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Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
When Slide DI-ing, is it better to mash slide during the combo/move, or do a single well timed slide when the move hits?
I would say you definitely don't want to wait so long that you can only get one slide in. I have the best results if I time the move, and then go like crazy for the briefest moment and try to get >2 slides in. The very first few moments when you slide DI is when you will be the fastest, then in my experience there is a large drop off in speed where you kind of reach your "cruising speed DI" I guess. So yea timing and going as hard as you can for as little time as necessary is probably best.

And yea Nova you just gotta do it really fast. I have tons of trouble with it as well (as in, I never ever do it).


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2013
West Chester, PA
Can someone tell me how to jab grab? Like when I try to jab grab with mario I press A and then R and I just end up jabbing twice. How do people do it so quick and consistent. Maybe it's my controller that's messed up.
Try it out of a dair onto shield with mario. If you dair the opponent and end up realllly close to them with them facing you, press A then R (almost) immediately after you pressed A. On shield is way better to use before you try it on non-shield.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
No need to try it in the air (ie on no shield or opponent), since its use is precisely to hit with the jab. I find it really easy and I'm far from a technical player, so it shouldn't be difficult to perform. Just go to training mode to train doing it on the dummy (remember that doing it on a char is the same as a shield in terms of timing/hitlag/shieldlag). As mentioned, I find it easiest to hit A+R almost at the same time, with A just a little ahead (but really, it's almost nothing).

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Hey there, I'm just wondering if there are any tutorials out there to figure out how to set up a keyboard to N64 console adapter. I read this thread: http://smashboards.com/threads/keyboard-to-n64-adapter.334589/ and I also know it was used at Zenith, however I have found very little information on how to actually implement it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The fact that you can only view the RECENT threads someone has made is ****ing stupid. Old Smashboards was superior.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
How can I find out the tier list?
In the "smash 64 index" thread. Under the category "Tier list"

But its a bit outdated. At least now when hyrule might be banned from more tourneys. fox will drop. falcon rise. mario drop. yoshi rise. And link will drop so much he probably wont be a part of the newest tier list. But hey we love his great work in ocarina of time so no hard feelings.

Todd Johnson

Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2013
In the "smash 64 index" thread. Under the category "Tier list"

But its a bit outdated. At least now when hyrule might be banned from more tourneys. fox will drop. falcon rise. mario drop. yoshi rise. And link will drop so much he probably wont be a part of the newest tier list. But hey we love his great work in ocarina of time so no hard feelings.
Cool Thanks.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Is it far too late for a newcomer to get into Smash 64 competitive now? This has always been my favorite Smash game and was my first, but I've played for fun which was years ago. I want to start competitive now and I want to practice up until Apex 2014 comes, even though I know I'll get destroyed.:awesome:


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
nope. i picked up the game for the first time in 2011 and started competitively a year ago.

didn't see you were from STRONG ISLAND, get in contact with FUNKNOWN IXI


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
It's definitely not too late dude! I'd say that it's actually a pretty good time to join the community. I mean, I'm new too, but this is the biggest the scene's been since I joined.

Also, it doesn't hurt that you're from Long Island. :p There are a **** ton of great players in the north east and there are locals like once a month.

I go to school in Oneonta which, I'm sure you know, is kind of a ****ty drive from the Island. But I'm in Orange County during the summer & holidays (probs like 1.5 hour drive). If you ever want to get together and do some APEX TRAINING durring winter break just shoot me a pm. My friends and I are always down to play. :)


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2010
Columbia Gorge
Is it far too late for a newcomer to get into Smash 64 competitive now? This has always been my favorite Smash game and was my first, but I've played for fun which was years ago. I want to start competitive now and I want to practice up until Apex 2014 comes, even though I know I'll get destroyed.:awesome:
This is exactly me.
I'm having a HUGE problem breaking old habits and incorporating new techs fluidly. I've just played it so much so poorly.
I guess its just practice though, yeah?


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2013
UIUC [school year]. MN [summer]
Somehow that previous post doesn't seem SSB64 related.

On a different note (and maybe I'm just bad at finding stuff): On the Project64 emulator using a keyboard, can I configure something to let me short-hop (even if I have to press a button to SH and another button to FH)?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2012
Perth, Australia
Somehow that previous post doesn't seem SSB64 related.

On a different note (and maybe I'm just bad at finding stuff): On the Project64 emulator using a keyboard, can I configure something to let me short-hop (even if I have to press a button to SH and another button to FH)?
I don't think it's possible with PJ64 only. Also, why would you need a button to short hop?
Are people really this lazy? Not wanting to learn SHs?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2013
West Chester, PA
Is it far too late for a newcomer to get into Smash 64 competitive now? This has always been my favorite Smash game and was my first, but I've played for fun which was years ago. I want to start competitive now and I want to practice up until Apex 2014 comes, even though I know I'll get destroyed.:awesome:
I've only been playing since April, so I definitely don't think it's too late. So far I've been to like 5 tournaments and everyone in the community is honestly great to play with and meet at tournaments. I can't really think of someone I've met that I seriously didn't like. And people are (at least IRL) very helpful and will try to teach you things or tell you where you messed up so you can fix it. Absolutely not too late.

This is exactly me.
I'm having a HUGE problem breaking old habits and incorporating new techs fluidly. I've just played it so much so poorly.
I guess its just practice though, yeah?
Yup, just practice. I had a million bad habits that I had to break when playing competitively. With more practice and dedication comes better play and the techs become so simple. Still got plenty of bad habits to break, but not nearly as much as I did than when I started in April.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
This is exactly me.
I'm having a HUGE problem breaking old habits and incorporating new techs fluidly. I've just played it so much so poorly.
I guess its just practice though, yeah?
Buy an electric cattle prod. Whenever you roll stupidly shock yourself. Bad habits will go away very quickly. Actually, I should do that...

But yea don't try to focus on using all the new techs at first. Zcanceling and shorthopping are most importing to start. Learn those and incorporate those, then do more advanced things like pivoting, etc.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
nope. i picked up the game for the first time in 2011 and started competitively a year ago.

didn't see you were from STRONG ISLAND, get in contact with FUNKNOWN IXI
That's good to know I'm not too late. I'll see if I can get in contact with FUNKNOWN IXI.
It's definitely not too late dude! I'd say that it's actually a pretty good time to join the community. I mean, I'm new too, but this is the biggest the scene's been since I joined.

Also, it doesn't hurt that you're from Long Island. :p There are a **** ton of great players in the north east and there are locals like once a month.

I go to school in Oneonta which, I'm sure you know, is kind of a ****ty drive from the Island. But I'm in Orange County during the summer & holidays (probs like 1.5 hour drive). If you ever want to get together and do some APEX TRAINING durring winter break just shoot me a pm. My friends and I are always down to play. :)
Sounds great, I was thinking if we can rally up a bunch of us from NY and try and practice as much as we need til Apex. If you guys go to Brawl or PM tourneys I can meet up as well and we can have an N64 setup there.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
When edge guarding against Kirby and the Kirby has basically all its jumps, but is at stage level and trying to sweet spot the ledge and is threatening fair how should Pikachu be edgeguarding?
ftilt? dtilt? uair? reverse uair? bair? utilt? something else?


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2005
North Hollywood, CA
ground down b that marshmallow

uh, if you are pikachu and kirby is a good distance away, jump off from the stage (preferably facing the ledge) and wait for him to start his puff jump or fair animation and attack with uair so he can't dodge or counter it.

if kirby is really close to the ledge and is at low percent, you can try doing up tilt and combo him with w/e until he loses his jumps or dies. only downside of this is the ending lag is pretty long for this move so if you miss, kirby has a chance to counter attack. you can also try downtilt.
if kirby is at high percent and close to the ledge, its safer to just downtilt because uptilt might send him too high and allows for easier reverse ledge DI. fsmash is not recommended because of long ending lag where you can't try to punish him if he reverse ledge DIs and there is also a chance they can punish you if you miss.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2012
Hay this is mainly for tr Australian smashers, I haven't played in a while ever since the server shut down, just wondering if there is a new server for Australian play and just been wondering what's been happening with it all?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
it died since everyone has uni/ciaza is a pizza mogul

i played a bit with dsc awhile ago, epic smaus dittos

SK and clubba are liking all my posts and idk how to react


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
^^Trying to ***** more likes out of me? Not happening bro.

A few times when I was drunk I thought it would be fun to go on the Australian server and play with like 20 frames. And then there was no one on it to play... granted it was like.. wait.. it was like 8 pm for you guys. lame. Wait its 10:30 AM TOMORROW in Australia?!?!?! my mind is blown (punctuation only partially correct, deal with it)


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2013
UIUC [school year]. MN [summer]
My keyboard is ridiculously unsensitive - it has three versions of entering stuff - not pressed, pressed, and stuck (which I might've fixed...maybe). I've spent a couple hours trying to SH on my keyboard and it doesn't work (yet). Maybe I'll just have to deal with only playing it on a Wii emulator (where I have no problem doing a SH).

So, no, I'm not lazy, just terrible with a keyboard, and yes I want to learn it but my keyboard has been ferociously uncooperative. I'm on a labtop, not that it makes any difference.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2013
UIUC [school year]. MN [summer]
Practice practice practice test theories watch videos [youtube?] test practice ask questions practice practice practice practice.... also google searching stuff or SmashWiki (while not that great) can also help. Also playing really good people might point out obvious flaws.

Something like that and at the very least I can say I'm improving.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2013
UIUC [school year]. MN [summer]
I mean, practicing specific techs and skills can move your game to another level (greenhouse combos?? I can't do them very well), but I think at the end of the day practicing and playing skilled people is the easiest, fastest, (most fun), and most effective way to improve. And broadening knowledge base certainly helps (hence the testing part).

Also, still can't short-hop on my stupid emulator. But it's still SSB64 [sort of], so I still use it.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
I was messing around with jab grab, and I realized you can just press z after jabbing to do it.

ANYONE ELSE KNOW THIS??? Probably, just curious.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
R is just Z + A at all times, regarding controls IIRC

explains why you can usmash with R and Z cancel with R as well as perform arials

make sense


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Oh well... Star King explained it first and I explained it afterward several times, but I'm too lazy to find these posts, I'll just write it again:
Grabbing is done by pressing R. R is Z+A at the same time. Grabbing is done by pressing Z+A at the same time. If the same time meant the same frame, a lot of things would be too hard to perform. That's why we believe the devs let more room than one frame. So you're pressing A, then Z, the game thinks (lol this slow noob wanted to press both at the same time, let's give him the grab). And the thing is that jab comes out so fast for the jab-grabbing character that the hitbox is already out when you press Z.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Orlando, FL
Today i was thinking about how cool it would be to have an online tourney that would run in real time. like have a whole tourney run in one day online and have all the matches on a single stream. It seems feasible if you set a date and only people that are available on that date would sign up. Then whoever is the TO can set up the bracket and the order of the matches and be an observer in every match with a stream running. Then all the other contestants can hang out in the stream while they wait for their match and anyone else that wants to watch can join in too. I feel like that would be a much more hype tourney experience for online. One of the best things about a regular tourney is the social experience and crowd reaction to matches and i feel like a stream could accomplish this.

Has anything like this been attempted before? are there any drawbacks or potential flaws for this idea?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2013
West Chester, PA
Today i was thinking about how cool it would be to have an online tourney that would run in real time. like have a whole tourney run in one day online and have all the matches on a single stream. It seems feasible if you set a date and only people that are available on that date would sign up. Then whoever is the TO can set up the bracket and the order of the matches and be an observer in every match with a stream running. Then all the other contestants can hang out in the stream while they wait for their match and anyone else that wants to watch can join in too. I feel like that would be a much more hype tourney experience for online. One of the best things about a regular tourney is the social experience and crowd reaction to matches and i feel like a stream could accomplish this.

Has anything like this been attempted before? are there any drawbacks or potential flaws for this idea?
Forget who exactly it was, think it was unreal or near, but they said they've done something similar to that. Didn't even set a date, just said tourney on old galaxy (when it maxed at like 90+ people) in the chat and had people sign up then and there.
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