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Battle for the Ice Empire


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Cest pas grave, quelquun peut amener un setup de melee pi comme ca le monde pourrait se pratiquer contre moi =P.

Agora then Im going to have my revenge in brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
I suppose it's a good thing I'm considered worthy of taking revenge upon, hah!
Your Marth will definitely get me if I'm not careful.


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
googs is going to house me and Mr L for this. as long as i dont work a closing shift the day before, or any shift the day of or the day after i will be attending this


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Cest pas grave, quelquun peut amener un setup de melee pi comme ca le monde pourrait se pratiquer contre moi =P.

Agora then Im going to have my revenge in brawl.
Don't take this wrong, but I doubt this is a good idea considering the somewhat restrained space.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
Not sure I'll attend yet, the week before this tourney is going to be pretty stressful gaming-wise for me, might wanna just take it easy that week-end.

There's a question that's really itching me, though; why is there a venue fee when the tourneys are at your apartment? Are we helping you pay for your rent? :p
lol don't we love money. lol

I say it's a GOOD thing for Kingkong to ask for a venue fee (5$ is a GOOD price). If Kingkong TRUELY hosts this tourny from start to finish then I say he SHOULD ask for a venue fee for all that work.

However.......if he barely hosts (work) and someone else does most of it (and that person doesn't get any money) then that is being cheap. lol

btw KINGKONG.. I laughed SOOOOO hard about the rule you had about the stolen / broken / lost objects. lol
brought back souvenirs.......although not good ones. lol


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Ben si le monde devient bored maybe, idk. Sinon cest pas grave.
Ben juste bring une copie de melee, au pire tu mettra le jeu quand le tournoi sera fini puis sa m'etonnerai que sa finisse tres tard. Ally va surement jouer avec toi si y vient btw, je jouerai bien mais je ferai juste waste ton time.... au moin Ally arrive a t'enlever des stocks.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You know, to tell you guys the truth. hosting isn't entirely easy and it really takes away from your own enjoyment. Like, the past few tournaments I've been hosting along with Tin has been irritating me as I don't get to just walk around and socialize with mah homies like I usually prefer. I don't get to play friendlies, and if I do, like one or two matches. I get bombarded with inquiries and I also help to look after the thread. There are also a lot of worries like set-ups, dates, waahs from people, and etc. I don't make NO money out of these tournaments that I've done. NONE of them, I actually lose out on a lot more.

So really, if KK wants to charge a venue fee, why the **** not. He doesn't get to really play and worry of his matches stress free, he doesn't get to socialize as much. He pays rent, which many of you guys can't even fathom the financial stress of that. He is supplying tournaments which no one else is stepping up to do. So why not be reimbursed somehow?

I am even going to say this here, I'm stupid and KK is smart for our respected actions. He's finding a way to combine a hobby of his with financial gain while I lose a lot with one of my hobbies.

Also, the last tournament may have been small but as people ain interest in these tournaments, expect him to be earning his money.

Oh yeah, I'll definitely try to make it to this one. Awesome for MPrime stepping up!


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Fishy and myself are interested in going. If someone could PM me with some information, that'd be awesome. Like, if anyone can house us, where exactly we'd get a bus to, that sorta stuff.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Fishy and myself are interested in going. If someone could PM me with some information, that'd be awesome. Like, if anyone can house us, where exactly we'd get a bus to, that sorta stuff.
You know where to take the greyhound bus right? If you really need info just catch me on MSN I will gladly help you.

If Fishy and I make it up here, can you house us then?
Yeah he just stated he could, don't worry this isn't the first time KKong has housed people lol and a good thing for you and Fishy is that the tournament is also taking place at the same house so yeah it can fit alot of people.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Lol, well. Due to some unforeseen things, Fishy and I might be going to need a hotel. But yeah, I'll hit you up on MSN, Holy

Are you on right now?


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
You know, to tell you guys the truth. hosting isn't entirely easy and it really takes away from your own enjoyment. Like, the past few tournaments I've been hosting along with Tin has been irritating me as I don't get to just walk around and socialize with mah homies like I usually prefer. I don't get to play friendlies, and if I do, like one or two matches. I get bombarded with inquiries and I also help to look after the thread. There are also a lot of worries like set-ups, dates, waahs from people, and etc. I don't make NO money out of these tournaments that I've done. NONE of them, I actually lose out on a lot more.

So really, if KK wants to charge a venue fee, why the **** not. He doesn't get to really play and worry of his matches stress free, he doesn't get to socialize as much. He pays rent, which many of you guys can't even fathom the financial stress of that. He is supplying tournaments which no one else is stepping up to do. So why not be reimbursed somehow?

I am even going to say this here, I'm stupid and KK is smart for our respected actions. He's finding a way to combine a hobby of his with financial gain while I lose a lot with one of my hobbies.

Also, the last tournament may have been small but as people ain interest in these tournaments, expect him to be earning his money.
QFT and QF experience. Only problem is it's illegal without a license.


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
I am almost 100% sure Mr. L and I will be attending. By the way I do not see an attendance list and the thread only goes to page 5. Will there be enough people for a tournament? Either way I will most likely come down to visit my bro and experience MTL


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
I am almost 100% sure Mr. L and I will be attending. By the way I do not see an attendance list and the thread only goes to page 5. Will there be enough people for a tournament? Either way I will most likely come down to visit my bro and experience MTL
KKong doesn't update often cause he doesn't have access to internet most of the time but I can assure you we will be more than 20.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2009
Mtl, Qc
Late, but in which time does singles start?

BTW bringing a friend most definitely, he'll enter as well
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