I feel like having two first party characters revealed in a row should be a sign of good things to come, but eh...
I can't help but get the feeling that when it comes to DLC newcomers, Nintendo only choose to go for first party picks when it comes to something they're interested in promoting. It happened with Byleth and Nintendo pushing Fire Emblem Three Houses. It's happening again with ARMS and the resurgence Nintendo is attempting to give it (
free week +
a new tournament). Hell, if you want to go back to Smash 4, the only first party newcomer there was Corrin due to Fire Emblem Fates launching at around the same time.
But when you look at things, I feel as if Kirby has never been a series Nintendo has ever felt the need to ever really market. I genuinely don't think Nintendo has ever tried to push the series as a major release on a worldwide scale in the same vein as Mario, Zelda, or even on the same level as they currently are Fire Emblem and ARMS today, since probably Kirby's days on the SNES.
Even if
there is a new Kirby game in the works, even if Bandana Waddle Dee has undeniably not only been established as a main character in the series, but
one of HAL's most important characters, even if Bandana Waddle Dee has been one of the most requested Smash fighters for years now, even if spirits aren't a deconfirmation for a character anymore, I still just can't find myself to believe that he's in the pass because of Nintendo's refusal to promote the series heavily on a worldwide scale and Sakurai's refusal to acknowledge any significant Kirby content outside of his own games.
I'm rambling at this point, but as always, I'm going to keep hoping for the best. I'd love to see the guy in, whether it's due to how he'd be a great fighter with a unique moveset or just thinking of the great stage and music possibilities to pull from games in the Kirby series outside of Dream Land, Adventure, Super Star, and Air Ride. It's really tough wanting a whole bunch of first party characters, but knowing that most aren't going to get in because they're not super high priority, like Rhythm Heaven.