In my opinion, we should be interested in the conservation of threatened animals so far as we are the ones causing the threat, although in most cases, this holds to be true. Regardless of that, I don't think we as a species capable of moral/intelligent/reasoning/considerational thought have the right to 'disrupt' so many other lifeforms. I read a quote that pretty much sums up what I'm getting at:
"In a sense, all living things are at the peak of evolution. Sacrificing the very existence of any life form for something as superfluous and transitory as money is an outrageous crime against Nature." VHEMT
That site also, although slightly absurd in places, gives a few hypotheticals on Ecology and extinction of animals if humans were less of a habitual disrupter.
It also talks about the power that we have as humans and whether it should be used to continue to destroy natural habitat or restore it. I for one really want to see the world restored. And I think humans SHOULD be doing all that they can. Though I am not sure I agree about VHEM's concept...
But anyway, back on topic, I'm really not sure there is anything that humans can actively do to stop continual extinction of species.
I mean, to me, the world is not a community, at all. We are a group of greed-centred individuals who hide behind organisations to achieve our goals, whether it be money, power, fame etc. The reason I say this is that no matter what, there is going to be one person who needs a rainforest to be brought down for more profit, there is going to be whalers who say, well as long as
"I" don't kill the last one. And unfortunately, these types of people group together, populate political parties and sit in board rooms, so unfortunately, they will also allows these things to go on, whether because they get a benefit, or for other reasons. Greed is pretty deadly when it infects 6 billion people.
Long story short, there is no kind of force that can really stop the momentum that is already set in place. Lobby groups, picket lines and policies can emerge now and again, but in the end, I don't think it can be stopped until it's far too late.