Just to let you know, Pascal's Wager Fails in Every Way (
Nice find, I'll address his concerns:
1.) "False Dichotomy" (or False Dilemma). This "involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are other options."
I do not see this to be the case (that there are other options.) You either believe God Exists (the God of Abraham) or you do not believe He exists. Maybe isn't a choice, see. It's maybe! You haven't chosen yet.
I would need to hear why he thinks Pascal's Wager is a False Dilemma to argue it further, but so far it doesn't fit. Or perhaps you can speak to it yourself...
2.) "Ignores other religions." Of course it does! There's no point in saying "there's one true god and his name is YWHW" if you're not also saying that any other gods that people are believing in are False Gods. That's one of the biggest points in Christian Theology. It's not Pascal's Wager that ignores other religions, it's Christianity.
3.) "Makes the claim it costs nothing." OMG this guy is so bitter! I never did bring this point up for fear of labeling atheists, but he's forced the issue. Why is it that atheists tend to come off as angry towards God? If you don't believe in God, there's no being angry at him. You can be angry at the -people- who believe, you can be mad at being interrupted at dinner time by door-to-door bible salesmen, but he just comes off as terribly bitter. He actually thinks that by believing in God you're wasting your time or money which is SO precious. He (or again, you) really needs to elaborate on this point, because I want to give it a fair shot before writing it off as simple bitterness.
4.) "... doesn't mean you've avoided the hell of another one." Ugh, see point 2. God promises that by believing in him and only him your soul is safe for that belief. This means the punishments that may occur for this belief by some other God, like... I dunno, Bane or whatever, are not to be feared.
5.) "presumes belief is subject to will, which in turn presumes God will be ok with it since you're just doing it to 'cover your ***'"
wrong and wrong! It's no presumption. God granted us Free Will in our creation, which includes the will to believe or not believe in his existence. I'm not even sure what he meant by this, is he trying to say that humans Don't have free will to believe what they believe? Is he trying to say that we're victims of our parent's or society's beliefs and that we're incapable of thinking outside of the box?
The ONLY thing this guy brings up that's half convincing is the covering your *** bit. Yes, that does seem strange, as if God can't tell you only believed in him while on Earth to err on the side of caution. It even begs the question of how firm or true that belief is. Why, you may even be an atheist deep down inside, but proclaim your faith just so people see you as religious, and so you can lie to yourself over time, in some veiled attempt to convince yourself.
Well to this I say: Purgatory's gonna be packed. I know that believing in God because it's the "safe" choice seems weak and cowardly, but Pascal's Wager is really only to get passed the hurdle... "why believe." It wasn't enough for him to abandon reason to believe, he had to add the extra "and you should do it just in case, anyway." A tad preachy, yes, but its what he needed to sleep at night, apparently. I tend to foster this same sentiment. There may be no evidence, but just in case, go for it, because as your commentator points out, you only have one life (and subsequently one soul) and if its up for grabs you probably want to ensure it goes where it's supposed to be going when you die.
What Pascal forgot is that even people who don't believe in God, like atheists, aren't automatically doomed for Hell. It's about how you live your life. It just so happens that my personal choice to change from atheist to believer came at a time when I feared the outcome of death, and so I was looking for answers to such questions.
Heh, silly man. Him not you. In fact this guy's thesis "If you die and don't believe in God you're going to Hell, if you do you're going to Heaven" is EXACTLY the kind of inaccuracy in discussions that Dre. was referring to. If he knew his dogma, he'd know his thesis is false which in turn has led him to the false conclusion: I need to believe in All Religions, just to be safe.