Kirby is monstrous in doubles. You don't need ground speed to chase down one of two opponents, or to get near your ally to follow-up on his decision-making. You can also help your teammate recover if he's getting gimped due to your great recovery. Stealing your opponent's ability could be amazing if he has one with a good B move you can use, and if not, inhaling your teammate and spitting him out into your opponents is a decent kill move that makes your teammate invincible while he's a star. All of Kirby's throws set up for combos since the opponent gets sent upwards while Kirby stays low. His kill moves are safer in doubles due to all the stuff going on at once, you have many more chances of catching an opponent off-guard than in singles, and sideB (as well as aerial second-swing sideB) makes one hell of a kill move when your opponent grabs somebody near you and forces ground releases by pummeling. Not to mention Kirby, despite his light weight, has some good survivability, in most doubles matches I play it ends up me being the tank for the team since I can't be juggled much while the heavier characters get detroyed in juggles if I just died and don't make it there in time.
Freakin' love this character. D:
ZSS is weird in doubles. She doesn't work for me as well as Kirby does in doubles, but I've seen people who know how to manage her moves in doubles better than me all the same. Dunno about her, but Kirbs is definitely one of the better characters in the game when it comes to doubles.
Freakin' love this character. D:
ZSS is weird in doubles. She doesn't work for me as well as Kirby does in doubles, but I've seen people who know how to manage her moves in doubles better than me all the same. Dunno about her, but Kirbs is definitely one of the better characters in the game when it comes to doubles.