.......Hmm...it seems Serebii has pulled a "Mitt Romney" and refused to answer any of my questions about this whole lawsuit buisness. Either I am "beneath him" and not worth acknowledging, or he is hiding something.
Quite frankly, I think there are a number of falsities surrounding Serebii and/or his "source". Not necessarily that Serebii would outright lie, but rather I beleive Serebii's "source" is feeding him false information of some sort, about the roster, or about what will happen if he tells. It honestly seems as if nothing major will happen if Serebii reveals a text listing of the roster, especially so close to the relase date. So why bother hiding it?
As I said, I know nothing of the intricaticies of these affairs, so I asked some legitimate questions last night while Serebii was on, and this thread was not busy, yet he blatently ignored them. So that leads me to beleive that:
1. Serebii does not have any information (unlikely due to all the Pokemon info he had, and he dosen't seem to be the type to mislead on purpose)
2. Serebii's source is feeding him false information, and telling Serebii not to "leak" this info outright so that he avoids looking like another "false prophet", but still managing to play the little mind games these other "leakers" play, indirectly though Serebii.
3. Serebii and/or his source have true information, but are needlessly paranoid about what will happen if it leaks. There have been numerous leaks of other high profile games in the past, (Soul Calibur 3 even came with photos) so I don't see what makes this game so cloak and dagger, especially since Sakurai himself said that he wasn't as concerned with hidden characters this time.
I do not wish proof of the roster at this point, I wish for proof of if the roster (text only) is indeed leaked, especially through someone who did not directly sign an NDA or whatever, that the "main" leaker WILL be sued for millions and "never work in the video game industry again". If Serebii was questioned by Nintendo as to where he got the information from, he could easily claim an anonymous source. This whole thing reeks of nothing but conspiracy, scare tactics, and mind games.
I would like hard evidence and documentation of these "roster leak lawsuits", otherwise I cannot beleive he "can't reveal anything" unless he is INCREDIBLY paranoid. And neither should the rest of you. It makes no sense as to why so many users on here follow his word as irrefutable proof and law, purely because of the Pokemon info. It IS possible for Serebii's "trusted source" to lie to him about this game after all, as it seems to be the "in" thing to do.
Are you ****ing kidding me.
It's completely ****ing obvious Joe would get in trouble for any leak of the sort even though he only has pokemon information.
Any kind of info leak would have nintendo on his back for doing this. Big or small. Plus you have the fact that it's quiet easy to locate him thanks to his website.
Honestly how old are you that you can't comprehend this simple concept? Stop badgering him about it. At least he can help us debunk some rosters.