Originally Posted by Blood_Hawk
When I think of SCIENCE!, one word comes to mind; SCIENCE! I can think of no other word that describes this character better.
Your goal is to build a SCIENCE! throughout the match to use against your opponent, as I believe this character is based heavily on that SCIENCE!. Lucario’s SCIENCE! attribute is a very interesting one. The damage Lucario’s SCIENCE! deal and his knock back is all dependent on his SCIENCE! percentage and his standing in the SCIENCE!. This attribute is the tool that will help you build your SCIENCE!. It affects things such as the SCIENCE! of his all his moves and the SCIENCE! of the hit box of his Aura Sphere projectile.
Lucario’s game is all about knowing when to pressure your SCIENCE! and when to back off. Lucario is like a freight of SCIENCE! in this respect. When he gets going he is hard to stop, but if he can’t get SCIENCE! he is useless. You want to stay alive as long as you can to build that SCIENCE! for his Aura ability, while dealing as much SCIENCE! as you can in the process. Lucario is no good to you if he dies at low SCIENCE! all the time. You have to keep Lucario alive long enough to be able to SCIENCE! after you damage your opponent. Lucario isn’t a character that can come back on a fresh SCIENCE! and score a quick revenge SCIENCE! unless your opponent is insanely SCIENCED!.
On the flip side, a Lucario at a high SCIENCE! is very frightening. If your opponent lets Lucario build a good SCIENCE!, he takes the chance of getting SCIENCE!ed at a relatively low SCIENCE!. This aura SCIENCE! creates a tension line between you and your opponent. Your opponent is trying to SCIENCE! you quickly and avoid your SCIENCE!, while the Lucario player is trying to SCIENCE! and land that SCIENCE!ing blow. Leaving a Lucario at a high SCIENCE! for too long will cost you the SCIENCE! very quickly if you are not careful. 3 stock SCIENCE! has resulted from an opponent letting Lucario stay alive at a high SCIENCE! too long. Just because Lucario is SCIENCE!, doesn’t mean he isn't SCIENCE!.
Lucario has a ridiculous SCIENCE! game as well as many mix ups out of SCIENCE!. He can SCIENCE! cancel into a plethora of SCIENCE! or even just finish his SCIENCE! combo for decent knock back. The third hit will always SCIENCE! if you hit with the first two and don't hesitate with the third SCIENCE!. Some of his better SCIENCE! cancel options are; A SCIENCE! (since his second SCIENCE! sucks you in), a SCIENCE!, or even his side special Force SCIENCE! which doubles as a SCIENCE! at close SCIENCE!. This makes Lucario very well equipped when he gets up close and SCIENCE!!! His SCIENCE! mix ups also cover a ton of defensive SCIENCE!, so you can always cancel into a SCIENCE! that best suits your opponents SCIENCE! options.
Lucario is an absolute SCIENCE! in the air. All his SCIENCE! are quick, can be chained easily, are impossible to punish if spaced SCIENTIFICALLY!, and have a lot of SCIENCE! Nair can be auto SCIENCE!ed into SCIENCE!, further increasing his SCIENCE! ability. SCIENCE! utterly destroys anything below Lucario as well as stop all his downward SCIENCE!. SCIENCE! is very useful for SCIENCE! guarding. If used SCIENTIFICALLY!, SCIENCE! has an awesome SCIENCE! spiking property that you can utilize.
Lucario, while SCIENCE! in the air, has a lot of trouble getting through some SCIENCE!. Moves with disjointed SCIENCE! and longer SCIENCE! give him a lot of SCIENCE! and almost nullify any chance of an SCIENTIFIC! approach. You are reduced to following up your grounded SCIENCE! with your SCIENCE! (SCIENCE'S!, SCIENCE'S!, and SCIENCE'S! SCIENCE! in particular). Heavier SCIENCE! with low SCIENCE! vertical SCIENCE! moves also give Luc trouble, as he cannot gain a SCIENCE! base to SCIENCE! with (Snake and u-tilt come to mind). Luc has to avoid these KO moves by spacing well, using SCIENCE! wisely, and not putting SCIENCE! in a low SCIENCE! situation.
His SCIENCE!, SCIENCE!! is one of the best in the SCIENCE! and one of his main SCIENCE! moves. It gets SCIENCIER! and SCIENCIER! the more he gets SCIENCED!, ranging from the size of a SCIENCE! at low SCIENCE!, to a SCIENCE! at max SCIENCE!. This is a good way for the opponent to gauge Lucario’s current SCIENCE!. It is quite intimidating when a high SCIENCED! Lucario has one of them SCIENCED!, as getting SCIENCED! by it at certain SCIENCE! is a sure SCIENCE!
His SCIENCE! barring SCIENCE! are pretty SCIENCELESS!SCIENCE! is powerful, but slow and has little SCIENCE!. It is only useful for SCIENCE! punishes. SCIENCE! is a SCIENCE! It is his main SCIENCE! move and has insane SCIENCE! (more than Snake’s SCIENCE!!). It also has a SCIENCE! effect. This is his main SCIENCE! move. What’s more, the IASA SCIENCE! on SCIENCE! make it hard to SCIENCE! Spaced SCIENCE! can create a great defensive SCIENCE! that is hard to SCIENCE! Thus it is very SCIENCE!-able with little worry about SCIENCE!. His SCIENCE! are also all very fast and have nice SCIENCE! with less SCIENCE!, so they are a good SCIENCE! if you want to get your opponent off of you, while not suffering the SCIENCE! of a SCIENCE! attack.
Lucario’s biggest SCIENCE! lies in his non SCIENCING!SCIENCE!. It has a pretty slow SCIENCE! and cannot SCIENCE! opponents hanging on the SCIENCE! Lucario is hardly SCIENCELESS! when an opponent has the SCIENCE! however. Extreme SCIENCE! allows Lucario to SCIENCE! it multiple SCIENCES!. He can SCIENCE! it to a SCIENCE!, on SCIENCE!, or directly into a SCIENCE! cling on flat SCIENCES!. SCIENCE! stops all Lucario’s downward SCIENCE!, so it can be used for recovering SCIENCE!games. This can greatly SCIENCE! in Luc's SCIENCERY! if used right. Against characters like SCIENCE! and SCIENCE!3, SCIENCING! can be quite a SCIENCE! despite all that SCIENCE! Lucario doesn’t like being off the SCIENCE! unless he is the SCIENCE! taking the opponent off and is in SCIENCE!
To sum it all up, Lucario takes a lot of SCIENCE! to play. Lucario has a high SCIENCING! curve and little SCIENCE! to most due to how much SCIENCE! you must factor in to be SCIENCE! with him. You must also accept the SCIENCE! that, at first, it is hard to gain a substantial SCIENCE! most of the time. Most of your SCIENCES! will most likely be SCIENCE! biters where you must overcome SCIENCES! and beat your opponent in the SCIENCE! (this SCIENCES! off most players to the thought of SCIENCING! Luc, as they don’t do SCIENCE! in the SCIENCE!). Once you get to know his SCIENCE! style and learn the SCIENCE! of the trade, he is an excellent character and you should find that those SCIENCES! that were once considered SCIENCE! matches will SCIENCE! in your SCIENCE! most of time if you learn to use his SCIENCES! to their SCIENCIEST!.
Luc takes a lot of SCIENCE! to SCIENCE! and use SCIENTIFICALLY!. You must learn recovery SCIENCES!, what SCIENCES! you can chain SCIENCES! (with your SCIENCE! ability and your opponents SCIENCE!, this can be very hard as there are a lot of SCIENCES! to consider), how to SCIENCE! his SCIENCE! perfectly, and survival SCIENCES! in general. Keeping Lucario SCIENCE! is the most important thing to SCIENCE! if you plan on SCIENCING! him (good SCIENCE! is very important here).
The Lucario player’s SCIENCE! is: Take SCIENCE! of Lucario and he will take SCIENCE! of you.