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Anti-anti-gay/Catholic protest Super Soaker Fight


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
So here's the jiffy...

"On April 19, 2010, the ****ers from Westboro Baptist Church have decided to come and protest at various Tampa institutions of secondary and higher education solely to promote their bigotry and prove what a bunch of dumb *******s they are.
They will be at Plant HS from 6:55 to 7:25 AM, Tampa Catholic HS from 7:40 to 8:10, and at the USF Hillel (Jewish Student Group) AND the USF Catholic Student Center from 9:15 to 9:45 AM.

These sons of *****es are not a "church" by any means of the word. They solely exist to spread hate. You have probably heard of them due to their famous protesting of FUNERALS OF SOLDIERS WHO HAVE DIED IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN because these soldiers died defending a country where homosexuality is tolerated with signs such as "GOD HATES SOLDIERS", "GOD HATES ***S", "THANK GOD FOR IEDS", and "GOD HATES AMERICA" (funny, since they hate the only country that would grant them enough freedom of speech to pull **** like this)."

-From the facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=112625518756163&ref=mf

The facebook group is about having a peaceful protest against them where we spread the love, hence the name "Spread the Love."

Basically, one of the places they are targeting is my school, so what I was planning on doing was hosting a large scale Super Soaker fight at the same time and place, but right before they got there. I can't imagine them protesting during a Super Soaker fight and it would be hella fun, we could probably get on the news too because my school has gotten on the news just because we boycotted our cafeteria, plus the Baptist group has been on the news too, I believe.

What I'm worried about is some sort of legal issue, because those people sue like mad and they fund their anti-gay/Catholic/everything protests with money they get from suing people.

I'm also worried about the material we'd have to have and the time span we have to get to school on time. I doubt anyone cares that much about being late for school, but we could probably get there on time anyway. I'd also probably have to bring water to refill as well, which I could most likely manage.

I'm not sure if we should just bring swim suits and change later or if we should buy 99 cent raincoats from the dollar store. Swim suits would be a lot more fun though.

I would like some advice on how I could make this run smoothly or any advice on anything about the matter at all.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Didn't happen because there was a (unrecognizable) gay fund raiser that was announced before my plan was announced. The fund raiser was using the protesters to attract people to pay money which would have made their protesting counter-productive. Sadly, the fund raiser was in a parking lot and there was no stand for it, so it had no impact on the protesters. Everyone just ignored the protesters anyway so they really didn't get anything they wanted.

It was actually good my plan got ruined because the protesters had some legal issue or something that made them unable to protest directly in front of my school, so they had to protest at some intersection near my school. If my plan went through, it would have been where the protesters weren't allowed to be, so it would have been near-useless.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Nah, I'm rarely ever in St. Pete. The only reason I go there is to see my friends. I'm hoping to go play Aglow today though by USF if he didn't go to that...one tourney. If you can get there that would be cool, but St. Pete is just too far for me to drive. : [
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