I’m too curious on who would appear on their reveal trailer....as well as who dies.
My idea of their trailer is that it starts with a hint of collecting gold treasure. *wink wink*
We first see Mario jumping and grabbing his coins, then Sonic running towards his rings and it comically cuts to a giant deep hole where Wario is digging for gold being his usual greedy self until he finally hits something that’s glowing.
He picks it up which we see a familiar golden jigsaw piece which cues the Jiggy jingle.
As the Banjo Kazooie theme slowly starts to play, Wario gets up chanting how rich he is until he hears a noise in a nearby bush.
Two pairs of blue and green googly eyes appear making a “Guh-huh” and “Bree” sound until they fly out and zoom into the camera revealing Banjo-Kazooie!
Wario taunts them yelling “finders-keepers!” running away with the Jiggy until he comically fell to his “death” in the massive hole he dug leaving nothing but his hat. (Similar to Ridley holding Mario’s remaining hat.)
The bear and bird collect the Jiggy from falling as well.
*cue gameplay footage with Banjo Kazooie remix playing in the background*
The trailer ends exactly like 1:22, but with the Smash logo instead.
What do you think?