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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
You had 7 posts with sweet f all that is AI other than a lamist. So how is that not active?
7 posts, the majority of which were shooting the **** in the first hour of the game, is not active. I don't think this is up for debate.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Because I want to give him the false hope that I might not end up voting him at the end.
this belies your true intentions does it not? isn't saying like this directly contrary to your stated goal if you intend to nurture false hope? or am I just reading into a gag too much?

I haven't seen any reactions that have really stood out as particularly interesting except maybe Vicarin. The problem with using a mass claim proposal to generate reads is that's it's an issue lots of people have opinions about so it is easy for them react to it naturally if they are mafia. In Vicarin's case, I've played with him before and have seen him react aggressively to these sorts of gambits both as Town and as scum, so I don't feel confident drawing any strong conclusions about him just yet.
I can't recall what game it was, but it didn't strike me as particularly odd and for the moment I'm gonna trust my gut and say that it's not OOC.
interesting takes from the XKCD crowd here no vicarin's posturing re: mass claim and how it apparantly differs from the slots normal meta of pushing for claims. LaserGuy LaserGuy somitomi somitomi I'd like you both to address each others takes here. Also bessie bessie I haven't seen you explicitly react to these responses and you mentioned in one of your posts that you thought is was strange that no one had addressed vic's normal meta re: claims

I missed the bold because of the color. I guess I was thinking something in modvoice would have the whole passage in bold like the votals are.

#HBC | Ryker #HBC | Ryker are you going to respond to this?

I don’t like this, you’re basically telling a player not to contribute to the discussion, of which I do not approve. And this particular player is confirmed town, so it is important we have his voice throughout the day, even if he keeps his reads to himself until end of day.

From my recollection, Vicarin is usually the player pushing for claims. Interesting no one that knows him has brought this up.

You got me. Here's what I really look like:

Then Sabrar and I should have gone to jail years ago. :laugh:

I do see your pov on the puzzle part, but I enjoy more figuring out the game from night results and flips, rather than trying to use abilities to optimize strategy on D1.

I am against claiming.

Sorry, our forum is gone, that’s why we’re here. You can check out the xkcd game archive in this post, see Brooklyn 99 Mafia and Newbie New Year Mafia.

We’re from xkcd. Our forum is gone. You played a game with us once. You can check out the aforementioned xkcd game archive in this post, see Crossover Mafia.

I’m still waiting for Vicarin to apologize for not missing me. :p
this felt the fluffiest post in the game so far

I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
:glare::glare::glare: nice non answer

Self voting typically isn't a strong strategy.
self voting D1 during RVS or RVS adjacent discussion is the least risky time in the entire game to self vote. you are literally claiming town cred at a point where the risk you're saying self voting represents as an existential threat to a slot is at it's absolute minimum

LaserGuy LaserGuy : Let's see:

Ryker - Would normally read him as scum pushing a poor strategy for town rather abrasively but going by some of the local's reactions this seems... remarkably in character for him so I'm not sure what to make of him.

Xivii - Usually would randomly switch votes around early, so not that fussed about him initially voting for me, perfectly normal behaviour by him when he wants to apply pressure. Actually kinda interesting that Ryker jumped in with their vote on me within the same minute that Xivii did his. Otherwise, the most eyecatching thing that they did was come up with a possible role and alignment for each character listed as being in the game, despite thinking that it is not alignment indicative.... Seems like a waste of time to me and appearing to be doing something useful when it really isn't.

Malakandra - Good Bot, asked by Ryker to join.

Red Ryu - Quite suspect, jumps in as 4th vote as "assisting the push" and then wants everyone to provide reasons to not join the wagon, as if joining it should be the default choice? Seems to be hoping to build up enough momentum to get me into a lynchable situation quickly before any other options present themselves.
it really susses me out that your thought process was to pick four slots and give reads on those slots, but then you decided to include malakandra in the mix. Literally what is the point? you could have picked any other slot and made the characters your typed atleast somewhat useful for consideration

also the take on red ryu isn't wrong per se but your diction here feels grime but I can't put my finger on why

What about this post did you feel needed to chill? Of all the posts Ryker has made, this is an odd one to call out.
do not let her avoid responding to this


Also doubly suspicious that both have now ignored me.

Sabrar normally loves any excuse to vote me day 1.
any movement on your sab read? fonti?

Somitomi seems to have more motivation this D1 relative to the last two games I've played with him. Still trying to parse out what that means

Wam also falls into this category, I've seen more effort from Wam in these first 5 pages then I think I saw from wam from D3 to endgame in Things I Like. I generally feel like Wam is actually digging here but the contrast from Things I Like bothers me considering he was town there despite looking hella scummy by play. I'm left wondering if he's overcompensating for a vulnerability he feels as scum!Wam

Ryker v. Sab is giving me flashbacks to me v. Sab in Things I Like and thus feels TvT to me but Sab looks worse between the two imo. Sabs tone in his discussion of meta strategy differences with ryker feels less dismissive though than he was with me which is pinging slightly for me

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
"Active lurking" implies a level if activity I haven't had. I was here at daystart, checked in onceor twice, and then not at all.

Back up your points more, please.
7 posts, the majority of which were shooting the **** in the first hour of the game, is not active. I don't think this is up for debate.
fonti comes off defensive with these and after seeing her ability to use AtE in a way that comes off town in Things I Like this is not confidence inspiring


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
7 posts, the majority of which were shooting the **** in the first hour of the game, is not active. I don't think this is up for debate.
/pedantic Yeah you didnt post in the first hour of the game.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Ok some questions below:

The chart you gave, I think on page 2, listed characters with flavour and roles. Revenant is a character you've referenced twice now over the others.

How much Apex lore do you know?

I've totally assumed Sabrar was more important to you when reading back. Why did you choose fontisian above Xivii, Ryker, Sabrar?

Ok thanks for replying. I've been asking myself the same question too.

Who are some of these players you speak of? Are you able to determine whether they have good guy or bad guy intent here?
Because of the lack of content. Tbh when I started there wasnt much between them. Now there is.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
What about this post did you feel needed to chill? Of all the posts Ryker has made, this is an odd one to call out.
Don't remember the exact post, found Ryker's specfic type of "fight me bro" energy extremely offputting.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
fonti comes off defensive with these and after seeing her ability to use AtE in a way that comes off town in Things I Like this is not confidence inspiring
Frozen town (lol). Not for this.

I'm not defensive, and do not consider Wam a threat. I'm pushing on this because he was already trying too hard to look towny, which you noticed, and he doesn't actually have reason for his push on me, he just feels like it's what town!him would be doing after he lost to me last game. But it's not what town!him would actually be doing, because he knows I was super active throughout Things and willing to drown the thread when needed. He's experienced with what me being active without trying for attention is like, and knows this isn't it. That's why he just said "ok" when I pointed out that I was active without being able to back it up.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Maven89 Maven89

I want an answer to this as well. Just making sure it doesn't get missed.
bro you look very bad/negligent for this and I'm refraining from saying why because I quickly realize maven saying that could just have easily been a bait as it could be an RVS style joke

Is that a problem?
no, it was just I bit spooky that you hadn't responded to xivii on that issue until literal minutes after I posted a reminder to xivii to follow up on it

also "is that a problem" again presents as defensive :upsidedown:


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
bro you look very bad/negligent for this and I'm refraining from saying why because I quickly realize maven saying that could just have easily been a bait as it could be an RVS style joke

no, it was just I bit spooky that you hadn't responded to xivii on that issue until literal minutes after I posted a reminder to xivii to follow up on it

also "is that a problem" again presents as defensive :upsidedown:
I hadn't seen the question until I read your post and went back.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
Also I'm working on the little list of tasks thing, I wish I knew most people here better so I could come up with something.
Actually, as I started typing out my list I thought that this wasn't actually very helpful. People would just force themselves to do the quota thing so it wouldn't be natural and hard to read and I'm sure scum could fake whatever I asked them to with all the head warning they would have if I made a list and gave deadlines. I think I'll use the idea, but just throw my things on people at random times to get more genuine reactions and actions with less forewarning to have a scum chat help prepare them.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2020
Ok thanks for replying. I've been asking myself the same question too.

Who are some of these players you speak of? Are you able to determine whether they have good guy or bad guy intent here?
Ryker and Sabrar talked about lynching all liars, although Ryker apparently doesn't support that all the time. I'm mildly suspicious of Ryker for floating the mass claim idea in the firts place, but it's heavily tempered by the experience that I'm usually wrong about scumreading people for a strategy I don't agree with.
interesting takes from the XKCD crowd here no vicarin's posturing re: mass claim and how it apparantly differs from the slots normal meta of pushing for claims. LaserGuy LaserGuy somitomi somitomi I'd like you both to address each others takes here. Also bessie bessie I haven't seen you explicitly react to these responses and you mentioned in one of your posts that you thought is was strange that no one had addressed vic's normal meta re: claims
The post you quoted from me is about Sabrar, not Vicarin, although my opinion of Vicarin so far is similar. I personally didn't remember which side of the argument Vicarin used to be, just that he often got into arguments about mass claims and it wasn't correlated with alignment. Bessie's probably right, which might be an indication that Vic adopted a contrarian stance because that's what we'd expect from him.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Going to probably be less active today, but I'll be around.

Font - Are you normally more active and were just not around at the start of this game or is the game you are comparing to one in which you were unusually active?

Can you come back to that "fight me bro" energy you mentioned? Am I still on your **** list? Have you formed an opinion based on more yet? Is Wam scummy for pursuing you when you think he shouldn't or is he just wrong?

Laserguy - This place is scary. Hold my hand? Tell me how I should go about reading Bessie. FF is right in that the post he quoted was incredibly fluffy, but I don't have enough knowledge to understand if that's in character. How should I go about reading that slot? Can I also get you to weigh in and tell me where I should side with regard to Wam and Font?

Maven - You lazy ass, get your **** together. I didn't sign up to not play with you. When you catch up, it had better have some real content or I swear to God, I'm killing you.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Going to probably be less active today, but I'll be around.

Font - Are you normally more active and were just not around at the start of this game or is the game you are comparing to one in which you were unusually active?

Can you come back to that "fight me bro" energy you mentioned? Am I still on your **** list? Have you formed an opinion based on more yet? Is Wam scummy for pursuing you when you think he shouldn't or is he just wrong?

Laserguy - This place is scary. Hold my hand? Tell me how I should go about reading Bessie. FF is right in that the post he quoted was incredibly fluffy, but I don't have enough knowledge to understand if that's in character. How should I go about reading that slot? Can I also get you to weigh in and tell me where I should side with regard to Wam and Font?

Maven - You lazy ass, get your **** together. I didn't sign up to not play with you. When you catch up, it had better have some real content or I swear to God, I'm killing you.
I am usually more active and will be in the future. I was busier than usual yesterday.

It's a personal distaste, alignment wise I think your behavior is town indicative.

Wam is scummy both for the way he pursued me and his prior behavior.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I am town.
Yeah, kind of a boring rand for the inno child.
I don't want any claims.
I also actually enjoy RVS and the beginning movements into trying to solve.
Make reads, probably.
Look, the problem with massclaiming Day 1 is that it's boring. Either the setup is broken, and there was never any point in any of this, or it's not broken, and we're just telling scum who to shoot.

Let's not claim and keep it interesting.
This so much this.

Vote: sabrar
My dude, can you chill a bit?
Oh and fontisan who hasnt posted any content yet.

Vote fontisan
I agree with fonts mass claim point. But if you look at all of fonts posts they re all throwaway casual points. Basically active lurking.
for reference


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Yeah font keep digging. I have pointed out that you had 7 posts. They werent in the first hour of the game and now your trying a omgus.

Sabrar Sabrar #HBC | Ryker #HBC | Ryker

Given font has lied where are your votes?
I applogize, I meant to write "first few hours of the game."

That said, I think you are fully aware this isn't a malicious lie, as you called the original point pedantic, so going from that to acting like it makes me scum is bull**** you clearly do not believe.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
I applogize, I meant to write "first few hours of the game."

That said, I think you are fully aware this isn't a malicious lie, as you called the original point pedantic, so going from that to acting like it makes me scum is bull**** you clearly do not believe.
Where did I act like that?


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Because his insistence on flavor claiming is illogical and he continued to push for it even after it was pointed out to him that flavor is not relevant.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Where did I act like that?
You literally just said "given font has lied where are your votes." You implied certainty that I'm scum for lying, when you also seem aware that it wasn't an intentional or important lie.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
You literally just said "given font has lied where are your votes." You implied certainty that I'm scum for lying, when you also seem aware that it wasn't an intentional or important lie.
I was actually poking at sabrar and Ryker as I dont think it's a valid rule. See pythag in things I like. Your reaction is interesting.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
If I can articulate my reason of suspicion then I will do so. If I only have a feel for it that wouldn't necessarily make sense to others then I probably won't.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I was actually poking at sabrar and Ryker as I dont think it's a valid rule. See pythag in things I like. Your reaction is interesting.
Yes, I was ignoring you since I already clarified that I don't actually subscribe to that rule.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
You obviously want to use the information for alignment read. I'm saying that it's irrelevant. So claiming doesn't serve any purpose for town.
No, the opposite. I want to use my alignment reads to provide insight into the setup. In other words, if one of my strong town reads is Revenant, it invalidates the hypothesis and I should treat all claims as null. (This doesn't go both ways though. If a scum read claims Revenant, it doesn't confirm the hypothesis).

The chart you gave, I think on page 2, listed characters with flavour and roles. Revenant is a character you've referenced twice now over the others.

How much Apex lore do you know?
I don't know any. I'm going off a skim from the link Chaco provided in the OP.

vote: Xivii
Spicy af.

Don't remember the exact post, found Ryker's specific type of "fight me bro" energy extremely offputting.
Again, I don't get why you called out this post in particular. He made actually offputting posts before this, such as calling you a coward one. The post you quoted seemed to be normal pressuring, so I don't get why you shut it down.

somitomi somitomi who do you find most suspicious for in-game reasons? (Not knowing how to read someone isn't an in-game reason).


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
I was actually poking at sabrar and Ryker as I dont think it's a valid rule. See pythag in things I like. Your reaction is interesting.
Ah, fair.

That doesn't explain the "keep digging"part, as that also implies certainty.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Again, I don't get why you called out this post in particular. He made actually offputting posts before this, such as calling you a coward one. The post you quoted seemed to be normal pressuring, so I don't get why you shut it down.
Aight, give me a sec.

Here's the post:
Oh my, that's a loaded statement. Whatcha gonna do with it, big guy?
This is a dickish post. I was tired of reading dickish posts.

End of reasoning.
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