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BC Brawl Monthlies - Feb. 2nd, 2013


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Brawl Doubles (click for bracket)

1: Team Super Awesome Dynamite Platinum Gooby (Big D + Captain L) ($40) :dedede: :wario: + :pikachu2:
2: This Is Why (Firefly + Breez) ($10) :metaknight: :yoshi2: + :metaknight:
3: Kantrip + Mike (Kantrip + Mike) :diddy: + :wario:
4: Traffic + Blunted Object (Traffic + Blunted Object) :metaknight: + :marth:
5: StarFluff (Starkiller + Lord Fluffy) :marth: + :wolf:

Brawl Singles Pools
Pool 1
1. Big D
2. -H-
3. Blunted Object
4. SKidd
5. Starkiller

Pool 2
1. Captain L
2. Kantrip
3. Irisz
4. Traffic
5. Mike

Pool 3
1. Firefly
2. Breez
3. Neebee
4. Lord Fluffy

Brawl Singles Bracket (click for bracket)
1: Big D ($75) :popo: :falco: :dedede: :wario:
2: Firefly ($37.50) :metaknight: :yoshi2:
3: Captain L ($12.50) :pikachu2: :jigglypuff:
4: -H- :wolf:
5: Neebee :metaknight:
5: Kantrip :diddy:
7: SKidd :metaknight: :mario2:
7: Blunted Object :marth:
9: Irisz :link2: :falco:
9: Lord Fluffy :wolf:
9: Traffic :metaknight:
9: Breez :metaknight:
13: Mike :toonlink: :wario:
13: Starkiller :marth:

GGs everybody, and sorry I couldn't get the P:M bracket done. >.>



Smash Master
Mar 27, 2010
dont worry about pm jake i dont think anyone cared

also good **** to top 6
everyone is improving

and shoutouts to everyone new who came out! more noobs makes bc happy

The Iron Wolf

Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2011
British Columbia
Power level still rising; will do better next time.

Fun tourney tonight as I genuinely enjoyed playing and talking to you all once again. Shoutouts to come tomorrow, if I get the chance.

BC will have a new hero soon.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2011
sad PM didn't happen but shouts to all the brawl homies it was fun chilling

and adam/mike/bo10/traff

shouts to :wolf: in top 4
kantrip playing like a pro
salty GFs
project m
skidd being a freak
L for the ride home

and wolf combos

BC will have a new villain soon.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012
Shouts to everyone who came out for the first time, and to everyone who shared their knowledge and experiences with them. My only regret from tournaments is that there's just never enough time to play with everyone. Whether I win or lose, and whether I play like **** or bring the **** train, it's always my favourite to meet new people and see the different styles they bring to the table.

Jakeyjake: PM will have its time, it just wont be at the same time as other games :p In the future I think the best way to involve PM at brawl events is just to have one or two setups for people to try out during their downtime, and for any kind of bracket system to just simply have our own event for it. Thanks for trying though, the surprise early shutdown at stronghold sucked but it was getting pretty late and its hard to build exposure for a game when nobody is left at the venue. No worries. And if you feel heavy in the soul department sometimes, you should always remember to give yourself a hug because you play like a ****ing champ and its easy to forget that when you most need to.

SKidd: you're a beast dude, and your attitude got me totally stoked. Ben kept talking about how legit you are, and I am totally sold. We'll have you trollin' *****es with style in no time.

SinisterB: glad to finally meet you dude, i can tell we will have plenty of good times ahead. sick gaymez and i dig the nu-school spacies play with wolf.

Mike Li + Adam Brown: my homeys, we shall smash and smash again and again. I have much to learn from you guys and I am excited to step up my tech game to bring some new steez to the game.

Landon: GJ on getting that stream going, everything looked good and I hope you spend some time practising with the production side of it because it seemed like you guys have a lot of cool ideas and just need to iron out the kinks. ++badass points for being the loose cannon of the night.

Kantrip: I remember getting the diddy nanner treatment back in doubles in September, and I was impressed by your polish and keeping that pressure on. Great work, you are a rising star in the BC Brawl scene.

-H-: GGs today bro, good seeing you again. The top 3 is pretty hard to crack into 'round these parts, but you've got a great attitude and game for all the right reasons. I wont give up trying to get you into Project M though :p

NeeBee: you reminded me of what discipline looks like, your practice really shined during the matches of yours that I saw. You have some solid bread and butter MK skills to play with, and great attention to detail. I think you'll really come into your own as a player in the next little while as you start to experiment more with using different moves in different ways, hopefully you got to see enough of the other MKs to compare styles and come up with some new janks. GGs.

Fluff+SK2: You guys are pretty cool, and Fluff I enjoyed our friendlies there. I gave you a shoutout in the main thread, but this is the shoutout post, so... yeah! I hope you guys got to see a lot of new style and took home a lot of fresh ideas, and that you come back to the next tournament. Hopefully I'm living proof that not all MKs are the devil :p

Irisz: I was a little overconfident going into our matches, and you definitely got me good there a few times! I hope you had a great time today and got to play with a lot of people, definitely keep it up and coming out! Breez and I are leaving Abbotsford soon, so you're gonna have to bring it with that Chilliwack style to represent the valley.

Dawson: will keep you posted on what develops with PM events, and look forward to seeing your moves. GGs on winning all the things, you've got this area code on brawl lockdown.

and last but not least, my squishy awwwww shoutouts go to Mike, hopefully that little dude will read this if he lurks and if not someone who knows him can send him a link. and Kevin, who will read most of the same thing in the other thread but I dont want to leave him out.

Mike: I hope you take a tremendous amount of pride in yourself for today, I could tell you were pretty disappointed when you were leaving, but don't feel bad, whatever you do. You made a huge impact on my day, and reminded me so much of why I love video games. Don't sweat losing, you'll do plenty of it in the future, and you'll really appreciate the wins so much more when they start to stack up. It might sound funny, but losing is what drives me to play more, to see what I could have done, and then try my damnedest to come back next time and beat whatever it is that got me last time. Every match is a new class, and every new opponent is a new teacher. You took home the most important victory of all today, because you can never know just how tall a mountain is until you start to climb it. I hope you had fun today, and while I have made plenty of friends in the smash community, the next time we have a tournament I am looking forward to seeing you more than anyone else. Feel encouraged and motivated, but most importantly feel like you have a place in our community.

and a redux to my ode to Kevin:

Kevvy, I wouldve liked to played a few more with you, but I like to think you spent that time playing with the people that needed you more <3 You provide a certain kind of unconditional acceptance and love that is rare in people, and seeing it in the gaming world is especially rewarding. I think the most important part of community is being open and welcoming, and you make us all look better to newcomers. It's easy to get caught up in the winning and losing at times, but you know that it's much more than that to people who have passion and want to share it with people. You also salt about there not being enough Peach players around here, but wouldn't that mean you'd have to stop being BC's only Princess? Stay involved and keep being an inspiration, you cant change who people play, but you can definitely change the way they play.

....join our facebook group, http://www.facebook.com/Brawlforkeeps and spread the love to your friends. keep calm and smash the **** out of things.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
C'mon -H-. Learn :pikachu2: vs :wolf: (Platform/jumpshine camp your *** off till your at 60% and then go to town)...Then win the next one :).



Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
shoutouts to myself for bumping the stream while aib monstering

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
I think the moral of this tourney was.

"You either die maining a bad character, or you live long enough to see yourself main MK"

The Iron Wolf

Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2011
British Columbia
Shoutouts time :]

I'd like to state once again that I really enjoyed this monthly. Nice to meet some new enthusiastic faces, and meet the rest of you all once again. I've come to genuinely enjoy being a part of this community.

1: Big D ($75) - Still winning! Solid stuff as usual and I loved our pools match. I know what I did wrong, and won't be worrying about your Wario too much...at least :\

2: Firefly ($37.50) - The one guy I wanted to play in bracket. Good stuff. I was watching most of your matches throughout the event to see who you'd pull. Though I missed the WF's and was shocked to learn that you beat Big D. I really hope your MK keeps coming along to become a threat vs Dawson's IC's. It's very doable. As for me, I'll get my chance for revenge in due time.

3: Captain L ($12.50) - Extremely fun games dude; not really salty about what happened (slight frustration was a bit apparent but it was something I'd have to expect) Blame myself for going back to BF as I realized you love that stage a little too late. I know what to do though, so I'm staying pure Wolf in our games.

4: -H- :pikachubrawl: though. If Mc Pe could do it vs ESAM, so can I in this environment. Not easy but definitely possible. Note: Don't take him to BF next time.

5: Neebee - Thanks for the ride back home bro. Fog plus + horrible weekend commute might have taken close to 2 hours. Appreciate it. Marth/MK or MK/Marth is a good combination. I hope you keep working on your craft. I want to see your Marth become legit, real talk.

5: Kantrip - Gg's man. Don't let yourself get too down. You had some good things going and your ZSS could become pretty awesome if you REALLY put your mind to it as well. There was just one thing I'd like to point out, which is that I noticed that there were times where you were playing in sort of a linear style with Diddy. Try to mix his approaches w/ bananas up a bit. Good stuff vs Landon; I was rooting for you. You'll clutch it out next time.

7: SKidd - Nice to see you again; funny dude as well. I was surprised you picked up MK. You saw my expression XD, nah not bad though. Your second game vs Kantrip was very exciting to watch. Don't drop the plumber yo.

7: Blunted Object - Really patient Marth player and very fun sets. I'm just relieved I picked up some slack in our second set and figured things out. I hope we can meet again. You stated you intend on practicing. Your Marth could become pretty scary if that is the case.

9: Irisz - Fun friendlies, really nice guy. Link/Falco is an interesting combo.

9: Lord Fluffy - A very enthusiastic personality you had. We had some fun games as well. I hope we can meet/play again in the future. I recommend you check out Kain/Seagull/Mc Pe's Wolves. You'll pick up a lot of stuff. You should also try to check out the Wolf boards if you haven't.

9: Traffic - So you're a P:M guy now eh? Lol, I might be interested in some P:M friendlies for now; nothing tourney related. It's quite fun though, based on my few experiences with it. Hope you don't desert Brawl; the more the merrier.

9: Breez - I was critical of my performance in our set; but I'm always critical of myself. Great, fun games nonetheless. Another cool guy to meet/play. I saw you rocking that bit of facial hair. Follow my path and let it grow with a flow.

13: Starkiller - Nice to meet you and GG's. Hope you come around again :)

Special shoutouts to Sinister for having my back. Chill guy. I let you down by not cracking top 3. Fully intended on using the '4Sin' tag ;). Can I be BC's next hero or villain? I'll try for hero since Wolf is the underdog 'round here haha.

Shoutouts to Kevin for having such a welcoming and accommodating personality. I've stated this already, but I'll mention it again: it's a great asset for any VG community to have people possessing these qualities. I enjoyed chatting/playing with you as always. I will convince you to enter singles one day. Your Peach has improved each time we've played and I believe you have the tools needed to do well with her around here.

EDIT: Those were some long shoutouts. I'll keep them more concise next time around.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012
dont worry about pm jake i dont think anyone cared
breez on trafs account.

Eric, ty and I all practiced for hours and hours for the P:M event, and by all means, it was the reason we all attended.

No johns cause brawl takes forever, but we certainly cared about it.

Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
14 man bracket takes 6 hours to run


I think we need to recomsider some timing issues for the next tournament, it's quite regrettable though that PM and brawl are difficult to switch bak and forth between otherwise we could run them mostly side-by-side. That and a lack of setups. People should bring more setups and Dawson should remember his cables next time.

It's possible but difficult, maybe also get singles pools going during dubs finals?

The fact that we also got screwed by the venue closing at 10(????) didn't help at all.


| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
1: Big D ($75) :popo: :falco: :dedede: :wario: u suck fgt
2: Firefly ($37.50) :metaknight: :yoshi2: Had me scurred there. Those were some really fun sets, most fun I had in tourney since Alphicans. I look forward to future tourney sets, hopefully with more Yoshi. You're so close, you definitely want it more than I do, but it can also hurt you if you let your emotions take over. This loss has definitely forced me into the lab.
3: Captain L ($12.50) :pikachu2: :jigglypuff: Had a lot of fun teaming. The Pika and Wario/Dedede team was just great, especially the Wario. Stream set up was really nice, I'll get you some more character images in the future. I'd recommend watching how Esam plays the MK MU, particularly vs Anti at Apex. I found my answer to the question I had, you might find your answers as well. Thanks for the slurpee.
4: -H- :wolf: Congrats on taking a game off Landon with Wolf. Our pools set was a lot of fun, having a win button certainly helps in that MU lol. I'd recommend a secondary, I don't see you beating me as Wolf. Not gonna replace my hero status, but you will be my hero if you beat Jake next tourney, which is even better.
5: Neebee :metaknight: Guy freaking 2 stocks my Dedede after like so much Mk training, I got exposed. Will get my vengeance though just wait. Congrats on 5th. That wifi training really pays off.
5: Kantrip :diddy: I thought you had Landon that one game, you got the next one though. You were pretty on point this tourney, was fun to see. I'm happy I got to play against Diddy, my favorite MU. Keep coming to fests and next time you'll meet or even exceed your goals.
7: SKidd :metaknight: :mario2: Good stuff beating Breez. Our pools set was fun, don't even hate. You better keep watching Mira Nikki.
7: Blunted Object :marth: Fun pools set. I hope you take that Marth trick far with you. Keep showing up please, I saw you had some close games with Jake and H. Brawl yo
9: Irisz :link2: :falco: Didn't get to play you this tourney. Keep coming please, I appreciate you coming all the way from Chilliwack that's quite the commute.
9: Lord Fluffy :wolf: Another Wolf eh, congrats on a tournament win at your first tourney. Keep on coming out tourneys are really fun.
9: Traffic :metaknight: Had some fun doubles sets, keep coming out. I wanted to play you guys in PM and show you all the horror that is Dedede. Another time perhaps...
9: Breez :metaknight: You were pretty rusty this tourney it was pretty noticeable, started to shake it out towards the end. I'd like to play you in PM and see all that work you put into it. Hope to play you more, enjoyed our friendlies.
13: Mike :toonlink: :wario: You and Trevor did well in doubles. Remind me of my self a bit, just try and calculate your approaches in stead of forcing one, you seem to not have a problem with execution. Be careful of your habits.
13: Starkiller :marth: Watching you play Landon just gets me with those double nunchaku just gets me. Keep on coming out and you will see improvement.

Special shoutouts to Sinister for being Sinister and channeling his combos upon every other wolf in the room.

Shoutouts to Adam for making Jake vs Eric hype.

Shoutouts to Rusty for doing double Dedede.

Shoutouts to Kev for showing up.

Until next time



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Thanks Sync! ^.^

Shoutouts to Dawson for being good enough to justify me yelling as loud as I did at the end of WFs. I never yell when I win.

To Landon for putting together an amazing stream, and for the free slurpee at the end of the night. ^.^ You really do need to control your temper though, but even more importantly, for the love of all that is holy, please stop using Jigglypuff. :glare:

To everybody else in the top 8 for showing some very impressive improvement.
- H being as close as he is to breaking top 3 with the MUs he has to deal with is crazy impressive.
- Kantrip, of course, just gets better everytime. That set with Landon was sooooo good.
- Neebee made it obvious how much work he's been putting in. Dat wifi practice is paying off.
- SKidd's MK is pretty cute considering how young it is. It took you much less time to beat Ben in the ditto than it took for me. :smirk:
- Blunted had me scared when I dropped that first game, and for good reason. Can't make mistakes against you. :x
It's really cool to see how much better our mid-level is getting, and I can't wait to see what happens next time.

To Ben, of course, for being a legit doubles partner (at least once the rust settles :smirk:) You'd best be trying to keep in shape for next time, because I want to see you keep improving.

To Ty for being an all around standout guy. I feel bad because not only did I not get to play with you, but also because of P:M falling through. =[ But that's okay because I'll make up for it by going over to Abbotsford next week to play a ton of Smash.

To Irisz for bringing some surprisingly hype moments against Landon with Link of all things. :awesome: It's always great to see you and your brother come out. =]

To Starkiller for not only coming, but also for bringing a friend. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, and I look forward to seeing you improve. ^.^

To Lord Fluffy for going out of your way to attract viewers to our stream. Good stuff on commentary too, and I look forward to playing with you again. =]

To Mike for finally making it out to a tournament. Kantrip was talking about how good you were in doubles. :smirk: I hope you come to another one!

To Kevin for being unable to stay away from us. <3 It was great talking to you again, and thanks again for the ride home (even though you probably won't see this :glare:)

And to Sinister and the Melee players for coming by and hanging out. Sorry again for P:M. <.<

Last but not least, super special shoutouts to Bryan, Luke, Sync, and everybody else who's supported me/given me words of encouragement over the last week or so. I'd be emo about getting 3-0ed in the finals instead of losing the last game of set 2 of GFs if not for you guys. =p


| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
It's okay Jake, I'm sure I more than made up for it with all my Propo/Sopro talk at the end of the tourney.

Last but not least, super special shoutouts to Bryan, Luke, Sync, and everybody else
All of BC's villains right there. They know that if MK wins a tourney then the rate of which people drop their main for MK will go up. They know that if that happens eventually it will be too much and our scene will collapse.

The battle for BC's survival.
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