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April fools day jokes - the thread


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
so its that time of year again,
post your april fools day pranks here, they dont have to be done by you feel free to reminisce about the work of more creative folk.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Today i decided i would send an email to a few select people in my lab informing them that my girlfriend (who until recently worked in the same lab that i do) is coming back to newcastle tonight to go to trivia, but she will be LATE and they shouldn't be expecting her until after 10 o'clock and she won't be drinking but has some news that means everyone else should have a drink to celebrate.
Note: i underlined those words in the original Email

After leaving that rumour to percolate for about half an hour i created a Gmail account using her full name and sent an email to the secretary of my professor with instructions to forward it to the whole group (the group she also used to work in and still has a lot of friends in),
the email went like this:

Hi Cheryl,
Can you please send out to the group:

Hi Everyone!!!,
Tim and I would like you all to know that we are proudly expecting our first
child late December this year, I'll be spending Easter with my family in
Newcastle so feel free to send me a text or write on my facebook wall if you
want to congratulate us. We'll be organising a proper celebration soon.


This email was sent to approximately 70-100 scientists and PHD students working in immunology and microbiology.

Almost immediately i got a flood of people coming into the lab to congratulate me including my boss and her boss as well as all her friends from the group.

As of 4PM i still haven't broke the news to everyone that it was an april fools day joke and realistically, seeing as i have only 2 days left of working in this lab until i move to melbourne i'm not sure if i will bother.




Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
the one I always wanted to do but never got to, was back when I was at school, I wanted to go buy like 300 padlocks, and put them on everyones lockers lol


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
Hi everyone,

Maybe you already know this, but Alison has just told me that the "announcement" supposedly from Elisha which i forwarded to everyone yesterday, was in fact a hoax. It was not from Elisha at all.

I don't know anything else.

It was April Fools Day I guess.

see ya

people are quite mad
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