HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ok, now it makes since. You've never been to a major tournament. You have no earthly idea what you're talking about.
Mew2King uses Marth and Fox. He did not win the tournament using Mewtwo lolz! \
Eggz can't even beat SilentWolf! Mew2king would 4 stock Eggz. EVERYTIME.
the fact that eggz was the only one in his pool to have close sets with m2k is irrelevant
Eggz got lucky he didn't have to play M2K, Forward, DaShizwiz, Drephen, or PC Chris in brackets, or he would have gotten owned early on, and wouldn't have even placed. Eggz is good, but all those people would have owned him. facts presented, the top players in the nation being better than eggz makes eggz garbage, although he could have possibly beat forward
Saying he should be ashamed of 17th place at an MLG is ********. He probably didn't even use his Mario later in the tournament.Wrong
who the **** is this kid up in mah threadz talkin the ****?
My crew mate beat Forward. Luigi btw.
I was the only one in my pool to take a round of m2k.
I was the only one other than shiz in third round of pools to take a round off chillin.
I took a round of DaShizWiz while chillin did not.
Forward and I **** eachother back and forth in our friendlies.
I 2-0'd Plarink and Tope
All this at my first national tournament? Savvy me.
Forward is NOT top 3 in the nation. He is very good, but you obviously don't know your smash hierarchy.
If he were top 3, he wouldn't lose to Ka Master, and he would place better than ninth at OC3 and 31st or whatever at FC.
I went all Mario at OC btw, even though I knew against my better judgment I should have went fox on the Falco and Fox (who counter Mario btw) that beat me.
What do you mean by can't even beat Silent Wolf? You mean the best fox on the west coast? The one who the former best west coast fox approached after losing to him and said "You're better than me"?
Lets take a look at who I lost to
FC -
I lost to Nite (one of the best falcos in the midwest or whatever)
I beat Eddie (the former ganon champ)
I lost to Cort (PC's crewmate)
I beat random fox mcgee
I lost to DA Dave
I beat Rickety (real good shiek from cali)
I beat Light (real good peach from arizona)
I lost to LuninSpectra (second best fox on the WC)
sooooo you down for a 100$ money match or what? Seriously, who the **** are you and why are you talkin ****?
You don't know ****, son. Come to WA and get fro'd.