Okay, I want to preface everything I am about to say by stating something pretty important: You have shown incredible grace and politeness in face of what I have thrown at you after our money match. I still find the amount of frustration I vented to you after the match to be totally unsportsman like and not really becoming of the kind of player I want to be. I am a fan of you as a person and look forward to seeing you again. But I am not a fan of your character or the way you play her.
To be clear, it doesn't have to do with a "lack of character knowledge" and "disadvantaged matchups." Those things don't bothered me, a Ness player. I'm a classic Melee Ness main. Like many Ness players, I always believed there was an indepth knowledge in controlling each of Ness's jump heights which, when mastered, could matter more than matchup statistics. So I was fine playing for years in disadvantaged matchups, just because I was so enamored by Ness's fundamentals and the "infinite potential" that they could unlock (as far as I can tell, this is a common "Ness player archetype"). I will lose to Marths, Links, Shieks and I find it okay. Those three matchups are probably just as bad for Ness, but they feel much more "fair" because it feels like as I get better, It directly translates to me doing better at that matchup.
To address the "character knowledge" part of it, a week before Apex, I played against Sanity Thief's Zelda for a set or two, getting beat pretty badly (didn't understand the character that well at the time). I hung with KDJ a few days later and told him I was terrified of Zelda. We played the matchup for over an hour (I got 2-3 stocked almost each time). I then read my Apex Pool and realized I would have to face Salem. I played Salem in a set, getting exposure to another Zelda. Then I money matched your Zelda. That night, I hung with Zhime, talked about how much this character pissed me off, and I played Zhime's Zelda four or five times. In at least 2 or 3 of my matches with Zhime, I brought it down to last stock. I have at this point played against 5 different Zelda's, which is more character exposure I have than to most characters in PM.
I think Zhime's Zelda was more stylistically impressive but more risk taking than your Zelda. I think Zhime is obviously of a higher skill caliber than you (or I), but what I found interesting was that it was actually easier in a way to win an engagement in neutral against him than it was against you. That's because I think you play Zelda in theoretically one of the most abusive ways I've been exposed to (which is partially why I was so mad). I wish we got it on video so I could point to specifics, but you spent most of the match jumping away and dins firing, teleporting away and repeating that process. You never engaged in neutral. And when I eventually ran around with my doofy ness legs, absorbing or nariing away fireballs and trying to aggressively pinpoint where you were going to be and committing, I'd get nayru loved, double fair/baired, usmashed into fair or something else that was executionally easy and silly effective.
It felt like I was playing harder, faster, and fiercer for all of my connections and engagements but the rewards weren't there. It felt like I was playing a high risk low reward game, and you were playing a low risk high reward game, and that to me is the problem with Zelda. I've said it before: if everyone played Zelda like Zhime, I probably wouldn't have as many issues. But the fact of the matter is, her toolset allows players to play campier (like yourself, Rizner), and that's a very effective way to play.
Honestly, I've learned the error of my ways. I secondary Shiek now, and I tried out Zelda and her optimal play style is easier to emulate than I imagined. Honestly, lightening kicking for the "brawl" sweetspots of her heels is not executionally hard (its easier for me than landing a knee). I find her to be one of the easiest characters to do the bread and butter damage with, so now I secondary her and shiek. I most likely will play Zelda much like you played her, because I think its one of the most conservative, easy, and effective playstyles to adopt. It's somewhat similar to how Salem plays her (but he teleports in neutral, aggressively a bit more).