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Assist Trophy Competition


Deleted member

I’ve seen some stage making competitions and such, so I though, “What about an assist trophy competition?” and here we are. So, for assist trophies, I’ll be looking for these qualities.

Basically, “will it not break the game?” Some assist trophies are powerful, and that’s fine, but things like an assist trophy killing every fighter on the stage is not allowed.

This should be simple enough. (It can be a third party, however.)

Your assistmtrophy should be true to the source material.

Basically, how popular is your assist trophy. This doesn’t mean semi unpopular ones (Punch Out, Sukapon, etc.) are immediately out, it’s just something to keep in mind.

I’ll be accepting characters on March 15th. Have fun!

Deleted member

Beat from Jet Set Radio.

Functionality: Beat can skate around.

Beat the clock: Beat's smallest spray, this one is fast, and straight to the point. Unlike the others, you can't stop Beat from doing this since it happens in 2 seconds. Does 30 damage and launches everyone with 0% damage. Smallest launch distance with the launchback with 0 damage being as far as one :ultlucas: rope snake. Hitbox is like the size of 4 Kirby's. 2 on top of each other, and 2 stacked up to the side of them.
kinda like this

Beat this: Beat's medium sized spray, does 20% and launches people by the distance of 2 :ultlucas:'s Rope Snakes. Takes beat 5 seconds to do this, 3 hits needed to stop him. Hit box is kinda like this...
:ultkirby::ultkirby::ultkirby:(was it a bad idea to represent hitboxes by kirbs? EHHHH who cares, can't think of anything else)

Beat the Clock: Beat's largest and most devastating spray. It is the rarest because of it's power and size. It takes 6 hits to stop Beat from activating this, so try to before he can unleash it. takes him 15 seconds. Does 50 damage. Launches people with 0 damage the distance of 4 :ultlucas:'s Rope Snakes... Hitbox is like this size.
:ultkirby::ultkirby::ultkirby::ultkirby::ultkirby: (I think that's fair because you have 15 seconds to stop it, or run from it.)

Source Material:Beat is known for his graffiti and tagging. So his assist is about tagging.

Popularity: While being not the biggest, Beat and JSR have a loving, passionate fanbase. And a lot of general SEGA fans also want a new JSR game. I'd say it's a somewhat popular series neglected from the developers.

I never am confident in myself. So I still don't think I will win this. but doesn't matter, everyone else competiting, GL.
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Orlando BCN

Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2018
Switch FC
Dunno if we can submit more than two suggestions, but here they are anyway.

Mr. X (Resident Evil 2) is probably my top pick for an assist trophy. I’d imagine him being one of the few assists that cannot be killed, but he has slow and predictable movements to compensate. When he approaches a character, he’ll either lunge forward and do a hard-hitting punch, or attempt to throw them if they’re close enough. With mashing, there’s a small chance you might break loose from his grip before he chucks you off your Switch; fortunately, he doesn’t throw until after ten seconds have passed. He flinches only to very powerful moves.

Then there’s Tetris. Tetraminos fall from the sky in the middle of the screen and are placed by the computer. Enemies unfortunate enough to be crushed by the Tetraminos will be launched, but if they’re higher than 100%, it will act like a danger zone and result in an instant kill. If a line is cleared, a long burst of flame will come from that line, spanning the entire screen. More line clears, more explosions. After a few moments it will speed up, so make sure you dodge dodge.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Karate Joe (Rhythm Heaven)

Karate Joe appears and a bunch of objects start will flying by at him, one at a time, which he will then proceed to punch. Anyone caught in the crossfire of his punches will also take damage. The items vary and are as follows:

  • Flower Pot - The most common item and does so-so damage.
  • Rock - does a lot more damage than the flower pots, but it's fairly rare.
  • Barrage of 3 - "Hit 3!" will be heard, and 3 items will fly by in rapid succession. 2 Flower pots, and a rock.
  • Soccer Ball - After it's punched, it'll proceed to bounce around the stage.
  • Pot and Lid - When punched, the pot and lid go two separate directions.
  • Yellow Lightbulb - When punched, it means a barrel will come flying by. Karate Joe will then punch open said barrel, which will reveal a bomb. He then kicks the bomb, which cause an explosion. The kick can also break shields
  • Blue Lightbulb - When punched, it means a whole bunch of items will flying by at once. Karate Joe will then proceed to uppercut the items. The uppercut does insane damage and knockback, if opponents are caught in it.
He'll last for about 25 seconds, and then will disappear

Karate Man / Karate Man Returns (Rhythm Tengoku and Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Karate Man Kicks (Rhythm Heaven DS and Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Karate Man Combos (Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
I have sooooo many ideas!
Can I enter multiple?

Anyway, to start somewhere, Here's Emperor Walhart from Fire Emblem Awakening!


The Conquerer, as he calls himself, is about as tall as Ganondorf and with his armor, he's about twice as broad. His horse is one and a half times the size of Gogoat. Walhart cannot be attacked.

His attacks are performed with his signature axe, the Wolf Berg, used in the games both as a melee weapon and as a throwing axe.

His first attack is a swipe with the axe. Walharts horse lunges at the closest opponent with an airspeed of 1,15. (Slightly Faster than :ultbowserjr:). He swipes with his axe once he's close enough to the opponent. The handle of the axe is as long as ganons sword and the head of the axe, the only part with a hitbox, is about twice the size of Walharts head. The Swipe starts in front of his face and goes in a Downwards arc ending right below the horse. Opponents hit by the axe are dealt 12 % and are sent at a 45 degree angle with 60 base knockback (Ganon F-Smash).

Walhart then lands on the nearest surface and takes 35 frames laughing at you before throwing his axe at the nearest opponent. The axe travels in a straight Line, at the speed of a Wolf Lazer. The axe spins around the heavy handle being in the center at 3 rps, meaning the head, the damaging part, shifts its hitbox during the entire move. The axe travels through opponents and once it leaves the screen, Walhart leaves as well.
Opponents hit by the flying axe are dealt 36 % but barely any knockback, meaning the second part of the move is for racking damage while the first is for killing.
You might think these moves are too slow to be effective, but the lunge is very strong IF it lands, and comboing people into or even with the flying axe can be a devastating gamechanger.

Deleted member

I have sooooo many ideas!
Can I enter multiple?

Anyway, to start somewhere, Here's Emperor Walhart from Fire Emblem Awakening!

View attachment 198160

The Conquerer, as he calls himself, is about as tall as Ganondorf and with his armor, he's about twice as broad. His horse is one and a half times the size of Gogoat. Walhart cannot be attacked.

His attacks are performed with his signature axe, the Wolf Berg, used in the games both as a melee weapon and as a throwing axe.

His first attack is a swipe with the axe. Walharts horse lunges at the closest opponent with an airspeed of 1,15. (Slightly Faster than :ultbowserjr:). He swipes with his axe once he's close enough to the opponent. The handle of the axe is as long as ganons sword and the head of the axe, the only part with a hitbox, is about twice the size of Walharts head. The Swipe starts in front of his face and goes in a Downwards arc ending right below the horse. Opponents hit by the axe are dealt 12 % and are sent at a 45 degree angle with 60 base knockback (Ganon F-Smash).

Walhart then lands on the nearest surface and takes 35 frames laughing at you before throwing his axe at the nearest opponent. The axe travels in a straight Line, at the speed of a Wolf Lazer. The axe spins around the heavy handle being in the center at 3 rps, meaning the head, the damaging part, shifts its hitbox during the entire move. The axe travels through opponents and once it leaves the screen, Walhart leaves as well.
Opponents hit by the flying axe are dealt 36 % but barely any knockback, meaning the second part of the move is for racking damage while the first is for killing.
You might think these moves are too slow to be effective, but the lunge is very strong IF it lands, and comboing people into or even with the flying axe can be a devastating gamechanger.
I have sooooo many ideas!
Can I enter multiple?

Anyway, to start somewhere, Here's Emperor Walhart from Fire Emblem Awakening!

View attachment 198160

The Conquerer, as he calls himself, is about as tall as Ganondorf and with his armor, he's about twice as broad. His horse is one and a half times the size of Gogoat. Walhart cannot be attacked.

His attacks are performed with his signature axe, the Wolf Berg, used in the games both as a melee weapon and as a throwing axe.

His first attack is a swipe with the axe. Walharts horse lunges at the closest opponent with an airspeed of 1,15. (Slightly Faster than :ultbowserjr:). He swipes with his axe once he's close enough to the opponent. The handle of the axe is as long as ganons sword and the head of the axe, the only part with a hitbox, is about twice the size of Walharts head. The Swipe starts in front of his face and goes in a Downwards arc ending right below the horse. Opponents hit by the axe are dealt 12 % and are sent at a 45 degree angle with 60 base knockback (Ganon F-Smash).

Walhart then lands on the nearest surface and takes 35 frames laughing at you before throwing his axe at the nearest opponent. The axe travels in a straight Line, at the speed of a Wolf Lazer. The axe spins around the heavy handle being in the center at 3 rps, meaning the head, the damaging part, shifts its hitbox during the entire move. The axe travels through opponents and once it leaves the screen, Walhart leaves as well.
Opponents hit by the flying axe are dealt 36 % but barely any knockback, meaning the second part of the move is for racking damage while the first is for killing.
You might think these moves are too slow to be effective, but the lunge is very strong IF it lands, and comboing people into or even with the flying axe can be a devastating gamechanger.
Yes, you can enter multiple. :)


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Nights from NiGHTS into Dreams... on the Sega Saturn and NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on the Nintendo Wii.

Nights, upon being summoned, will fly gleefully through the air in a seemingly freeform direction, not going overly fast so as the player can recognize where she's going and avoid her. Like in the game with her namesake, she's noncombative in a conventional sense and instead attempts to complete full loops as she flies to ensnare enemies in a suction blast that does damage and throws them upward.

Nights can perform one of three actions after appearing on the field.
  • Paraloop
    • Nights will attempt to form loops around the various players onstage, and like in her game, completing a loop will create a rainbow burst effect that will ensnare its target and then blow up, dealing damage and knockback to whomever's caught inside (think Zelda's final smash but with a far smaller AoE and far less damage/knockback). The burst has a lingering hitbox as well that can damage players who are not caught in the loop but nonetheless run into the burst.
  • Pirouette
    • Nights will occasionally stop flying in her given direction somewhere on or off the stage, doing a quick 540° spin while balancing on one foot to change her direction before flying forward again. This does not do damage and is merely meant to give the player a chance to touch the ground after avoiding her previous attempts to damage or a chance to damage her.
  • Air Dash
    • This is to chase after players when there are none in her general vicinity, and only occurs after two seconds of not having any target in range to attempt a paraloop. She covers ground quickly-- think like the speed of Sonic's homing attack-- to come near the nearest target. If she hits them, upon impact she will pass through the player, dealing damage and knockback, then pause for a moment before attempting a paraloop again.

Then when her time is up, she stops moving in her place and, before warping back out of existence as all ATs do, she turns to the screen and takes a gracious bow.

BONUS: Taking advantage of the Switch's internal clock, should she be played on Christmas Day, she will instead don her "Christmas NiGHTS" look, just as she did in the Sega Saturn game.



Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
ladies and gentlemen coming right up on the red corner, all the way from bravely default, it's ya boy alternis dim, holder of the dark knight asterisk, member of the council of six, walking spoiler, and general all-around goofball and edgelord - as an AT, in addition to regular melee attacks he also focuses on damaging himself to unleash devastating magical abilities that grow in power at higher percentages.


Dark Bane: alternis damages himself for roughly 10%, then launches a dark projectile similar to cloud's blade beam
Black Bane: alternis damages himself for roughly 20%, then floats up in to the air for a second to deal a devastating aoe blast in a sphere around him
Minus Strike: alternis pulls back for a brief moment then surges forward, dealing damage proportional to his current percentage (similar to lucario)
See You in Hell: upon being ko'd, alternis unleashes one last blast that damages all enemies in his immediate melee range before being knocked off stage

because this is a sakurai game, he has a 1% chance upon spawning to appear without his helmet on and ruin the first 40 hours of bravely default


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
GENO (Yeah, I went there.)

Hailing from the popular Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Geno is a popular character who once again didn't get his chance to join the fight. But maybe he could shine as an assist trophy, as opposed to a full on fighter?

When summoned Geno will run back and forth across the stage to hit fighters with melee attacks. jumping to dodge opponents, and occasionally staying put to fire long-range energy blasts.



Geno Beam
Geno runs while firing small beams from his arm cannon. This is his standard attack.


Geno Flash
Geno transforms into a cannon and fires a star (with a cute lil' face!) that blasts fighters.

GenoWhirl2 (1).png

Geno Whirl
Geno stands at one end of the stage and swiftly flings many whirling blades of energy at opponents. Little knockback, but it racks up damage fast.

When he's done, he'll strike his iconic pose and turn back into a star. Floating up into the heavens above.
geno nod.gif
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
How about Bub & Bob from Bubble Bobble.

They would come out and shoot bubbles to trap players in them. And if you get touched by them while in a bubble it sends you far out depending on your percentage.
It could also be fun to hit people in bubbles, maybe bouncing them around, so you could try to hit them into bub or bob.

That's it :)
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Orlando BCN

Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2018
Switch FC
Nights from NiGHTS into Dreams... on the Sega Saturn and NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on the Nintendo Wii.

Nights, upon being summoned, will fly gleefully through the air in a seemingly freeform direction, not going overly fast so as the player can recognize where she's going and avoid her. Like in the game with her namesake, she's noncombative in a conventional sense and instead attempts to complete full loops as she flies to ensnare enemies in a suction blast that does damage and throws them upward.

Nights can perform one of three actions after appearing on the field.
  • Paraloop
    • Nights will attempt to form loops around the various players onstage, and like in her game, completing a loop will create a rainbow burst effect that will ensnare its target and then blow up, dealing damage and knockback to whomever's caught inside (think Zelda's final smash but with a far smaller AoE and far less damage/knockback). The burst has a lingering hitbox as well that can damage players who are not caught in the loop but nonetheless run into the burst.
  • Pirouette
    • Nights will occasionally stop flying in her given direction somewhere on or off the stage, doing a quick 540° spin while balancing on one foot to change her direction before flying forward again. This does not do damage and is merely meant to give the player a chance to touch the ground after avoiding her previous attempts to damage or a chance to damage her.
  • Air Dash
    • This is to chase after players when there are none in her general vicinity, and only occurs after two seconds of not having any target in range to attempt a paraloop. She covers ground quickly-- think like the speed of Sonic's homing attack-- to come near the nearest target. If she hits them, upon impact she will pass through the player, dealing damage and knockback, then pause for a moment before attempting a paraloop again.

Then when her time is up, she stops moving in her place and, before warping back out of existence as all ATs do, she turns to the screen and takes a gracious bow.

BONUS: Taking advantage of the Switch's internal clock, should she be played on Christmas Day, she will instead don her "Christmas NiGHTS" look, just as she did in the Sega Saturn game.

I actually wanted NiGHTS to be a playable character... ;-;

Deleted member

Wow I’m doing Sigma who could have guessed

Functionality: Sigma is of course based off of his X1 design with the green armour and primarily uses his beam sword alongside some energy attacks.

Let’s call this one, uh, Maverick Dash. Sigma’s dash animation is him floating just above the ground as seen in X1. His basic attack is swinging his beam saver with a green energy effect. He can do this both standing and dashing.
When dashing, Sigma has a purple after-image as shown in X5

Of course, he doesn’t just use his sword.

Occasionally, he’ll summon energy balls that very vaguely home but they’re easy enough to dodge. Based on Neo Sigma’s attack in X2.

Finally, he’ll fire energy waves based off of an attack seen in both X6 and X5. Similar to Zero’s Hadangeki but slower and more powerful.
As a bonus, when Sigma teleports back onto stage after falling, he has a digital effect based on his teleport in X5

Sigma’s essentially a tank, slow but very powerful. If you have enough special awarenessm you can get by him.

Source Material:
The thing about Sigma is that in his 8 main appearances, he has different look with different abilities and complete different weapons each time. He’s a difficult character to represent, however for this AT I chose to represent his most iconic moves and appearance, taking his X1 look and adding in moves from later games. Essentially, this is what I imagine Sigma as whenever I see him mentioned. I also wanted to replicate his threatening presence with his strong attacks.

Sigma’s well-known if nothing else. He’s the final boss for 7 Mega Man X games, the penultimate boss in the 8th and has made numerous appearences in other games. Nothing much else to say, thanks

Also, the source for the sprite I posted at the beginning is this guy https://www.deviantart.com/omegachaino
He does some cool sprite art, check him out.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC

Would’ve used a picture from the game, but there are no good images of them in the game all together, so I just used this cool fanart.
The Fun Gang works a bit differently from most Assist Trophies. Instead of being just one or two characters, they are four, and they each take turns attacking, as a refrence to Deltarune’s turn based combat system. Not to mention, if you kill one member, the assist trophy doesn’t despawn, but the next party member will come out instead.


Kris goes first, and he has several moves in his arsenal. He can act, which will lower the defense of an opponent for as long as he’s on screen, or he could run around and slash his way to victory. He can also use his shield to defend himself.


Ralsei is a pacifist, so his playstyle portrays that. He has two moves he can use. He can either sing to put his opponent to sleep for a temporary time. (Goes away quickly, though) Or he can use spells to raise his summoners attack power and defense.


Susie will run around wildly throwing her axe around, using Rude Buster, and swinging her axe. Her moves deal heavy damage, but she has a weakness. Her movement pattern is that she runs from one end of the stage to the other, but when she turns around, she has a slide animation that leaves her open for a good amount of time.


Couldn’t find any good Lancer gifs, so have this,
Lancer will jump on his bike and ride around the stage. He will also throw spades up in the air, which will then lock on to a target and act as a homing missle. The only way to avoid it is by shielding or dodging. If he goes to the edge of the stage, then he will ride his bike around the sides of the stage. If he meets the edge of a platform, he will jump off, and latch on to the side of the screen.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
ok let's do this one last time

ladies and gentlemen coming right up on the velvet corner, all the way from that one franchise that's actually a part of smash now like holy ****, it's ya boy igor, master of the velvet room - as an AT, he summons powerful personas to produce a variety of magical effects to both help and hinder the combatants.


Persona. igor summons one of the following personas to produce a single effect:


Jack Frost
mr. hee-ho himself drops onto the battlefield and casts Mabufu, producing an AOE effect with freezing properties similar to the ice climbers' side special


alice spawns and floats around the arena, casting Die For Me! on any enemy fighter unlucky enough to cross paths with her - the higher the fighter's percentage, the higher the chance that they suffer an instant death, with any fighter above 100% being killed instantly


orpheus spawns and casts Cadenza, healing Igor's summoner for 50% then vanishing


izanagi rushes around the battlefield like a roided-up alucard, attacking with Cross Slash in melee and Zionga at range


pixie appears, casts Dia on Igor's summoner to heal them for a moderate amount, and leaves


matador jumps onto the battlefield and waits with his red flag raised for up to 10 seconds, unleashing Swift Strike (similar to cloud's limit break side special) on any opponent who approaches or attacks him, then leaves


decarabia follows Igor's summoner around, protecting them from all physical attacks and projectiles for 10 seconds with Tetrakarn before vanishing


mara is a giant penis and that's not ok
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Deleted member

ok let's do this one last time

ladies and gentlemen coming right up on the velvet corner, all the way from that one franchise that's actually a part of smash now like holy ****, it's ya boy igor, master of the velvet room - as an AT, he summons powerful personas to produce a variety of magical effects to both help and hinder the combatants.

View attachment 198283

Persona. igor summons one of the following personas to produce a single effect:

View attachment 198287
Jack Frost
mr. hee-ho himself drops onto the battlefield and casts Mabufu, producing an AOE effect with freezing properties similar to the ice climbers' side special

View attachment 198288
alice spawns and floats around the arena, casting Die For Me! on any enemy fighter unlucky enough to cross paths with her - the higher the fighter's percentage, the higher the chance that they suffer an instant death, with any fighter above 100% being killed instantly

View attachment 198306
orpheus spawns and casts Cadenza, healing Igor's summoner for 50% then vanishing

View attachment 198301
izanagi rushes around the battlefield like a roided-up alucard and attacking with Cross Slash in melee and Zionga at range

View attachment 198291
pixie appears, casts Dia on Igor's summoner to heal them for a moderate amount, and leaves

View attachment 198298
matador jumps onto the battlefield and waits with his red flag raised for up to 10 seconds, unleashing Swift Strike (similar to cloud's limit break side special) on any opponent who approaches or attacks him, then leaves

View attachment 198296
decarabia follows Igor's summoner around, protecting them from all physical attacks and projectiles for 10 seconds with Tetrakarn before vanishing

View attachment 198294
mara is a giant penis and that's not ok
The fact that you said penis has boosted your chances of getting accepted.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
View attachment 198280

Would’ve used a picture from the game, but there are no good images of them in the game all together, so I just used this cool fanart.
The Fun Gang works a bit differently from most Assist Trophies. Instead of being just one or two characters, they are four, and they each take turns attacking, as a refrence to Deltarune’s turn based combat system. Not to mention, if you kill one member, the assist trophy doesn’t despawn, but the next party member will come out instead.

View attachment 198285
Kris goes first, and he has several moves in his arsenal. He can act, which will lower the defense of an opponent for as long as he’s on screen, or he could run around and slash his way to victory. He can also use his shield to defend himself.

View attachment 198289
Ralsei is a pacifist, so his playstyle portrays that. He has two moves he can use. He can either sing to put his opponent to sleep for a temporary time. (Goes away quickly, though) Or he can use spells to raise his summoners attack power and defense.

View attachment 198300
Susie will run around wildly throwing her axe around, using Rude Buster, and swinging her axe. Her moves deal heavy damage, but she has a weakness. Her movement pattern is that she runs from one end of the stage to the other, but when she turns around, she has a slide animation that leaves her open for a good amount of time.

View attachment 198302
Couldn’t find any good Lancer gifs, so have this,
Lancer will jump on his bike and ride around the stage. He will also throw spades up in the air, which will then lock on to a target and act as a homing missle. The only way to avoid it is by shielding or dodging. If he goes to the edge of the stage, then he will ride his bike around the sides of the stage. If he meets the edge of a platform, he will jump off, and latch on to the side of the screen.
Ralsei's a pacifist!
Ralsei with a gun.gif

Ralsei with a gun.gif

Deleted member

I'm a simple man. Therefore, I like simple assist trophies. A lot of different assist trophies have nuanced attack patterns and feel almost like fighters. I think it's great to see Alucard, Spring Man, and Shovel Knight in Smash Bros, but I think how they operate are too similar to one another. They walk around the stage and beat you up. These bore me and I'd rather have one unique premise than a bunch of small attacks that blend in with other assist trophies. Therefore, assist trophies like the Squid Sisters and Shadow stick out in my mind because you know exactly what they will do when you see them and they present a unique concept that produces a bunch of chaos or stress in a match.

This is where my nomination will take inspiration from.


Specifically, the aliens in Space Invaders. Buckle in boys and girls, because I'm going to take you on a trip in our favorite rocket ship. This post is going to detail why I think the aliens from Space Invaders will be a perfect addition to the assist trophy line up.

I'm going to now start knocking off some of the criteria one by one.


Press start to play

Space Invaders originates from a game naturally. It was released in 1978, two years before Pac-man hit the scene. However, it doesn't just originate from any old or new game. Space Invaders is considered one of the games. The core concept is that aliens are on the top of the screen and your pea-shooter ship is on the bottom. The aliens will approach your ship slowly firing energy rays directly down. You move left to right, firing a single shot, and your goal is to kill every alien on the screen before they kill you. A basic premise that's challenging and fun. It's simple because it was the first of space shooter video games. You probably would not have Gradius or Star Fox without Space Invaders conceptualizing the very idea. So that's cool, but there's more to why Space Invaders is important. Gaming would be nowhere without Space Invaders. It is the core space shooter game that revolutionized not only its home genre, but it also invented the concept of difficulty in gaming.

As you can see here, the longer you progress in a video game, the harder it should become.

The classic premise of difficulty is that when you get further into a game, the enemies become more aggressive. Either their speed gets buffed, their attack patterns become more complicated, or their defenses become sturdier. Yeah, Space Invaders was what made that a thing and IT WAS A GLITCH! Space Invaders started out slow specifically because of the number of aliens on the screen made the game start chugging. So as you start clearing the screen, the game could move at a "normal" pace and proceed to get harder. This seemingly basic concept in gaming was only made (unintentionally) because Space Invaders came around. So those other arcade games that get harder as you progress in them? Thank Space Invaders. Pac-man getting harder as you get further in the game? Space Invaders. Mario level design getting specifically more complicated because you're further into the game? Space Invaders. What's that? Galaga is getting harder when you're closer to beating a level? PFFFFFFTTTT!!!!

So yeah Space Invaders is a pretty big deal. This leads to the next category:

Space Invaders is the kind of game your dad can walk into you playing and will actually remember it. The alien designs are iconic in gaming and the premise of playing it is as simple as picking up your burger so you can eat it. It's legendary status rivals the classic Pac-man, Mario, Galaga, Pong, and Punch-out. Interestingly, those games are all represented in Smash Bros. Space Invaders should be no different.

The familiar joystick and button. Space Invaders alongside the other mascot of classic gaming, Pac-man

You know how the Pac-Man ghosts are assist trophies? These iconic video game enemies are translated into Smash Bros and your job is to deal with them like in their own respective games. In come the Space Invader aliens.

So here's how this works. Aliens appear from the top of the screen like how a normal game of Space Invaders would boot up. As you can see, there are a lot of aliens and that's pretty formidable. Suddenly, holy crap, they're beginning to move slowly down on the stage! They're firing at you! Time to scramble to your feet and make a game plan. You will have two options:

1) Destroy the aliens. Their durability will be dependent on how many on screen. If Sakurai makes less aliens, I imagine they'll need a lot of HP. If there are over 50 aliens, they might be able to go down in 1 or 2 good aerials. It's not as simple because you're having to get close to the bull to put it to sleep here. These guys are continuously firing at you and their speed will progressively get faster as you destroy more or when their time limit is starting to wrap up. Their power should be fairly decent. I would say a single hit should do 15-20% of damage. The aliens become a greater threat the longer it stays on the screen so you'll be encouraged to punch them.

2) Avoid them. Simple does it. However, good luck avoiding everything if you haven't destroyed any because their numbers should take up a large portion of mass. Plus, you know, your also trying to fight other people in Smash Bros realistically, so you're going to have an interesting day if this gets summoned.

Everything about Space Invaders should lend itself for a chaotic time when it's summoned.

I hear a concern in my head telling me that stage size could be an issue. On a small stage like Fountain of Dreams or Frigate Orphean, Space Invaders would work perfectly. On a larger stage like Palutena's Temple or New Pork City, they couldn't cover as much space in the time they would theoretically be on screen (which is around the Pac-man ghosts). So what do we do? Just not have them be summoned on those stages. Certain assist trophies cannot be summoned on specific stages. For example, Alucard can't be summoned on the Wii Fii Studio stage for some reason. If they took the time, Space Invaders could be made for specific stages and would not take too much mental energy to work out.

If you ever seen the Pong, Sheriff, or Ghosts assist trophies, you should know how this should theoretically be structured. The aliens will be a faithful recreation and how you handle them will be realistic to how you handle them in Space Invaders. You are encouraged to destroy them, they will become faster throughout their life cycle, they will be difficult to deal with, they will hurt if they touch or shoot you, and they would be one of the most classic games represented in the series.

Some of the fun of assist trophies is what they represent. Bomberman represents his classic grid-like chaos, Rathalos represents the Monster Hunter series and the awesome beasts you have to fight, and Guile represents his playstyle in Street Fighter hilariously by camping. Space Invaders would be nothing short because of it's deceptive difficulty, unique premise, iconic status, revolutionary role in our gaming history, and faithful translation into Smash Bros. It's legacy beats out anything listed in the thread so far, and most of all, it's a fun game that represents what we all see in video games. If we are representing classic arcade games in Smash Bros, Space Invaders should be in as soon as possible.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
So this one might be a bit of stretch assuming he's not necessarily from a video game, but he is owned by SEGA and is associated with video games. So kind of a :ultrob: situation... Anyways, here he is!

Segata Sanshiro, The Mascot of the Sega Saturn

Said to be one of the most powerful warriors in existence he may have to be nerfed a bit if we implement him as an assist in Smash, but it can definitely still be done

He has two variations when he's summoned in Smash: Standard, and Rocket

When he's summoned Segata will run around and attack the opponent with several moves...
  • Kick
He'll simply dash forward and kick the opponent. Pretty straight forward

  • Throw

Sometimes, Segata will try to grab an opponent. If he succeeds, he'll either slam em down on the ground, or throw them

However, there's a 5% chance, that when he throws them, an explosion will occur when the opponent lands. it won't kill, just do a ton of damage. Anyone else caught in the fire of the explosion will also take damage as well

After 20ish seconds, He'll disappear

His second variation, Rocket, is fairly rare.

When he's summoned , A rocket will fly towards the stage,

Segata will stop the rocket, then proceed to ride it, blasting off in the sky,

A couple seconds later, he'll come crashing down on the rocket, causing a firey explosion, ala Olimar's final Smash

He'll disappear in the explosion, presumably being killed by it
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Deleted member

So this one might be a bit of stretch assuming he's not necessarily from a video game, but he is owned by SEGA and is associated with video games. So kind of a :ultrob: situation... Anyways, here he is!

Segata Sanshiro, The Mascot of the Sega Saturn

Said to be one of the most powerful warriors in existence he may have to be nerfed a bit if we implement him as an assist in Smash, but it can definitely still be done

He has two variations when he's summoned in Smash: Standard, and Rocket

When he's summoned Segata will run around and attack the opponent with several moves...
  • Kick
He'll simply dash forward and kick the opponent. Pretty straight forward

  • Throw

Sometimes, Segata will try to grab an opponent. If he succeeds, he'll either slam em down on the ground, or throw them

However, there's a 5% chance, that when he throws them, an explosion will occur when the opponent lands. it won't kill, just do a ton of damage. Anyone else caught in the fire of the explosion will also take damage as well

After 20ish seconds, He'll disappear

His second variation, Rocket, is fairly rare.

When he's summoned , A rocket will fly by the stage,

Segata will stop the rocket, then proceed to ride it, blasting off in the sky,

A couple seconds later, he'll come crashing down on the rocket, causing a firey explosion, ala Olimar's final Smash

He'll disappear in the explosion, presumably being killed by it
This is the goofiest one yet and I love it.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2018

The ghostly, skeleton Kremlin from Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.
Kackle (blue).gif
Kackle (green).gif
Kackle (yellow).gif

When summoned, Kackle haunts the farthest fighter from the person who summoned him and creates a series of plus and minus barrels around the stage. If you're haunted, Kackle will hover behind you and a countdown starts above your damage bar, when it runs out you take massive damage and knockback. The only way to stop Kackle from hitting you is to collect all the plus barrels, each plus barrel also increased the countdown by 3 seconds. But if you're hit or touch a minus barrel, your countdown lowers. (10% = 1 second, minus barrel = -3 seconds)
Plus Barrel.png
Minus Barrel.png

Kackle cannot be killed and is not a physical object. When he's done, If he is successful, he will laugh before vanishing, if he isn't successful, he'll just vanish.

As a bonus effect, it should play Haunted Chase during the time where Kackle is active.

Source Material
Concerning source material, my design for Kackle is almost exactly how he acts in DKC2. The only notable difference is that to remove your countdown in my design, you have to collect all plus barrels, where in DKC2, you need to pass a certain point in the level, however, collecting all the plus barrels to increase your time is pretty much already needed to pass the area before the countdown runs out.

Kackle comes from Donkey Kong Country 2, one of the best-selling SNES games and is simply a very iconic game itself. While not such a important or iconic character himself, he makes one appearance in one of the most unique levels in the game. The level which he is from also has it's own music track, background and ground textures, and lose/win jingle.

Yes, you can enter multiple. :)
The weird enemy from Pikmin that looks like bread.


When summoned, he creates a burrow where he was summoned (If the burrow gets destroyed by stage gimmicks, it'll reappear on the next available ground.) He wanders around the stage waiting for items to spawn, when an item is on-screen, he'll chase it and drag it back to his burrow, this also counts other's items they are holding, he is able to snatch them out of their hands. Other players cannot grab item's the breadbug is currently carrying back, but the person who summoned him can. When he reaches his burrow, he'll bury it and look for another. He can be hurt by strong attacks that attack his from above, however he cannot be killed, he'll just topple over and drop the item he's carrying. When he's done, the burrow vanishes and drops all item that were buried in it.

Source Material
My design makes him very close to source material where he drags treasure back to his burrow. The only major difference is that he can be killed on the Pikmin games.

He's not the most popular Pikmin enemy, but he is one of the more iconic ones. He appears in Pikmin and in Pikmin 2. Both of them are required to be killed in order to beat the games, with even a boss version with it's own music in Pikmin 2. The breadbug is also moderately popular within the Pikmin fan-base.

Other ideas I had:

Swooping Snitchbug: Would swoop and grab fighters, and throw them down after a few seconds. if they land of the ground while in hitstun they should get buried. Should be able to be stunned if hit by an attack that does 10% or higher.

Waterwraith: Would basically act as an Inkling with roller that never runs out, he would patrol the platform he was spawned on. He should be unkillable unless hit by a purple pikmin.

Rambi: He would run around and ram into people. If the person who summoned him jumps on him, they can ride and control Rambi. Before he leaves, he does a extra powerful attack similar to Dillion.

Squitter: Runs around and shoots projectiles. He's vulnerable up-close, so he tries to space himself out from the target. He also occasionally creates platforms.

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC

The villainous entity from Earthbound finally makes an appearance in Smash! Giygas is more of a "distraction" Assist Trophy with the intention of disrupting the flow of the match (in the same vein as Nintendog, Resetti, etc.).

When summoned, the center of the Devil's Machine will appear and then break, releasing Giygas. The screen itself will become slightly red-tinted, and the stage's background will fill with Giygas' pulsating image. Giygas will quickly grow more unstable and eventually morph into this.

Various text boxes will begin to pop up with some of Giygas' signature quotes. These text boxes will simply block parts of the screen, making it harder to see the battle taking place.

Occasionally, the dialogue box above will appear at the top of the screen. This is a warning, giving players 1-2 seconds to avoid Giygas' incoming attack. The background will flash, and any player not shielding will begin taking damage over time (as if they were hit with a Lip Stick. This is meant to mimic how the characters in Earthbound take mortal damage as their rolling damage counters slowly scroll to 0).

After about 15-20 seconds, the screen will begin to glitch out and Giygas will then disappear.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
My entry is Silque, a character from Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

"The Mother walks with me."

Why Silque, you may ask? Silque is a fairly popular character among fans of Shadows of Valentia, and a side character that has connections to both Alm and Celica, the game's two main protagonists, being an early recruit for Alm's army who delivers him Mila's Turnwheel from the priory that Celica was living in. She's often considered among the better units in the game due to her utility of healing, warping, and her Invoke spell. As well, as a Cleric, she stands out from the usual Fire Emblem characters that Smash has represented thus far. She's also one of my personal favorites, and as we know, bias is important. Totally.

Silque, as an Assist Trophy, has three functions, each of which calls back to her games of origin.

- The first, of course, is her Warp staff. In her home games, this allowed her to warp an ally elsewhere on the battlefield, but here, it works more like Rewarp, allowing Silque herself to warp around the battlefield and avoid combat. Silque is able to be knocked out, and as a Cleric, she doesn't have a lot of health herself.
- Her second function is, of course, Recover. Using her staff, she can heal whoever summoned her if they are within range, or if she Warps to them. Her staff will give off a glow, and the longer the summoner stays in range, the more health is healed, similar to the Healing Field item. However, she does not heal enemies, unlike the aforementioned item, in return for being able to be knocked out.
- Silque has one last function, a combat skill: her Invoke spell. If the opponent tries to attack Silque, she will summon three illusory Dread Fighters.
Dread Fighter.png

Dread Fighters are SoV's best class of units, and Silque is able to summon them to aid her in battle. Their quick, ninja-like movements can overwhelm foes who stray too close. You can see these in action here, courtesy of Ghast Station on Youtube. These Dread Fighters have HP of their own, and can be picked off as well. However, should Silque be KO'd while there are Dread Fighters left on the stage, the Dread Fighters will automatically disappear.

The theme of the Assist Trophy is simple: fight through the onslaught of Dread Fighters quickly, so that your opponent doesn't heal away too much damage.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
A lot of what I see here feels like Player Character effort.
Are you sure you shouldn't enter Make Your Moves?
Cause thats where Fawful went

Deleted member

@NotAPro Bro Ultomato Ultomato Opossum Opossum Good Guy Giygas Good Guy Giygas R O F L R O F L Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku @ @Bolderousness Gentlepanda Gentlepanda Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! @Onereasonanddone Orlando BCN Orlando BCN staindgrey staindgrey Noipoi Noipoi Teeb147 Teeb147

Wow, that’s a lot of damage entries! (Thanks staindgrey. lol)

There were so many good entires, I’m actually having three winners, so here we go...

So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the winners are.....




There we a ton of entries, and good ones at that, so it was really hard to choose, honestly.

Now let’s see... What are you rewards....




I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Maybe next time we have one of these, we can give a larger timeframe and let people vote.

There were a bunch in here I really liked that should get some kind of recognition for their effort. Opossum Opossum @Bolderousness Ultomato Ultomato and Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku 's second one were some of my absolute favorites. Reading and making these was fun as hell.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Maybe next time we have one of these, we can give a larger timeframe and let people vote.

There were a bunch in here I really liked that should get some kind of recognition for their effort. Opossum Opossum @Bolderousness Ultomato Ultomato and Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku 's second one were some of my absolute favorites. Reading and making these was fun as hell.
rip the fun gang
the fun gang is ****ing dead /s

Deleted member

Ok guys, I will be holding a second one. :)

It was totally worth not studying for my upcoming Physics exam that was two hours away.

Honestly @Bolderousness should've got second place
It was tough between you and her.

Maybe next time we have one of these, we can give a larger timeframe and let people vote.

There were a bunch in here I really liked that should get some kind of recognition for their effort. Opossum Opossum @Bolderousness Ultomato Ultomato and Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku 's second one were some of my absolute favorites. Reading and making these was fun as hell.
Yeah, I had a tough time choosing.
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