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Attention: This forum still sucks

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Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
I'm sorry Amorasaki, but I can't stand these Ike boards any longer. They are worse then they are before. I realize that you closed my old topic, but this has to be brought to your attention again. Its like a village after an army has passed through it, its a nightmare.

Now that's done and over with, there is one person I would like to comment on.

Comboking : Your honestly a ****ing moron, you made me loose all hope for these boards when you were at like 200 posts, but now 3-4 months later, its 100x worse. You need to stop posting, honestly, or at least make your posts more intelligent. Why do you think you haven't seen any of the well known players around here anymore.

To all the other scrubs : Your just adding fuel to the fire, your all just as bad as Comboking.

Once again Amorasaki, I'm very sorry for making this thread once again, but It just had to be brought to everyone's attention


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2007
Ipswich, UK
well these boards do suck if someone is intrested in looking for a new main. all i see is "ike is a beast"

only few people who i used to keep my eye on this forum was kirk but i thought he switched to snake.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
I play around 5-6 different character most often, and I have not declared a main since I love to play as all of them and it is just plain fun.

It's no fun for me to stick with one main and not play as anyone else, and I'm sure that is the case with many others.

Ike is still my favorite...he was the first for me and I was glad to be one of the first to help in developing his game.

I had intended to try and help out the forums again, looking at the state it was in. But recently I just lost all hope in doing so. I don't know how else to put it.

Don't get me wrong, I still love Ike to death and will continue on with him. I'm just sad at the state at which some people are putting him into :(


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
yah these boards are pretty bad which sucks cause idk where else to get help from. i was checking allisbrawl but those aren't any good either (comboking is starting to post his love for RoK and his ike guide over there too). i wonder why ike attracts all these types of people or maybe why noobs never learn to read before they start the 7th thread of ike is a best on the 1st page

as for comboking idk whats up with him i tried to tell him nicely that he isn't helping but for some reason he just "wants to prove that hes a good ike" but i actually think he just wants to get a sticky so people will look at his threads


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2007
Ipswich, UK
thats fair enough kirk, i think i did the same. i mained ike for a month and then kept switching chars alot. the only tactics i know of about ike is that the videos kirk put up when brawl was released in japan. ive been checking this forum time to time and nothing changes.

well im willing to help these forums if i know what to do about them. which i dont, all i know it needs clearing up.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, Fl.
I have to agree with this topic, there is only two topics discussing Ike from a competitive point of view on the first page. Then there is crap like "Ike, the pizza man." that topic deserves to get deleted far before this one ever does.

I would love to help but I don't think I know enough because of the lack of info. Are you still working on the updated guide Kirk, your post makes it look like you are not. If not I would be willing to try but like I said before I do not feel like I know enough.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Comboking : Your honestly a ****ing moron, you made me loose all hope for these boards when you were at like 200 posts, but now 3-4 months later, its 100x worse. You need to stop posting, honestly, or at least make your posts more intelligent. Why do you think you haven't seen any of the well known players around here anymore.

I don't agree with much of the **** you said, and you're asking to get yourself banned, but that comment...

...hahahaha qft.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Northern Virginia, <3 Ramona Flowers
Yo, I'm new to these forums and all but I've been playing smash bros. since the first. I was just wondering who i should be looking to learn from because i looked at the guide by comboking and it was pretty common sense i thought, and I've already seen Silven's video and some of Kirk's anyone else or anything i could be directed to? Thanks in advance.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
I've lurked around these boards for awhile, and while I don't know enough to blame anyone, I do agree that these boards have something wrong with them. The general consensus is that the Ike boards are filled with flamers. Don't get me wrong, I do have a great deal of respect for some of you, but I have seen too many threads where people post a vid or ask for help and they get the proverbial "GTFO n00b."


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Hang in there, we are doing our best to make these Ike forums work. However, do remember that there are people who try to do the exact opposite. Just ignore them. Also, I don't want to be an * but I do think this thread rather adds to the problem, more than preventing it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
haha I was the one who made the Ike is a beast thread. Alcohol wasn't involved! Much.

I don't know the drama between all of you but the first post has so many grammar errors it hurts. It's hard to take someone complaining seriously like that.

Kirk! When can we get some more casual 2on2s with ya, bro? My Meta Knight and Jail's Snake are getting bored and rusty.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
I'm sorry Amorasaki, but I can stand these Ike boards any longer. They are worse then they are before. I realize that you closed my old topic, but this has to be brought t.......
don't you mean "can't"? and yea the ike section sucks.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
...That's why I left and so did Fishkeeper Timmy and him and that guy too and yeah. You get the point...
Just read the joke topic dedicated to pointless and unrelated things, I think I'll come on here just to read random stupidity and post random things. Although if you get a decent thread going I'll help as much as I can.

Deleted member

I'm sorry Amorasaki, but I can't stand these Ike boards any longer. They are worse then they are before. I realize that you closed my old topic, but this has to be brought to your attention again. Its like a village after an army has passed through it, its a nightmare.

Now that's done and over with, there is one person I would like to comment on.

Comboking : Your honestly a ****ing moron, you made me loose all hope for these boards when you were at like 200 posts, but now 3-4 months later, its 100x worse. You need to stop posting, honestly, or at least make your posts more intelligent. Why do you think you haven't seen any of the well known players around here anymore.

To all the other scrubs : Your just adding fuel to the fire, your all just as bad as Comboking.

Once again Amorasaki, I'm very sorry for making this thread once again, but It just had to be brought to everyone's attention
way to be ****ing sweet.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2007
Yeah i find myself finding useless stuff on these board... Threads like online matches are ok and good video threads are good too..... but i find so much useless stuff here its not even funny theres barely anything to help people with here cept for the Ike Guides
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