That's amazing to see. Awesome that not only are they advertising Banjo & Kazooie being in Smash, but Banjo & Kazooie being on Nintendo in general.
As for the Switch Lite, I'm fairly disappointed but expected to be. You could get a Switch without a dock for $230, and that's without changing any of the internal components. As for the D-Pad, Hori already makes a left joycon with the D pad, without wireless controls. I want one so badly to replace my joycon set, but wish I could get a right version to match. I play almost exclusively in handheld, so I'm fine with having 2 joycons without wireless features since my joycons still become awful to play with (mainly the drift issue), and are too expensive to fix/replace--a pair of $40 joycons would be nice (I also don't have the technical know how to cheaply replace the joysticks).