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BC Melee Rankings: Late Fall 2012


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
...making interesting maneuvers in the Okanagan...
This post has absolutetly NO purpose and is completely unnecissary in every way aside from awesomeness and MULTIQUOTE

so don't read it if you don't want to ><

I think it would be silly for someone to argue against

1. Diakonos
2. Dieslow
3. Bluntedobject

I don't think we can say Eric can be considered inactive for missing this one tournament.
Any thoughts?
That top 3 is most reasonable.

John was joking about Eric because Eric said the same thing about John last time. Good one John! :D

Thanks Ryan! No, I don't need to have a reason to thank you, just accept it! LOL

Fuzzy's best matchups are Peach/Sheik and his worst is Falco.
Manuel failure.
That was funny yeah. And lol yes.

It seems that he maybe good enough to get the +1 but due to a few thing she was out placed by John. Effectively making a justification for raising him on the PR pretty difficult.

Sion's best matchups are the spacies but he didnt perform.

And in all seriousness I have more trouble against Matt then I do Adam and I do think Matt is an underrated player.
And against Pikachu <_<

Matt has always been good, he just uses Ganon and isn't quite great yet so he can be so easily gayed-out by nearly everyone. Even me when I'm up for it, and I like woman, exclusively! :D


I also think Matt is underrated. He's actually a very solid player, but I think Yakal is above him as of now. IMO there shouldn't be any talk about changes within the the higher end of the PR, with the exception of manuel/tony, but the lower end does need a couple of changes.

I agree with all that too. :D


discussion its just discussing. There's no way someone can defend his spot without people thinking its a big grudge or some crap.
wait! what?

And yeah LOL

I MM'd EVERYONE there (except a couple but played them in tourney [lowtier etc but still] or frientlies [except Ryan I think])/MM meaning lost money to LOL and I think everyone is good and cool.

You all deserve a Top 5 spot, always have in my mind. BC is just too good. I've said it before and will say it again too. ;)

I'd like to learn more so somebody come show me how to be good please! :D


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
...making interesting maneuvers in the Okanagan...
This has been my downfall most recently. Actually, ever since I played this game it has been my biggest weakness. There are so many good ones! How do I choose?

Which one do I pick?

edit: I'm free Wednesday and Thursday after 2:30pm

Somebody show me what good smash feels like. I'd like to have at least some while living here. Maybe I'll find a main if I play enough. :D


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
You follow your heart and you keep going non-stop, never being satisfied with your goals.. Like that you can keep on growing forever! Unlimited Potential.

I chose Ganon because it suits my style the most, because I know what my heart is telling me from time to time. You always have to surpass your goals and your opponents, it's the only way to become the best in the world!


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
...making interesting maneuvers in the Okanagan...
never being satisfied with your goals.. Like that you can keep on growing forever! Unlimited Potential.
The rest was reasonable but ... ? LOL

I much prefer ALWAYS being satisfied with everything. Being grateful for everything that happens and accepting all that while aware of the fact that one WILL grow forever and simply chosing the way to grow and to use that Unlimited Potential seems more apealing to me than NOT being satisfied with the goals and steps one sets out to attain. Unless of course, you simply but this very vaguely and in poorly worded way but this is what you actually meant. LOL

And yet by that, I would main everyone. :O

pick falcon
what he said
That's the obvious choice, but everyone should main Falcon so that's a given. :D
And just 1? But, but, what about the others?

Well, I'm gonna start a poll...
Vote for Falcon if you really think I should. LOL



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Well I meant like going step by step.. of course you set yourself some goals.. but you never stop once one goal has been achieved, I mean if you do.. then you are going to live a mediocre life.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Mmm, I certainly didn't mean anything personal. I am well convinced that John ought to keep his standing.

1. Diakonos
2. Dieslow
3. Blunted Object
4. Hitsugaya
5. Sion
6. Cowear
7. Patooty
8. RobyExtreme
9. Noobking
10. Tahsis

Does that seem fair to everyone? Adam is emo cuz he sucked at BCPM, but he will step it up. No johns, and no emo.

Does this seem okay?

And regarding the panelists (each individual person is a panelist, the entire group of people is called a panel), maybe it's not needed. But I think it should be acknowledged that certain people play others more often and might have a better gauge of what a player's skill is. Certainly people are committed to an unbiased approach towards PR. For this reason, maybe these people's opinions should be more heavily weighted.

That isn't to say that other people's opinions aren't considered, because valuable insight can be gained. Rather, that the panelists' opinions are weighted and that unanimity should be achieved between the panelists before accepting a PR update.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2007
uhh if you didn't get it, I wasn't advocating that order. sarcasm, people
*goes to find a banana*


May 26, 2009
Tiphares, B.C., Canada.
lol i sandbag against matt


but srsly matt and will are both real good, but there's something about them that isn't quite up to what is required to be ****. maybe it's because they play lanky character idunno.

captain falcon has long legs


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
An update is not warranted at this time.
Nonsense, we had agreed that an update would be in order after this tournament. We had wanted a pretty updated PR going into it so we could see how it changed after.

I see need for change in 10th place. I see need for change in 1st place. I'll elaborate.

I lost one match in the entire singles bracket, and it wasn't any of the 6 matches I played dieslow. I won every single event, and the only event that was a bit of a scare was lowtier.

Argument: Tony didn't play as well as he could have. This is true, he was playing much less confidently against me than he normally does. In contrast, I was playing much more confidently against him than I normally do. I made up my mind to win, and for whatever reason, he didn't play like he should have.

That happens all the time the other way around, but when he wins, no one says "well Manuel should still be first since he was just playing bad". I did every single thing possible I could have to warrant 1st place. Can you provide me a good reason for why that shouldn't be the case?

Regarding 10th, I don't think Evan performed as well as he should have to keep that spot. Will and Matt both did better than he did. Edgeluca beat him, iirc (up and coming player?). I didn't play any of these three players, but maybe it's something to consider. I notice also that Roby secured a higher placing than Tiep. Is there any chance we can look at the brackets? Have they been posted? Taking doubles into account, Tiep did better (Roby didn't enter). But then again, taking doubles into account, Dieslow did even worse.

I am still puzzled at how you can say a PR update is unwarranted :S .


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
If your considering doubles then why are we judging "everything" on one tournament. Seeing as how I've been first in doubles how many times now? Shouldn't you be thinking about consistency as we have been for the last who knows how long. So bascially I placed 4th and 4th, Eric placed nothing and nothing does that grant me a spot above him from this one tournament? No it doesn't.

Personally I dont see much reasoning as to why Sion gets the 1 up on me from this tournament.
Sion lost to Manuel and Me - 5th place.
I lost to Tony and Fuzzy - 4th place.
Sion may have done better against Fuzzy then me but he didn't make it that far so you have nothing to base it on because it didn't happen.

Sion lost to Roby in a money match. Not sure what the score was.
I beat Roby in a money match. A pretty solid win too. 3-0
Sion's best matchups are the spacies but he didnt perform.

Doubles - You guys beat me and Tony but everyone there including Tony (he admits it himself) knows that it wasn't me that was bad it was him. He was having an off day with all his suicides. I'm pretty sure everyone knows im probably still the best doubles player in BC.

So I would like to see your reasons as to why he would get the +1.

As you can see the PR has been getting to become illogical and more bias. Last update Ryan was moved down because of the fact that he missed one tournament and I was about to get moved down too. And when someone else misses it nothing happens. Of course everyone is bias towards themselves but for others and don't say much as to why they are above someone else. But i'll just leave it at that. So theres something to think about.

And in all seriousness I have more trouble against Matt then I do Adam and I do think Matt is an underrated player.

Lol yeah =( somehow I just kept getting hit by all of Peach's annoying moves.

I don't think Sion was playing very well in our MM, I think he could have done more.. and same with tony in the tournament.

manuel dont go harsh jacking 1st place cause you beat him at this event :p it's like tony's first bad day................. since he started playing this game? :confused:


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
yo.. i'm at sfu surrey, jack said he would be here but I guess that was to hard. Does anyone wanna smash or dota today?

i'm here most the day, depends if anyone shows up.. just get on MSN i'm online I got everything just bring your controller :D


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
If people don't agree, that's cool. I guess I just don't understand the logic.

The idea is, no matter how I performed, the spot still wasn't up for grabs, just because he didn't play like he should have? 6-0 isn't enough to warrant a defeat? :p 4th place in doubles with the best doubles player in the province shouldn't reflect on the PR placing?

I think I had the most difficult bracket possible. And I still only lost one match. In doubles, we had to beat John/Tony, and Ryan/Tiep twice.

I won't post hereafter, but I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised ;P.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I must have missed the part where everyone(including me) agreed they wanted an update after this tournament?

I never disagreed with any of your points. I disagree that we should be updating it. The point of having seasonal (even though we were late last time) updates is for enough things to happen between periods of time, and to give people ample opportunity to do what they can for their spot.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
I have no comment on if the PR should or should not be updated...
and I just found out my controller is kinda broken lol. I cant run right half the time when I smash it that way.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Its not new. I've had it for awhile now. Its the same problem as my Luigi controller so its probably just me. I sweat to much and then to much gunk builds up in the control stick probably.
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