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Basketball Thread


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Lol! I remember that. That was so funny. He looked like a little kid trying to be in a big man's game. With that being said, if my opponent walked into my huddle, I'd push him away too.

Jordan did have an ego, but he also backed it up with his game and was a champion.

And dude, LBJ had the tattoo "Chosen One" engraved before he even got out of high school >_>...if that doesn't spell ego, iono what does.

But yeah my overall opinion on ego is...even if you're the best player in the world, if you don't have the rings, you really can't say much. I know some guys are unfortunate to be on bad teams or teams with bad luck (Love, Aldrige, Gay), but if you're supposedly the cream of the crop, and can't get it done...sorry.

Not basketball related, but Vincent Jackson of the Chargers had a 4.2 GPA in HS.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Lol! I remember that. That was so funny. He looked like a little kid trying to be in a big man's game. With that being said, if my opponent walked into my huddle, I'd push him away too.
I really wish one of the bench players that never saw playing time like Magloire would have decked the kid in the face. Can't stand him.

Jordan did have an ego, but he also backed it up with his game and was a champion.

And dude, LBJ had the tattoo "Chosen One" engraved before he even got out of high school >_>...if that doesn't spell ego, iono what does.
No rings yet but he's still a 2 time MVP and the dude has been playing phenomenal basketball with the Heat too, so the rest is on his teammates for him to finally get one.

But yeah my overall opinion on ego is...even if you're the best player in the world, if you don't have the rings, you really can't say much. I know some guys are unfortunate to be on bad teams or teams with bad luck (Love, Aldrige, Gay), but if you're supposedly the cream of the crop, and can't get it done...sorry.
That's the thing though you hardly never hear LBJ trash talk or put himself on a pedestal and claim he's the greatest ever. I equate trash talking with egotistical shenanigans moreso than commercials and tattoos. Like Shaq's rap about Kobe for example. You HAD to be cocky as hell to call Kobe out like that. :laugh: LBJ wouldn't do that, but he just lets his actions do the trash talking for him; like against Cleveland... And occasionally through tweets.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Of course people like you think he has a huge ego you're no LBJ fan... :laugh: So what if he markets himself as one of the best players in the NBA, because quite frankly he is. And as for that King James stuff that was all on Cleveland for pretty much worshiping the guy as soon as he landed into the NBA. If you look past the mistake known as "The Decision" and get over the fact that he's one of the NBA's best you'll actually see that the guy isn't nearly as egotistical as the majority of anti-LBJ fans want to believe.
Why should I look past the decision? It was stupid and we can't pretend it didn't happen. And if you've ever seen LeBron whining like a ***** because he's "the king" and got called for a foul, you know he's egotistical. Hell, he plays along with all this "the king" bull**** in the first place. Spreading his hand chalk into the air and all this ****... I cannot believe you're seriously trying to say LBJ isn't egotistical.

Of course he's one of the best players in the NBA, but you don't see Derrick Rose being an ******* all the time. And you're right, I don't like him... and I started disliking him when I saw he was an egotistical jerk. You're a Heat fan, so you're arguably even more biased than I am on the matter.

If the guy REALLY had such a huge ego would he really have signed with the Heat in the first place to play with D Wade and Bosh? I know Kobe wouldn't have. I know MJ wouldn't have.
TO WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP. Duh. So people view him as a champion. Pure egotism.

And if you REALLY want to get into egos, Jordan had the biggest ego out of any NBA player, so who said ego was a bad thing? Like Theeboredone said an ego is necessary for success, in order to be the best you have to THINK you're the best.
Why do people keep bringing him up? He has nothing to do with LBJ. Nor are we discussing whether ego is a good thing. Stay on topic.

And you're saying Rajon Rondo is a good kid huh? GTFO with that Rondo's a little punk. A video is worth a million words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koM0_buamS0

EDIT: Here's another one of the little ***** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRxZ-6DYJgU
If you know what the words "ego" and "trash talking" mean, neither of these have to do with that. And honestly I don't see the problem with the first one; the Heat were being idiots and giving away their plans when there wasn't a timeout.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Blah blah blah I don't like LBJ blah blah blah blah
That's seriously all I read in that post. Dude The Decision was just a bunch of marketing shenanigans. Plus when the biggest free agency of all time comes around why NOT cash out on it? That's how I see it. If you think he did it just to boost his image (and we all know how much everyone LOVES LBJ now) then WHATEVER lol just keep hating. LBJ is the future of the NBA, and Boston's on its last legs, so enjoy the gloating while you can.

TO WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP. Duh. So people view him as a champion. Pure egotism.
Wanting to win a championship is egotism now??? Woooow GTFO with that BS everyone in this thread knows that's BS and now you're just trying to find any excuse to make LBJ seem worse than he really his.

Why do people keep bringing him up? He has nothing to do with LBJ. Nor are we discussing whether ego is a good thing. Stay on topic.
We're discussing ego aren't we? I was just proving a point.

If you know what the words "ego" and "trash talking" mean, neither of these have to do with that. And honestly I don't see the problem with the first one; the Heat were being idiots and giving away their plans when there wasn't a timeout.
I never said Rondo specifically trash talked if you actually read my post. But I will say again the kid is far from humble. The dude's a punk. You've already seen the videos I posted.

I'm just defending one of my favorite players yeah he has an ego but I'm sick of him constantly getting ragged on by the media and basketball fans. Too many of you guys blow him out of proportion. The fact is that he is a good guy who was liked by the majority of the NBA (UNLIKE the Celtics) until he decided to join the Heat.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
lmao, at least I've got Pokemon to distract me from a boring basketball day for me. XD

As for my second fave team: It's a split between Celtics/Thunder/Magic.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yeah, I like the Magic a lot. I also like Chicago. I like Dwight...because well you just don't see many dominant big men these days, and you can tell he's improving. Rose...well because he is slowly developing that assassin like mentality, while retaining that humility in the press.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
His post-game interview was astounding. He thanked his teammates for bailing him out after he made one (tiny) mistake as the ball-handler. Nothing about his hitting big shots, all about his own mistake and that they won.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
blah blah blah lebron please have my babies blah blah blah
And you just keep being a homer and pretending he didn't AGREE to do the decision, is always one of the most hated players in the league, and is a complete *******.

Like bored said, he has a tattoo that says "Chosen One". If that doesn't scream egotism, I don't know what does. Don't pretend that tattoos don't count.

LBJ is the future of the NBA, and Boston's on its last legs, so enjoy the gloating while you can.
I'm not gloating at all lol, where did you get that from? But if you really want me to gloat, I can try:

You're just jealous that Boston has and always will have more NBA championships than your pathetic Heat. You're just mad that your Heat have continually proven they can't beat the Celtics or any good team for that matter, let alone win a championship. And you can pretend all you want that the big three is the last hurrah of the Celtics, but you know that's bull****; the Lakers and Celtics will ALWAYS be able to assemble good teams, just as they have done in the past. We could have a few bad years in between, but we'll get back on top of it. As for the Heat, who knows? After the big 3 dissolves, they could easily be bad for a long time.

Wanting to win a championship is egotism now??? Woooow GTFO with that BS everyone in this thread knows that's BS and now you're just trying to find any excuse to make LBJ seem worse than he really his.
Wanting to win a championship IS egotism. You want to make your legacy look good so people appreciate you. Everyone has that want of course, but it's still egotism. I'm becoming increasingly convinced you don't know what egotism is.

We're discussing ego aren't we? I was just proving a point.
What point? It was completely unrelated. We're not discussing whether ego is s good thing or not.

I never said Rondo specifically trash talked if you actually read my post. But I will say again the kid is far from humble. The dude's a punk. You've already seen the videos I posted.
Again, nothing wrong with the first one. As for the second one, yeah he made a bad decision, but so does every player. Oh, but I assume you're now going to say no Miami player has ever made a bad decision ever?

I'm just defending one of my favorite players yeah he has an ego but I'm sick of him constantly getting ragged on by the media and basketball fans. Too many of you guys blow him out of proportion. The fact is that he is a good guy who was liked by the majority of the NBA (UNLIKE the Celtics) until he decided to join the Heat.
Actually I think the majority of the NBA respects the Celtics, unlike LeBron, who was even hated in his Cleveland years, albeit less so than in his Miami years. He's always been a whiny idiot. A whiny idiot who happens to be extremely good at basketball.

And no you're not "defending" your player, you took an unprovoked swing at my guys, particularly Rondo, and I'm not going to let you do that. Don't go masquerading around as if you're the poor person who's just trying to defend his team; you can insult my players all you want but you better expect to have it coming right back at you.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Not gonna lie, but even spectating an argument makes me feel tired.

Every NBA player has an ego to a certain degree, it's just a matter of what your status is and how you back it up. If you're a super star, you're expected to not only be a great player (on both ends), but you're eventually supposed to lead your team to a ring. The more you display your ego, the more you're susceptible to being criticized for your flaws. Big reason why Dwight, Rose, or Durant don't get criticized as much.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Dwight would've been hammered if he hadn't stepped his game up after the comments he made, that's true.

Rose's ego is used to make himself better, that's all anyone should want in a guy. He expects perfection in himself.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia

I'd love to respond to all of that but I have too much homework and I just got home and got a new videogame (Borderlands) yesterday so I'm about to hop on my Xbox.

I'll just end this argument by saying that this topic is too opinionated and there are no right answers. You obviously don't like LBJ, and I've never liked the Celtics. That's not gonna change. I respect the Celtics as an organization but I will NEVER respect some of their players such as Rondo, Pierce, KG, Rasheed Wallace (has to be my least liked player in the history of the NBA), etc. And the fact is that the Heat will most likely not get a ring this year but give this team another year or two and you will finally see this team at its full potential. The Celtics are at their peak. You can't deny that the Heat have more potential to grow as a team than Boston, or else you're just being delusional.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Hmmm... he's right about the potential thing, that's for sure. But he's also right about the Heat not getting a ring this year.

Anywho, TRG, you've got Live? Gamertag? Mine's Maaaaaaaaan with 9 a's. :D


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia

I'd love to respond to all of that but I have too much homework and I just got home and got a new videogame (Borderlands) yesterday so I'm about to hop on my Xbox.
Nice, I've always wanted to play Borderlands. Fallout 3 is my favorite game ever and I heard Borderlands is similar. Let me know how it is!

Rasheed Wallace (has to be my least liked player in the history of the NBA)
Well first of all he was only a Celtic for one seaon; he really made his name with the Pistons. And though I can definitely see why some people would dislike him, I just find him so completely insane that it's funny. Honestly I got a lot of good laughs watching Rasheed's antics.

And the fact is that the Heat will most likely not get a ring this year but give this team another year or two and you will finally see this team at its full potential. The Celtics are at their peak. You can't deny that the Heat have more potential to grow as a team than Boston, or else you're just being delusional.
The Heat certainly have more short term potential. The Celtics have one or two years left at their peak then they'll go through a few rough years.

Mine's Maaaaaaaaan with 9 a's. :D
10 a's in your SWF username but only 9 in xbox live? :)


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
I had the original 10 a's account, but Live lost all of my data and my gamerscore a year or 2 ago. Ever since, I made a new account, one less A. XD

Also, I get deeply upset whenever I go to register on a website for something and my name has been taken. Who the HELL uses my name?! :glare:

If that **** was original on Live, it was original throughout the world. All these posers out there. lmao


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Dang, FO3 is your fav? That game is definitely up there in my top 5. You should play New Vegas.
Yeah I've had New Vegas for a while now. It's a really good game too but I think FO3 is better. I just felt a stronger connection to my character and the story in FO3. I also had a stronger sense of the desperation and agony of FO3, whereas that element seemed to be less stressed in New Vegas. I also liked the capital wasteland as a setting more than the Mojave Desert, but maybe I'm biased since I live in a D.C. suburb. Regardless I love both games. I can go on for forever about how I love them. If it hadn't been for some glitches and poor animation of people, they'd be perfect games in my eyes. Always nice to meet another Fallout fan!


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yeah, I've pretty much explored all of NV, but just waiting for the expansion to come out on PC. I do agree that FO3 had a much better lore. NV is all desert, but you just get that sense of historical value when you play FO3. D.C. is decimated, Pittsburgh is a slave town, the story with the vaults are deep (though I think NV is on par with that one). Only thing I don't like about it is that it's easily arguable that FO3 is not canon given all the documents and what FO1+2 gave. It's really disappointing from that perspective.

And I was thinking about this earlier today...didn't people say that LeBron didn't want to be the man in the final moments? Why is he taking all the shots? Isn't that Wade's job? I understand if LeBron is going to create for someone, but he's legitimately taking those shots.


Forgot about the salary cap draft...we've done LBJ and Dwight. Next player? Wade? Rose? Durant?

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Yo Ma(x10)n my GT's TEH_4pp1e_SEED hit me up on XBL. Anyone here who has XBL hit me up actually.

I KNEW this was gonna happen. Remember when I said the media would eat the Heat alive after finding out about some of the Heat players crying? http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ba...s-laugh-at-the-Miami-Heat-s-te?urn=nba-330769

I read that whole thing, got pissed and then immediately felt better after someone on the Heat forums said in response "Amare and Carmelo need to be worrying about the Cavs instead." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Never a fan of trash talking...you just look dumb when it bites you back. That's why I always grimace when I read articles on football players trash talking before playoff games. One side is gonna look dumb. Just keep your mouth shut and play. I'm glad we really don't have anyone on the Lakers who do that. I'm sure Melo and Amare are gonna get their ***** kicked in the playoffs though.

On top of that, it's unnecessary motivation for the other team. Man, did I have a hoot when Pierce said "We ain't going back to LA" LOL.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
wherever you live
you know, in a way, i kinda feel bad for Kevin Love

he just posted his 51st double-double, and the T-Wolves still lost

he posting monster numbers, yet the T-Wolves don't have a very good record


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
K-Love is a monster. Really hope he stays with the team, and hope they can build a team around him. They just need some defense...

In other news...LMAO


The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
If the Heat lose yet again tonight, I am stabbing a cow.

That is all.

EDIT: Why are Mike Miller and James Jones on such a 3 point slump right now? It's insane how bad their percentages have been recently.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well I remember reading an article a while back where Miller admitted he probably would not fully recover until the offseason. He's still dealing with some thumb problems, and probably soreness. Don't expect him to be a shooting factor unless he just figures it out.

And when your team is slumping, nothing goes right =/.

Meanwhile, LA destroyed ATL. 2-0 on the road trip. Onto Miami. Bynum playing like a beast. Posted a 16-16 game.

Uh oh, Heat are in trouble.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
This team can't even be put into words. It's that infuriating. How does this team always perform so badly in close games... How.

I'm at a loss for words. It's happening yet again. LBJ and Wade are playing their hearts out, and the rest of the team is sucking major *** in the 4th quarter. INCLUDING Bosh which isn't a surprise as of late.

This is at HOME too!

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
It's almost as if Jesus himself doesn't want this team to win another regular season game... I guess the Heat haven't learned anything even after their crying session.

This team is going nowhere this year.

EDIT: Who ever thought the Heat would lose 5 straight games in a row once they picked up LBJ and Bosh... And THIS late in the season... It's incredible. :(

EDIT2: Heat forum is going insane right now. They want Spo's head on a pitchfork... As well as Chris Bosh's


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Meh, I'm still scared for the Thursday showdown. LeBron ALWAYS plays well against the Lakers. He always ends up making those stupid off the dribble fading 3's, and then becomes impossible to guard. Lakers are playing really well right now, but it's going to take a big heave to get past Miami.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Meh, I'm still scared for the Thursday showdown. LeBron ALWAYS plays well against the Lakers. He always ends up making those stupid off the dribble fading 3's, and then becomes impossible to guard. Lakers are playing really well right now, but it's going to take a big heave to get past Miami.
I highly doubt it this team's confidence is at an all time low right now while the Lakers are just now beginning to remind the NBA why they are the 2 time defending champs.

Besides LBJ and Wade, this team has no desire to win. The Heat are the laughing stock of the NBA and have been one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had to witness in NBA basketball. How can LBJ and Wade be confident in their team when they nearly score 70 points on their own and STILL manage to lose?


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well I'm the ultimate pessimist...heck, rationally speaking, I thought the Magic were going to beat the Lakers in the 2009 finals given how they were shooting the 3.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Kevin love has tied Moses Malone for most consecutive double-doubles since the NBA-ABA merger, with 51 straight.

The "modern era" record is 55 and the all-time record is 60, both by Elvin Hayes.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Hilarious comment by a person on the ESPN boards....

"LeBron should've stayed in Cleveland...Wade should've went home to Chicago..and Bosh should've went back to Jurassic Park"


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Actually, before merger: Wilt the Stilt had a streak of like 150 double-doubles. He's the GOAT in that category. Kevin Love's streak is amazing when you look at consistency, but it's slightly tarnished by the woeful T-Wolves. Still, him on a good team? Championship presence.
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