A completely inconsequential and unreasonably emotionally charged smashboards argument in which I'm objectively right and my main opponent says things like "full with double negatives and just overall bad grammar"?
Guys, my birthday was two months ago.
*hums happily, gets to work*
Did I hurt your feelings? Was I too abrupt?
First of all, he was obviously referring to the MAJORITY of people, i.e. casual players, who believe that ness is good. Smashboards regulars have seen this to the point where it's become an in-joke. He is NOT better than his tier placing, yet the majority of people do not know that. It makes logical sense. You're confusing "people" with "we."
Secondly, it was a joke, and would not have been funny if it had been said straightforwardly. The wordplay was the point. As for saying things in a "confusing way" (obviously not that confusing--I got it on the first read-through) not being funny-I'm surprised that an avid fan of hip-hop would feel this way. A lot of comedians would disagree with you. The humor is in the fact that he seems to be saying one thing but is in fact saying the opposite, and the fact that you didn't understand it at first doesn't invalidate it.
Good try. I wouldn't attempt to argue logically in your position either, because the number of legs you possess at the current moment that would serve to support the metaphorical weight of your argument is equal to the number of cubic liters of water your argument holds (hint: Also the score I give your grammar out of 10. You really shouldn't have opened up the can of grammar worms with a posting style like that.).
It might even have worked, but anyone who's been "lurking" the boards long enough that "in terms of unpredictability [his] advantage would be too much for [Isai]" (good one, by the way. I'm sure you're an absolute force to be reckoned with.) would have seen one of my Dylan-referencing posts already. Shouldn't have revealed that quite so soon.
And no offense, mate, but you come off as someone with a **** so far up his *** that semen's getting pumped out of his nostrils and onto the keyboard. Surely nothing short of this could lead you to classify the analyzing of Dylan lyrics as "pseudo" intellectual.