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Another SmashBoards Creates Thread: Sonic Mania 2!

Whose Fang moveset should we use?

  • Janx_uwu

  • Glubbflubb

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
(This is all hypothetical. We're not actually making a fangame out of this).
It goes without saying that-excluding Adventure 3-a sequel to Sonic Mania is the most highly requested Sonic game ever. The first game smashed records and expectations to shreds in 2017, proving that Sonic can be great if you have creators with passion and talent (and having some quality control, as well as a flexible deadline, is also nice). Why wouldn't Sega want to make a sequel?
That's where we come in. Teaming up with Chirstian Whitehead, Headcanon, and Pagoda West Games, we are to help them and Sonic Team conceptualize the game. They develop it as we relay to them what to put in. Developer Partners if you will.
This works the exact same as any other "sequel creation thread" you find here on SB, such as MvC4, MK9, Smash Infinite, and WarioWare Switch. I announce a job that was relayed to me by Evening Star or Sonic Team-for example, "submit a new zone concept". Myself and the others in this thread will submit our ideas individually. We vote on which one is added. I submit the winning idea(s) to the devs/publishers, and (usually) they will add it. There are a few things that make this thread different, but they're smaller things and we'll cross those bridges when we come to them.

Should let you guys know, I won't be available until 3:30 on Thu/Fri because of school. But after a few weeks that shouldn't be a problem.


Confirmed Content

Playable characters (4/10)

Modes (3/??)
Mania Mode
Time Trial

Zones (2/18)
Scrap-Nik Zone
Haven Hive Zone

JOB 1: Submit a new playable character

Most 2D Sonic games until this point has featured a new playable character. Mania will have ten in total, making it the 2D Sonic game with the most playable characters (and counting Heroes as four teams rather than 12 characters, we would have the most characters in a Sonic game in general, just barely beating out 06's nine). I have confirmed Amy for the game already, as she would probably hog all the votes. Requirements:
-Must be a game-canon Sonic character (stuff like OC's and non game characters may be elligible in the future)
-Must be a character who debuted before Sonic Adventure (At least for base game, characters that are exclusively modern will not be included as playable-DLC will be debated much later on).
-You don't need to write out animations, attributes, Super Forms, etc.-we will work that out later. A simple paragraph more explaining why they should be in Sonic Mania 2 will do.
-Cannot be a glitch character (like the Wechnia), localized version of a character (like American Robotnik), or any other alternate version of a character. (Metal versions are fine).
-Don't submit Mighty and/or Ray. Because...

JOB 2: Should we include Mighty and Ray as playable in the base game?
This may seem like a no-brainer-Mighty and Ray are awesome characters that are really fun in Mania. However, I may remind you that we have a maximum of ten base game character slots, including the four already confirmed. If Mighty and Ray were to return, we would only have five new characters in the base game, counting Amy. However, if we excluded them, we could have seven new characters counting Amy. This will be the first of many tough decisions. Requirements:
-Not much. Just a simple yes or no will suffice. You can also explain your reasoning if you want to.

And off we go! I may be jumping on this bandwagon late, but dang it, this is fun!
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
JOB 1: Vector the Crocodile

While he is predominantly known as a modern character thanks to Heroes, Vector made his debut several years earlier in Knuckles' Chaotix. He was a really charismatic and personality-character, with a love of fun, music, and (according to the Japanese manual of Chaotix) God. With just how much love of his debut game was put into Mania 1, I think he'd be a perfect new addition to the playable cast. I picked him over the other Chaotix characters because of how he is depicted as the leader in both Modern titles and in the Fleetway comics. He also is featured prominently on the American box art of Chaotix, so lots of people know about this scaly dude.

JOB 2: No. Five new characters is plenty, but seven is cooler, and I think we can have a lot more wacky additions with that number. As much as I love Mighty and Ray, I can sacrifice them for a few more slots.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
JOB 1:
Fang the Sniper

This popgun-toting fiend could have an anti-heroic (or even straight up villainous) side story of sorts. He's popular character who's return has been desired by Classic and Modern fans alike for years. His popgun could provide a fun, projectile oirented moveset.

JOB 2:
Mighty, but not Ray. Ray is a little overpowered in Mania - at least once you figure out his gliding.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Job 1: Espio the Chameleon

Espio was one of the characters to debut in Knuckles Chaotix, though he is more known for Sonic Heroes, and he is also probably the most popular member. He would have the ability to climbe across the ceiling, and maybe wall jump.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Job #1: Metal Sonic

Metal Sonic is a violent, intelligent, cold-hearted weapon of murder with the only goal being to kill Sonic under all-means possible. Which is why he's 100% perfect to be a toy plushie for children. Jokes aside, Metal Sonic is easily one of the more popular Sonic characters and it'd be nice to have a playable villain, as Shadow is illegible and I don't think Eggman could work.

Job #2: Just Mighty

I like Armadillos. My most wanted Smash 1st party newcomer is an armadillo. That's it, that's the rest of the post.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
I forgot job 2:

I think they should both return, because this game is probably the only chance they have at being in a new game, and in general I don't see much reason to exclude them


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2020
Job #1: Bomb

Bomb made his first and only appearance in Knuckles’ Chaotix. In the game’s story, it’s said that Bomb and his friend Heavy broke free of Eggman’s control and they decide to help Team Chaotix. Bomb can constantly explode without really hurting himself. After Knuckles’ Chaotix, Bomb has never been heard from again.

Job #2: Keep Mighty


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Job 1 Metal Knuckles

I recently began joining the metal knuckles fan club and you know what, he was wasted in the core sonic games and so should be expanded here, maybe as a partner in crime to tails doll and metal sonic

Being metal he would magnetize to ceiling giving him more pathways and his gliding can include a drill attack as well, he would be slightly slower than knuckles but jumps higher
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
So I know it’s debatable wether or not this really counts as originating with classic Sonic, but...

Honey the Cat
Honey the Cat is an unused character in Sonic the Fighters who later appeared in the rerelease of said game. She has become something of a fan-favorite, and I think it would be interesting to include a character with origins like that. She can stay true to her fighting game origins by being able to punch and kick enemies in-game.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
SUBMISSIONS HAVE ENDED. A bit earlier than I said but it seems like everyone's had their chance to submit a character, and we got a lot of good ones. But I'll still leave the Mighty/Ray one open a bit longer. Voting will begin as soon as I figure out how to set up a voting period.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
VOTING FOR JOB 1: Submit a new character
Vector The Crocodile ( Janx_uwu Janx_uwu )
Fang The Sniper ( Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
Espio The Chameleon ( Otoad64 Otoad64 )
Metal Sonic ( CheeseAnton CheeseAnton )
Bomb ( evanwoo10 evanwoo10 )
Metal Knuckles ( Glubbfubb Glubbfubb )
Honey The Cat ( Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )

Voting will commence in a weighted format. Vote for your top three in order. 1st place will get 3 points, 2nd will get 2 points, and 3rd will get 1 point. You may vote for your own, but only as your 3rd option. I'll tally all the points at the end and decide which character we add next. After that, we'll move onto gameplay concepts (things like attributes and abilities).


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
  1. Honey (I just think this is neat and an additional female choice alongside Amy)
  2. Fang (probably my favourite pre-Adventure character)
  3. Espio (Tough pick between him and Vector)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2013
1) Espio
2) Fang
3) Metal Sonic

Edit: Oh, and I vote to keep Mighty but lose Ray.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
Well, the votes are in on Job 2-Mighty will return in Mania 2, but Ray will not. Meaning we have four characters left (not counting the one we are currently voting on) to add to the game before it releases. Character voting will remain open for a few more hours.
Since we're moving along pretty smoothly, now's a good time to finally introduce:
JOB 3: Submit a new zone concept
Sonic Mania had a total of 12 zones, with four brand-new and eight returning. Mania 2 will have 18 in total-8 brand new ones, and 10 returning.
For this job, we will be submitting new zones only. We'll work on returning zones later on. When detailing your zone, please include:
-The theme (For example, Mirage Saloon from Mania has the theme of the Wild West)
-Level-specific gimmicks (such as the jelly that appears in Chemical Plant Act 2 of Mania-there can be just one or two of these, or many different ones)
-Differences between Act 1 and Act 2 (For example, in Press Garden, Act 1 takes place inside the printing press, but Act 2 takes place in the snowy forest outside of it)
-Level-specific badniks
-Any additional details you feel are necessary
-Don't detail the bosses just yet-we'll have a job for those later
Feel free to take inspiration for any of the above requirements from unused Sonic concepts (like how Mirage Saloon is taken straight from the cutting room floor of Sonic CD)
This job will remain open for a few days, because of all the things required for it. I know some people will also want to sketch out their ideas, and in that case I want to give them all the time that they need.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Here is a zome concept that's totally unique for this type of game

Haven Hive Zone
A beehive themed zone, this level is a gigantic beehive located in the top of a giant sequoia tree

Act 1 takes place on the trunk of the sequoia tree as you climb up to the beehive, it's a vertically structured stage where you go from one layer of the tree to the next and you go both inside and outside the trunk, as you go up bee Badnicks called Beenicks which begin the attack as they launch honey blobs from their stinger tail which slow you down significantly, this is bad as the stage is also filled with the dreaded Slicer from metropolis zone as well as the woodpeckers from press garden, as you go up the tree you head inside the hive (not before fighting an eggman mech inside a giant honeycomb)

Act 2 tales place inside the hives and the structure significantly changes, the area is more cramped and filled with tunnels that the Beenicks fly though and attack, while their are speed focused segments platforming is the name of the game, their are two main gimmicks, hexagonal platforms that lhase in and out of the honeycombs like the Yoku blocks and the main gimmick where blocks of honey is sticking on the walls and ceilings, by jumping in them you sink into the honey and have to deal with grub Badnicks that launch spikes in multible directions as you freely fly though the blob of honey, as you go though the stage the buzzing of bees becomes even more pronounced until the end when you fight some giant Queen Beenick

What do you thin this is my first zone I ever nade
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Job 3: Electric Pantheon Zone

My idea is for a zone inspired by Greek/Ronan architecture. Sonic has already sorta dabbled in the theme in Windmill Isle (Sonic Unleashed) and Blue Coast Zone (Sonic Rivals 2) but I think this would be different, because it brings it into a classic look and has different enemies/obstacles.

The first act would have travelling on the beach, and through some bits of Greek-looking architecture like this:

We could also add a badnik meant to look like a minotaur or just a bull (Kinda like the minotaurs from Rayman Legends haha) and maybe even enemies pulling chariots.

The second act would be similar, but with much larger structures sorta more resembling Ancient Rome. The sky would be dark and there would be a lightning storm, presumably caused by the boss of the act.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
I'll post the full results when I'm done counting them, but it looks like our two first newcomers will be AMY ROSE and FANG THE SNIPER.
Gameplay submissions for these characters will open a bit before stage submissions have ended. If that goes too slow, I may change the restrictions. (I'll try to submit my own stage idea sometime tomorrow.)
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Job 3:
Scrap-Nik Zone

Question: What happens to all the failed badniks that failed to stop Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and the rest of the gang?

Well Dr. Eggman likely recycles some of the scrap...but here's their resting place whilst waiting for their 'reincarnation'.

Everything about this zone is made from broken badniks;
  • The waving branching roads, are piles of defunct Caterkiller's chomping into each other's tails to create a long path for Sonic and friends to traverse.
  • Springs are now 'dead' Moto Bug's who's backs pop up when landed on.
  • Dead-eyed Buzz Bombers splutter and float in the air briefly as floating...and falling platforms. They're malfunctioning so you want to use them to get up quick.
  • Crab Meat units that are missing an eye and a secondary claw will blast compressed air out of their claws instead of the traditional missiles and bullets, giving Sonic and the gang a helpful burst forward if touched.
Functioning Badnik's could include:
  • Failed 'Metal Sonic' attempts; slow running sparking vaguely hedgeog shaped badniks that can spindash forward when seeing the heroes, but are otherwise as weak to being smacked on the head as any other, although attacking them from behind is ill-advised due to their spikes. Best to fight them head on.
  • Heck, failed Tails Doll and Metal Knuckles prototypes would also fit well.
  • Any amount of scrapped badniks we never saw such as the Bubbler who was planned for Sonic 2; a Badnik that would bubble up and then explode when it reached max capacity, or the Gator; an alligator styled Badnik with tank wheels that was scrapped from the same game.
  • Strange versions of common badniks fused hap hazardly together.
The first act would consist of coming out of a seemingly normal green wooded zone, and as you run through you see more and more busted up robots including those Caterkiller paths mentioned above, until the entire level is full of broken Badniks.

Upon reaching the Goal Plate of the first act, Sonic/Tails/Knuckles/Amy/Fang/Mighty notice the robotic pile the Spinning sign was on has become unstable, and they fall down into the pit below, which is full of conveyor belts, furnaces burning away badnik scraps and parts and an overall feel to it like you're in Badnik hell...

...I imagine whatever boss we cook up for this act would be downright nightmare fuel.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
All right. As promised, here's my zone.
At the beginning, there's a short in-game cutscene where Sonic falls onto a bustling, busy city street, and spindashes out of the way of some approaching cars. But doing so launches him into a dark, mysterious alleyway-which is where the zone starts.
The act takes a very dark purplish tone, similarly to Marble Zone from Sonic 1. Posters advocating for politicians (including Princess Sally), drinks (including Chaos Cola), and food (including chili dogs) are peeling off the walls in the background. (Not all of these posters have pictures and/or are legible). There are three main paths that Sonic can and will swap between-the ground, the interiors of the buildings, and the rooftops.
-The ground will have the most slopes, but it will house the most badniks and hazards as well.
-The building interiors are often apartment buildings, and they will have more giant rings (or however we choose to get to special stages). These houses have a similar lighting effect to the rooms in Studiopolis, where everything is bright yellow, but Sonic becomes pitch black.
-The rooftops will offer a beautiful view of the city (which, according to my fan-timeline, is the beginnings of Station Square-but that is never explicitly stated in the zone). You can also see a bright full moon in the distance. The rooftops will often have ladders and planks of wood so Sonic can run across them, though some of these will break and fall after being stood on.
Finally, onto the badnik types.
-First, there will be Egg Robo shaped badniks that I don't have a name for yet. They will be doing various things-playing poker, drinking "Oil", or trading bags of "bolts" for Rings. They will be in the background, but if Sonic runs past them too fast, they will get up and start boosting after Sonic, firing laser guns at him.
-Illumi Nates. These guys look like close relatives of the electric mic badniks, from Studiopolis. They will flash on and off to the rythym of the music (which is a jazzy tune that shares quite a bit of DNA with the night stages of Sonic Unleashed). They won't directly harm you, but if you're caught under the light, you'll get chased down by...
-Waku Waku Police Cars. Driven by small, robotic Sonics, these cars will chase and gun you down by any means necessary. They seem to take inspiration from the drill car from Sonic 2. They're even faster than the Egg Robos I was talking about earlier.

At the end of the level, Sonic will knock the miniboss into a door, crashing it open and letting him go inside.
Robot speakeasy. Need I say more?
Okay fine, I will. This zone is themed in green-but overall, it's much more colorful than Act 1. There's a prestigious wood pattern on the wall. There are tables and chairs and booths (all in the background) where badniks of all kinds wine, dine, play cards, and enjoy live music. This live music is being performed by other badniks-specifically, MIDI-na, a reference to Sonic's scrapped girlfriend Madonna. They share some similarities in appearance, though obviously, one is a robot. She won't directly attack Sonic, but she will sing very robotic, synthesized tunes that appear as notes and bounce of the walls and can hurt Sonic. There are also badniks not unlike the ones in Act 1 that can appear in the foreground. Rather than the ones on the outside (who only attacked when you got near), these ones will attack on sight with their laser guns. However, ones sitting down will not engage. There are also bars, and barstools that function just like they did in Mania.
Now, there is some gambling going on here-which is, as we all know, a staple of the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. Here are just a few.
-Rock Paper Scissors. A very neat callback to Alex Kidd. If you win, you get 10 Rings. If you win again, you get 20 Rings added onto those 10 Rings. And so on. If you lose, you lose all the Rings you've built up, plus 15 of your own. If you tie, you get no Rings, and the option to continue the streak or give up while you're winning.
-War. Yeah, this one is basically gambling, contrary to what I said above. Each winning card gets you five rings, and each losing card takes 5 rings. Opt out whenever you like. Winning an "I declare war" segment will net you a whopping 40 Rings.
-Slot machines. These work like a chair-they are spread throughout the level, and all you need to do is jump in one from the top and start playing! Works just like it does in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
Submissions will be open until Friday afternoon.
To get some more submissions in, I'm making a change to the requirements.

If you want to submit a zone, just a name and theme will do for now. Go into as little or as much detail as you like. We can add in any and all details later.

For those who already have or don't want to submit a zone, here's our next job:
JOB 4/5: Submit a gameplay concept for Amy/Fang
Every character in our game will have a distinct playstyle that separates them from the rest-consisting of their attributes (i.e. jump height, speed, and extra things like Mighty's shell invincibility) and abilities (i.e. Drop Dash or Glide).
For inspiration, I recommend looking at official Sonic games where Amy or Fang appear, as well as fanmade games and rom hacks.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Here is something unique for Amy

In Advanced 1 and Adventure she couldnt jump into a ball instead she needed to use her hammers to smash things, in Boom (yes I'm referring that) she uses her hammer for gymnastics so I thought of a good moveset

She is slower than sonic and has knuckles jump height, however when running and you use her hammer you can do a hammer jump like in adveture and when you use the hammer on a wall she can sorta wall jump, unless rolling down a hill the hammer is her main means of attack

She can use her hammer to hook onto ledges acting as a sort of ledge grab and has an ista sheild esc move when using the hammer in the air, if she uses this move over spikes she will bounce off them like it was nothing and can be chained to have her bounce off a entire plate of spikes potentially getting a new shortcut

Amy also has unique effects when using elemental sheilds like sonic, the fire shield makes her hammer give a rocket boost double jump (think the burst wisp) the lightning shield let's her lightspeed dash and the water shield give her a slow gliding move

As a result her levels are slightly different kinda like knuckles campaign to accommodate this unique moveset
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Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2021
all i want in Sonic Mania 2 is all new levels instead of remixes of old ones. Studiopolis was amazing.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Being called Fang the Sniper, Fang would use a unique playstyle of running and gunning, he would have normal jump height and slightly slower speed than sonic

By jumping then using the same button combination to activate the drop dash Fang will use his tail like a spring to do a higher jump, think of Gex's tail jump, this can be used to smash enemies and certain blocks, he can also smash barries with his tail whip which can also be used to swing onto hooks

Fang would use his pistol to shoot at enemies since he cant go into a ball, his stages would have more sheilds as instead of protecting him it gives him ammo for special projectiles

His default gun gives him a mega man 1 style peashooter, its reliable but not special, touching a fire shield gives him a flamethrower, great for defeating shielded enemies, the flamethrower is short ranged but can deflect projectiles, water shield shots can bounce off walls, there easy to spam so they make a good upgrade to the normal gun, lightening shields give homing shots, their the weakest but the can go though walls, you can switch to any shot with the press of the shoulder button and can refill ammo by breaking other shield monitors

Like Knuckles his stage would change to accommodate his moveset

(Nore is we do shield contests their should be a special property that will be given to amy and fang if those movesets win if that's okay)
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
Fang has average stats comparable to Mighty. He can roll and jump into a ball, as well as spindash.
However, Fang does have the Pop Gun. By pressing A in midair, he will shoot it forwards. The corkscrew goes the length of three spike placements and can damage enemies. It's pretty fast too. What's more interesting about this move, however, is that it gives Fang quite a bit of momentum in the opposite direction-think of it like Mii Gunner's forward air, in that sense. This can be used to build up lots of momentum. Fang can not shoot, however, while one corkscrew is still active (and they are even active while offscreen).
Fang can also shoot the Pop Gun on the ground, by pressing Up+A.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Fang has average stats comparable to Mighty. He can roll and jump into a ball, as well as spindash.
However, Fang does have the Pop Gun. By pressing A in midair, he will shoot it forwards. The corkscrew goes the length of three spike placements and can damage enemies. It's pretty fast too. What's more interesting about this move, however, is that it gives Fang quite a bit of momentum in the opposite direction-think of it like Mii Gunner's forward air, in that sense. This can be used to build up lots of momentum. Fang can not shoot, however, while one corkscrew is still active (and they are even active while offscreen).
Fang can also shoot the Pop Gun on the ground, by pressing Up+A.
Hey if my Fang/Amy moveset wins and we have sheild contests would you also add what effect Amy and Fang would have since that's a main mechanic of them
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