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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2014
Hey guys! I'm new here, and I just wanted to join this forum so I can show my support for everybody's favorite most-likely-to-get-in-Kirby-rep, Bandanna Dee!


JK. I'm actually here to inform you all that you are making a grave mistake in voting Bandanna Dee.

Hold your horses! I'm not some random internet troll! I have some logical arguments to present! I suppose there's no time like the present to give the most compelling one. This argument only applies if your just a Kirby fan seeking to get the franchise a fourth Kirby rep. It's rather simple actually.

Smash 4 is officially unveiled. The community goes wild! What characters will be in the game? Speculations amount to this simple logic.

"Oh look! a new Smash game! Let's root for the characters who are most likely to get in the game anyway so as to not have our hopes crushed!"

Then, people are surprised when a relatively unfamiliar face, Robin, enters the fray in place of the highly anticipated/expected Chrom. the logic behind this is simple. Sakuri could care less about familiarity, he wants uniqueness in the game. Chrom is another God damn lord class from FE. Robin not only marks the first time we see an FE rep who's not a lord, but also the first time we see a legit magic user other than Zelda. I think it's pretty easy to figure out how Robin got in over Chrom.

Then, after the game comes out, they announce DLC. The fanbase goes bonkers in response. Which new characters could be added? Then, they announce the best thing since underwear: a ballot in which the fanbase gets to vote which character they want in the game. To which the fanbase was all like,

"Oh look! A ballot in which we can vote for any Nintendo character ever that we want in the game! Let's vote for the characters who are most likely to get in anyway so as not to have our hopes crushed!"


I think it's rather simple why this angers me.

Let's look at this logically.

"Oh look! a new Smash game! Let's root for the characters who are most likely to get in the game anyway so as to not have our hopes crushed!"

^ Valid Logic

"Oh look! A ballot in which we can vote for any Nintendo character ever that we want in the game! Let's vote for the characters who are most likely to get in anyway so as not to have our hopes crushed!"

^Invalid Logic

I need not say anymore. You can vote any Kirby character in history, and you choose Bandanna FREAKING Waddle Dee. Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE Bandanna Dee. But this is a HHHHUUUUUUUUUUGE waste of opportunity. I like Goomba's with good taste in headgear as much as the next guy, but I think there's one who FAR outclasses our beloved spear-wielding generic enemy.

Freaking. MAGOLOR.

I don't even NEED to explain why he deserves to be in more than BD. Like I said, BD's a generic enemy with a spear. Again, that's cool. I'm down with that. But you know what's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY cooler? A WIZARD from friggin' SPACE. 'Nuff said. I don't even need to explain moveset potential. So instead, let me contrast it to BD's potential.

Bandanna Dee actually has a good bit of potential. Most people say he could have moves that represent the various incarnations of Waddle Dees throughout the generations. He could have an umbrella as a B-Up. And a bow somehow. But most of his moves would revolve around the spear and various throwing/jabbing techniques. That's potential. But Magolor is not only a wizard, but he's the only wizard to have a shot at being in Smash who isn't an elemental. His moves would do all kinds of bull, like screwing with gravity and teleporting. He could be like Palkia, only as a FREAKING PLAYABLE CHARACTER. That's flippin' awesome. And don't tell me that's too much like Rosalina and Luma. Rosalina center's around controlling the Luma. Magolor would be a not-a-duo. HUGE difference right there.

I was super pumped when I saw Robin's reveal. We finally got another wizard. But Robin's an elemental just like Zelda. But Mags would bring an entirely new bit to the board. He would be simply WAY cooler than Bandanna Dee. No more explaination required.

So if you're just a Kirby fan who wants a bit more representation from the series, (e.g. a game that's not SuperStar) this is the way to go. If you are indeed a true Bandanna Dee fan who would murder a litter of kittens to have him in the game, then I have no right to tell you to vote Magolor instead. But for those of you who are the former, stop wasting this opportunity. PLEAZE. From the bottom of my heart, STOP WASTING IT!

Thanks for your patience. Normando out.:4metaknight:
well... as you can see In my sig I support magolor but you don't seem to know much about bandana dee, because anyone who TRULY knows a lot about him would be that his up special would most likely spear copter, who says we can't have 5 reps? I dont care really :p id be happy with both. But Even though Magolor would be unique, here's a list of not including EVERYTHING he can do not including waddle dees

megaton punch, the krtd items, (cannon, horn shield, spiky shoe, etc.) spear moves, throws, copter, and the team attack which jabs a spear and throws beams, ninja star, scope shot, and assist star im probably forgetting some ( dee never used a parasol to anyone saying that and someone said dark matter made him powerful I doubt that )


Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC
So I played Kirby's Return to Dreamland and did the Arena as Banadana Dee and got the fastest time with him! It was hard but I don't know about the True Arena!:substitute:

Deleted member

Do you want to play?

EDIT: I think not XD
Maybe tomorrow :)
Did you add me? Sorry I couldn't stick around longer, it was past 11 and I needed some sleep. And since when did we have 729 supporters? I remember when it was around 450 :p.


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2014
Did someone come this thread just to trash B-Dee and then tell us to vote for magolor? Lol?
They tried, lol.

I like Magolor (and wouldn't mind him as a fighter) but Bandana Dee deserves to be a rep WAY MORE. Magolor is more reoccuring as far as Kirby villains go but Bandana Dee has been more stand out as a character in the franchise. BDee being playable and pretty much in all recent titles. I feel like a character with that sort of presence deserves to rep the series more because they've really come to represent the series more and have become one of it's main characters at this point. Coming in and being like "HEY THIS GUY WOULD BE A MORE INTERESTING FIGHTER" is really subjective and really disregards this.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
Yeah, Bandana Dee is more relevant/reoccurring to the franchise than Magolor. That being said, if Bandana Dee gets in I'll be supporting Magolor for the fifth Kirby rep.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2015
Probably on Twitter
Someone coming in and telling me not to vote for who this thread is about is just a turn off. Besides we still have Sakurai to get passed so saying BD is very likely is false


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Magolor+DLC=Awesomeness, but don't go on to a thread to tell someone to stop voting for a character, and vote for Magolor's awesomeness. Especialy when the square root of Bandana Dee=DLC.
Someone coming in and telling me not to vote for who this thread is about is just a turn off. Besides we still have Sakurai to get passed so saying BD is very likely is false
It's also false to say he isn't very likely though. Like I said before, Bandana Dee is a shoe in, but only if Sakuri decides to put in another Kirby rep.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Did you add me? Sorry I couldn't stick around longer, it was past 11 and I needed some sleep. And since when did we have 729 supporters? I remember when it was around 450 :p.
We can play later if you want.
Did someone come this thread just to trash B-Dee and then tell us to vote for magolor? Lol?
Yeah, and I still liked his posts because that was funny.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2015
Probably on Twitter
I just don't get why some people think that coming into a support thread for a character and saying it's a bad choice is going to persuade us...Also my NNID:CelestialStarmie so feel free to add me :D. The wii u has faces in it.Kool.

Deleted member

I just don't get why some people think that coming into a support thread for a character and saying it's a bad choice is going to persuade us...Also my NNID:CelestialStarmie so feel free to add me :D. The wii u has faces in it.Kool.
I'll add you if you want. The only friends I have on my Wii U are some random people who sent me requests from a taunt party or being impressed by my play, so it would be nice to have a fellow Bandana Dee supporter. My NNID is Pikablu.11 so you know its me.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Mortal Kombat? Mario Kart? :awesome:
I'll add you if you want. The only friends I have on my Wii U are some random people who sent me requests from a taunt party or being impressed by my play, so it would be nice to have a fellow Bandana Dee supporter. My NNID is Pikablu.11 so you know its me.
Please don't deestroy me.
JK, I would love if you are really good, like @Wasoodle , he (or she? :B) deestroyed me, I only won like 3/20 matches ... and with Lucario, a character that I never use, but now I will try to main XDDD
I know you are sometimes in the competitive thread so yeah, I like challenges!
I will add you and also @ GhostlyLure GhostlyLure .
If you want to play, just ask, I will not be busy this weekend because I don't have college things to do.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2015
Probably on Twitter
Mortal Kombat? Mario Kart? :awesome:

Please don't deestroy me.
JK, I would love if you are really good, like @Wasoodle , he (or she? :B) deestroyed me, I only won like 3/20 matches ... and with Lucario, a character that I never use, but now I will try to main XDDD
I know you are sometimes in the competitive thread so yeah, I like challenges!
I will add you and also @ GhostlyLure GhostlyLure .
If you want to play, just ask, I will not be busy this weekend because I don't have college things to do.
Nnid? funny im one of the few people who main Kirby in smash 4

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Hmm, I was passing by and kind of wanted to make a twitter hashtag to tell people to vote BD. How about #WaddleDeeLC4Smash


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Um... Could I play? (Gives SMAAAASH! puppy dog eyes.)
Right now? OK!
What's your NNID?
Hmm, I was passing by and kind of wanted to make a twitter hashtag to tell people to vote BD. How about #WaddleDeeLC4Smash
That's a very good idea.
I was thinking in that, or #BandanaDeeLC
The hashtag of the K.Rool supporters is #Krockthevote or something like that, it doesn't mention Smash.
I don't know if it's necessary, maybe it would be too long.

Oh, also, Hi!
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Right now? OK!
What's your NNID?

That's a very good idea.
I was thinking in that, or #BandanaDeeLC
The hashtag of the K.Rool supporters is #Krockthevote or something like that, it doesn't mention Smash.
I don't know if it's necessary, maybe it would be too long.

Oh, also, Hi!
I only said Waddle cuz it was 1 letter shorter lol. The important thing is to mention the game though. Heck, if I was a casual fan, I'd think Krockthevote would be about some weird music award show lol.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I only said Waddle cuz it was 1 letter shorter lol. The important thing is to mention the game though. Heck, if I was a casual fan, I'd think Krockthevote would be about some weird music award show lol.
Let's use your hashtag.
Um... Still haven't found it. sorry.
In the home menu, press friend list, and your NNID will be at the right side of your mii, in orange.
Or you can send me one, I'm rex230
Last edited:

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Let's use your hashtag.

In the home menu, press friend list, and your NNID will be at the right side of your mii, in orange.
Or you can send me one, I'm rex230
Another reason I say Waddle instead of Bandanna is the casual fan is more likely to recognize Waddle Dee over Bandanna Dee. However, votes for either to me are interchangable, as, while BD is not JUST a Waddle Dee, the devs would likely see Waddle Dee votes and go "Hey, Bandanna Dee is basically one, let's make him DeeLC"
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