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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Ngl I can’t remember a time where Maven has said that he realizes how scummy he looks. That and he’s uncharacteristically talkative. Lastly, high doubt he only has one passive ability

Ftr, I have 2 abilities. My only other ability is a one-shot visit that removes my double vote, and Im not forced to use it.
UP also claimed the one-shot that removed his double-vote on Day 1, I forgot about this. That means Trisscar's story checks out from when she was under pressure.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020

Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap
Caustic can drop up to six gas canisters, anywhere he want, which can then be tripped by enemy movement or gunfire, releasing poisonous gases.

Passive Ability: Nox Vision
Caustic can see enemies through the gas (detailed above), which become highlighted in red.

Ultimate Ability: Nox Gas Grenade
Caustic can throw out one canister, which releases a massive, and more powerful gas cloud.

Heirloom: Death Hammer
Caustic has a sledgehammer that releases gas when hit on impacted.[/quote]
Maven is the roleblocker.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Trisscar Trisscar who do you think is a good fit for roleblocker flavor wise?

Theres also the possibility that the vanillaize has priority or is also a rolestopper? But then theres no real point in using it on me.
As I said, Red Ryu has the flavor for it, however i have not looked at all the flavors Chaco put in the first post fo the thread, so if maf are lying about flavor that could also be a thing.

So we know Bessie probably watched me, Scum roleblocker blocked Wam, and the third member did something, or tried to kill and was stopped.
\/ \/ \/

I expect scum are allowed to use their ability and carry the kill at the same time, or this game would be completely unbalanced. With that in mind, Bessie /probably/ carried the kill N1.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Why Boom?
Process of elimination. I'm town, Mala is town, Eido is town, you're town, Vic is probably town, Frozen and Ryu are probably town. Boom and Maven are the only ones left.

Somi's behavior. Boom replaced Somi, and Somi was disconnected while also being sketchy.

Boom's behavior. Boom unvoted Bessie when it mattered, and likely only voted her in the first place because he saw the entire townblock swinging onto her and was worried his team would be ****ed if he didn't. He claims he unvoted and voted for Laser because he believed my passionate case against him, but I wasn't being all that passionate against Laser and I said I was ok with a Bessie yeet. He said he changed to Laser because he thought I'd never get out of my tunnel on Laser, but I literally said I'd still be after Bessie regardless of Laser's alignment. And that thought process only makes sense if he thought I was town, when at eod 1 he actually said that I should shoot him if I'm scum, which implies he thought I was scum. I think he latched onto me as the most convenient excuse to save Bessie at eod 1 while also hoping I'd get scumread for "protecting" Bessie afterwards.

And, on Day 2, after I claimed, he wanted me to use my role to clear Bessie and kept pushing me to do it when I refused. He tried to convince Ryu to shoot me, but was also fine with Ryu shooting Frozen, which is completely unBoomlike, because I was also telling Ryu is was ok to shoot Frozen.

Tbh, if Boom flips town, you guys can actually just yeet me, because that means I'm atrociously wrong about everything. But he's not going to flip town.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
And Today, a reason BoomFrog gave for not being certain I'm scum is that I didn't move to fight him right out of the gate. But in Things I Like, that's literally what scum!me did. I backed off and expressed regret so Boom and Laser would feel uncomfortable about scumreading me. There's not way town!Boom who thinks I'm scum goes into Today and sees me reseting my reads and doesn't get reminded of that game.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Wait, hang on, one more. On Day 2, Boom acted like he thought I might have had some sort of information on him, and that's why I was forcing him to claim before me. But he claimed to have self-watched N1, so if he was telling the truth he would have known I didn't target him and he never assumed I was implying I had.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wait, hang on, one more. On Day 2, Boom acted like he thought I might have had some sort of information on him, and that's why I was forcing him to claim before me. But he claimed to have self-watched N1, so if he was telling the truth he would have known I didn't target him and he never assumed I was implying I had.
Where was this?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Imo, it's pretty obvious to me that Boom was trying to get me or anyone else to say that my role confirms Bessie, and to keep her alive. Failing that, he wanted to be certain that I'd be yeeted if Bessie went down. He was constantly trying to guide me to say that Bessie should be left alive so I could check her:
Well, either Fonti is scum with Bessie or Bessie is verifiable. Who did you target N1 and what was the result?

Do you have specific questions? I'm not going to reveal ability #3 unless I legitimately think I'll be yeeted otherwise.
fontisian fontisian What is your opinion of the Bessie situation? Should Red shoot her?
That's an excellent idea. @bessie Don't reveal your actual result toDay.
You don't have an opinion on if she should be shot without knowing if you can see her target?
@#HBC | FrozeηFlame What is your opinion of Fonti and Bessie's powers now that the mass claim is done?
Only half the time. The other half of the time you are being ambiguous. You are hedging your bets.

I said "should we shoot bessie?" you said:

I find it very likely that you and Bessie are aligned, but shooting Bessie first would be idiotic.
Fonti if Bessie flips town you are getting autoyeeted. Do you accept that risk?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
This is the big one:
You think it is realistic that scum have an item steal power when there is exactly one item in the whole game?

Your role makes zero sense if Bessie is scum. You should be totally confident that she is town but you are trying to keep enough doubt that Red will just go gung-ho and shoot her still. Or she is your scummate but you are worried Red will shoot her regardless of our advice and you are trying to distance. Either way this attitude is unnatural.
Boom tried to frame this so he wins either way: Either Bessie doesn't die, or she does but get dragged down with her.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Boom believed he could get enough people to not vote to kill Bessie to increase her chance of survival, that's why he tried to put it up to a vote in the first place and tried to convince Ryu not to just straight up shoot her:
Cool, we got Red's reaction. Now please don't actually shoot Bessie. We can milk this extra kill for a lot more information. We put it to vote and Red shoots who we decide.
#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu The game is won by reading people's voting patterns. If you shoot Bessie unilaterally you don't give us a chance to find her scummates by forcing them into an awkward position. And if she flips town the voting record helps us find scum who pushed her wagon.
If Boom is scum, Ryu is town. Frozen is also town, for a related reason. After the claims, Boom say my claim as a way to save Bessie for a Day, and he was frustrated with me not really being around after the claims (because of the election) because he was hoping I'd defend her. So he pinged out me and Frozen to try to get us to commit on something with Bessie, again hoping that it'd either save her or make me look bad after.

If Boom flips mafia, we can absolute clear Ryu and probably clear Frozen just off of that.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Weirdly enough, I'm feeling increasingly bad about Vicarin. even though he's probably just clear mechanically. Meh. Think it's worth stating, though I'd never yeet him before Boom or Maven.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Frozen quoted but did not answer my question in Post #404. So @#HBC | FrozeηFlame you want to answer this, or you want to continue to avoid giving a read on Maven's content?
Third time Bessie tried to direct someone to look at Maven (this time it's Frozen again). I still do not know what to make of this.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
I've played with Laserguy before, it was a few years ago, but from what I remember he was one of the better town players, he did not act like this in the games I played with him.

Catching up I noticed what Xivii was saying about Laser and agree.

Vote: Laserguy

Yo I hate these paragraphs. Like, a lot. His Ryker stance is pure padding and his reasons for voting Vic when a wagon had already formed are weak af (I already mentioned this earlier). HIs defense of Laserguy is also weak. I see Red Ryu as a likely partner with scum laser.

I hate all these questions too and see none of them as scum hunting.

I don't see this post as being partners with Scum-laser, it's too openly defensive yet acknowledging it's own weakness in that defense.

Town: Ryker, Xivii, Malkalkalkjalkjalksjlkdjflkanbish, Font

Scummy: Laser, Red Ryu

I'm not a real fan of Utopian's posts, but they're more just pinging me in an odd way.

I initially liked Vic's content against the mass claim, but he seemed to just vanish when that was done and the discussion moved more towards hunting mafia. Wam moved from null to a semi town-lean-null mix.

I'm going to do an ISO on Vic, Utopian/Sabar and Red Ryu tomorrow as well as look more at Wam. Somi/bessi are largely null and neither left a real impression on me.
The "Somi/bessi are largely null and neither left a real impression on me." is kind of a weird thing to say about two partners. Somewhat notable in this post that Maven covers a lot of scumreads, and yet doesn't have an opinion on Bessie, who his two reads have been pushing.

It wasn't your last post, I just thought about it more.

I know that you are as a town player are generally inactive and behind the thread. You are thus usually concerned about being misyeeted. As scum, your claim may have been an attempt to clear yourself early or get ahead of a massclaim. But it wasn't that. You were genuinely worried you would get scumread off your claim, so your desire to counterbalance it with content and subsequent claim when you realized you weren't going to get that content out in a timely manner make sense. You are not scum who believes the claim will help you in any way, you are town who believes you have to get the claim out Today to avoid other town wasting their actions on you and who is worried you'll be yeeted for making it.
Worth noting that Boom liked this townread of Maven (and he hasn't liked a lot of my posts in this game).


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Laser's case against Maven:
Maven - I'm very suspicious of this read of me:

As far as I can see, I've only played one Town game with Maven and it was several years ago ina non-standard setup, so I'm very skeptical that he would remember anything about my Townplay from that or be able to draw any conclusions from it. In contrast, I have played a few games with him where I was scum and one where I was indy.

Now, actually we have played one recent game, Oasis mafia, a couple months ago, and Maven gave this read of me at the time:

Note he doesn't mention how he expects me to play as Town this game, likely because he doesn't remember as he's only seen it once, quite awhile ago. I find it hard to believe that a Town player would seriously make a cold meta read like he did in this game based on such limited information. I feel it's much more likely the case that this is opportunistic scum looking for an excuse to vote me without really thinking about the implications of his read... possibly some meta assistance from a scummate.

In the event of a scum flip here, I would take a close look at Vicarin. Scum.

Vote: Maven
I'd be up for yeeting Maven Today instead of Boom, pending discussion with Mala and Eido.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Someone mentioned that Ryker offered to claim in their very first post, not two hours after game start, suggesting he already had the claim ready. That just clicked my brain into taking the claim at face value, because the gambit option would involve crazy quick planning or a near suicidal level of flying by the seat of your pants. Regarding Sabrar/UP, my initial impression of both was fairly town. However, IC+masons+doublevoter all together seems to be a lot of confirmable/confirmed power on the town side, so pure metagame logic puts the slot into PoE.
Vote: UtopianPoyzin
Don't think I quoted this yet.

I think Somi was struggling to make actual scumreads, so he fell back on mechanical information to try to justify his push.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Also worth noting that when Maven voted Laser he specifically cited Xivii's case as his reason for doing so. It could have been an attempt to remove responsibility from himself for the push.

Uh, this is more nebulous, but looking back at how I felt Yesterday, it didn't feel like two scum actively trying to shape things, it felt like one (BoomFrog) who wasn't getting much help, which fits in with the idea of scum!Maven.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
I'm seeing an awful lot of hedging of bets and not much stating of the exact scum teams people think exist.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I've had a solid town read on Trisscar for a bit now. I could be wrong of course but I agree with your analysis there Fonti which bumps you up a bit. I think Maven is a solid yeet today especially if he continues to no show.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2020
Also pretty sure that the reason that scum killed Ryker before me was they thought a bessie-ryler-eido scum team would be a tad difficult to push compared to just trying to push on me and murdering Malakandra after. Watching people do backflips to try to justify me vanillizing an IC as scum while also ensuring a no kill for a bit of town cred is quite interesting.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Don't think I quoted this yet.

I think Somi was struggling to make actual scumreads, so he fell back on mechanical information to try to justify his push.
That is a point about power levels though. Still not sure what that means here.

I've had a solid town read on Trisscar for a bit now. I could be wrong of course but I agree with your analysis there Fonti which bumps you up a bit. I think Maven is a solid yeet today especially if he continues to no show.
People should have an idea of who they want to vote if Maven gets modkilled, just in case.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Also pretty sure that the reason that scum killed Ryker before me was they thought a bessie-ryler-eido scum team would be a tad difficult to push compared to just trying to push on me and murdering Malakandra after. Watching people do backflips to try to justify me vanillizing an IC as scum while also ensuring a no kill for a bit of town cred is quite interesting.
shrug Wasn't kidding when I said I liked complex plans.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Watching people do backflips to try to justify me vanillizing an IC as scum while also ensuring a no kill for a bit of town cred is quite interesting.
Can you list these people by name?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
We also know Wam was telling the truth about attempting to jail me. Meaning for the vanilla to go through itd have to be a strongman or Wam was actually roleblocked by a mafia member.
Does a jail block all other actions? Jail protects from a night kill but does not stop other non lethal ones unless did wan specify otherwise?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
fontisian fontisian This wagon is 100% Town to you. Do you have anything to say about Mafia's intentions in the way they dealt with this wagon?
Maven wasn't there, Boom was trying to set himself up to survive the next Day. Sometimes town just yeet town.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
That is a point about power levels though. Still not sure what that means here.

People should have an idea of who they want to vote if Maven gets modkilled, just in case.
The power levels are already confirmed to you, assuming you're town. You know we do indeed have an inno child, masons and a double voter.
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