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Any Smokers Sick of Being Lectured?


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
I personally don't smoke cigarettes, but even I've noticed how much smokers seem to be attacked for smoking. We've gone through great lengths to keep cigarette smoke outdoors and outside of areas people can receive second-hand smoke. New Jersey (where I live) doesn't allow smoking in ANY public places whatsoever. Some people are even talking about disallowing smokers from smoking on private beaches.

Unless you are living with a smoker, cigarettes no longer affect anyone but the smoker. So why is it people feel the need to lecture smokers as if they don't know by the college level that of its harmful effects. I can't tell you how many times professors bring up how life threatening smoking is.

The fact that I, as a non-smoker, am annoyed by it must mean that smokers are pissed when people bring it up. I mean for God sake they spend like $5 a pack and stand out in the cold for your a$$ to stop b*tching, just let them live life the way they want. Its one thing to educate a minor, but its ridiculous when adults are criticized for a life style.

So anyway, just want to hear from some smokers, and non-smokers too, what you guys think about the issue.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Smoking is unhealthy and damages the health of those around somebody who is smoking.

If anything, public smoking should be illegal.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I too am annoyed by the excessive *****ing in regards to smoking. Were all grown ups here. Lets live our own lives and keep our comments to ourselves when it comes to personal choices others make.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I don't care what people do to themselves, just as long as it doesn't make me smell like ****. Cigarettes make me smell like ****.

If anything, smokers should get fined for vandalism.


Remo Knows
Nov 28, 2007
Houston, TX
I don't care what people do to themselves, just as long as it doesn't make me smell like ****. Cigarettes make me smell like ****.

If anything, smokers should get fined for vandalism.
I completely agree. You can smoke yourself straight to an oncologist all day long for all I care, but cigarette smoke smells like burning ***, makes me cough, and make my clothes smell like crap. Smoking in public areas is a nuisance. Stop ruining people's day with that junk.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
it's your body do whatever you want,

smoke, drink, kill, get a sex change whatever its not my business :p

but if i smell like **** because someone needs a quick fix....then i think there's a problem :/


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
People need to stop *****ing about it. It doesn't affect them if they do it outside. I don't smoke, but I am tired of hearing people whine about it.
That's not true. It doesn't affect your clothes as much, but it still does. And the fact still remains, even if it doesn't stick to your clothes, it's still lingering in your nostrils. Outside or not, they light a stink bomb. There's no reason society should accept that.


Remo Knows
Nov 28, 2007
Houston, TX
I don't want to have to smell cigarette smoke, period. And as Xsyven said, it does linger, whether in your clothes or your nose. It's like if I sat on a park bench and just threw glitter on people. Sure it's harmless and would go away eventually, but it's irritating, annoying and unnecessary. And the only reason they were affected by it; had their lives interrupted, is because of my selfishness. I don't sympathize with smokers. Tobacco is just a legal drug and smokers have choices.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
I fight for my friends.
Smoking kills. The way I see it, people who smoke can be anyone at all. I also think that the primary cause for smoking is peer pressure - enough of this 'coolness' bullcrap. PEOPLE KNOW It is not cool, and I don't think anyone would smoke because they think they're cool (with the exception of a few people).

People seem to smoke because they are depressed, or take it as an act of relieving stress. To me, smoking sounds like suicide.

I don't have anything against smokers, mind you, but I seriously think that they should try to stop.


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
Because he is one of the 23 biggest douche bags in the world.

He's right y'know.

People need to quit whining about smoking; you'll breathe in worse **** walking down town on a Saturday.
It's their choice. If someone sparks up, move, it's a big ****ing planet, with lots of directions to walk in, pick your choice. Don't turn all soft and have a breakdown because "you don't like the smell", "because you think it's wrong" or "it makes my clothes smell", because it's that incentive that gives me the urge to irritate people.

You could say junkfood leads much to the same fate, but I don't see you *****ing about the ten-year-old you saw eating a Snickers.

Buy a gasmask if you're so repulsed and completely unable to live beside other people's choices, this isn't the ****ing stoneage.

Don't be so melodramatic.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
I really think the only people who have a right to express their dislike of smoking is if they're related to the person. When you're single, sure, go ahead and smoke, you really aren't hurting anyone but yourself. But if you have a family, there's a chance that you could get cancer, heart disease, etc. Sure, there's also a good chance you won't get it, but if you do, it's going to cause your family a lot of emotional pain and it's expensive. I just wouldn't want to take that chance. I really only apply this thought to heavy smokers, though. Smoking casually isn't going to kill you. Additionally, I find it despicable when someone smokes around their children. Kids can't just go somewhere else or walk away. They're stuck breathing in their parent's unhealthy habit.

While smoking in the street is annoying, it isn't THAT BAD. You aren't going to have a lingering smell on your clothes or whatever. That is reaching, and you probably only think it stays because you believe it does. Second hand smoke isn't harmful if you breath it for 30 seconds =\ Banning smoking in the street is ridiculous. I can understand the ban indoor places, because it gets trapped in there, and you shouldn't have to leave because of someone else's habit.

I am very against smoking, but that doesn't mean I'm going to ***** to someone who does smoke, or doesn't share my views. People who do are asinine.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
Okay, enough of this "you aren't hurting anyone but yourself".

Smoking is one of the leading causes of death, and so are complications of smoking, including cancer and heart disease.

Smokers cost hospitals billions of dollars every year due to costs of treatment for smoking-related problems. This is money that could be put to better use elsewhere, such as quality assurance, equipment, research, insurance and healthcare worker compensation.

Smokers die earlier, costing the (global) economy billions upon billions of dollars of potential earnings and purchases. Yes, the (US) government makes a lot of money off of cigarette taxes, but the increased productivity and longevity due to not smoking would earn even more tax revenue.

Smoking is a pandemic; it should be banned. Just because a smoker might not "hurt someone" on an individual basis, smokers as a whole hurt us. It is a stupid, disgusting, archaic habit that has no place in our society.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
Oh and before anyone says "smoking doesn't necessarily kill you earlier, I have a grandpa who's 104 years old and has smoked all his life and is perfectly healthy", please remember that there are always such cases, and the other extreme (smokers who die very early due to smoking) is also around.

Anecdotes here and there don't change statistics. The statistics are overwhelming.


Magical Love Gentleman
Aug 21, 2005
Sex Cauldron
@ hizkit: word.

I'm so sick of people *****ing to me about how bad smoking is, especially when it's the same people telling me every time I spark up around them. What's more annoying is when they simply say "you know smoking is bad for you". YES I KNOW SMOKING IS BAD FOR ME, *******. IT SAYS SO RIGHT ON THE ****ING PACK.

What irritates me the absolute most is that the majority of people that whinge at me are either overweight, people who I know like to get plastered every chance they get or both. Those two are just as unhealthy as smoking but no, bringing up a person's weight issues is so grossly insensitive and drinking just makes a super kewl night like, even better so u cant say anything bad about it or ur just a giant loser LOL!

Next time you wanna nag at someone who's having a smoke outside, rethink what you're about to do, harden the **** up and do them a favour by letting them do their thing without being heckled by a whiny little girl.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
I have a quick question for all the smokers:

do you smoke because it relaxes you? That's what the majority of smokers tell me.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
Lemme start by saying that people who are claiming that cigarette smoke sticks to your clothes because people around you were smoking and smell like it are full of garbage. And banning smoking outside is absurd. Unless you are right next to the person, you don't even smell it.

If you don't like the smell, don't hang out with smokers. Or hold your breathe for the 3 seconds as you walk by a person who's smoking.

Smokers cost hospitals billions of dollars every year due to costs of treatment for smoking-related problems. This is money that could be put to better use elsewhere, such as quality assurance, equipment, research, insurance and healthcare worker compensation.
Hospitals aren't dishing out free service, its being paid by insurance. You think as smoking goes down the insurance companies are gonna start giving us back our money? :laugh:

Eventually people die of some expensive disease anyway, so its not like if they weren't smokers, the hospitals would go outta business. They would likely just die a of some other cancer or disease down the road. So essentially, they would be paying almost the same amount of money, just at a differnent time, and the timing is irrelevant.

Smokers die earlier, costing the (global) economy billions upon billions of dollars of potential earnings and purchases. Yes, the (US) government makes a lot of money off of cigarette taxes, but the increased productivity and longevity due to not smoking would earn even more tax revenue.
I am going to have to see some referenceson this one. I just don't buy it.

I seriously doubt that the government is LOSING money, with such an expensive habit. If you smoke from age 15 to 75 (60 years) and you smoke 1 to 2 packs a day (lets say an average of $7.50 over your life time) you are spending roughly $164,362 for 60 years of smoking.

Thats ONE PERSON! There are millions of smokers. Now granted not ALL of that is going to the government, and I'm not sure what percentage is taken, but that is still a huge amount of money to be made off ONE PERSON's bad habit. I find it extremely unlikely that the government would lose money if everyone stopped smoking.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not gonna swallow that until I see some evidence.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
Hospitals aren't dishing out free service, its being paid by insurance. You think as smoking goes down the insurance companies are gonna start giving us back our money? :laugh:
That's not quite how insurance and payment for health services works; if the health insurance issue was so simple, it wouldn't be so difficult to solve.

Eventually people die of some expensive disease anyway, so its not like if they weren't smokers, the hospitals would go outta business. They would likely just die a of some other cancer or disease down the road. So essentially, they would be paying almost the same amount of money, just at a differnent time, and the timing is irrelevant.
Also not true.

I'm going to expound on these in a later post because I'm just about to move out of my dorm and I've gotta pack my computer. In the meantime, carry on.


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
I love the "smokers are destroying the planet" mentality that people have built up in this topic, it's pretty ****ing trivial.

People smoke because they can, that's it, free choice, are you going to deny people that want to smoke respect because your too busy crying a river after you inhaled a wisp of smoke? You're referring to smokers as animals:

Smoking is a pandemic; it should be banned. Just because a smoker might not "hurt someone" on an individual basis, smokers as a whole hurt us. It is a stupid, disgusting, archaic habit that has no place in our society.

Just because you don't smoke doesn't mean you can go all Egotistical-Man and swoop through the skies bragging about how everyone else is killing the world.


Get off their back, being self-righteous isn't cool.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
This post is sad, Hizkit. :(

People need to quit whining about smoking; you'll breathe in worse **** walking down town on a Saturday.
It's their choice. If someone sparks up, move, it's a big ****ing planet, with lots of directions to walk in, pick your choice. Don't turn all soft and have a breakdown because "you don't like the smell", "because you think it's wrong" or "it makes my clothes smell", because it's that incentive that gives me the urge to irritate people.
So you honestly wouldn't mind if I lit a stink bomb next to you at a bus stop? If you whine, then you're just a prick that has a 'holier than thou' attitude, and can't accept people's choices. If I'm at a bus stop, I CAN'T go anywhere else. I steer clear of smokers as much as I can. Don't think I'm drawn to the pretty puffs of smoke. Don't you think it means something when I'm still complaining, even after I'm dodging the smoke?

You could say junkfood leads much to the same fate, but I don't see you *****ing about the ten-year-old you saw eating a Snickers.
Because it doesn't smell bad. And eating anything is perfectly fine as long as they exercise and have proper oral hygene. I know that's a lame excuse, but hey, at least eating has some counters-- unlike smoking.

Buy a gasmask if you're so repulsed and completely unable to live beside other people's choices, this isn't the ****ing stoneage.
Buy a gasmask? That's such a good counter-argument, I'll just say: "Stop smoking, if people are so repulsed and completely unlivable if they have to breathe in your nasty, used, toxic breath." I can live by other people's choices, as long as it doesn't effect me. Smoking DOES.

Don't be so melodramatic.
...you just wanted me to buy a gasmask, due to your own inconsiderateness. I was walking into a casino the other day, and a guy seriously just blew a load of smoke in my face due to the fact that EVERYONE else was smoking, and I guess he thought I wouldn't care. Seriously, I shouldn't have to deal with that.

In the end, smokers only have these arguments:
  • It's my choice.
  • Stop being so melodramatic.
  • You can't live with people's choices.
  • Counter with a completely unrelated fault of the person arguing.

Any arguments that are actually... valid? Please? Something along the lines of Goldshadow's post. I respect your choice-- for example, I have no problem with alcoholics, as long as they're not driving or beating children and wives. I'm not being melodramatic. I can live with people's choices, and I know how it feels when people can't. I'm gay, I get more **** than you do. And if you have to personally attack the person in question, then there's obviously something wrong with what you're doing.


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
I'm sixteen, you think I'd frown if someone let off a stink bomb? I maintain great efforts to make sure that I don't mature as quickly as others. The smell lasts like what, two, three seconds if you're walking past someone? In which you decide that smoking is completely outrageous and upsetting communities all over the world because of the culprits choice?


I picked at junk food because it could sum up a similar argument, I wasn't saying: "THESE ISSUES ARE IDENTICAL", I meant that people just whine constantly about a tiny event that maybe occurs once or twice a week and prioritizes that over things over other mediocre killers; such as junk food, **** I could slot some STD's into the conversation if you like, maybe alcohol? As long as it isn't upclose, and in your face, people can live with it, it's pathetic. This fully counters this:

I can live by other people's choices, as long as it doesn't effect me. Smoking DOES.

...you just wanted me to buy a gasmask, due to your own inconsiderateness. I was walking into a casino the other day, and a guy seriously just blew a load of smoke in my face due to the fact that EVERYONE else was smoking, and I guess he thought I wouldn't care. Seriously, I shouldn't have to deal with that.
www.ebay.co.uk - buy a sarcasm detector.

I don't expect everyone against smoking to march out and buy gasmasks. You're no better than people that smoke, I couldn't care less if you thought otherwise. Everyone is equal. Gambling is fail anyway, I'ma be a ******* and say: it serves you right. :)

In the end, smokers only have these arguments:

* It's my choice.
* Stop being so melodramatic.
* You can't live with people's choices.
* Counter with a completely unrelated fault of the person arguing.
Okay, so all of those points have been pruned from my posts, and yet I don't smoke, so no, those aren't smokers arguments. Those are arguments from a realistic kid who is sick of people who are, supposedly, more mature than me rant about "smoke in their clothes", give me a ****ing break.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I knew what I was getting into by walking into the casino. I didn't expect a blow directly into my face, point blank.

I just hate the **** smell. If someone farts, it only lasts a few seconds, but in those few seconds, the whole room is in detest. Same goes for smoking. How is your argument of "It's not that bad?" a valid argument, when you just said it yourself. "It's not that bad?" You just called the situation bad, yourself.

And once again, with that casino argument, thank you for pointing out a personal flaw of mine, to make you seem like a better person. :) But really-- I don't gamble, I'm not 21. Your arguments suck. You make it sound like smokers shouldn't even have to try to be considerate.


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
You say my arguments suck but I think that reply was pretty stumped; to be honest:

How is your argument of "It's not that bad?" a valid argument, when you just said it yourself. "It's not that bad?" You just called the situation bad, yourself.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Lectured? Where I live it's perfectly fine to smoke and it's actually not harmless once in a while. Anyone who wants to ban smoking just hasn't calmed down in life yet.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2007
I gotta say that I don't mind most types of smoking with the exception of MJ and cigarettes. Frankly the smoke does not smell good, I'm sure, however, that smokers have become accustomed to it and no longer take any notice.

Smoking is a social habit that affects everyone in a small vicinity. It's fine for y'all to practice the habit but many a time I've seen people being utterly obnoxious and obstinate by, for example, standing right in front of a doorway and smoking. In many areas of Ohio, could be all of Ohio now, it is illegal to smoke in or around public establishments, yet I've seen it being done on many occasions. Smoking is no privilege and garners no rights, it holds no value but to the companies that are being patronized through the obsessive habit. Smoking is analogous to spitting in someones face, what would you do if someone spat on you ????

Next time anyone blows smoke in my face their *** is floored !


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
The fact is, smokers know it's bad for them. Nobody needs to tell them, they hear it often enough.

While I personally enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke (and most smoking for that matter) I understand that not everybody shares my feelings on the matter. However, I can't help but think that smokers have been singled out on this matter. I'm personally more offended by the large gentleman next to me in the elevator who forgot to put on deodorant this morning and decided to jog to work, but I'm not going to lecture him about the matter. There are more things that smell in this world than just cigarettes.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
BC, Canada
I'm not a smoker but I have a friend who quit. He sad the most annoying thing was when a really fat person would nag him on the dangers of smoking


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Lol, I've seen that as well. Like the REALLY LARGE WOMEN who order half the menu at Burger King then a Diet Coke, because they're watching their weight.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Xsyven: for the love of God quit complaining. Your argument comes down to "I can't stand the smell". Well, the fact is that not everyone hates the smell; in fact there are a lot of people that like it. If some one wore cologne that you didn't like would you claim they need to be fined a ticket? No. It's the same thing. I for one do not like the smell of tobacco, but I realize people have the right to smoke and as such I typically stay out of bars and parties where people smoke all the time. And if you're saying that they make the outdoors smell too then you are just using your delusion.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Xsyven: for the love of God quit complaining. Your argument comes down to "I can't stand the smell". Well, the fact is that not everyone hates the smell; in fact there are a lot of people that like it. If some one wore cologne that you didn't like would you claim they need to be fined a ticket? No. It's the same thing. I for one do not like the smell of tobacco, but I realize people have the right to smoke and as such I typically stay out of bars and parties where people smoke all the time. And if you're saying that they make the outdoors smell too then you are just using your delusion.
Cologne doesn't give people diseases. =/ ... not that I know of at least...

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Yeah X I expected much better of you. I smoke daily, and have never come within fifty feet of people who didn't fit into one of these groups:

-Other smokers

-Friends that genuinely don't mind

-Bystanders who had a thousand other directions in which to walk without losing any time and still avoid me by a wide margin -- I guess they don't mind either.

You're being completely immature, especially when you're a loud and proud alcoholic. Well, so am I, and I think it's utter BS that one of my health vices makes me the center of a party and the other makes me an outcast that has to slink off to the shadows to avoid people like you.

Consider that hypocrisy for a moment, if your vendetta is mild enough to consider an oppositional opinion, that is.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Cologne doesn't give people diseases. =/ ... not that I know of at least...
That is not his argument. I know smoking is dangerous to the user; so are x-rays. The thing is they are only dangerous through overexposure. Breathing in one breath of second hand smoke once a week will do absolutely nothing to you.

Also, I'm not a smoker and don't like smoking, but I'm willing to give people the option to do it on their own.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
That is not his argument. I know smoking is dangerous to the user; so are x-rays. The thing is they are only dangerous through overexposure. Breathing in one breath of second hand smoke once a week will do absolutely nothing to you.

Also, I'm not a smoker and don't like smoking, but I'm willing to give people the option to do it on their own.
I suppose...

I don't smoke either and I personally don't care if people smoke, as long as they don't do so right in my face I'm fine.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Well, that's a given. Some people are going to be obnoxious a-holes with every habit, and that includes drinking and everything else. In fact, drinking and driving can lead to the sudden and immediate death of yourself and many others. What's your response to that? Oh, responsible drinkers won't do that?

Guess what! Responsible smokers exist, too. And they don't blow smoke in other men/women/children's faces.

The fact that you've met people who smoke and are jerks doesn't give you the right to generalize a huge group of people into one peak of douchebaggery. When I light up, I clamber around like Altair from Assassin's Creed to avoid people who hate smoking as much as you do, X, so I think I've earned the right to do it without being portrayed as some selfish guy who wants to burn all people who disagree with me at the stake and molest the environment for a habit.
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