Still holding out for a trainer character.
Bea, fighting with her fists and using her fighting type pokemon in her specials is my dream pokemon rep at the moment.
i'm increasingly liking the idea of a trainer who fights since we already have pokemon that fight and a trainer who uses a team of pokemon to fight
Bea whose normals, tilts, and smash attacks could be her fighting while her specials could be her pokemon and her final Smash is either gigantimax Machamp or a duo attack with Machamp
Hawlucha could be her Up Special (Bounce, operates similar to Cloud's Up Special)
Falinks could be her Down Special (Megahorn)
Hitmontop could be her Side Special (Triple Kick, operates similar to Ken's Side Special)
Sirfetch'd could be her Neutral Special (Leaf Blade)
Grapploct could act as her grabs (said to have high gripping strength, operate similar to Peach and Toad)
If Pokemon was to get another rep I'd like it to be Bea