CAOTIC said:
Good to see the SA Smash scene have taken up the Rambo ruleset for their Streetgeek LAN Parties
So its basically QLD/NSW who disagree and SA/Vic who agree. Sooooo cute ^_^
Ok Redact, mind the amount of alcohol of consumed tonight I'll try my -probably- failed attempt at a reply.
Redact said:
does he mean that the other neutral stages don't favor characters so much?
Redact said:
or does he mean that neutral stages shouldn't favor characters?
Both these questions basically lead to the same result. I personally believe you are trying to articulate a response around defined parameters when they all end at a universal conclusion. It seems to be what happens when you guys have been arguing Scrubs post.
Redact said:
he is asking what makes it fit to be a neutral stage?
i would talk about how the basicness and lack of randomality would make it more fit to be neutral over other stages, also with dedede rule in place, lack of stage abuse
It is still goes to the same conclusion. And that is the basic definition of what we should classify and thus play as a neutral stage.
From my view point he is basically saying 'Why is Eldin a neutral if you favours certain characters in a distract way?' Because the other neutrals DONT favour characters in a drastic way in comparison. He is basically asking 'Why is a stage you Melb ppl consider neutral so drastic in comparison to the other neutrals?'
Scrubs tell me if I am wrong. ^^
Redact said:
neutral implies the stage is fair, which it isnt, thats the problem with calling it neutral
When you selected few have referred to neutrals you keep conflicting on character matchups, which of course lead to counter-characters. It has nothing to do with the stage. A neutral actually does exist. Maybe not in a pure form, but at least in a flawless form.
For more insight as to probably why our views contrast:
How me and scrubs see it (I presume pretty much the same- could be very wrong) is that a neutral stage is so --basic-- that its design doesn't allow for a decrease in characters potential or increase of what they can abuse. Now don't take that wrong, some characters still thrive on certain stages (which could be a neutral), its just the level at which they thrive is fairly low when its on a neutral. It essence a neutral stage should suit the majority of the caste.
Redact said:
basic implies theres not much to the stage, which there really isnt much to those stages
Basic is impossible in terms of stages. Here is why:
Some people would consider Hyrule basic as they are used to FFA with items on high. For them such a stage would be seen as a 'Basic' stage to them. It brings me back the whole perception of terminology on what we understand in our smash society.
I don't see no problem with people calling neutrals basic. Because I'll know what your on about. But when half the population is saying one thing, and the other half the other. It is a much more confusing environment for new people. But we learn and move on
-- Doesn't anyone else see this as small text? *I r confused*