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Astral Projecting: 2000th Post Edition


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Well I was introduced to Remote Viewing and have researched it as well as astral projection and lucid dreaming since then. Having a father that did Remote View, I quickly began to believe in it after results and results just came piling in. If you would like to know more, just PM me.
Results for what?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
So for a dreaming contest we had to dream about a transmitted image. Here is my entry that was dated this morning at 5:30:

"My dad was watching a war movie, and I am much younger than I am now. I am wanting to watch TV, but he wakes up whenever I changed the channel and says "I was watching that." My mom is watching a cartoon with some dwarves. When I walked in, there was a male character dancing in a green suit who looked a bit like Peter Pan. He had two women with him, one with dark black hair and one with blonde hair. I asked my mom how Disney hasn't sued them."

Here is the image: http://bobbieanndesigns.com/PDC2011DTCtarget-opt.jpg


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Astral Projection seems really cool, but it also seems kind of dangerous at the same time. I've heard several scary stories regarding demons and such. It does not seem like it is worth the risk to me.
For me it's not. For others it's completely worthwhile.

I've done one form of Lucid Dreaming which has been called a lot of things, but I think the Tibetan Buddhist just refer to it as extreme consciousness where I lose my body, and just became pure consciousness. It was fleeting and I wish I knew what it was before I experienced, but it was neat.

Currently, I am looking to expand my consciousness via lucid living. Here is an article that I am using to get started:
Seems interesting. I'll have to check that out.

Wow, I'm surprised the OP writer didn't get bashed and insulted for writing on this kind of subject on smashboards. Anyway, I've practiced bit of astral projection and I've actually gotten pretty close a couple of times, there are several techniques that you can you to separate your astral body (or whatever you want to call it) from your physical body. What happens when you implement these techniques is that you start to feel vibrations (like warm ones) all over your body and your body starts going numb, this is accompanied often with weird sounds.

There are several methods of trying to astral project:

1. From awake

-This is the hardest method, it's easy to relax your body but it's not so easy to relax your mind without falling asleep

2. From a lucid dream

-If you see a lot of lucid dreams this is a fairly easy way to try to astral project, what you need to do is choose a technique and start implementing it in a dream, I've tried mainly these two techniques:

A. Levitation

What I do in a dream is that I go lying on my back on the floor (or whatever) and then start to levitate, you start to feel the vibrations very soon after you start doing this. The issue is that it's hard to wake up from the dream so what has happened to me is that I raise up in a dream higher and higher but I don't wake up. I once had a dream where I tried this method up to 10 times, as I rose higher I realized that I wasn't actually astral projecting, then I woke up in a dream and repeated the process, this happened like ten times to a point where I was actually frustrated in my dream.

B. Rolling over to a side

Try this method in your dream and you will probably get tricked by your consciousness lol. EVERY TIME I've tried this method I the dream changes so that I see myself falling off the bed thinking I am awake even when I am really not, this is when I stop trying this method. Normally your body is paralyzed when you sleep so there shouldn't be any danger of this.

I've had several dreams where I actually am in my room floating in the air but they have been just dreams.

3. Via sleep paralysis

If you don't know what sleep paralysis is google it.
In a sleep paralysis you are in a perfect state to project because your body is paralyzed & relaxed but you are consciously awake. The tricky thing is that sleep paralysis doesn't usually last very long so you have to use the techniques. Also if you have hallucinations & fear attacks they hinder the process, I once felt like I rose above my body but I heard a devilish voice and got so scared I had to stop the process.
The good thing is that if you get sleep paralysis often (that is when you mess up your sleeping pattern) you learn how to control the fear attacks and the state starts actually feel pretty pleasant.

4. Waking up (best method)
I haven't actually tried this method seriously but it's said to be the most effective, it takes some practice tho. When you wake up you must not open your eyes nor move, then you can implement separation techniques straight away because your body is completely relaxed till you move it.

There are several good pdfs on the internet on the subject, the best one is called "School of astral projection" by Michael Raduga, you can download it here:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26534647/1 - School of Astral Projection by Michael Raduga.pdf

One last thing I have to say about this subject is that when you actually astral project you KNOW it.
So exactly how close have you gotten?

Results for what?
Experiments for remote viewing.

So for a dreaming contest we had to dream about a transmitted image. Here is my entry that was dated this morning at 5:30:

"My dad was watching a war movie, and I am much younger than I am now. I am wanting to watch TV, but he wakes up whenever I changed the channel and says "I was watching that." My mom is watching a cartoon with some dwarves. When I walked in, there was a male character dancing in a green suit who looked a bit like Peter Pan. He had two women with him, one with dark black hair and one with blonde hair. I asked my mom how Disney hasn't sued them."

Here is the image: http://bobbieanndesigns.com/PDC2011DTCtarget-opt.jpg
Interesting. Job well done!

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
When I first looked at this thread the 1st thing I thought about was the movie Insidious lol.

Anyways, Idk what I did, but one time like a year ago It was as if my body was locked in place and I would look outside my body, but it felt like I was asleep at the same time. Everytime I closed my eyes tighter and concentrated it was like a form of me moved forward, and as I moved It felt like some voices were getting louder and in my face.. When I moved my head up I would get out of the paralasyis state, but it was easy for me to go back in as long as I didn't like fully wake up. Twas weird :/



Jan 10, 2007

I've gotten to a point where separation usually occurs, atleast according to the books I've read. Your whole body is vibrating and is numb, you start to hear weird noises and that is where you usually separate.

I have never had sleep paralysis when trying to project, only other way around, normally sleep paralysis occurs when your sleeping pattern is ****ed up


Also astral projection shouldn't be confused with sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis is usually VERY scary, you have severe fear/panic attacks and strong hallucinations, I've had a mild anxiety attack due to smoking pot once and it was NOTHING compared to my first few times of sleep paralysis. All my scary sp hallucinations were related to satan/demons some way.

"In addition, the paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[9] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.[8] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful or dream-like objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision."

Several people have described their first sp as the most terrifying thing they have experienced.

The good thing is that if you have sp regularly you can learn how to control them and when you do so they actually start to feel pretty pleasant, sometimes even euphoric. All my latest sp have been somewhat pleasant.

Also I've read that there are "demons" only on the lower astral planes where you will end up to if you use drugs like LSD (they cause separation), normally when you astral project you should end on higher planes where there are no these entities of lower energies.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN

I've gotten to a point where separation usually occurs, atleast according to the books I've read. Your whole body is vibrating and is numb, you start to hear weird noises and that is where you usually separate.

I have never had sleep paralysis when trying to project, only other way around, normally sleep paralysis occurs when your sleeping pattern is ****ed up


Also astral projection shouldn't be confused with sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis is usually VERY scary, you have severe fear/panic attacks and strong hallucinations, I've had a mild anxiety attack due to smoking pot once and it was NOTHING compared to my first few times of sleep paralysis. All my scary sp hallucinations were related to satan/demons some way.

"In addition, the paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[9] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.[8] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful or dream-like objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision."

Several people have described their first sp as the most terrifying thing they have experienced.

The good thing is that if you have sp regularly you can learn how to control them and when you do so they actually start to feel pretty pleasant, sometimes even euphoric. All my latest sp have been somewhat pleasant.

Also I've read that there are "demons" only on the lower astral planes where you will end up to if you use drugs like LSD (they cause separation), normally when you astral project you should end on higher planes where there are no these entities of lower energies.
With enough practice you can control at what frequency you vibrate - this I know. But I though for sure that when you start astral projecting, you usually begin at the mid-lower levels.

Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
Is there anyone here who is experienced enough to be able to travel to other people's houses? Like if I told you where I lived you could actually go to my house and see me.
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