Well, it is true that forests are getting cleared at a lesser extent, but it's a slow start, hopefully in at least 10 years there will be a law past going along the lines of "...with and only with certified government permission can a company cut down forest. [and] only a certain amount per month, and with this, for every three (3) trees cut down two (2) seeds must be planted..." but I doubt that will happen.
I understand that many governments think they are fooling the people by "enforcing" protection laws, but every one knows that there are simple loop holes that the government doesn't care about, and only local governments enforce these laws and if broken THEN they go to the higher courts.
Why would people want the Dingo extinct? it's one of two or three wild dog species left!
I did not know the thing about the stick insect, but Australia also has about 4 out every 5 of my favorite animals, along with two of the three monotremes, all but one marsupial, and the only wing-less bird.