mango, how do i fight fox
im not mango, but this actually depends a lot on what kinda fox ur playing. that said, there are some general tips. your nair can beat out fox's nair if your nair comes out first. if you can read approaching nairs, you can punish with retreating aerials (i favor retreating stomp, which can lead to beautiful stuff). get used to the fox's tech/escape pattern, some like to tech roll everywhere, a lot of technical foxes love tech-in-place, some won't tech to get ledge slips, etc. you gotta plan for the option you wanna cover and cover it. note that covering some options gives you better results than covering others (i.e. covering tech into the stage leaves with more stage than the other way around). this also means that the other dude might realize the same thing, so then it can become a bit of a mindgame
in general though, you can tech-chase regrab on reaction if you get a grab. this is a great way to rack up %, keep the pressure on fox, and either get a read on his roll habits or condition him to not tech-roll
Mango, I can't fight Marth and Shiek with my Luigi. So, I CP Falcon.
What are some tips in these matchups? Also im not going back 2 luigi for those matchups
I play both matchups similarly. They have dumb range and **** you up if they hit you, so you work at doing safe pokes/baits until they **** up, and then you use ur absurd combo game to make their day awful. Side-b is surprisingly SUPER good against Marth, cuz his grounded options are eh compared to Sheik's and side-b has a fun tendency to go under Marth's aerials. That said, it's always punishable if they catch onto it, so do mixup safe aerials/dash-dances as well to try to poke at them.
Sheik is a matchup i'm still kinda trying to figure out. I think the most success I've had with the matchup was by dash-dance camping the **** outta them until I got a grab, but I was bad playing against other bad players. I haven't tried it on any of the better sheik's in socal, though I will say a BAD strategy is doing a dumb aerial into a tilt or a grab. Respect that sheik has awfully good defense and punish options and don't commit to anything unless you're sure you can get something good going