It is in bold. It also should have been obvious to you from the color.
I missed the bold because of the color. I guess I was thinking something in modvoice would have the whole passage in bold like the votals are.
So, Ryker, who besides Malakandra has been cleared as town?
#HBC | Ryker
are you going to respond to this?
Malakandra, you have a license to lurk. I suggest you use it rather than giving replies for other people to parrot. You talked about not getting pocketed, you can accomplish that by not letting people know where you stand until you have something you need to push for. You have no one to answer to, so don't give people the answers that you want to hear.
I don’t like this, you’re basically telling a player not to contribute to the discussion, of which I do not approve. And this particular player is confirmed town, so it is important we have his voice throughout the day, even if he keeps his reads to himself until end of day.
Why does vic always end up in a mass claim argument?
From my recollection, Vicarin is usually the player pushing for claims. Interesting no one that knows him has brought this up.
What are you hiding beneath that cute doggy avatar?
You got me. Here's what I really look like:
Dog fighting is illegal you know...
Then Sabrar and I should have gone to jail years ago.
On a completely different matter I would be interested in a mass claim because it transforms the game into a puzzle but I'm aware that most people do not share my pov on this.
I do see your pov on the puzzle part, but I enjoy more figuring out the game from night results and flips, rather than trying to use abilities to optimize strategy on D1.
I am against claiming.
I'd like insight on his motivations with this post. Does anyone have a game with him on the books?
Sorry, our forum is gone, that’s why we’re here. You can check out the xkcd game archive in
this post, see Brooklyn 99 Mafia and Newbie New Year Mafia.
Just curious, are a lot of people here new or from a different site in a cross forum game? If so who knows know from past game.
....I wish I could recall this.;_;
We’re from xkcd. Our forum is gone. You played a game with us once. You can check out the aforementioned xkcd game archive in
this post, see Crossover Mafia.
I’m still waiting for Vicarin to apologize for not missing me.