Speaking of captain toad since they put piranha plant in a pot they could put captain toad in a minecart, also maybe whenever captain toad jumps his animation could be of him jumping out of a minecart, I could see Sakurai do something like that.
Y’know, you guys have actually convinced me. I concede. I’m not suddenly rooting for him to get in now (I feel there’s just the right number of Mario characters and Captain Toad feels like a barrel scrape), but I could see him at least working now
I'm not sure why the whole "Minecraft Stage Builder" thing stuck with so many people. I don't think it's a possibility... I could be wrong, but isn't the Minecraft world completely devoid of anything other than perfect squares? That would mean that stage designs would be more limited than even the original Stage Builder in Brawl. No slopes (I sound like a Mario Maker fan now, lol) or curves of any kind. I can't see Sakurai taking that many steps back with a feature. And if it's merely a Minecraft "skin" or texture on top of a Smash 4 style stage creator... what's the point if it's that unfaithful to the source material?
And I think the idea is out of the running now that we've seen the icon for the mode. If it was completely centered around Minecraft, I think there would be something reflecting that. Blocky text, or a creeper or something.
I never saw it as people saying “the stage builder will be entirely Minecraft themed/will work exactly like Minecraft/will fit the MC aesthetic to a tee”. The idea was that there would be some kind of Minecraft nod in the builder, like Steve being the character that does the tutorial, or there being a few MC assets or something. Of course, I think it’s safe to assume that idea is dead now.
"deserving" how do these type of arguments still exist today?

These type of arguments still exist when we get a potted plant for DLC that nobody wanted/asked for, whose hype dies less than a month after release, while characters people beg and scream for are left hanging.
I hate viewing Smash as a meritocracy, and I’m not one of those “so and so hasn’t EARNED their inclusion!” people, but we can’t act like there have never been missteps with the roster. Corrin’s reveal was met with near-universal derision (remember that this was a character even Sakurai didn’t originally wanna put in the game), and now the character’s largely seen as a joke.
Piranha Plant as the final roster reveal before launch was initially devastating, but then actually became really hype/interesting, but that’s only because my thought process (and I feel the thought process of most) was “this is such a ridiculous nonsense pick that it’s gonna be so cool to see how the character plays/fits!”
Then Plant dropped, and IMO it was evidence of how creative Sakurai and his team are, as they took something that absolutely SHOULDN’T be a Smash character and ALMOST made it work. Keyword: almost. Notice how little people talk about Plant now.
If Plant was more hype, more popular, and maintained relevance longer, I wouldn’t be making this argument. I swear I’m not an ass about this stuff. I was heartbroken about Incineroar not only because he deconfirmed the Grinch leak, but because he seemed like a generic formality inclusion. That said, the game dropped and he won me over. I’m really not big on “DESERVING” your inclusion, but again, it’s hard to stomach the idea of less hyped/requested characters getting in sooner when we’ve seen this fail more than once.