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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Kirby's Air Ride was a really fun game. I do hope the Copy Abilities wind up being implemented a bit better. It was a really fun game, but the abilities felt kind of odd.

And glad people like the music, I thought it was really good.

Deleted member

I liked Kirby's Air Ride and I would love to see a sequel to that game.
While it is simplistic in nature compared to other racing games, I did like the copy ability gimmick, the tracks, the stars, and the music. Of course, the best mode in that game is by far City Trial. I really, REALLY want that to return! Sometimes I just play Kirby's Air Ride to relax and play City Trial! It's that good! It's something that should be in a Mario Kart game!

It's a shame that it got such lackluster reviews…


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I guess I'm kind of an oddball, I didn't really like City Trial. I'm down for a 3D Kirby game sometime (though I kind of like him just 2D), but I didn't find City Trial all that fun. It was still an excellent game all in all (though the top-down mode was kind of odd).


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I liked Kirby's Air Ride and I would love to see a sequel to that game.
While it is simplistic in nature compared to other racing games, I did like the copy ability gimmick, the tracks, the stars, and the music. Of course, the best mode in that game is by far City Trial. I really, REALLY want that to return! Sometimes I just play Kirby's Air Ride to relax and play City Trial! It's that good! It's something that should be in a Mario Kart game!

It's a shame that it got such lackluster reviews…
I'm honestly not sure how a City Trial mode would work in a Mario Kart game. but it would be pretty awesome :)
banana dee should have his own spin-off game!!!
fixed. and I totally agree. but sadly, that would most likely end up an unsavable minigame at best, like the Meta Knightmare games. It'd still be pretty cool though :)
I know Kirby Air Ride could have definitely been a better game, especially considering Super Smash Bros. Melee. It defintely deserved more characters in total. I'd have loved playing around with a Parasol Dee XD. something wierd about City Trial though: Kirby has a limited amount of jumps, almost exactly like Smash Bros. he even loses puffiness the more you jump until he runs out of jumps. I wonder if Kirby Air Ride was originally a bigger game? there's a lot to think about, just from the limited jumps, the way you get off Air Ride Machines, and even the fact that you can't use or get copy abilities when you aren't riding a machine. heck, it even has secrets hidden inside of it. like breakable walls, areas you can't get out of with an Air Ride Machine, the fact that Kirby himself can take damage when not riding, it all suggests something more. but maybe I'm just overthinking it. either way I'd love a new Kirby Air Ride with an adventure mode and improvements on everything.

oh, and did you know? the music in Kirby Air Ride is actually from the japanese version of the Kirby anime, "Hoshi no Kaabii/Kirby of the Stars/Kirby Right Back at Ya!" the Drag Race theme was originally called, "Final Strategy" too, and it makes sense being freakin' epic. plus it somehow sounds like Pokemon X)

EDIT: Wow, 45 pages? this thread is huge!
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I'm guessing they just did it that way to make it more interesting. That and machines are needed to unlock most things in City Trial, so they probably limited the jumping to try and curb people getting it easier. And rather than a full-blown Air Ride, why not a mini Air Ride of sorts as a mini-game, like we got a mini-Smash in the latest Kirby. Not the best, but might be a good way to gauge interest in a new Air Ride.

And yep, I knew that. The Kirby anime has some amazingly good songs too. Air Ride was a big crossover with the anime too.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I'm guessing they just did it that way to make it more interesting. That and machines are needed to unlock most things in City Trial, so they probably limited the jumping to try and curb people getting it easier. And rather than a full-blown Air Ride, why not a mini Air Ride of sorts as a mini-game, like we got a mini-Smash in the latest Kirby. Not the best, but might be a good way to gauge interest in a new Air Ride.

And yep, I knew that. The Kirby anime has some amazingly good songs too. Air Ride was a big crossover with the anime too.
I honestly think Mario Kart and Kirby Air Ride the only racing games I can actually play and win at, and even then the AI in Mario Kart Wii is just plain unfair. I hate those Blue Shells, but there's no way to turn them and only them off! GAH!

Yeah, I'm probably just overthinking it, but it's still an idea they could use. I'd love to see a fully 3D Kirby game with Air Ride elements tacked in. I'd LOVE to do Kirby Wave Ride with a Wing Star. of course, making a 3D kirby game would be hard. they'd have to make a new engine and all. plus enemy placement, Copy Abilities, etc. and that's definitely gotta be tricky to program into a game. still would love to see it though.

funny thing about your assesment though: you can hardly do ANYTHING at all when you don't have an Air Ride machine. there's literaly nothing you can do but freely roam the map with limited jumps. I mean, Kirby even has a swimming animation, plus more....but I'm probably still just overthinking it. I just really want Kirby Air Ride to be something more. I mean, even with all those achievements, it gets a little boring after a while. City Trial is fun and all, and racing with different machines is nice, but that still doesn't make up for the lack of actual content. not even getting Meta Knight and Dedede for free run is good enough. it needed more stages, characters, and other things. but it definitely make a good mini-game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Mario Kart and Kirby Air Ride are the only racing games I have an interest in. I like racing games with items and such, and characters I care about. And yes, the AI is cheap in Mario Kart. :p Kind of a given.

Well, a full 3D Kirby game is kind of it's own thing too. If they were to do that, I'd rather that just be the focus. I meant something like Return to Dreamland, and then a minigame that's basically Air Ride on Fantasy Meadows, or something equally small. It'd be a good way to check if people are really wanting it. A 3D Kirby would be so big that it'd be tricky to do anything extra at all.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
If they can do extras in a 3D game period, I'm pretty sure something as simple as Kirby would work JUST fine.

plus I'd kinda like an F-Zero styled minigame. I mean, the Air Ride Machines are kinda perfect for it...floating above the ground, busting the other "machines" to take out the competition...it'd work...sort of. it'd have to seem slower by a lot, but I'd certainly like a faster pace. maybe we could have Kirby with all the Air-Ride machines in the next Mario Kart and have a second Rainbow Road styled for Kirby :D and he'd have a playstyle like Kirby Air Ride maybe? considering the new Underwater and Anti-Grav sections, Air Ride machines would fit perfectly!

If that seems confusing let me sum it up for you: I basically think a faster, but not to much faster, pace would work for a Kirby racing game. I don't like the slow pace of Mario Kart and Kirby Air Ride. I feel an F-Zero styled course would suit Kirby. and I think an F-Zero type of course with loops and stuff should be in Mario Kart 8. but that's off topic.

dang it now I want Kirby to be a character in the new Mario Kart as much as I want certain characters (including Bandana Dee) in Smash Bros....gah too many wants...
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I know how that is. There are a lot of things I'd like to see, in general. Like a Kirby RPG. I think it'd be perfect. I've given a lot of thought on Kirby stuff in general as of late, and came up with some interesting plot ideas I think. :)


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I know how that is. There are a lot of things I'd like to see, in general. Like a Kirby RPG. I think it'd be perfect. I've given a lot of thought on Kirby stuff in general as of late, and came up with some interesting plot ideas I think. :)
As long as there is a lot of action in the battle animations. that's one of the reasons I don't tend to like RPGs, there's almost NEVER any ACTUAL action and I hate just watching over-exaggerated effects instead of actual animations. seriously, most RPGs don't even give me an action. it's all just still pictures with NOTHING happening. I can't even make my character look better on the stupid overworld.

and how would that work anyway? Kirby's all about switching powers on the fly with whatever is lying around at the time. It could work, but it'd have to have action. it'd have to be like the Mario & Luigi RPG games: pressing buttons and making the character(s) move with good timing for a better attack. at least I think so.

Again, a Kirby RPG could work, but it'd really depend on how it's done. I can't stand a Final Fantasy-esque battle system where it's just an interactive movie with absolutely no real anything going on with the moves. I swear, I say attack and they swing at air, which somehow damages the foe. it's boring like that. I would also hope to see some music from Smash Bros. in there, like Battlefield (Melee). but that's just me. plus cutscenes would have to be PERFECT.

overall, I'd like to see a Kirby RPG, but they would absolutely NEED to get it RIGHT. it has to have interaction in battle, because that's the main part of the game. but again, that's just me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Well, I like Final Fantasy, but I wasn't thinking that kind of gameplay. Mario and Luigi could work, but I wouldn't think a system quite like that. It's a tricky balance. Though most of the thoughts I've had have been on the story. As for Kirby switching powers, it's easy enough to just have Kirby switch powers quite a bit. He has the Copy Statues from Super Star, for instance.

I'll also say you'd probably like the Tales games, since they have a lot of action.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Gasp! I forgot! I once saw some of the gameplay footage of that game. that definitely works! and for the powers...*slaps self* I can't believe I forgot the Copy Essences Deluxe! that works too!

Nice! they could easily do something like that. Sorry, it's just, when I think RPG, I usually tend to think along the lines of slow, turn-based flashy effects.
But yeah! I see your point. That'd make a great game :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Well, I wasn't thinking Tales for Kirby, though something similar could work. It'd probably be set up so that each power is an Arte though then, or some such. The real trick would be how to do everyone else though. King Dedede, Meta Knight, Bandanna Dee, but who else to add is tricky. I'd say Magolor for sure, since we need more magic users in that kind of lineup. For similar reasons I'd say Ribbon. But it feels like something is missing, just what I don't know.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Well, I wasn't thinking Tales for Kirby, though something similar could work. It'd probably be set up so that each power is an Arte though then, or some such. The real trick would be how to do everyone else though. King Dedede, Meta Knight, Bandanna Dee, but who else to add is tricky. I'd say Magolor for sure, since we need more magic users in that kind of lineup. For similar reasons I'd say Ribbon. But it feels like something is missing, just what I don't know.
Maybe Adoleine? (I think that's how it's spelled?) the girl from Kirby 64? she could work. could add Parasol Dee (the helper from Super Star) for a character...oh, Knuckle Joe! with his Anime design! that'd work! wow, when the fans come up with great games the creator himself doesn't think up XD

thing is, Tales already has a fighting system similar to Smash. 2D battle movement? the way powers are activated/used? and that in turn, is also similar to Kirby. it works perfectly. :)

Maybe even a Waddle Doo would work? I mean, they are technically magic users after all (the beam). oh and Bio Spark! Ninja are awesome X)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Tales could work. Though Tales games are actually 3D now. And Adeleine could work. Part of me wants to look at Drawcia or some such though, just because she'd be more of an interesting fighter. I'd kind of like a roster of eight, four fighters, four mages. Oh, and Kirby. He's probably the ninth one, able to be a bunch of things due to how his powers work... actually, the Graces system probably works well here.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Tales could work. Though Tales games are actually 3D now. And Adeleine could work. Part of me wants to look at Drawcia or some such though, just because she'd be more of an interesting fighter. I'd kind of like a roster of eight, four fighters, four mages. Oh, and Kirby. He's probably the ninth one, able to be a bunch of things due to how his powers work... actually, the Graces system probably works well here.
I have never played a game like this, but if it was a roster of nine it would probably be
All Around: Kirby
Fighter: King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Knuckle Joe
Mage: Malagor, Adeleine, Ribbon, and... um... Waddle Doo?

Anyways, to get back on topic.
What would your reaction be if Bandana Dee was deconfirmed? I probably wouldn't be too upset because I am a pessimist, and I am prepared for the worst (unless the worst is being part of the Waddle Dee Toss, in which case I am prepared for the next worst thing).


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
Anyways, to get back on topic.
What would your reaction be if Bandana Dee was deconfirmed? I probably wouldn't be too upset because I am a pessimist, and I am prepared for the worst (unless the worst is being part of the Waddle Dee Toss, in which case I am prepared for the next worst thing).
I would be pretty upset if Waddle Dee was disconfirmed. Then again, I would be upset if pretty much any character was disconfirmed.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I'll be pretty sad if he is, but I'm also not too optimistic on his odds. He's my longshot character this game (since one of them wound up getting confirmed surprisingly enough).

And maybe Marx for the fourth mage? Though he's a villain, so I guess that doesn't make much sense. I wouldn't want to do Waddle Doo. He doesn't feel flexible enough conceptually. Main issue is Kirby gets a lot of neat villains, but not too many potential heroes.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I have never played a game like this, but if it was a roster of nine it would probably be
All Around: Kirby
Fighter: King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Knuckle Joe
Mage: Malagor, Adeleine, Ribbon, and... um... Waddle Doo?
Well, considering in Final Fantasy IV one gets a Ninja who uses arts similar to Black Magic, one could use Bio Spark for the fourth mage. But I still think Waddle Doo fits. I mean, he's been a helper almost three times (cancelled Kirby Adventure game for GameCube), and he was a recurring character in the anime alongside the generic Waddle Dees in the castle.
What would your reaction be if Bandana Dee was deconfirmed? I probably wouldn't be too upset because I am a pessimist, and I am prepared for the worst (unless the worst is being part of the Waddle Dee Toss, in which case I am prepared for the next worst thing).
I would be pretty upset if Waddle Dee was disconfirmed. Then again, I would be upset if pretty much any character was disconfirmed.
100% agreed. though I'm a little more specific about who I want.
I'll be pretty sad if he is, but I'm also not too optimistic on his odds. He's my longshot character this game (since one of them wound up getting confirmed surprisingly enough).
OPTIMISM PEOPLE OPTIMISM! BANDANA DEE IS CONFIRMED UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. BE OPTIMISTIC. If I can, anyone can, because I can be pretty freaking depressing at times. NOW FORGET ALL DOUBT. if WFT can get in (with her male skin too), then JUST ABOUT anyone can get in. (except characters like Pac-Man. I'd rather see Ryu/Ken or someone else who doesn't have a FREAKING DISTURBING SMILE in the ONE fighting game they've ever been in)
And maybe Marx for the fourth mage? Though he's a villain, so I guess that doesn't make much sense. I wouldn't want to do Waddle Doo. He doesn't feel flexible enough conceptually. Main issue is Kirby gets a lot of neat villains, but not too many potential heroes.
Marx was absolutely destroyed after Kirby beat the True Arena. he isn't coming back. again, if you don't think Waddle Doo makes sense, Bio Spark. Ninja tend to use black arts, similar to magic in some forms. heck, in Final Fantasy IV, Ridia (I think that's her name. Green Summoner?) even states that Edge's Ninjitsu is similar but different still from Black Magic.
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Anyone else noticed how similar is to toon link the "bandana's moveset"? even the neutral B seems clonic.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
...It's not even close. how could you make an assesment like that? Neutral B is almost ALWAYS a projectile, and the Spear would function differently. charging up for more power rather than flight distance, three spears in one go at full charge, etc.
up B is comepletely different. Spear copter is temporary flight with more air time the longer you charge. not even close to Toon.
Down and side-B moves aren't even completely confirmed yet.
Final Smash is completely different and related.
normal attacks may seem similar, but they still aren't close.
and for some reason last night, I dreamed of Bandana Dee actually being in Smash 4.
Bandana Dee confirmed because I'm psychic! my Charmeleon avatar suits more than ever. despite not being a psychic type
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
...It's not even close. how could you make an assesment like that? Neutral B is almost ALWAYS a projectile, and the Spear would function differently. charging up for more power rather than flight distance, three spears in one go at full charge, etc.
up B is comepletely different. Spear copter is temporary flight with more air time the longer you charge. not even close to Toon.
Down and side-B moves aren't even completely confirmed yet.
Final Smash is completely different and related.
normal attacks may seem similar, but they still aren't close.
and for some reason last night, I dreamed of Bandana Dee actually being in Smash 4.
You are just pointing the differences, toon link is not close to link when comes to the gameplay neither.

You even said yesterday that "moon drop" is the most plausible dair for the character, similar to one of the most iconic toon link moves.

Anyways, you thinks the normals may being similar (at least dtilt, uair and dair will definitely work the same on them) so we are agree here, and btw, i used the quotes on "bandana's moveset" for a reason, i know there isnt definitive i dont even think he is going to be in this game :B.
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Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
You are just pointing the differences, toon link is not close to link when comes to the gameplay neither.

You even said yesterday that "moon drop" is the most plausible dair for the character, similar to one of the most iconic toon link moves.

Anyways, you thinks the normals may being similar (at least dtilt, uair and dair will definitely work the same on them) so we are agree here, and btw, i used the quotes on "bandana's moveset" for a reason, i know there isnt definitive i dont even think he is going to be in this game :B.
Yes, I'm pointing out differences. the thing is, that's what counts to making a character unique; how different and special they are compared to other characters. and he is going to be in the game. my dream confirms it. because somehow my subconcious is psychic. true story, almost every time I've dreamt of something possible in real life it has happened. I've had this strange phenomenon since 5th grade. I dreamed that Bandana Dee would make an awesome and unique character in smash 4, and I dreamed he would be there. therefore, it is possible, and therefore, it shall happen. if it doesn't, I will die. the thing is, the Spear power is already similar to Link and Toon Link. heck, he has the up and down stabs in the original game anyway, all they need to do is fit that into the Smash style which shouldn't be hard at all.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Yes, I'm pointing out differences. the thing is, that's what counts to making a character unique; how different and special they are compared to other characters. and he is going to be in the game. my dream confirms it. because somehow my subconcious is psychic. true story, almost every time I've dreamt of something possible in real life it has happened. I've had this strange phenomenon since 5th grade. I dreamed that Bandana Dee would make an awesome and unique character in smash 4, and I dreamed he would be there. therefore, it is possible, and therefore, it shall happen. if it doesn't, I will die. the thing is, the Spear power is already similar to Link and Toon Link. heck, he has the up and down stabs in the original game anyway, all they need to do is fit that into the Smash style which shouldn't be hard at all.

I already said we are agree xD bandana is jus the new knuckle joe, what a boing guy to use - toon link's main :toonlink:


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
OPTIMISM PEOPLE OPTIMISM! BANDANA DEE IS CONFIRMED UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. BE OPTIMISTIC. If I can, anyone can, because I can be pretty freaking depressing at times. NOW FORGET ALL DOUBT. if WFT can get in (with her male skin too), then JUST ABOUT anyone can get in. (except characters like Pac-Man. I'd rather see Ryu/Ken or someone else who doesn't have a FREAKING DISTURBING SMILE in the ONE fighting game they've ever been in)
For me Bandana Dee is deconfirmed until confirmed... If that makes sense.

Deleted member

For me Bandana Dee is deconfirmed until confirmed... If that makes sense.
To me, Bandana Dee is disconfirmed when he is disconfirmed. That will happen if he is a part of Waddle Dee Toss or if he an AT.
Right now, I view him as "unconfirmed" or "up in the air."


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I have a Pichu named Skyzap who is the ultimate Pichu. he knows Fly. not hacked, completely an OC(Original Character. I'm a fanfic writer), but still deadly. you do not want a million volts coursing through you.
that's nice.

can we talk about bannana waffle dee now?


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
I have a Pichu named Skyzap who is the ultimate Pichu. he knows Fly. not hacked, completely an OC(Original Character. I'm a fanfic writer), but still deadly. you do not want a million volts coursing through you.
I need a Pichu fan fic.
Fixed. sorry, got off-topic. I'm just sick of pessimism

....So, anyone think up a good Down-B for Bandana Dee?
I suggested Megaton Punch.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
Just wanted to share this. I can't quite recall how I stumbled upon it, but it's a very lovely medley of the Kirby Anniversary soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOWXMe8enTI

And I'd love to see a Wii U Kirby Air Ride, but I'm doubtful to it happening. I'd be down for Kirby in Mario Kart though, at least something.
damn what a great composition

if bandana dee doesn't make it in playable, we atleast have the amazing soundtrack the kirby series adds

also the moment the checkers knight theme goed over into galacta knight's theme jhfhjgfjdgs
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