Omfg why does everyone assume every theist must be religious, and has conclusions about the supernatural before they make their premises.Dre.... I'd just like to confirm what you're trying to say here.
Are you making the argument that:
1. Our universe has a one in trillion chance of sustaining itself every second.
2. Our universe is sustained every second.
Therefore, God sustains it?
I'd just like to make sure, but was the first this the first conclusion you came to?
It wasn't the following?
1. Our universe has a one in trillion chance of sustaining itself every second.
2. Our universe is sustained every second.
Therefore, one of my premises is false?
I don't think we can make very much ground in this discussion if the first thing we're using to explain things is the supernatural. Instead, using a bit of reasoned logic, let's try to approach this without getting into the fundamental difference in our beliefs. The less we involve the Bible and religion into this argument, the more I feel we can discuss on even ground.
And since this thread is about Atheism and Morality, I think it is a very good thread to keep the subject of our own personal religious beliefs out of.
Let's talk about some of the things we have observed.
1. Morals differ greatly over time.
We no longer believe in slavery, child labor, human sacrifice, racial segregation, sexism, and our beliefs in gender roles differs quite a bit from those in the past.
2. Morals differ greatly even in the same time period, in different cultures.
Gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, etc. There are still many things people don't agree on.
Therefore I would postulate that your first statement, "Without God there is no reason to believe in absolute morality," should be changed to, "there is no reason to believe in absolute morality."
Morals are different depending on where you live, when you live, and what kind of culture you were brought up in. Religion is certainly a factor in morality, but humankind has never exhibited an absolute, objective morality(at least, to my knowledge), because morality has always changed.
Have you read any philosophy of religion?
None of it assumes the supernatural, none of it assumes any theology. The whole point is that theists have reasoned that the universe necessitates an eternal and self-necessary first cause. There are a number of conditions for being self-necessary and eternal, and long story short, physical beings can not meet those conditions, for various reasons.
It has absoluely nothing to do with theology. Atheists here need to stop being uneducated of philosophy of religion and stop assuming all God belief comes from the Bible (and no, philosophy of religion is noth theological, it's the philosophical investigation of God, so there are theistic and atheistic argments from religion).
Seeing people post in topics they're so uninformed makes me want to -1 them in the Jedi Council. However Violence, although you were hugely uninformed, you weren't a jerk, and acted completely respectful, so I won't -1 you, and in fact if I see mroe of your posts I'll probably +1. You just don't understand how many atheists come in here with no knowledge of theism and throw around factually incorrect claims and assumptions, it gets on one's nerves after awhile.
I'm not saying that all atheists are stupid, or all atheists arguments are bad, quite the opposite. Atheism is very logical, the uninformed atheists just make it look stupid, because their arguments are absed off misunderstandings of theism. I respect plenty of atheist DHers and their arguments, I'm even baout to argue for atheism in a devil's advocate hread soon, so this isn't just something personal I have against atheists.