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Attn Link Mains: Please Help Me In My Research Project

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Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
Hello everyone! I am currently doing a research project on Brawl for members of the smash lab. They have a couple ideas going around in there and I wanted to test a few of them out for myself. Therefore if you guys would not mind, I would appreciate it if you would help me out.

I would like you, since you know your characters better than I do (probably), to tell me in quick bullet points what the most annoying things for you to play against. I am talking about aspects of match ups that change how the match up plays out. Examples of this would be King Dedede’s standing infinite on Bowser, DK, Mario, Luigi, Samus and himself or grab releases like Marth on Ness/Lucas or Wario’s grab release shenanigans. Basically, anything match up specific where one character has a great advantage over the other character simply because of that move/moves. There’s plenty out there but I want to make sure I have them all! Please list them for me!

Thank you!

(I'm looking for chaingrabs, locks, anything like that character specific).

-King Dedede's Chaingrab
-Falco's chaingrab


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2008
Western Aussie
as far as i know, we have a jab lock.. there is probably a few more

but im currently new to link so jab lock is all i can really put forward


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
You should know how much we hate D3 Vay <3

* A single grab from him ends up with a chain grab to 40+%
* Stage spikes are inevitable because D3 bair and aerial mobility make no sense for a ****ing penguin
* Those random ******** spikey things will fly out conveniently while link is throwing his laggy *** boomerang


* If link is off the stage than he is dead
*R.O.B has a go**** laser beam that completely stops his DI renduring his recovery even more useless
* The neutral air trumps all of links moves
*Glidetossing+the Gyro makes this matchup just dumb

*The tornado is hard to block because of all the lag that link has whatever he is doing
*No matter what link does the shuttle loop will most likely hit him at an awkward angle off stage to where he cant recover or put him in a position to get gimped.
*MK can do 2 dsmashes before link can do a single jab
Jul 30, 2008
falcos chaingrab > dair *shrug* what we know is that we can escape at ~ +40%, besides we are quite good at researching here at the link boards ourselves so you will have a hard time find anything we havent found yet. :D

its nice though you guys tries to research this game throughly.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
Recovery, recovery, recovery. Research that thoroughly, please and thank you. Oh, and the dtilt spike. Research that please too.


Smash Rookie
Aug 29, 2008
Falco, Meta Knight and Kirby. Falco because of chaingrabbing, Meta Knight because his attacks are really quick and he can easily gimp Link, and Kirby because of similar reasons as MK. Their height also gives them some advantage, by avoiding Link's projectile game.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Link annoys me. He's such a technical character so you get to work hard at really cool AT's but Link still sucks *** and almost every matchup is a bad matchup.

On specific note.

Reflectors can be a pain. Especially Falco's because it comes out faster than Links Zair so he can out space you.
Did I mention reflectors reflect projectiles....

CG's are a pain in the ***. DDD's CG you and then your offstage which is terrible there's no way Link can recover.
Falco's CG goes from 0 to 40 to spike. It's not even fair
I'm not mad at IC as they do it to everybody else.
Only way to stop it is have a bomb in hand which is possible yet having one in hand can limit what you can do in the match.

People with better offstage games. Kirby MK ROB. They can kill Link offstage at like 40 to 60% if they do it properly, maybe even sooner.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2007
Central America
DDD, ROB and Falco, between chaingrabs and gimps these are a nightmare. Metaknight is a pain because he's freaking metaknight but he can be spaced somewhat.

Good thing I main Falco too because going against DDD and ROB with Link is... ughh


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
*MK can do 2 dsmashes before link can do a single jab


Falco, Meta Knight and Kirby. Falco because of chaingrabbing, Meta Knight because his attacks are really quick and he can easily gimp Link, and Kirby because of similar reasons as MK. Their height also gives them some advantage, by avoiding Link's projectile game.
Kirby freaking owns Link.

Unless that Link happens to be Legan.

i will not help you
Mar 28, 2008
I can already see the project.

"In my desperation I approached the somewhat volatile Link boards.. A place not much is known of outside it's myths of vicious trolls and mostly damaged population. However, I gathered my courage and made the journey, what I found is unbelievable.

It would appear that the entity known as Link has drifted into utter obscurity having been scorned by the evil god they call "Masahiro Sakurai". Howeve,r a rather dedicatewd cult has sprung up aroudn this mysterious figure. Their aims are as yet unknown, but their determination and methodology cannot be questioned. they call thenselves.. "Zelda fans".. A conversely calm yet passionate people with a short fuse but eloquent demeanor. They are intelligent, albiet.. strange. As though their minds have been damaged by the fall of their god."


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
You guys have by far the most entertaining boards.

Honestly, I am trying to help. Don't be angry.

D3 SUCKS for you guys. Wow that vid was crazy.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
That vid was fail. I didn't even see you try to space. D3 doesn't own Link that bad.....That just blew things out of proportion

You guys have by far the most entertaining boards.
Thanks it's the only thing that keeps this place alive. Link is a bad character and there is nothing else to talk about. We do find ways to get humor out of the situation we are in though.

Once again. Thanks for noticing.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
I would play Link, but after seeing Legan there's no reason for me to even try, seeing as I'll never be that good. It's like trying to pick up Pikachu when Anther exists. No reason. I did play him for a while over the summer and had fun tho.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Things that bother Link mainers?

Uhh, recovery.
If there's something you want to research about Link's recovery, research whether it actually goes up, or it's just an optical illusion.

I've got money on optical illusion.

Things that bother me as a Link mainer:
Spacies that can reflect projectile spam
Poor recovery
Kirby/MK who are too small/fast to space well
Wolf mains, and the abundance of them in Bellevue who do nothing but laser spam
Poor recovery
Anyone with a off-stage game better than Link (most of the roster)
Laggy moveset while MK gets a Dsmash thats strong and comes out in about 2 frames
Poor recovery
How easily Link is gimped
Complexity of the Dtilt spike


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I would play Link, but after seeing Legan there's no reason for me to even try, seeing as I'll never be that good. It's like trying to pick up Pikachu when Anther exists. No reason. I did play him for a while over the summer and had fun tho.
I play Snake and Ally exists.
I play Link when Deva exists.
I play MK when M2K exists.
I play Diddy when Ninjalink exists.
I play Sonic when Mr.3000 exists.
I play Peach when Niko/Drk/that other Peach (Sorry) exists.
I plan Ganon when Koshkinator (?) exists.
I play Ice Climbers when Lain exists.
I play Pikachu though Anther exists.
I play Marth although RoyR exists.
I play Pit even though Sagemoon exists.
I play Lucario even though Azen/Milln exist.
I play PT even though PKMNTrainerIRL exists.
I play Falco even though Sethlon/SK92 exists.
I play ROB even though Overswarm/HugS exists.
I play Samus even though Tudor/Xyro exists.


I don't see the big deal, theres a Pro for nearly every characters. While you may never be that good is never a question IMHO.

Play who you like to play.



Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
I play Snake and Ally exists.
I play Link when Deva exists.
I play MK when M2K exists.
I play Diddy when Ninjalink exists.
I play Sonic when Mr.3000 exists.
I play Peach when Niko/Drk/that other Peach (Sorry) exists.
I plan Ganon when Koshkinator (?) exists.
I play Ice Climbers when Lain exists.
I play Pikachu though Anther exists.
I play Marth although RoyR exists.
I play Pit even though Sagemoon exists.
I play Lucario even though Azen/Milln exist.
I play PT even though PKMNTrainerIRL exists.
I play Falco even though Sethlon/SK92 exists.
I play ROB even though Overswarm/HugS exists.
I play Samus even though Tudor/Xyro exists.


I don't see the big deal, theres a Pro for nearly every characters. While you may never be that good is never a question IMHO.

Play who you like to play.

Lain would be honored that you considered him the best ICs =)

And I think it's a problem with sheer technical skill with Pikachu, Link, Falco and other really technical characters which prevent me from playing them. It's too much work, like playing Taki in Soul Calibur.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Lain would be honored that you considered him the best ICs =)

And I think it's a problem with sheer technical skill with Pikachu, Link, Falco and other really technical characters which prevent me from playing them. It's too much work, like playing Taki in Soul Calibur.
I don't consider him the best, I was simply naming off people I could think of who are known for using x character.

All characters take tech skill and work. Except maybe Meta Knight



Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Link has the tools to beat any char if your skilled and you pick the right stage, If you pick FD against a great D3 your chances are very very slim at winning, idk arkive id rather play falco than D3. Link has no air game what so ever against meta except the dair but that is a very small plus.

Imo most of Links game is not as known like say a falco, meta, or D3 so we kinda have an advantage when we fight people who dont know what Link is capable of.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
I play Snake and Ally exists.
I play Link when Deva exists.
I play MK when M2K exists.
I play Diddy when Ninjalink exists.
I play Sonic when Mr.3000 Shugo exists.
I play Peach when Niko/Drk/that other Peach (Sorry) exists.
I plan Ganon when Koshkinator (?) exists.
I play Ice Climbers when Lain exists.
I play Pikachu though Anther exists.
I play Marth although RoyR exists.
I play Pit even though Sagemoon exists.
I play Lucario even though Azen/Milln exist.
I play PT even though PKMNTrainerIRL exists.
I play Falco even though Sethlon/SK92 exists.
I play ROB even though Overswarm/HugS exists.
I play Samus even though Tudor/Xyro King Chaos exists.


I don't see the big deal, theres a Pro for nearly every characters. While you may never be that good is never a question IMHO.

Play who you like to play.

Fixed for ya'. :]

Hmm... annoying? Umm... The incredibly low %'s the rang gives compared to Melee.
The insanely high amount of skill it takes to be equal to other chars who take barely any skill to play.

But the pluses outweigh the minuses.
Such as the fact that he's freakin' Link.

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
I think people should only play Falcon, Ganon, or Link. All the other characters seem so... boring!!! All tournaments should consist of those characters, and maybe even Samus, Jiggs, and Yoshi. But no more!!!
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