He told me my marth is to defensive. [...] Now i need some advice.
Try some offense, or try playing defensively whilst attacking, maybe retreating fairs?
i got grabbed alot aswell!
That's actually what I have the most trouble with, is getting grabbed, which is definitely NOT good because one of the guys in my crew mains IC and is fully able of doing a 0 --> Death Chaingrab. My response to this is highly annoying: spam Fair. The usual response that I get when I ask for help with the same problem of getting grabbed, is 'learn to space better.' Marth has good range, try to use it.
Also, i use my shield TOOO MUCH.
Use your shield too much as in, sit there and hold it when you think he's going to attack? What you might want to do is just stop holding your shield. Tap it a few times and try to mindgame him when he's approaching, and then attack out of it, spot dodge, roll, grab out of it, or just finally start holding it. Just a few hours ago I was Brawling, and while I was hanging on the ledge my opponent would just stand on the stage near the ledge I was on, and keep shielding and dropping his shield instantly: When I tried attacking from the ledge, he held the shield a little longer, and then punished. When I tried just recovering past him, he'd roll with me and punish. Etc. etc.
I want to stop Roll Dodging so much
Rolling isn't necessarily bad at all, you just can't let them predict the roll. One of my favorite things to do when I want to get an Avenger Kill right after I die, is to just walk towards my opponent, and wait for them to roll behind me so I can smash them. It's practically irresistable, and even I pull that blonde roll a few times every once in a while.
Hope this helps? Ask again if you have anything more specific you want to improve on.