Wait, if we're doing it pot style now, why can't we have all four events?
Time. I am absolutely not opposed to having all 4 tournaments, but I don't think we'll have the time to do that, without rushing the singles or having it at the same time (which will reduce the amount of matches we can have at once due to limited setups and because some people will be in singles and doubles). Singles at least is going to have pool matches and a 2/3 double-elim bracket (and I would like the pools to determine placement and not elim anybody, unless it's to trim off a couple extra people to bring the number to a power of 2). I don't have any confirmation on the number of setups people are bringing. We have a total of 17 tvs (including projectors), but only like 4 people have said they are bringing a setup (which brings the list of people bringing a setup to like 10,
tops, and that's stretching it a bit).
If we have 5, 8-person pools (a single match per round), then there's going to be 28 matches per pool, and if each match goes until the time limit of 8 minutes (you have to plan worst-case scenario in these situations), that's 224 minutes (or roughly 3 hours and 45 minutes). Now, if we are lucky and have enough setups to support two tv's per pool, then the pool matches will take about 2 hours (which includes time from the finish of one match, to walking over and talking along the way, until the start of the next match). This doesn't even include the double-elim tournament. I'll probably cap it at 32, unless we have a lot of setups. So take 32 people. That's 63 matches during the tournament, best 2/3. If each match lasts 3 rounds at 8 minutes (again, worst case) and we end up having 10 setups (which I still find rather high considering that not many people have said they can bring a setup), we can achieve a theoretical minimum time of about 2 and a half hours (but as we get to the end of the tournament, we can't have as many matches going on at once, for example the finals will be the only match going, etc..). This brings the minimum time down to about 4 and a half hours. Starting at noon, this will then go to 4:30. Then comes a break for food and free play, say an hour, and then the brawl tournament will start at 5:30ish. Going to add another 4.5 hours for the brawl tournament, and that brings it to 10:00. At this point, it's almost time to pack things up because we have to be out of there by 11.
Now, I KNOW that melee matches are not going to last 8 minutes each (I highly doubt there will be many matches of any combination of peach vs jigglypuff), which will bring the time down significantly (but in the calculation above, I also assume that there is always 10 matches going on at once, which cannot happen except in the beginning). And I know that not each match of the double-elim tournament will be 3 rounds. But I also don't know the amount of setups that will be here (and I think I shot high with 10), nor how many people will be involved with melee. That all being said, I would love to have a doubles tournament as well. I say we do melee singles and brawl singles, and if we have time after (which we very well might, due to calculating a "worst case" scenario), we do melee doubles and brawl doubles. I'd love to do all 4, but I'm not sure that time will allow us that luxury.