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Battle for Western New York 4 -- Results


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Day One -- Teams Tournament and Low-Tier Tournament

Team Tournament

1. We're Going to Win! (Plank/G-Reg)
2. Oh Snap (Yannick/PikaPika!)
3. Hadouken! (N.OW/Arcturus)
4. Super Monkey Transvestite
5. Dynamic Duo!
5. Dragon Force
7. Caged Animals
7. Team Buffalo Destroyers
9. Snarf
9. Rebels Without an Existence

If you would like your team names to be shown, please PM me with the names of both players on the team.

Low Tier Tournament

1. G-Reg
2. N.OW
3. GameFreak
4. PikaPika!
5. Ruka
5. Ace
7. Plank
7. Artery Clogger
9. Kwan
9. Shiri
9. Stik
9. Ian
13. Spara
13. Sean
13. Zack
13. DocThunder
17. Welf
17. Shoklan
17. Forbidden
17. Rip Taco
17. Arcturus
17. PKMN
17. Ted Bundy
25. Case
25. Jesiah
25. Daywalker
25. Laws

If your name or placing is incorrect, please PM me.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Day Two -- Singles Tournament and Crew Battles

Singles Tournament

1. G-Reg
2. Plank
3. PikaPika!
4. Marx
5. Shoklan
5. Ryu
7. Ace
7. Artery Clogger
9. N.OW
9. Welf
9. Kwan
9. Spara
13. Daywalker
13. Sean
13. GameFreak
13. Stik
17. Ruka
17. Arcturus
17. Dark Fulgore
17. Nison
17. JesiahTEG
17. Asylum
17. 4BDN
17. K!ck
25. Goggles
25. LRS
25. NateTheGreat
25. Juni
25. Spike
25. KC
25. Zack
33. DoctorThunder
33. Gamestrapp()(
33. Snowmiser

If your name or placing is incorrect, please PM me.

Crew Battles

1. We Play Every Game (Shiri, Ruka, PikaPika!, Spara, Stik, GameFreak)
2. Metal Fence
3. Outcast Deductibles
5. The Bird Stick Blob Kid Featuring Marth

If you would like your crew names shown, please PM me with the names of the members of the crew.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Miscellaneous -- Videos and Shoutouts

Singles Videos

Teams Videos


Shout Outs

Gregory of the Regulatory Nature--Thanks for coming. Very nice guy and pretty nasty with a controller and quite humble in person. Good ish in teams; I'm afraid I'm going to have to destroy you next time, though. >_< I didn't see your Kirby in low tiers, but I heard he was beastly--keep it up. We'll probably catch up at Pound if I see you there.

Jon Wood--You, sir, beasted through the losers' bracket and impressed a lot of people, I think. Good job in teams, also. Too many grabs. x_x Was that your bottle of Grape Shot? ROFL I almost got kicked out of school.

Goodies2Good--Hope you enjoyed the weekend and your presents, sir. Sorry mine are still "in the mail," but hopefully you'll get them before I have to leave. Thanks again for running the event and hopefully you'll get to play next time, since we all know you are WNY's best anything ever guaranteed.

PikaPika!--You suck. Go suicide some more. Oh, and let me comboed in teams more kthxxxxxxx. <3

GameFreak--You suck, too. So there. Except in crews. >_> So there. <_<

Ruka--Well, another one to hope on the Suck Train. It's a good thing I'm the only decent player in WNY or we'd be in trouble. >_>

Spara--You played not-so-bad this time. As you watch your videos, you'll see the tiny mistakes you make that will allow you to maximize your time alive and on the stage ROFL. Nice chips, by the way. Yeah, and the cookies? R.I.P. Sorry for your loss. THey were tasty, if that's any consolation. x___x

IC Matt--You're doing better so keep it up. You should take my place on the trip to FC, since I probably won't be able to make it. Play your heart out this summer and show WNY what's really good.


KC and Cory--Keep coming out, but stop scrubbing out. We all have our bad days, though, so whatever. Just keeeeeep on coming. Especially you, KC.

N.OW--Too fast. I would type more, but you've already DJC back air'd me to the next shoutout. Twice.

Jesiah--Yeah, basically the same thing as Spara. Your first big regional, so you did alright, but you shoulda gotten me to come pep you up for your matches like we promised! Again, once you start spotting your mistakes, you'll show very little weakness in your Marth game. Keep up the good work.

Kwan--I shouted you out later in the thread, you little narcissist, you. ROFL see you later.


Buffalo--Quite possibly the highlight of any tournament I go to, you guys are simply too funny. I'm pretty sure I remember laughing till it hurt with Ryu cuz Adam's commentary is reaching ****ing legendary status and it's too much for me to handle. Keep up the Peach. Spara could not touch you in crews.

Ohio--WOOOOOOOOW TRAVEL FARTHER PLZZZZ. Good ish for coming through.


Compton and N64--It's not a Battle tourney without you two. I will not (read: will not) schedule another Battle when you two are unable to come by reasons other than your own volition. You two add so much atmosphere that it's so noticeable when you're not around. I will see you at the next Battle, and that's a promise.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
G-Reg & Plank clearly dominated your region, I'm betting G-Reg flexed b4 playing and Plank just laughed, intimadation factor!


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
good stuff everyone, yeah g-reg ***** me ;-)

shiri whenever you can get our finals vids up would be cool, i guess they're priority anyway? thanks for the housing and thanks to everyone who was nice

i was bummed out the entire weekend over some personal matters so sorry if i didnt play many friendlies :/

cya guys at the next one maybe =)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2005
Washingtonville NY
tournament was great! Probably my favorite bfwny yet...

I wanted to win low tier but G-Reg's kirby was ridiculous, i think i would rather play against his falcon... :p. Its too bad the grand finals of low tier wasn't recorded, we had some nice matches. Anyway, im too lazy to do shoutouts to everyone, but i had a great time playing everyone, especially Kwan's DK and Ace, just because hes hilarious. vids should be real cool, i cant wait :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2006
Goodies2Good Shoutouts

Ok I put a lot of thought into the shoutouts, so I hope you guys read all of them and not just the ones directed to you!

Yannick(Shiri): The most awesome co-host and the most versatile smash player ever! You've helped make the BFWNY series one of the most exciting events in Rochester. It was truly amazing watching you play in teams and it has to be the best I've ever seen you play. I respect your playstyle a lot and your personality is reflective of that as well. You play to win, but you do it with style and that's what counts the most! Remember it was teamwork this time, not just me that made this event special. I will never forget all of the support you've given me. :crys:

Pika: You are truly too good at this game! Your Sheik is definitely one of the best in the country with great combos, edgeguard techniques and just plain ownage. You are really good at reading your opponents and you punish all of their mistakes perfectly. You managed to stay calm for this event and you were just breezing through most of your matches even when the matches seemed largely in your disfavor. I'm was most impressed by your performance and improvement. We've all come a long way and I hope you continue becoming one of the best in the country.

G-Reg: ZOMG! I can't believe your matches! They were all so amazing to watch! I've always wanted to see your Falcon play and you made my dream come true! Those were like the best combos I've ever seen and having a Falcon win a tourney means that you are larger than life. I also experienced the G-Reg combos and ownage never felt quite good! I'm looking forward to playing you again. You know I have some good **** on you as well. Good job getting first and I hope you continue to do well in tourneys around the country!

Plank: Wow! You weren't lying about being one of the best Sheik mains in the country and you will shortly become the best if you continue improving as you say you do. Your Sheik had the best and sexiest combos I've ever seen. You were mostly going for amazingness and you've succeeded in doing that throughout much of the tourney. Sheik dittos are always a bother, but you came out on top despite the nature of the matchup. I hope we can get in more friendlies next time we play.

Rick: Please teach me how to play Fox! It was beasting in both teams and singles. Your Fox did really well against Plank demonstrating that Fox is top tier in WNY. I didn't catch your other matches, but I'm sure you did well in those or they were close matches. Keep playing smart and you will be getting first place in both teams and singles with ease.

Amanda: Want to see you and Milktea play against each other so bad. I just had this silly dream and that you ***** her with Pikachu and Ness against her Marth a few days ago. Afterwards, she insisted to play you in a Pokemon match and she lost horribly in that too. Shortly afterwards, PC hugged Milktea after you ***** her and then he glances at you and then winks. LOL! Anyways, it's always a pleasure seeing you play. Your presence is dominating and you have the skillz to back that up.

Marx: Excellent performance overall and I've learned a lot from watching you play. The F-tilt is too good and everytime I see someone or yourself use it, I become unusually hyper and amused. There's something about that Ftilt that gets to me. Anyways, your control of Fox and matchup knowledge clearly demonstrates that you are one of the best players in this area. You can become a mindless robot and waveshine all day, but you proved that it's useless without proper utility. It was fun as hell teaming with you and we were dominating with most of our combinations. We should consider teaming sometime and show that WNY has some of the best teamwork in the nation!

Spara: Kiss Kiss! I should continue being your coach for all of your matches. You were playing very well in those and even beasting in those, but it was mostly you. You really have the skillz; I was just directing you to victory! You represented Peach, Falcon and Fox very well and you are improving with more experience with those characters. I expect at least top 5 from you at our next tourney! In addition, I will always play happy against you and expect me to rub it in! Kiss Kiss!

Ryu: You are always so chill! It's so fun playing against you and you make all of our matches fun and challenging. I don't play you much because I'm busy running tourneys and crap. I had a little more help this time, so I was able to play a little more. Hopefully, if you can make it out for one of our biweeklies we'll get in tons of friendlies, talk about matchups and just hang out and do cool stuff. Good job getting 5th btw!

Ace: Nice a$$ Peach and you make all of your matches worth watching! Actually, I had the most fun watching your matches because of the commentary. You make tournaments fun which is what they are suppose to be and I think a lot of people forget that when they play. SSBM isn't life or is it? I love your attitude and it's very refreshing to see people having fun with this game again. I know your tricks though! hehe...

N.OW: Definitely one of the best Ness mains in the country and you play this game like a RTS game. Despite some of the disadvantages you have against most of the top tier, you managed to do extremely well and use unconventional tactics to make matchups more in your favor. You've proved that talent + skill + hardwork makes a great smash player and you were definitely one of the best at our event. Looking forward to more Ness ownage!

Shoklan: Wow 5th Place! You made at least top ten, so now Yannick can allow you to continue joining our events. I'm truly impressed with your performance and you continue to impress with each tourney you join. Overall, this is your best tourney performance and you played without camping like some desperate Falcos play, but with good pressuring which made your matches even more enjoyable to watch. You've come a long way perfecting your style of play and you learn from your mistakes well. Keep up the good work!

Xepher Crew: Haha the C-stick cake was the best! I seriously did not expect that at all. Everytime I see a C-stick, I might have to take a bite out of it because that cake was delicious. You guys appearance always make our tourneys more exciting. You guys have a great attitude and it's always a pleasure playing against you guys minus me playing Marth.

Ohio Crew: ****! You guys drove a long way to our tourney. I'm glad you've joined our event though. Rochester seriously has some the best overall talent in your area and everyone here has a great attitude. You guys seemed solid overall especially since you guys don't have much tourney experience. We usually have biweeklies every month. If you guys have any free time, definitely stop by and we'll make your visit worthwhile.

I know I'm missing people, but I'll update the shoutout as more people come to mind. It was an amazing weekend and I definitely would like to thank everyone for making it more special for me!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2006
G-Reg & Plank clearly dominated your region, I'm betting G-Reg flexed b4 playing and Plank just laughed, intimadation factor!
WNY definitely gave Plank and G-reg a run for their money. Wait until you see the vids! They are hot!


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Double posting is for nubs, Goodies, ROFL!

Oh, man. I iz hungry. Someone buy me lunch.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
hey thanks a lot guys i had a great time this weekend. ive been gearing myself up for pound so it was good to get some experience in. i tried to play as many friendlies as i could so i hope i got to play everyone who wanted to. special thanks to yannick for housing us i was going to buy you lunch but i could never find you lol oh well. had some real good matches with pika pika and gamefreak as well. and i couldnt possibly forget nessguy aka N.OW ROFL what a sick ness, you cant just YYG me 3 times and electric jacket me 6 times in ONE match loool too good man. hope to see you all at pound 2. quote of the weekend " that makes me very very upset" loool too funny.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Teams were hot.

Kinda wish we didn't blow @$$ at the end, but good stuff in the finals, dude. ^_^ You changed up your strat and it worked for the better. Next time you're done, though! >_<


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Kirby? o_0

The low-tier tourney? I don't know if we captured during the low tier tourney or not. >_>; I'll check and see--I'm doing singles right now. @_@


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
yay for u doing singles right now, i hope u can get the me and g-reg videos up asap!! im so excited for them.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2005
Washingtonville NY
im pretty sure low tier tournament was not recorded at all :(. I think computer ran out of space or something that day, and everyone left by grand finals for the most part.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
Around Buffalo, NY
You forgot my name in the shoutouts. But I don't think you know me so thats prolly why. It was fun. Where is the link to all the bfwny vids?


Smash Cadet
Jan 30, 2007
BFWNY4 was beastly. The beast one yet.


zephyr crew ppls - thx for the housing (i forgot who's it was). the drive there was insanely amazing

Alexi - thx for the general gameplay advice it helped me beat u in the tourny. lol jk (i gotta thank green greens for that one >.>). but seriously, thx for the tips

Gamefreak n Ruka - fun friendlies n stuff. ill MM ur roy anytime, rick. we can fox/dk it afterwards so u can get ur moneys back... Teams friendlies at the end were awesome.

Pika - didnt see u play pika at all this weekend. o well. thx for all the marth n sheik practice, i definitely needed it. good matches all around.

Shara (i think?) - playing any match with u squawking in the background instantly makes the match more fun. thx for all the matches

Shoklan - nice matches. gratz on mindgaming me into playin climbers ftl >.>

Shiri - good stuff with ur egg-spike->suicide combo. crazy yoshi - hope to play it more often.

N.OW - ness counters dk something fierce. maybe i should pick up sheik to counter all those ness mains >.>

G-reg - sick sick falcon. crazy fun matches. dk/falcon is one of my favorite matches. crazy combos for both chars... gratz on 1st. cya at pound

plank - really wish i coulda played u more. gratz on 2nd. cya at pound

arcturus - thx for the ride.
artery clogger - nice house

anyone i forgot - oops


kelvin forgot me too >.>


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: ROFL Kwan. Your DK got so much better since last we played.

I have to admit, I severely underestimated it, but then you started beasting on me and I couldn't stop it! :_: Wanna do team friendlies at a tourney next time? Team Yonkey Kong sounds good to me! ^_^


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
I see people are trying to split up Donkachu already.

Sounds like everyone had a blast. Lemme know when you guys are planning to have the next one.

Also come to FC. It's where all da cool kids will be.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: It seems nobody took me seriously on my request for a free lunch.

Alright, we can play that game...

No videos until someone feeds me. ~_~ Hmph.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2005
Washingtonville NY
Ill be sure to buy you lunch next time i see you yannick. you deserve it for the awesome tournaments you run and for your awesome yoshi of course. You don't deserve it for your pokemans though... you suck lol you gotta level up.
But really though i will buy you lots of food. You deserve many thanks for all your smash escapades in wny.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
yo shiri ive said thatd id come to the past two bfwny that you had lolz but it been busy next time when you has one make sure its during the school season bc ill be out at oswego (mad closer to western ny than where im at now) come the next school season so ill be hittin it up for shizzle and ill mos def rep it w/ dk.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004

ManaLord, all I'm hearing are johns, but it's okay; I still respect you. ^_^

Hahahahaha, but for real, though, chances are we won't be doing another Battle for a long time so we can get a huge amount of people out here for the next one. I want people to crave this game so bad that they can't take it anymore. So look forward to it.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Yannick - when i left i had realized i had left that there. And i told Kelvin when I left "Tell Yannick sorry if i....left anything there"

My bad, im entirely too glad that ALMOST was only an ALMOST.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
ccome on, VIDEOS! VIDEOS! VIDEOS! yannick's hogging them and learning from my vids...Dude, if you just ask I'll teach you yannick, you don't need to study my vids.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
Around Buffalo, NY
Haha. Thats great JesiahTEG. Yea, I'd like to see the vids as well. You shouldn't wait too long for the next tourny. It's now summer and much more people are ready to smash it up. And if you wait...people will be disapointed and try to find somewhere else to smash. Can you at least have one or two in the summer? please :urg:
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