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Astral Projecting: 2000th Post Edition


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Link to original post: [drupal=4665]Astral Projecting: 2000th Post Edition[/drupal]

As my 2000th post, I thought I'd write about something that I've been reading up on lately and that interests me: astral projecting.

I'm sure many if not some of you have heard about lucid dreaming and/or astral projecting. Lucid dreaming allows you to basically control your dreams. You can do whatever you want, be wherever you want, etc. But it, of course, takes some practice.

Astral projecting on the other hand is a little different. Also known as Out-of-Body-Experiences, or OBE's, astral projecting allows you(r mind) to leave your body, and go wherever you like.

Astral projecting, of course, requires constant practice. Many people have been trying for years and still aren't able to do it intentionally. Most cases of astral projection are on accident. But it still can be achieved, again, intentionally. There are many ways to achieve astral projection, but most if not all of them point to relaxation. A key to being able to astral project is being able to lucid dream. Being able to lucid dream also requires practice; keeping a dream journal helps.

But back to astral projecting. Most people astral project while they sleep, since this is the easiest time to achieve the relaxation or state needed to astral project. While you're astral projecting, you can go anywhere, even through time. Of course one might get worried about getting lost, but this can't happen. Your mind/soul is connected to your body by a silver, bright, strong cord. While many people say that this cord is unbreakable, others say it isn't. It is nationally excepted that the cord becomes weaker the farther you are from your body.

The Bible even speaks of this cord. If you are/aren't religious, it doesn't matter. Take it as you will: "Remember him - before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:6 - 7)

Before you go off astral projecting, there are some things you must know. While you astral project, you are constantly vibrating and are on a different plane of existence then when awake. Naturally people will vibrate at a lower frequency while astral projecting. But with much practice, you can control at what frequency you vibrate.

While astral projecting may seem exciting and amazing, there are dangers. Even if you believe in hell or demons or angels or not, many people who astral project say they exist. The theory is that demons or evil spirits vibrate at lower frequencies, while gods and good spirits vibrate at higher frequencies. Now these spirits/demons/etc. are beings just like you and me. You can talk to them. And since these spirits, mainly demons, are very lustful, you can have "sex" with them which doesn't feel like anything here on earth.

There have been numerous cases of demons trying to possess people while astral projecting, even people coming back to their bodies to have evil spirits/demons standing there. If you remember what I've mentioned before, your silver cord gets weaker the farther you are away from your body. This, in theory, makes it easier for demons to possess you.

Now I myself haven't tried it yet, but I'm quite interested in the subject.
If you think what I've posted about is interesting or if you just want to project your thoughts (haha see what I did there?), just post here. Thanks for reading my blog!


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
I'm your first view! :D

Anywaaaaaaaay, lucid dreaming most definitely exist. I have had a very short lucid dream myself... it's really strange XD. The strangest thing is actually discovering you're dreaming... Allow me to explain. I go to school by bike everyday, so I dreamed I was biking to school. However, something was off. It was night, around 10:00 PM and the sky was dark. I would NEVER go to school at a time like this. I had read about lucid dreaming before so I thought it would be a good idea to try controlling my dream, and it worked! Me and my bike started flying like a bird and I landed on a beautiful and green landscape. Sadly I wasn't experienced with lucid dreaming and I feared losing control. Unfortunately, that happened when I tried experimenting too much. I sank through the bottom, in the dark. I don't remember what happened afterwards, I guess I really lost control. I did not wake up immediatly, likely I got to dream again as usual.

Now the weird thing is that I have the strangest dreams, and I never wonder whether something is off or not. I do, however, notice an incredibly small error such as 'it is too dark and too late to go to school'. wtf.

Anyway, back to the topic. Astral projecting sounds cool but ehh... I'm not sure if I can believe this. Going back in space and time? And getting possessed by a demon? O_O Scaaary, so no thanks DX.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I'm your first view! :D

Anywaaaaaaaay, lucid dreaming most definitely exist. I have had a very short lucid dream myself... it's really strange XD. The strangest thing is actually discovering you're dreaming... Allow me to explain. I go to school by bike everyday, so I dreamed I was biking to school. However, something was off. It was night, around 10:00 PM and the sky was dark. I would NEVER go to school at a time like this. I had read about lucid dreaming before so I thought it would be a good idea to try controlling my dream, and it worked! Me and my bike started flying like a bird and I landed on a beautiful and green landscape. Sadly I wasn't experienced with lucid dreaming and I feared losing control. Unfortunately, that happened when I tried experimenting too much. I sank through the bottom, in the dark. I don't remember what happened afterwards, I guess I really lost control. I did not wake up immediatly, likely I got to dream again as usual.

Now the weird thing is that I have the strangest dreams, and I never wonder whether something is off or not. I do, however, notice an incredibly small error such as 'it is too dark and too late to go to school'. wtf.

Anyway, back to the topic. Astral projecting sounds cool but ehh... I'm not sure if I can believe this. Going back in space and time? And getting possessed by a demon? O_O Scaaary, so no thanks DX.
Well it certainly is interesting, haha.

Cash did you steal this from somewhere?
It reminds me of something I have read before.
This text? No, and I would never. I've read about 20 different blogs/transcripts from books and basically compiled the information. If it sounds like something you've read, like EXACTLY something you've read, then that's a very strange coincidence,
May 3, 2009
I just found out about astral projecting yesterday from watching Insidious lol.

Next thing I know you're going to start talking about "the FURTHER" and "TRAVELERS".



Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Oh you mean this isn't a joke?

I'm pretty confused, I thought this was a troll blog.
No... Do I look like AV? (that was a joke) Lol.

Sounds like it takes a lot of practice.

Can't you take drugs for the same effect, minus the practice time?
Probably. My friend who's tried astral projecting told me drugs certainly help. But I guess he is a druggee...

I just found out about astral projecting yesterday from watching Insidious lol.

Next thing I know you're going to start talking about "the FURTHER" and "TRAVELERS".

You're funny. I'd heard of it before the movie. I also think Remote Viewing is a type of of astral projecting.

^ This.

That's how I also thought of it.
Sup, TG.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
You can look for them. I dunno if the authors put them up for downloading or not, but they aren't hard to find.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
I would say 90% of my dreams are lucid (90% of the ones I remember, at least). On multiple occasions I have purposely gone to places in my lucid dreams that I have never been to in the real world (real places, like the top of a building in my town), in order to pick out small details of the location so I can go there when I wake up and see if they were similar to how they were in my dream.

It is never the same. No matter how many times I do it, the place in the real world is never similar at all to how it was in my dreams. It is all in my head. So my question is...what makes astral projection any different? I think people underestimate the brains ability to fabricate information.

It seems like a really easy thing to test.
Put random objects in a room and close the door.
If astral projection is real, then somebody who can do it should be able to tell you, without going in the room, what objects you placed in there.

As with most people who claim to have magical powers, people who claim to astral project will make all these outstanding assertions and come up with all kinds of convincing reasons for you to believe in their abilities. But of course, none of these reasons will EVER be documented instances of them using their abilities to pass simple controlled tests like the one just described. In fact, every time these nut jobs are subjected to controlled tests, they fail embarrassingly.

So let me ask you, why is it that a person can astral project through space and time when they aren't even able to astral project through a 2 inch thick door?

I will tell you why:
Astral projection is bull****.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I would say 90% of my dreams are lucid (90% of the ones I remember, at least). On multiple occasions I have purposely gone to places in my lucid dreams that I have never been to in the real world (real places, like the top of a building in my town), in order to pick out small details of the location so I can go there when I wake up and see if they were similar to how they were in my dream.

It is never the same. No matter how many times I do it, the place in the real world is never similar at all to how it was in my dreams. It is all in my head. So my question is...what makes astral projection any different? I think people underestimate the brains ability to fabricate information.

It seems like a really easy thing to test.
Put random objects in a room and close the door.
If astral projection is real, then somebody who can do it should be able to tell you, without going in the room, what objects you placed in there.

As with most people who claim to have magical powers, people who claim to astral project will make all these outstanding assertions and come up with all kinds of convincing reasons for you to believe in their abilities. But of course, none of these reasons will EVER be documented instances of them using their abilities to pass simple controlled tests like the one just described. In fact, every time these nut jobs are subjected to controlled tests, they fail embarrassingly.

So let me ask you, why is it that a person can astral project through space and time when they aren't even able to astral project through a 2 inch thick door?

I will tell you why:
Astral projection is bull****.
It is said that objects on this Earth on which we normally reside, will be seen in the astral world as well. Lucid dreaming is NOT astral projecting. When you say you've been places in your lucid dreams that you've never been to and they're not the same, it's because you're DREAMING. Astral projecting is letting your mind/spirit leave the body, which allows you to explore the world as it looks like it does now, as well as other galaxies as well as our own - even through time.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
Yeah, and what makes you think what the brain experiences during supposed astral projection is more than vivid daydreaming?


Think about what you're saying dude. You are suggesting that human beings have the ability to psychically retrieve information from places on the earth that they have never been. Do you realize the implications something like that would have on the modern world?

The governments of the world would have entire squadrons of psychic soldiers using their abilities for espionage. They would have groups of psychic agents constantly solving crimes and accurately predicting the future. This is not happening. How do I know?

Because they have already tried.

Also, there are countless organizations out there who have offered ridiculous sums of money to anyone who can pass a simple control test. How come not a single person has been able to claim the money?


It's nothing but nonsense.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
My question is why does it hurt you for him to do this?

If he wants to call his version of deep lucid dreaming astral projecting it in no way affects you, so why not let him?


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Yeah, and what makes you think what the brain experiences during supposed astral projection is more than vivid daydreaming?


Think about what you're saying dude. You are suggesting that human beings have the ability to psychically retrieve information from places on the earth that they have never been. Do you realize the implications something like that would have on the modern world?

The governments of the world would have entire squadrons of psychic soldiers using their abilities for espionage. They would have groups of psychic agents constantly solving crimes and accurately predicting the future. This is not happening. How do I know?

Because they have already tried.

Also, there are countless organizations out there who have offered ridiculous sums of money to anyone who can pass a simple control test. How come not a single person has been able to claim the money?


It's nothing but nonsense.
Believe whatever you want. But don't come and post in my thread just because you would like to argue about it. Furthermore, Remote Viewing is still going on and is being funded by the government. Are you going to let a wikipedia article tell you otherwise?

My question is why does it hurt you for him to do this?

If he wants to call his version of deep lucid dreaming astral projecting it in no way affects you, so why not let him?
Lucid dreaming and astral projecting are not the same.

Are you suggesting that my posts have the power to control his actions?
It's certainly possible.


Feb 6, 2009
I'm not religious or anything, but I found this interesting.


even people coming back to their bodies to have evil spirits/demons standing there.
Not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that people have woken up with spirits standing besides them, or they come back to their bodies with spirits in them?

Not sure if this is possible, but if it is, I don't think it's something we should be messing with. :urg:

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Lucid dreaming and astral projecting are not the same.
I'm aware of the debate, but I haven't seen enough evidence to say either way. OBEs are pretty interesting, and I never felt they were dreams either.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I'm not religious or anything, but I found this interesting.


Not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that people have woken up with spirits standing besides them, or they come back to their bodies with spirits in them?

Not sure if this is possible, but if it is, I don't think it's something we should be messing with. :urg:
I mean after people have left their bodies, and they are done astral projecting, they will come back to their bodies to find demons standing and looking at their bodies.

I'm aware of the debate, but I haven't seen enough evidence to say either way. OBEs are pretty interesting, and I never felt they were dreams either.
OBE's are basically another name for astral projection, though OBE's are usually not intentional while astral projecting is.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Back in middle school, I used to have lucid dreams all the time and I thought it was normal until me and some friends were talking about dreams and I mentioned that if a dream isn't going the way I want, I would usually just fly out of wherever I was into a place I liked. Of course, my friends thought I was crazy and just kept telling me "You can't control your dreams, stop lying." Honestly though, lucid dreaming wasn't as great as most people seem to think it is. You get a lot of freedom in those dreams, but it's not absolute freedom. Some things don't act the way they should and there are some things you simply can't change or undo. I used to wake up frustrated sometimes because things would happen in a dream that were just completely wrong (such as falling through a wall or floor) and even though I could rewind that part of the dream, nothing I did could change it. The other problem with having every dream be a lucid dream is that it means it is rare to get to just relax and watch a dream unfold normally. I actually had to work hard to get to the point where I dreamed normally because I wanted to know what it was like to sit back and watch a dream unfold, because I had several friends that would talk about cool ideas they had gotten from dreams. I'm actually glad that I dream normally now because I do have some interesting dreams, and I usually write down dreams if they're interesting enough.

As far as astral projection goes, back in elementary school, one of my friends searched online and researched astral projection and several of us tried it for about a week, but to no avail. The reason I have never tried it again since then is because I read about the dangers, and that it isn't as exciting as it sounds. And since I've seen so many people talk about how much they wish they could lucid dream, when I knew from personal experience that it was something that just sounds better than it actually is, I figured that astral projection would probably be the same way. I also know that if I could astral project, there is nothing I can think of that I would do after achieving astral projection. The idea sounds interesting, but I don't want to spend a lot of time being excited for something that I know won't be as good as my expectations would hope.



Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Back in middle school, I used to have lucid dreams all the time and I thought it was normal until me and some friends were talking about dreams and I mentioned that if a dream isn't going the way I want, I would usually just fly out of wherever I was into a place I liked. Of course, my friends thought I was crazy and just kept telling me "You can't control your dreams, stop lying." Honestly though, lucid dreaming wasn't as great as most people seem to think it is. You get a lot of freedom in those dreams, but it's not absolute freedom. Some things don't act the way they should and there are some things you simply can't change or undo. I used to wake up frustrated sometimes because things would happen in a dream that were just completely wrong (such as falling through a wall or floor) and even though I could rewind that part of the dream, nothing I did could change it. The other problem with having every dream be a lucid dream is that it means it is rare to get to just relax and watch a dream unfold normally. I actually had to work hard to get to the point where I dreamed normally because I wanted to know what it was like to sit back and watch a dream unfold, because I had several friends that would talk about cool ideas they had gotten from dreams. I'm actually glad that I dream normally now because I do have some interesting dreams, and I usually write down dreams if they're interesting enough.

As far as astral projection goes, back in elementary school, one of my friends searched online and researched astral projection and several of us tried it for about a week, but to no avail. The reason I have never tried it again since then is because I read about the dangers, and that it isn't as exciting as it sounds. And since I've seen so many people talk about how much they wish they could lucid dream, when I knew from personal experience that it was something that just sounds better than it actually is, I figured that astral projection would probably be the same way. I also know that if I could astral project, there is nothing I can think of that I would do after achieving astral projection. The idea sounds interesting, but I don't want to spend a lot of time being excited for something that I know won't be as good as my expectations would hope.

It definitely is interesting to me. But I would never try it. I'm aware of the danger. And for me, the risk is too great and the reward too little.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Believe whatever you want. But don't come and post in my thread just because you would like to argue about it. Furthermore, Remote Viewing is still going on and is being funded by the government. Are you going to let a wikipedia article tell you otherwise?
How dare an exchange of opinions take place on a forum,of all places...!


Feb 6, 2009
Because the debate hall is the only place on the internet where debates take place?


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I just hate seeing my blogs turn into rage/flame wars. :l And when somebody comes into my blog and tells me that it's all nonsense, it sure isn't nice.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Well, just take the rudeness and turn it inside out.

What I mean is, question him why and start the discussing and explanations.
Very well made arguements brings more knowledge so we can all learn whats right and wrong.
Thus, concluding the situation without stupidty. (trolling, etc.)

@below: Explain Alien's intelligence before his change of idiocy then, zook.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Hey, Alien was the smartest person who ever existed ever.

I understand where frotaz's frustration comes from, though. Is there any actualy reason you believe in astral projection, or do you just want to believe in it? If you just want to believe in it because it's cool or whatever, that's rather silly, don't you think?

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
Because the debate hall is the only place on the internet where debates take place?
That and youtube.

I don't know anything about astral projecting, but my friend's ex-roommate used to be into it. When he moved in, he said that he wouldn't want to try it at the apartment because of a presence there that he was afraid would take over his body. He didn't know it at the time, but other people who lived there had seen visions of a little girl in one of the rooms. He went on vacation for a while, and another roommate moved out (the one who had first seen the ghost). When he came back, he said that the presence was gone. My friend jumped up and shouted, "Oh **** it must have followed _____ when she moved out!"

Other people I know have said that they shared dreams with friends or siblings.

But me personally, I barely remember my dreams. So, can't say much about that stuff.

Edit: I have heard the rumors about the U.S. government researching psychic phenomena for intelligence purposes.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Hey, Alien was the smartest person who ever existed ever.

I understand where frotaz's frustration comes from, though. Is there any actualy reason you believe in astral projection, or do you just want to believe in it? If you just want to believe in it because it's cool or whatever, that's rather silly, don't you think?
Well I was introduced to Remote Viewing and have researched it as well as astral projection and lucid dreaming since then. Having a father that did Remote View, I quickly began to believe in it after results and results just came piling in. If you would like to know more, just PM me.

That and youtube.

I don't know anything about astral projecting, but my friend's ex-roommate used to be into it. When he moved in, he said that he wouldn't want to try it at the apartment because of a presence there that he was afraid would take over his body. He didn't know it at the time, but other people who lived there had seen visions of a little girl in one of the rooms. He went on vacation for a while, and another roommate moved out (the one who had first seen the ghost). When he came back, he said that the presence was gone. My friend jumped up and shouted, "Oh **** it must have followed _____ when she moved out!"

Other people I know have said that they shared dreams with friends or siblings.

But me personally, I barely remember my dreams. So, can't say much about that stuff.

Edit: I have heard the rumors about the U.S. government researching psychic phenomena for intelligence purposes.
As for the apparent ghost that you're friend was talking about, it would make complete sense for him not to astral project there. For one, I would never do it. For me, the risks far outweigh the rewards.

The Shared Dreaming could be them meeting on an astral plane of existence. And as for you not remembering dreams: I couldn't remember my dreams for the longest time either, and this is because dreams were not for me and are not an important part of your life.

Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
Astral Projection seems really cool, but it also seems kind of dangerous at the same time. I've heard several scary stories regarding demons and such. It does not seem like it is worth the risk to me.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I've done one form of Lucid Dreaming which has been called a lot of things, but I think the Tibetan Buddhist just refer to it as extreme consciousness where I lose my body, and just became pure consciousness. It was fleeting and I wish I knew what it was before I experienced, but it was neat.

Currently, I am looking to expand my consciousness via lucid living. Here is an article that I am using to get started:


Jan 10, 2007
Wow, I'm surprised the OP writer didn't get bashed and insulted for writing on this kind of subject on smashboards. Anyway, I've practiced bit of astral projection and I've actually gotten pretty close a couple of times, there are several techniques that you can you to separate your astral body (or whatever you want to call it) from your physical body. What happens when you implement these techniques is that you start to feel vibrations (like warm ones) all over your body and your body starts going numb, this is accompanied often with weird sounds.

There are several methods of trying to astral project:

1. From awake

-This is the hardest method, it's easy to relax your body but it's not so easy to relax your mind without falling asleep

2. From a lucid dream

-If you see a lot of lucid dreams this is a fairly easy way to try to astral project, what you need to do is choose a technique and start implementing it in a dream, I've tried mainly these two techniques:

A. Levitation

What I do in a dream is that I go lying on my back on the floor (or whatever) and then start to levitate, you start to feel the vibrations very soon after you start doing this. The issue is that it's hard to wake up from the dream so what has happened to me is that I raise up in a dream higher and higher but I don't wake up. I once had a dream where I tried this method up to 10 times, as I rose higher I realized that I wasn't actually astral projecting, then I woke up in a dream and repeated the process, this happened like ten times to a point where I was actually frustrated in my dream.

B. Rolling over to a side

Try this method in your dream and you will probably get tricked by your consciousness lol. EVERY TIME I've tried this method I the dream changes so that I see myself falling off the bed thinking I am awake even when I am really not, this is when I stop trying this method. Normally your body is paralyzed when you sleep so there shouldn't be any danger of this.

I've had several dreams where I actually am in my room floating in the air but they have been just dreams.

3. Via sleep paralysis

If you don't know what sleep paralysis is google it.
In a sleep paralysis you are in a perfect state to project because your body is paralyzed & relaxed but you are consciously awake. The tricky thing is that sleep paralysis doesn't usually last very long so you have to use the techniques. Also if you have hallucinations & fear attacks they hinder the process, I once felt like I rose above my body but I heard a devilish voice and got so scared I had to stop the process.
The good thing is that if you get sleep paralysis often (that is when you mess up your sleeping pattern) you learn how to control the fear attacks and the state starts actually feel pretty pleasant.

4. Waking up (best method)
I haven't actually tried this method seriously but it's said to be the most effective, it takes some practice tho. When you wake up you must not open your eyes nor move, then you can implement separation techniques straight away because your body is completely relaxed till you move it.

There are several good pdfs on the internet on the subject, the best one is called "School of astral projection" by Michael Raduga, you can download it here:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26534647/1 - School of Astral Projection by Michael Raduga.pdf

One last thing I have to say about this subject is that when you actually astral project you KNOW it.
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