Lol man what a cool meet. I have to admit I really had a blast, and me Shaz, DC and Syrick all agreed we had copious amounts of fun and laughter. "Top tucker Mrs H!" Lol Chris, you **** XD
Aside from when people gave Mikul the diplomatic immunity to edge hog me without making him pay, I felt the PooooooOOOOOwwWWWWWWeeEEEEERRRrrrRRRRR and also the RAGE!! flowing through my buttcheeks, directly to someones unprotected leg. Muhahaha.
Thanks for the 1 vs 1's which included a gauntlet of matches vs Mikul who proved to be sexy, but outmanlied by my well polished red helmet (+3 to Rage). And DC, Syrick for being willing to jump back in the deep end with Shaz and me. Nick deserves mention for being there, but Peach is just gay and I dont give you kudos for being cheap. =p Good matches all the same. Chris, your Falco, as I mentioned, is sexed up compared to last time we met, and I respect it. Now it just has to be Shaz like or Emily speed to beat me! =D I know I 1 on 1'ed most of you, but I dont recall the other matches so well. Thanks for the manwich!