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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Parasol Guard would make an excellent Down B! From what we've seen with Mega Man, the Smash team can easily make Bandana Dee's moveset from every game he's been in.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
no problem mate, got any questions at all just ask, i'll help out,
and which the one in my avatar sitting by my side while I enjoy an cup of coffee, or the one in my sig which just looks plain awesome
the one in your sig that just looks plain awesome XD or maybe the other as well? they're both awesome :)
There was no Parasol in Brawl, which is why I mentioned it from Melee. I think it'd work well if Bandanna Dee used a combo spear/parasol, since it'd hit the classic power for Waddle Dee's (Parasol) as well as Bandanna Dee's unique weapon (Spear), and they pair up well.
oh yeah! that'd work! and then Megaton Punch could be his Final Smash, being the first part of his history, and one of the most important.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
No matter what, though, I think it's safe to say Bandana Dee will at least appear as a trophy.

Things are still in his favor, "Bandana Dee SSB4" is up there on the Google search! :grin:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I think he's pretty likely overall. I'll be surprised if he winds up only as a trophy, since he seems like the best choice for an Assist. I'll hold out hope for Magolor as an Assist (best chance he has) and Bandanna Dee as playable.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
No matter what, though, I think it's safe to say Bandana Dee will at least appear as a trophy.

Things are still in his favor, "Bandana Dee SSB4" is up there on the Google search! :grin:
the kid that's after pie is right,:p look:


was typing up bandana dee, and it was one of the first things that popped up,
and look we're the first link :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Welcome to the bandanna brigade! :D

@ Maikou Maikou aka charmeleon. :p
Thank you my friend! glad to be on board :)
No matter what, though, I think it's safe to say Bandana Dee will at least appear as a trophy.

Things are still in his favor, "Bandana Dee SSB4" is up there on the Google search! :grin:
Wow, really?! awesome! :D
I think he's pretty likely overall. I'll be surprised if he winds up only as a trophy, since he seems like the best choice for an Assist. I'll hold out hope for Magolor as an Assist (best chance he has) and Bandanna Dee as playable.
Well, Magalor, I can't really say anything about, so I'll keep my mouth shut on that case. but If best possible things happen, just about anyone we can hope for who has a moveset could get in....
Besides Pac-Man -_-

and wow, 44 pages? that's a lot...


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Heh, I knew one of my 6 year old Brawl snapshots would make a great avatar. :grin:

But would the Google search warrant anything on the OP? Because that does mean something. People are interested in him!

Deleted member

I always found it interesting how "Bandana Dee SSB4" is one of the top search options when you type in "Bandana Dee." Maybe there are a lot more supporters than we are aware of.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Heh, I knew one of my 6 year old Brawl snapshots would make a great avatar. :grin:

But would the Google search warrant anything on the OP? Because that does mean something. People are interested in him!
it only shows he been searched up on Google a lot, it affects nothing of popularity, relevance, or even evidence,
its nothing that we can use, its nice to know people are searching him up on Google and that there may be more supporters out there, but its useless to us for anything really, best to acknowledge it and move on
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I really, really like Magolor. Honestly probably more than Bandanna Dee. But I think I push him so much because I think he's less likely to become a recurring character in the Kirby series than Bandanna Dee. I'd like both preferably. :) And if he is immensely popular it helps his odds.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I really, really like Magolor. Honestly probably more than Bandanna Dee. But I think I push him so much because I think he's less likely to become a recurring character in the Kirby series than Bandanna Dee. I'd like both preferably. :) And if he is immensely popular it helps his odds.
It NEVER hurts to want or hope. it only hurts to predict the wrong move. besides, even if he's not in this one, there's always the next! you never know!
I am a naive optimist and I'm proud of it!
Pichu, Mewtwo, Bandana Dee, Lucario's quotes, and more are all my hopes for SSB4, and I will believe they confirmed until otherwise deconfirmed!
(hint hint, be optimistic)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Lucario's quotes? Not sure I get that. And I'm optimistic as well, and certainly hoping for Magolor. But I'm also trying to keep my hopes relatively realistic, since it seems immensely likely Kirby would have five characters total, and get two in this game. Return to Dreamland was big, and Kirby is on an upswing I feel, but not that much of one. :p And I'm hoping to see Mewtwo return as well. And a few others I'd like to see. Isaac, Shulk, Palutena, probably the big ones right now, though there are others I'd really like to see newcomer-wise.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Lucario's quotes? Not sure I get that. And I'm optimistic as well, and certainly hoping for Magolor. But I'm also trying to keep my hopes relatively realistic, since it seems immensely likely Kirby would have five characters total, and get two in this game. Return to Dreamland was big, and Kirby is on an upswing I feel, but not that much of one. :p And I'm hoping to see Mewtwo return as well. And a few others I'd like to see. Isaac, Shulk, Palutena, probably the big ones right now, though there are others I'd really like to see newcomer-wise.
Something people (including myself) complain about in Brawl is the fact that when Lucario actually talks, he doesn't SHUT UP ABOUT AURA! and it's not even in his character! Lucario is obviously Sir Arron's (multiple things point to it.), why not give him quotes that have something to do with himself personally, instead of his theme? but that's off-topic.

The only console Kirby has missed is the GameCube. they'll no doubt be making a Kirby Wii U eventually though. Mewtwo would be one of the best inclusions, and I could FINALLY stop needing to hold myself back from absolutely raging on Lucario haters. don't like a character? beat them up with one you DO like then! just don't boast about it to someone like me. it's annoying.

on a more Smash related note, X and Y Pokemon are confirmed to be Poke Ball characters. and some people are questioning why a Pokemon looks the way it does. ugh...

Luckily this means we might not have to worry about Bandana Dee for a while. maybe. I don't know.
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Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Not gonna lie, I was half awake when I saw today's pic. I thought he said "Dedede" and I thought Masked Dedede was confirmed!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
He is. Kirby in general is really awesome. I wish they'd make a new anime, I liked the old one quite a bit, but it kind of missed some things in Kirby I'd like to see. I can easily think of a plot for it, but I'm guessing there isn't a market for it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Kirby was on the Gamecube, Kirby Air Ride. Which was a really fun game that should have gotten a sequel sometime (or so I thought). And we had Xerneas as a Pokeball Pokemon a while back, with X/Y's release, so Dedene isn't confirming that so much as continuing that.

Bandanna Dee is always (relatively) at risk. This long without any use of Dedede's Side-B is somewhat odd. But then again, it could just be a coincidence. As near as I recall Zelda didn't show any of her B-Moves when she was revealed. Then again (again), that could be due to something Sheik related, so who knows.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Kirby was on the Gamecube, Kirby Air Ride. Which was a really fun game that should have gotten a sequel sometime (or so I thought). And we had Xerneas as a Pokeball Pokemon a while back, with X/Y's release, so Dedene isn't confirming that so much as continuing that.

Bandanna Dee is always (relatively) at risk. This long without any use of Dedede's Side-B is somewhat odd. But then again, it could just be a coincidence. As near as I recall Zelda didn't show any of her B-Moves when she was revealed. Then again (again), that could be due to something Sheik related, so who knows.
Kirby Air Ride doesn't count, as nice of a game as it is. it got WAY too many negative reviews and people in general on the internet tend to believe everything they "learn" on the internet. meaning Kirby Air Ride apparently didn't have anything good about it. besides having awesome machines, epic music, Meta Knight and Dedede, classic Kirby charm, tons of achievments, and more.

I would LOVE a Kirby Air Ride 2 on the Wii U and 3DS. it could even have an adventure/story mode with racing and maybe even a mode to play WITHOUT the Air Ride Machines so we can get that 3D Kirby game we've wanted since Crystal Shards. bu sadly I don't foresee that happening, but if it does, I will be hype as heck. I loved Kirby Air Ride myself. in fact my favorite machine was the Wing Star. I love birds and flight and the Wing Star gave me both. so much room for improvement, and maybe even a Blue Falcon cameo appearance? but that's a topic for a different thread that's sadly very unlikely as a reality.

as for Bandana Dee, I say we just be patient as we consider movesets and other such things for him. I personally view Bandana Dee as a younger warrior, (no older than a young teen at most), with some slightly timid personality traits. I view his moveset to be mostly similar to Kirby's Return to Dreamland, but his Side-B and Down-B should definitely have something to do with a Parasol, as to represent his entire species and not just himself/KRtD Side-B could easily be the dash-attack+normal attack for the Parasol power in Kirby Super Star/Ultra, where holding B would keep the Parasol out spinning until the button is released. Down-B is debatable though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Kirby Air Ride doesn't count, as nice of a game as it is. it got WAY too many negative reviews and people in general on the internet tend to believe everything they "learn" on the internet. meaning Kirby Air Ride apparently didn't have anything good about it. besides having awesome machines, epic music, Meta Knight and Dedede, classic Kirby charm, tons of achievments, and more.

I would LOVE a Kirby Air Ride 2 on the Wii U and 3DS. it could even have an adventure/story mode with racing and maybe even a mode to play WITHOUT the Air Ride Machines so we can get that 3D Kirby game we've wanted since Crystal Shards. bu sadly I don't foresee that happening, but if it does, I will be hype as heck. I loved Kirby Air Ride myself. in fact my favorite machine was the Wing Star. I love birds and flight and the Wing Star gave me both. so much room for improvement, and maybe even a Blue Falcon cameo appearance? but that's a topic for a different thread that's sadly very unlikely as a reality.

as for Bandana Dee, I say we just be patient as we consider movesets and other such things for him. I personally view Bandana Dee as a younger warrior, (no older than a young teen at most), with some slightly timid personality traits. I view his moveset to be mostly similar to Kirby's Return to Dreamland, but his Side-B and Down-B should definitely have something to do with a Parasol, as to represent his entire species and not just himself/KRtD Side-B could easily be the dash-attack+normal attack for the Parasol power in Kirby Super Star/Ultra, where holding B would keep the Parasol out spinning until the button is released. Down-B is debatable though.

Specials for dee!
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Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
uh....could you possibly....be a little more.....detailed? or maybe explain those in words? no offense but that pic is a little confusing....I understood nuetral B, up B and side B, but down B kinda doesn't make sense. please explain?

Anyone else have their opinion on how Bandana Dee's personality should be portrayed?
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I don't know why, but I can't like the idea of the parasol in Bandana Dee, and I also doubt he would use a parasol.
Anyone else have their opinion on how Bandana Dee's personality should be portrayed?
Waddle Dees are timid and peaceful.
Bandana Dee is a brave warrior, that's his description in Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
I think his personality would be like Lucas's personality.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
im sorry not a very good painter,
o spear throw
<o> Parasol spin
^ Spear Spin
v spawn Food, (maby a bit broken, i dont know).


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
I don't know why, but I can't like the idea of the parasol in Bandana Dee, and I also doubt he would use a parasol.
i also second this.
he has more than enough moveset potential in return to dreamland alone. its nice to incorporate the mega ton hammer and an parasol, but really all he is an waddle dee who specialize in a spear so we don't want to focus too much on things outside of him
we don't want to bring every thing he can, or we'll just make him appart from what he's suppose to be originally
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Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Here's a little something I whipped up. Forgive the mix of old and new styles, it seems there aren't any newer sprites of Waddle Dee punching the ground.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I know this is a little generic, but his Side Special can be a reflector like Pit's Side Special in Brawl, but with his spear, and the Down Special, just a Counter or a little Megaton Punch that works like Donkey Kong's Side Special.
The parasol is not that necessary.

I personally like the Down Special idea: Super Bounce, based on the Waddle Dee Ball of Kirby Canvas Curse.
It can work like Ball Kirby.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Dedede's hammer has jet engines inside, so I'm sure Waddle Dee's spear has at least something hiding in it... :smirk: Maybe a parasol or a spear tip that can be launched!


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Is Scoorge McDuck teaching all the Nintendo characters with sticks how to pogo? :smirk:


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Here's a little something I whipped up. Forgive the mix of old and new styles, it seems there aren't any newer sprites of Waddle Dee punching the ground.
I certainly like the idea. I'm pretty sure the main problems here are the fact that we can't 100% agree on the Down- and Side-B moves. The Final Smash should DEFINITELY be Megation Punch though, being the earliest part of his history :)
Jet Spear XD
I can sort of half understand where you come from with the "no Parasol" thing. Bandana Dee is unique in the fact that his weapon is the Spear and not the Parasol. and Parasol does kinda suck in all the games it's been in. I just thought it'd be nice to help him represent his whole species. but I guess it does make more sense to keep him with his weapon and not someone else's. Jet spear? I'm all for it! XD
Sticks and spears are different things, and the pogo attack is a generic and recurrent spear move, so no.
I'm pretty sure it's already been agreed that Bandana Dee's Dair move is going to be the same as Return to Dreamland. also, I should mention for those unaware, in a recent Pic of the Day, Sakurai has stated that Endless Combos now end with a proper finishing move. hence Little Mac having an uppercut move instantly after his jab combo.

I should also say, I don't think Bandana Dee should have a counter move. I think it'd make more sense for someone like Knuckle Joe if he ever got in to have a counter. I can't really say I know what his down B should be though. Maybe a reflect? I think the Parasol might have been able to reflect super weak projectiles, but I'm not sure. I never really use Parasol in the games. I prefer Fighter or Ninja, depending on the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Personally, I like the idea of Bandanna Dee having a parasol spear myself. It wouldn't need to be used for everything, but it could make a nice element of an Up-B. Twirl up with the helicopter, then open the parasol. It makes sense that he'd have a really good recovery too, since Kirby characters in general do. That and I just love the Parasol ability. :p But it's fine if he doesn't. I'm not really expecting he would, I just think it'd be a nice combo.

And Air Ride was awesome. My only issue was that there weren't more playable characters. I love Kirby a lot, but it would have been nice to have... well, a Waddle Dee. Then again Kirby's lack of recurring characters is one of my issues with it. Awesome series, and awesome characters, but most characters only appear once or twice, and then kind of fade away, which is sad.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Here's a little something I whipped up. Forgive the mix of old and new styles, it seems there aren't any newer sprites of Waddle Dee punching the ground.
Awesome!!! but <B> looks like a normal A.

and By The Way rosalina reveal trailer with Kirby air Music might be a clue to kirbys air ride Wii U!!!! =D
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Just wanted to share this. I can't quite recall how I stumbled upon it, but it's a very lovely medley of the Kirby Anniversary soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOWXMe8enTI

And I'd love to see a Wii U Kirby Air Ride, but I'm doubtful to it happening. I'd be down for Kirby in Mario Kart though, at least something.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Just wanted to share this. I can't quite recall how I stumbled upon it, but it's a very lovely medley of the Kirby Anniversary soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOWXMe8enTI

And I'd love to see a Wii U Kirby Air Ride, but I'm doubtful to it happening. I'd be down for Kirby in Mario Kart though, at least something.
Dat soundtrack =:kirby::kirby::kirby:=Awesome

i just feel like that music was a hint on something, but kiby in Mariokart Would be supa Awsome!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
i only played kibys air ride like Once, But it was Awemazing. it would be perfekt for wii U
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