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Am I the only one that thinks snakes and metas are impossible?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
You get outprioritized in freakin everything by their god priority. With metaknight, you are just trying to get back down on the ground the whole time its ridiculous. Snake's everything just adds up and eventually you realize you are gonna get 1-2 stocked because your moves just aren't strong enough. I hate counterpicking when I want to use sheik...


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Uphill battle, but not impossible.
I still think Ice Climbers are far worse.

At least you can get in more than one hit when against MK or Snake.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Uphill battle, but not impossible.
I still think Ice Climbers are far worse.

At least you can get in more than one hit when against MK or Snake.
Yeah but I would never be that bold to use sheik against the IC's haha, double banana desyncs are always funny.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
Meta - No

Snake - Yes

...I'd much rather fight a snake player then a Metaknight player. Sure, you can kill Metaknight at lower percents and switch to Zelda, but when I'm playing vs. Metaknight, I never feel in control at any point in the match. At least with Snake, when you finally get into a tilt lock, you can feel like you are controlling part of the match.

My vs. Snake record is also much better then my vs. MK record, so maybe that has something to do with it.

...Though my win record for either is still incredibly low :(


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Uphill battle, but not impossible.
I still think Ice Climbers are far worse.

At least you can get in more than one hit when against MK or Snake.
I second that.

The less I let myself get intimidated, the better I do. I used to think it was impossible but it definitely isn't. For every 2-3 attacks meta gets on you 1-2 tilts or a smash sheik does will damage more, so looking at the % will help you see that even if MK looks to be in control, you're most likely above or keeping up with %. It's important to not let his "combo string" make you feel like your being *****. MK is weak, his fsmash should never hit, shuttle loop is predictable, and as long as you don't underestimate his dsmash and glair, you can make MK feel like all his hits on you do nothing. Also remember if Sheik and MK have the same damage, sheik is at the advantage. MK dies VERY early.

Far worse than MK. The main point of concentration should be to get him in the air. Once he is aerial you can seriously do damage if you play it smart and predict his air dodges. On the ground this guy easily pushes the limits of balance in this game. Know his tilts well, know them as well as the Snake player does. Other than that beware of the environmental control he has with his explosives.

A good Snake will be campy w/ nades, and will try to set up traps and lure you in, mostly involving his mortar and C4. IMO pacing is important for the Sheik in this match-up. Aim to launch him in the air, and use guerrilla tactics approaching him when he is grounded. DO NOT let him utilt you, THEN you earned yourself a fighting chance.

Overall lack of control tends to demoralize Sheik vs MK, and aggressive Sheiks get punished by Snake, so don't fall into those 2 traps and you should be fine.

Pray to God that they trip a lot, and may the Force be with you...

Those are my loooong 2 cents...


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
I have like, 1.5 weeks of Sheik experience >_< But she's quickly becoming my 3rd favorite character. I have to agree with Snake, it's extremely hard. And there are far more Snakes than ICs, so he's an overall bigger threat in my opinion. I guess I have to develop a Snake strategy if I don't want to get 2-stocked again, but I still have to do that for my "main" main... I'm glad I second D3.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
lol snake hard, whats with the sudden change

and i believe it was you pirate, who said that meta becomes manageable with experience, was it not?

I'm just going to say whats already said, meta is not terribly hard because i can transform really early and **** with zelda (metaknight is pretty light, and vulnerable to dins) and snake...is too easy

his aerials all come out too slow (bair is ok.. i guess) and he is basically forced to airdodge. like other people said, get him in the air, **** him, gimp his recovery or transform into zelda and **** him with dins while hes in cypher. The only reason you should be dying against a snake is if you make mistakes (lets admit, everyone does) but the problem is, snake is imba, and a fresh ftilt can kill you under 100.

ICs... I donno, never played one who could chaingrab, but even without chaingrab its hard for me since i can't grab them :(


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
lol snake hard, whats with the sudden change

and i believe it was you pirate, who said that meta becomes manageable with experience, was it not?

I'm just going to say whats already said, meta is not terribly hard because i can transform really early and **** with zelda (metaknight is pretty light, and vulnerable to dins) and snake...is too easy

his aerials all come out too slow (bair is ok.. i guess) and he is basically forced to airdodge. like other people said, get him in the air, **** him, gimp his recovery or transform into zelda and **** him with dins while hes in cypher. The only reason you should be dying against a snake is if you make mistakes (lets admit, everyone does) but the problem is, snake is imba, and a fresh ftilt can kill you under 100.

ICs... I donno, never played one who could chaingrab, but even without chaingrab its hard for me since i can't grab them :(
Yeah, it did get reasonable. It's just, she is ALWAYS close, but its never enough. It's really frustrating... With metaknight, turn into zelda and you get ***** just trying to KO him. He can just easily avoid te dins fire, he dies at 90 but its not easy to get that KO move.

Snake is no different, it just adds up, if she was stronger she would be even, but you never win.


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2008
Some of this has probably been said but Sheik doesn't have that terrible of a time with the big bad MK. There are a few important things to remember for this matchup. 1. Even a single needle will cancel the tornado.
2. The whip will also cancel the tornado.
3. Possibly the most important point I will make - learn how to boost smash. Sheik has a release grab against MK. If you execute a boost smash IMMEDIATELY out of a release grab you will tip MK with you're up smash and this can kill him as low as 75%. That's an early kill, expecially for Sheik. MK just makes you think outside the box is all.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
oh my goodness.. I played a mk the other day that spammed. first mk i have ever played that just...spammed, and it ****ing WORKS. once i'm off the stage, i realize what charoo was talking about with sheik's ledge options. i had NO idea what to do.

this guy was just an intermediate, so he did not try anything risky with offstage fairs or dairs, so i'm just trying to get ON the stage without getting hit half of the time. he's spaced for ledge attacks/aerials, and i have nothing to airdodge since he doesnt even JUMPand if i land on the stage and sheild/sidestep right away, hes right there spamming dsmash..and i can't do ANYTHING.

if he dsmashes, i sidestep, by the time i get out of the sidestep, he's already doing another dsmash so i cant even respond. stocks are taken from me by pure dsmashes, then a KO with a fsmash when i make a mistake. tornado is meh, doesnt do much damage and i can di out of it and punish him for trying. my zelda can fare quite well, but her moves are too slow to keep up with dsmash, dsmash, dsmash so i need to be very well spaced to be effective with her.

someone once said that metaknight just destroys inexperience, and i think i am a classic victim. I have nearly no problems with him (so far, but if his dsmash spree proves ineffective, he'll probably learn that meta's aerials **** just as hard) except for that forsaken dsmash, so can someone tell me how to deal with it?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
wtf boys? sheik is very good against snake. get near him, shield his stuff, and jab him before he can tilt. better yet, tilt him before he can tilt. your tilts will do more damage to him than his tilts will to you.

as for KOing him, sheik has such a powerful edge game over snake, i don't even care if he goes over 200% because he never hit me since 120% from all the edgeguarding :p

hm... as for mk, he is manageable with experience, yeah. use a lot of grab release -> fully charged needles for a LOT of damage. if ur not fully charged, use grab release -> dash attack. i don't bother with grab release to DACUS anymore cuz its too unreliable.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2008
In your mind
wtf boys? sheik is very good against snake. get near him, shield his stuff, and jab him before he can tilt. better yet, tilt him before he can tilt. your tilts will do more damage to him than his tilts will to you.

as for KOing him, sheik has such a powerful edge game over snake, i don't even care if he goes over 200% because he never hit me since 120% from all the edgeguarding :p

hm... as for mk, he is manageable with experience, yeah. use a lot of grab release -> fully charged needles for a LOT of damage. if ur not fully charged, use grab release -> dash attack. i don't bother with grab release to DACUS anymore cuz its too unreliable.
Agreed, I use needles to stall and stop attacks, it gets on everyone's nerves because the needles are hard to dodge, and once they're hit they are wide open, usmash and wave bye:chuckle: Basically you arn't the only one, meta isn't easy but he can be beat.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
umm, maybe its just me but i have the easiest times against Meta Knight and Snake using Sheik, so i have no idea what you're talking about. Needles are god and sheik has the ability to dodge a spamming meta knight.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
I've had problems facing Meta Knights and Snakes with other characters, but never with Sheik. I feel more at an advantage when I use Sheik against them.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Ohio, northeast
meta isnt hard you just have to play a bit differently then you do against everyone else.

if he still owns you switch to zelda. same with snake switch to zelda.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
wtf boys? sheik is very good against snake. get near him, shield his stuff, and jab him before he can tilt. better yet, tilt him before he can tilt. your tilts will do more damage to him than his tilts will to you.

as for KOing him, sheik has such a powerful edge game over snake, i don't even care if he goes over 200% because he never hit me since 120% from all the edgeguarding :p

hm... as for mk, he is manageable with experience, yeah. use a lot of grab release -> fully charged needles for a LOT of damage. if ur not fully charged, use grab release -> dash attack. i don't bother with grab release to DACUS anymore cuz its too unreliable.
Is that solid? The grab release to needles, or dash attack will always hit?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
wtf boys? sheik is very good against snake. get near him, shield his stuff, and jab him before he can tilt. better yet, tilt him before he can tilt. your tilts will do more damage to him than his tilts will to you.
Snake's ftilt = 21
Sheik's ftilt = 9 and less for each

She can only get two on a good Snake.

as for KOing him, sheik has such a powerful edge game over snake, i don't even care if he goes over 200% because he never hit me since 120% from all the edgeguarding :p
Snake can still attack or airdoge on his way back to stage.

Also, he can always just hold out a grenade and make you kill yourself while he still survives because of the ridiculous differences in weight. He can even B reverse to change his aerial momentum for trickses (watch Forward's Snake).


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
She can only get two [forward tilts] on a good Snake.
sorry, i don't understand how

I'm just curious...you are saying if a sheik began ftilting at say, 10% and the snake immediately starts DIing towards her spamming airdodge, and all of the ftilts were perfectly timed, sheik would only be able to get two before he breaks out?

also, even if its just two, two ftilts + utilt should be >21


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
sorry, i don't understand how

I'm just curious...you are saying if a sheik began ftilting at say, 10% and the snake immediately starts DIing towards her spamming airdodge, and all of the ftilts were perfectly timed, sheik would only be able to get two before he breaks out?

also, even if its just two, two ftilts + utilt should be >21
No he's talking about how snake can pull a grenade out while you ftilt him. Such reasons as this is why using things like the ftilt to utitl, ftilt to dsmash, or even the ftilt to nair is needed.

However saying only "good snakes" is a gross inaccurate statement as most don't even have any Sheik vs Snake experience and while that wont be able to be depend on in the future taking the grenade hit isn't that bad if you wish to learn if this snake knows this or not after all you both get hit.

He is right though as technically you can't tilt lock Snake

edit: So far I've only seen two snakes pull grenades out while I was tilt locking them so maybe I'm wrong on this but that's the only thing I can think he is talking about

Exia 00

Smash Champion
May 3, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
Uphill battle, but not impossible.
I still think Ice Climbers are far worse.

At least you can get in more than one hit when against MK or Snake.
I have to agree with you. i find snake geting easier by the second after fightin so many of them but i cant say the same about MK xD. ICs on the other hand can grab you to death and is almost inavoidable. I hate the dont get grabbed rule even though its true >.>. Banned or not is a debate which is way of topic but my point is snake is not impossible and IMO everyone should learn snake to beat MK xD


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2008
Charlotte, North Carolina
Two of my very good friends main MK and Snake respectively, so I've got a lot of practice against them and I feel like I know they ways in and out. Then again, I usually main Zelda and I'm only just picking up Sheik... that might have something to do with it, Zelda has a far easier time with them than Sheik does from what I've heard.

Phat Yoshi

Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2006
Hannibal, Missouri
I don't play any good MKs so I can't comment on that, but I don't think Snake is too bad.

Sheik might not have a whole lot going for her against Snake in some cases, but she's faster than he is by a long shot. Although he can try to hurt her mobility with nades and mines she has the means to avoid them.

(I realize that's easier said than done.) :urg:

Snakes' overall lack of speed makes him less intimating for me. But I agree his tilts make me think twice anytime I find myself in the higher percentages and definitely make him a contender.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I don't play any good MKs so I can't comment on that, but I don't think Snake is too bad.

Sheik might not have a whole lot going for her against Snake in some cases, but she's faster than he is by a long shot. Although he can try to hurt her mobility with nades and mines she has the means to avoid them.

(I realize that's easier said than done.) :urg:

Snakes' overall lack of speed makes him less intimating for me. But I agree his tilts make me think twice anytime I find myself in the higher percentages and definitely make him a contender.
The speed advantage Sheik has in this matchup really isn't much of a factor. Speed is great but if Sheik can't approach Snake, then speed does nothing for ya.

Phat Yoshi

Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2006
Hannibal, Missouri
I agree the speed difference isn't going to move the match up in your favor.

I did make it sound like it was some sort of monsterous advantage, I should have worded it better.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I Normally don't have a Problem With Snake....Maybe cause I'm use to playing against him alot...But MK is a Different story...with attacks that break through the Sound barrier it is **** Near a impossible to get on the Offensive especially if your opponent is Spamming upB, N.B, and DSmash....It's ****in annoying...but hey No Johns Here.....
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