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An Essay about Life By Renth


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Life - An Essay by: Mark Richard Strenko
Category: Writing and Poetry

My defination of the word life is - "a confusing endeavor forced upon you at birth".

Nothing confuses me more than life it's self, it seems to be an endless drama and with every step you take adds a new plot to the storyline of complexity. A spider web of mixed emotion, drama, chaos, pressures, fears, hates, loves, and what makes you strive for happiness. Everyone in one way or another all they want in life is to be happy. A feat near impossible unless you either have a lot of close friends, money, or a loving family.

It's been proven that all of the "crazy" people in the world the ones that lash out and commit crimes such as murder, animal abuse, and other abuse related catastrophes have been sparked from a type of lack of social acceptance at a younger age or a poor home life. Life in this world is judged by an enormous popularity contest think of it this way... When a child is entering elementary school in as low as 3rd - 5th grade the simpliest things will upset you. If one of your peers calls you a "poopy head" or something as silly as your shirt is dumb would make you bust into tears.

If such abuse continues one of a few things could happen. This person could become socially inept unable to fit in with any group of people for fear of being made fun of, they could reach their "boiling point" and lash out on everyone whether it be fist fights to as bad as murder. Even almost as bad if not worse some people will fall as low to to start taking random drugs to make themselves look cool or to "take away the pain" - which can also lead to suicidal tendencies. If the world were to lower their socially acceptable standards the world would be a much happier place, more people would get along and less petty fights would have ever started.

All anyone in truely wants is happiness think about it, if your not happy your miserable. Life is hard mainly because of the economy, i'm not saying there is anything wrong with how our currency systems are run, but you need money for many things. You need money to eat, sleep, survive, have fun, protect, and most importantly live. With this in mind it's best to try to find a career or path of interest that you won't be unsatisified with in the long run. If you choose to be a police officer go through all the training then hate the work conditions, you can find yourself back at square one. If your going to start your life in a direction make sure it's the right one, pick something that will make you happy and strive for it.

Life continues to make me ponder each and every day about so many things... For example, my life it seems everytime I consider myself happy without any compliants everythings going exactly the way I would want it to, something goes terribly wrong. I go out of my way to make everyone happy to be as nice as I possibly can and it seems in life the nice guy always gets screwed over no matter what kind of situation they find themselves in. Whenever your own family doesn't even seem to take anything you say seriously, treat you like you're forever a premature child, and ignore everything you say that you feel is important it's hard to have a happy life.

Perhaps.. it's the people who are treated the worst at the start are the happiest in the end. The people who fight through the pain to find happiness without lashing out on the world that has condemned them to a life of solitude, maybe it is true the ends justifys the means. After finding a way from their personal demons, learn from their experiences, give true words of advice from the heart and try to lead others towards the light of their dreams. It pains me to see good people stray away from their path i've seen many of my own good friends turn their lives to the worst possible conditions. Some of the nicest and most intelligent people have started doing drugs and stop caring about life entirely, something i would never wish on anyone is to throw away their hopes and dreams.

- 10/29/07

Thanks for reading.

xS A M U R A Ix

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2003
Raleigh, NC
Life is one big struggle for happiness, it sucks that so much unhappiness can be found in that struggle. I also agree about the harshness of people on someone that's different at a young age. School is a really important time in someone's life, it teaches you all the skills you'll need to get by in society. I don't actually think school is about what you learn in the classes, but what you learn interacting with other people and learning to cope with the stresses and pressure of every day life.

If your experience in school is a bad one, such as the one you outlined above, you're going to have a harder time than a well adjusted person. No one likes being picked on and no one likes being alone. Whether people want to admit it or not, we all want to be accepted by our peers. It's human nature. Some people run from that and deny it, but they know the truth in their hearts. So when you don't get that in school, you have to find it elsewhere and on your own. It may be harder at first but I think in the end, people that go through that come out better, stronger people.

"The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire" as they say. Once you take life by the reigns and stop worrying about what happened in the past and focus on what you want yourself to be, everything gets better though.

As for the money thing, I also agree. It's the root of all evil, but a necessary evil. It's sad that it seems there's only one real way of getting through life nowadays, but that's just how things are. You learn, you work, you get money, you pay the bills. Sucks but hey, there's other stuff in life outside of that.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
hell yeah, brother.

pretty much everybody has gay'd someone in efforts to reach the top of the food chain. life is a constant struggle against physical death. with that, sometimes it's hard to hold values dear to you, when your stomach is aching from hunger.

struggle, my friend. i mean keep living. face the challenges and grow. and hold on to what's important to you as long as you can.

thanks for sharing.

and school sucks.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Very true. Nice read. A little addition I want to make about the school development is that no matter if people say "Looks don't matter," or "Don't judge a book by its cover," Everyone has done it at some time. Normally If you are fatter or uglier people tend to be worse to you and give you hate you don't deserve. I found it somewhat repulsive the way the general smash community treats Mooney. I see him in tourneys and he doesn't look happy at all. Final lesson is just treat people fairly w.o. prejudice and think before you act. It's somewhat cliched but very true. What you do upon others now can affect their life forever. You have brains, use them.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Mark I love you.

When I get a car that doesn't blow almighty ***, I WILL be paying you a visit.

I liked the essay, as well. Seems like we're on the same playing field, here.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Mark I love you.

When I get a car that doesn't blow almighty ***, I WILL be paying you a visit.

I liked the essay, as well. Seems like we're on the same playing field, here.
You're more than welcome to visit anytime you please.
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