Reason 2 and 3 aren't that good. Everyone knows Kirby is one of Nintendo's bigger series and 3 is just I don't find him interesting so basically opinion. I'd go with Kirby doesn't need a 4th rep as a detraction.
I said that they're common detractions, not facts.

I've mainly seen them here, actually, hence why they were the ones I chose to list.
I absolutely agree with "
Kirby doesn't need a fourth representative!" as another common one that's worth discussing.
I must point out, though that, amazingly, not everyone knows that Kirby is one of Nintendo's bigger series! In fact, the claim that it isn't very well-known is one of the most common, and incorrect, slurs levelled at the series. It's compounded by the way the press downplays it whilst bigging up much smaller series, leading to a bizarre phenomenon where people don't realise what actually is and isn't better-known (it's the same as how an awful lot of people don't realise that the Wii Fit titles, in the short time they've been around, have outsold the entire Smash series, for example).
... And, now I must go a little bit off-topic, because we have merchandise news from the Tokyo Toy Show!
It turns out that San-Ei's photography ban was on some Pokemon goods - a license which San-Ei did not hold previously, and which was seemingly announced at this show.
Anyway, as far as Kirby goes, there are some new items, including some Waddle Dee ones, though it appears that none of them are of Bandana Waddle Dee, unfortunately. Maybe next time!
Courtesy of, we can see that on show we have what appears to be a new production run for December 2014's Kirby All Star Collection plushes (the in-scale, slightly-smaller-than-life-size set which contains Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, Waddle Dee, Waddle Doo, and Chef Kawasaki; to tell you the scale, here, Kirby is 5" and not 8" tall, and Dedede is 10" and not 16" tall - you should be able to figure out the rest of the sizes from that), along with a re-run on the two larger-sized Kirby plushes from that same set.
There are some new Kirby-ability-hat plushes, and some new mascots/keychains (the smallest plushes on the Kirby stand) as well.
Last but not least, they have added Meta Knight and Waddle Dee to the upcoming coin-purse line-up, and to the upcoming giant-sized cushion line-up as well.
These are not yet up for pre-order anywhere, as far as I know, but if anyone wants any of these items, I would suggest keeping an eye on
AmiAmi for them, as they're a superb import shop (actually Japan's largest online hobby shop) who usually have better pricing than a lot of others out there.
Even though none of these items are specifically of Bandana Waddle Dee, it IS significant that even a regular Waddle Dee has, as of today, been added to every part of San-Ei's Kirby merchandise line at this point (as well as appearing equally prominently-sized as Kirby and Meta Knight on their promotional banner), as it speaks volumes about the species' popularity as a whole.