Wow, a lotta answers! Thanks guys. XD
Do what all marths do!
Don't sleep the night before
Raid a KFC when you get a break
Rep someone else's tag if you feel like fighting in their honor
Shout out the names of the players who founded the techs that you use
Prepare yourself mentally, don't freak out
Play it safe when your opponent is at high percents, they can rack up serious damage if you abandon marth's amazing defensive playing style
Play as many friendlies as you can beforehand
Don't get discourage if you screw up
Don't overthink
Have a hell of a time
1. Ha, that won't be hard. XD
2. Mmmm KFC. I hope there are some near there.
3. Hahaha. D'aw, I wouldn't wanna do that to anyone. I might leave that to the better players. XD Plus... iunno many tags.
4. XD Then I'll have to brush up on those!
5. Aah yes. That'll be difficult. I'm nervous on WiFi, can't imagine what'd it be like in person. XD
6. Indeed! Easy to forget this.
7. I hope too. Curse my shyness, though. >.<
8. Mm. I'll try not to! u.u
9. I'm working on this!
10. ...and this! XD
11. Aye aye! :D
Marths who attend tournaments more regularly probably will be better at this but for making the best of it:
1. Don't expect to win, your earlier tournaments are learning and social expiriences. Sure, play to win in your matches, but ultimately, you're playing to learn.
2. Play as much as you can, friendlies, matches, whatever. The more expirience you get with the more diverse group of players you can get at tournaments, the more it will improve your skill.
3. Network, tournaments bring together a lot of diverse players from lots of locations and it's a great opportunity to build contacts in the community who can later become long term friends and training buddies.
1. Yeah. I hardly ever to expect to win, so that should be easy. XD
2. Mm. Again, curse my shyness. But I'll try.
3. Ah. that's kinda what I'm hoping for most! Although, for a little local tourney where SSBB isn't actually the main feature (I think that's SFIV, but I don't remember exactly), I'm not sure how diverse the people will be. But that doesn't really matter. XD
It's fairly simple go in to have fun and make friends. Also talk to many people, alot of people there even if they don't play Marth can teach you new tricks.
As for gameplay wise try not to be predictable, alot of Marths rely on using forward aerial and dancing blade, with ftilt and utilt for kills. A quick dtilt at higher percentages can help.
But just go in have fun.
As for a quick question Im not sure if anyone has experienced this, today I was playing a lvl 9 C.Falcon on FD. When Falcon was around 70% I believe I used dancing blade and went the forward-down-down-down, but mistimed and missed the last hit. Yet the third hit Falcon straight to the ground. Does the third hit of his Dancing Blade have the power to spike?
Aye aye!
And yes! I was just reading about that on AiB the other day. DB3v can spike. Kinda neat, but it doesn't seem like it'd be all that easy to use. XD
Darxmarth23 said:
1 Just review what you need to know and accept that you most likely aren't going to win. This is a learning experience. Sure its nice to be sure you are ready. Friendlies help. And having a good grasp of your emotions help too considering they can cause you to do some pretty idiotic stuff with marth.
2 Play to learn. But don't let that make you lose the match. See how far you can go. And learn along the way.
3 Expect some people completely serious. Expect some people laughing. Just have a good time and make some friends. They'll take you far.
1. Will do. Nerves are indeed my biggest concern.
2. Seems to be the biggest tip here! I'll keep it at the forefront of my mind.
3. Cool, 'cause I rest somewhere in between. Sounds good.
Tari said:
ee.. I went to my first Brawl tourney some time ago.. and basically.. I did what everyone here is telling you to do. I practiced with my cousin the night before, staying up pretty late. When I got there, my cousin introduced me to a few people, and I just went from there, making new friends. He also told me that, "its your first tournament, so it should be a learning experience. You probably won't win, but I'm sure you could probably at least make it out of pools." I thought.. "****.. this'll be easy..." Lol. I was so wrong. When in pools, I started wanting to win and not caring about the experience, and so I made stupid mistakes.
What am I trying to say? Practice the night before; make new friends; play as many friendlies as you can so you can get your money-worth; and in terms of the actual tournament, play to win but don't freak out if you start losing. Keep your cool because in the end, its a learning experience. I dunno about you, but I usually don't play well under pressure. So just relax.
EDIT: Oh.. and rep the Prince. No matter how many other mks are there.
I'll try not to make that mistake. Shouldn't be hard, though; I've never been known for my confidence in anything. XD But yeah, again. Nerves are my biggest concern.
And of course! Well, and ZSS. I want to pile tourney experience on both of them. But thankfully, MK's banned. :D
Ragnarok17 said:
Lots of people have asked this question, so I'm just gonna list the basic stuff.
1. Get enough sleep.
2. Make sure you understand the Tourny's rules inside out.
3. As it's your first tourny, playing as many friendlies as possible is the best thing to do. You'll also meet a lot of new people this way too.
4. Don't be shy to ask people to brawl. 99% of the time, anyone you ask will want to Brawl because they were probably either too shy to ask others to brawl or they forgot they should be playing instead of standing around XD.
5. BYOC! (Bring your own controller!)
6. Make sure you don't lose your controller! (yes, stealing/losing things happens very often)
7. Uh... bring a camera or something may be if there's any bigtime pros there so you can video tape stuff?
1. Hm, contradicts ToZ's first point. XD
2. Ah yes. I'm sure to read the info on it over and over again. XD
3. I'll try!
4. Again, I'll try. I'm really shy though. XD Maybe I'll get lucky and someone else will take the initiative to come out of their shell a bit. Haha.
5. Yess, that's in the tourney's rules! Plus I'm used to my controller, so it'd be awkward with anything else.
6. Oh dear. K, I'll keep it on a leash. XD
7. Ooh, good idea. Hm, but do I have a video camera? Maybe one of my digitals have video capability. I'll check!
Thanks again for the advice, guys! I'll make the best of it. ^^