved to here since I've left? Seems so. I don't discredit your ability to scumhunt at all, Adum. But if this is a step to a greater means then move on to the greater means, because this wagon has stagnated.

Take your wine, and sip it.

@Hardbody: I haven't moved my vote since starting the game. Why? I see no reason to move it yet. I feel as if the wagon has exhausted all useful info off of Rake and would like to push somewhere I actually read scum into. But of course I didn't make it that far yet without LOL scum all over this wagon doesn't make sense. Ofc it does. That's a basic fundamental of mafia, scum hop on wagons mid ground to avoid starting pressure on D1 and avoid jumping late to look suspicious. Let's see whose new here that falls into that generalization? Who reapplied a vote later and has been screaming fluff about L-1? Can we be any more obvious? Or do I need to spell it out more for you? JeXs.

There's a reason certain tells are immortalized because they consistently happen. Wagons on D1 is a great place to find scum, I don't disagree with Adum there. But not for the same reason as his aggressive push, which will end fruitless. If you're not getting a town read off of Rake at this point, I don't understand. Augmented defenses are almost ALWAYS a sure tell. Especially when reiterated senselessly due to the same lackluster pressure. I can see why he was annoyed easily. And I can see why people get by with sheeping off of slots like that, it's been allowed forever... And it's gross to me.

Sooo Vote: JeXs.

Can we stop dividing town based on wagons that ITS BLATANTLY OBVIOUS people are just sheeping now. Please and thank you. My lord.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
btw thats not me townreading the whole rake wagon. while i LOVE adumbs contributions thus far i acknowledge that hes good enough scum to do this **** cuz he def has the upper hand when it comes to argumentation. i just dont buy the "omg scum are all over this wagon" bs that chac and rake are pushing outside of surface analysis cuz all of the peoples votes off of it are pretty whack and thats a lazy as **** way to scumhunt. i would lynch literally no one on the rake wagon as it stands and would take anyone off it in a heartbeat

chillin for now. gonna talk to gheb soon and need more from mac

LOOK AT THE CONTRIBUTION TO WAGON JOINING. WTF? Senses dulled from the hardbodying. I just spelled it out, look at that post and give me new thoughts,please. I'm reading you as town, but stubborn as ever.

Yo! Hardbody the Show!

Apr 29, 2014
chaco yu are completely and utterly bat**** insane if yure seriously tryna say jexs is the play today

so much scum in this game

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