tesh i'll send my replays through aim again whenever you read this just jump on...and ill send them
Sync - yo, i cant speak for anyone else but i enjoyed myself at this tourney. i see this venue having decently longevity. the fact that it has internet opens up possibilities like streaming for future tournaments. im glad you're adding melee to the next tournament (hopefully you havent changed your mind since you told me) because lets face it, more people = more hype, right? regardless of if they're playing the same game lol thanks for housing me over the weekend unexpectedly and for the fun we had playing mario bros 3 LOL you need to step your game up in that **** son! keep up the good work, i dont exactly know how stress ful being a TO is but i can only imagine that its a task fit for a god lol and you're the only one willing enough to be godlike so i try to only encourage you as our TO. again thanks for everything my boy...oh and KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN N1GG@!
Asa - it was good finally meeting you. had fun in friendlies against you...you were really pushing me to play better honestly. LOL i couldnt help but laugh when you said "your shiek is playing really good" thats how i knew i was playing good, i dont even play shiek. we were getting in p4 and zori's **** in friendly dubz too LOL good stuff, i hope to see you at future tournies, maybe we can team in bracket. KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN
Pj - LOL thanks for the godlike directions on the way to my house...lmao remind me to never ride with you in the car again. on a more serious note, its always good to see you my boy. too bad we didnt get to play at all but i mean, we both know who'd win either way *smirk* your rapping is poocheese. please retire LOOOOOOL. KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN THO
Zori - MY BOY! "ACTIN A FOOL" IN THAT ONE DUBZ MATCH LOL. im glad you came out man, it was great to see you at an event after so long. i didnt get as close to beating you in bracket as i did last time but it was still ggs. olimar is obviously the dumbest character in the game. inb4 rock pikmin in smash4 LOL. we need to play some SF sometime and marvel so i can get wrecked by some ibuki bs LOL
Gnes - also good to see/play you. i really appreciated the friendlies before the tournament started. LOL @ being so good that you can be engaged in a full conversation and still convincingly beat someone. you make me look so bad, haha. hopefully you still randomly show up to events even though you dont actively play. ive met you/razer/trela multiple times and i still get a little starstruck when i see you guys. to me you guys are celebrity-like...as nooby as that sounds LOL its always good to see top players. also, do you still live in the same UH apt? itd be cool if i could swing through some time and play marvel.
Kilik - I know we were joking around about me beating you and everything lol hopefully it doesnt really bother you. to be completely honest, ive still got a long way to go before i can convincingly beat you. ive been rewatching the set against you and i honestly still have work to do on decision making etc. my tech skill on point tho get @ me lol its always fun to talk to you at events broski. dont be salty the snowman when i REALLY start beating you though. ;3
BC - thanks for the ride to the venue and back to syncs house bro, really appreciate it. we didnt do as well as id hoped for in dubz this time but hopefully we can do better next time we team. dont be mad all the time though because my peach ***** your dk LOL :3 and my ddk ***** your MK AND FALCO :3 haha oh i can just hear the salt through my computer already. but seriously, always a pleasure to chill with you at events lol we always have a good laugh.
Zero - speaking of good laughs! LOOOOOOL this guy right here! zero you're so goofy LOLOLOLOLOLOL but thats ok, just means you enjoy having a good time. so much lulz playin mario bros 3 lol get BODIED. great time talking with you, trela, runct, and dark shifter at burger king and just chillin at sync's place in general. fun friendlies too...ima cut sonic's legs off if we ever have to play in bracket lol btw stop throwing cats LOL
RunCT - lol we didnt get to play much but that peach ditto was lulz "GO!" *both freepulls turnip off of bf platforms* LOL it was nice meeting you man, you seem like a pretty cool dude. hope to see you at some more events. KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN
Tesh - you gay LOL nah im kidding. THOSE PT FRIENDLIES WERE LEGIT MY CHARIZARD TOO GOOD GET MAD. thanks for the encouragement about how i was playing. im glad you noticed my improvement :B we need to MAKE bio come to an event so we can have more crazy chats about dragon brawl z and all the other bad ideas you come up with LOL
P4 - UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NEGATIVE TOURNAMENT RECORDS SUCK WHEN ITS SO CLOSE. good seeing you though as usual you tall slim mother ****er you LOL ggs. im gonna make it my personal business to seek and destroy next time D:
Denti - good **** running through winners. dont get cut by the razer next time LOL had a good time chatting with you during the car ride back to sync's place. we dont really talk much at events but you seem like a pretty cool dude. i hope i get to play you in bracket one of these days
Razer - my boy, we hardly talk and we NEVER play at all at events...that needs to change. i really like the snake MU and who better to play it with than one of the best snakes in the business? good to see you around though
RT - its always good to see cynical ole RT. you should enter a tourney just for the hell of it one of these days LOL that'd be hype.
Trela - THE AMERICAN DREAM POKEMAN TRELA lol get @ me in those dubz friendlies LOL wtf moment when i teched your uair with mario im so godlike. razer get at my snake haha. it was cool of you to come out and support sync's tourney even though you didnt enter. ive never seen you play other characters besides lucario and marth on one occasion...but you have some oddly good characters...it was a little scary playing your pikachu in dubz o.O anyway, ggs obvs and glad you came out
Pwii - GOODERRRRRRRRRRRRRR lolol we didnt play but it was fun chatting with you for a bit. that dashiexp too good.
Dark Shifter - we havent played before but your MK must be pretty good. i heard you took gnes to game 3. seems legit. you seem like a dude that enjoys a good time and you cant go wrong with that. good time at syncs place with you and zero, i had lots of fun.
Maharba - LOOOL its funny how you speak your mind no matter what. i honestly dont ever wanna play you in bracket since i dont do well against people that camp LOL so im glad we didnt get to play but i need to get some street fighter in with you one of these days. sounded like you were pretty damn good at it so i need to hit you up along with zori and get *****. KEEP THAT HOUSE CLEAN NINJA
ToT - little tot you shall one day be a big threat to the houston scene with those forsaken broken icies grabs. keep practicing and stop losing in friendlies to me, im bad. lol ggs my boy
Sam - it was great seeing you after what...6 months or so? o.O had a great time catching up at the venue and i cant thank you enough for the ride home man, meant a lot. IF YOU GET INTO SMASH YOU'LL BE GODLIKE. DONT MAIN MK OR OLIMAR THOUGH...OR WE ARENT COOL. AND FOR THE LAST TIME CLEAN UP YOUR HOUSE LOL
if i'm missing anyone its because i hate you obviously or i just genuinely forgot you were there or didnt see you. shoutouts to shoutouts and sync's cats. they're still cute even though they like to poop behind the couch and eat garbage. hooray for garbage kitties. ASCENSION 4 THO GET HYPE?