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almost the 5th East Coast Canada Power Rankings -- updated around april


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Montreal, Québec, Canada
I will make some change on the Pr but my computer is ****ing broken so you will need to wait. There is a good chance that raynex and deloreted will be on the next PR. I think I will remove gpwn because he is inactive since like ever and I will remove bread since he asked to be remove from both toronto and EC PR.

Deleted member

Just don't go stealing our pokemon idea


also vwins that isnt' necessary...


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Fogel: I swear I said somewhere in my posts to "discuss it amongst yourselves". I never BLATENTLY requested to be put on the PR. Quit being such an a$$. We have a PR in T.O too, and I know how this sh*t works.

You don't just randomly pop up on a PR after asking to be on it, and I know that. So please, stop insulting my intelligence. You keep lecturing toronto smashers like they're little babies, new into the scene. "Give explanations, you're not going to appear on the PR if you just ask to be on it".

I just want to slap you in the face numerous times and yell "I ****ING KNOW". Thats why I didn't say:

"Put me #__ on the PR because I'm better than ___." I was planning on coming to the next tourny to prove my stuff once again anyways.

As for proof, if you still want it: I beat Jarc in a tourny set, I ALMOST beat Chet in a tourny set (2-1 for him). Beat Bam a couple of times (but not in tourny). Got owned by vwins. >_>

I'm not saying I should be on it because of one performance at Starfurry - I just said consider it. & Of course I'm coming to the next one.

Ambrose is driving me. :laugh:
Firstly, my beef isn't really with the GTA as a whole, it's only really related to certain members of NNR and only in relation to this thread. The rest of the GTA doesn't seem to be too involved with these rankings, so I'm not really talking to them in my posts.

Secondly, the reason I keep saying the same stuff over and over is because every time prior to this, there have never even been attempts at logical arguments. Most of the posts have just been along the lines of "We're in NNR, we should be on the PR, kthx" and "EC PR is biased and is all Montreal OMG!". Just as you feel insulted that I keep asking for proof, I'm insulted that all the previous posts have only been saying these two things over and over. I can speak from personal experience that we tried our best to look only at the facts (ie: tournament results) and not from bias. I don't appreciate being called biased, and then when I try to defend the ranking, being just told to "shut up".

However, having said that, you yourself did not really post much in this thread; my previous issues have mostly been with Jake and Noah so maybe I was a bit harsh towards you. My apologies. I am glad you are seriously aiming to come up here and prove yourself, and from how the other posts are going it sounds like you have a good shot at getting a ranking.

If you are seriously angry then I'm willing to talk; feel free to send me a PM/MSN, or continue posting here.



Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2007
hey now, you're both cool dudes, let's all get along.

ps: leafs sucks, sens suck (their w/l totals are lies, obv) go habs go.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
humBAM said:
Just follow the techchase.
lolll. Man you funny as hell when you high.


Fogel: <3 and hugz all around.

Thad: Yea but that was at TRANS. I'm better now. ;) Did I tell you I can somewhat parry chun-li's gay gay super? True story.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
Alright, just tossing it out there, but I don't think tournament results are enough for this ranking system so I propose what I've named the ladder step option.

At each tournament (or a set amount of time) a player can challenge or be challenged one step above or below him on the list. The set time will not allow people to spam challenges, and to some degree increase epicness.

Now a challenge would have to a large set, maybe something like best of 5 or 7, to eliminate the chance of a bad game.

Think the person above you plays a counter char to your char? Tough, practice more or play another character to help you out. It's an obviously competitive ladder and mastering many characters will give you a better shot towards improving.

Another ladder member would have to be present/within shouting range to monitor the match.

Now for the last person on the list, I propose that we can figure out a very short list of members that can be placed onto the "honorable mentions" list. These few and ONLY these few can challenge the last spot. It will be more fights for the last spot, but it is the spot that is most hotly contested for, so it makes sense.

I'm just recommending this because I don't feel tournament results are providing accurate enough results for a list. Say someone loses to vwins first round then bam second round, how can they be compared to other lower laddered people, who say beat up scrubs to make it past the first round.

Anyways this is just off the top of my head tonight, and if anyone likes the idea you can refine it into something nice.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Cool idea, but I'm not going to travel to Toronto to challenge Bernard to a ladder match.

Instead of 'ladder matches', you could use money matches as a base since those are taken quite seriously as well ;)


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
I'd take it more seriously than a match for 2 even 5 dollars. Glory lasts longer than 5 bucks. Obviously tournaments will factor in as well, allowing you to be compared somewhat to toronto smashers etc.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2006
If you are thinking of a ladder system, might as well go all the way and make a rating system. Now I don't know if we'd use Elo or some other system but we just pick a formula and starting number. After a few tournaments the PR could be based only on these numbers.

Perhaps we would need an ever increasing rating system to deal with inactivity but I don't want to penalize people who can't always travel.

I don't have all the details ironed out but it seems like the best solution if people can't accept a subjective panel to determine the PR.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2006
Also intrigued by brians idea, but what would we set the time limit between challenges? Im assuming once per tournament?


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
*reads through some of the thread*

WTF Warren, you troll everywhere you go. I thought it was just LL, lmao. You have a serious trolling problem <_<


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Locke: Challenging those a step above you? Personally, I think tourny placements jusitfy PR rankings pretty well.

BUT, it is a good idea. I like how you said longer set matches so you don't get gayed in a bo3. That happened in our T.O PR when we first started it. It was so easy to lose your rank if you were having a bad day or whatever.

My point: An ECC PR based solely on tourny placings is cool; but a PR that is based on both tourny placings AND a ladder system is even better.

I'm sure the panelists + You could come up with some kind of integrated method, using both to more accurately represent why people should be up where they are.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
As many have already mentioned, there wouldn't be much time at a tourney for separate 'ladder matches' unless we were going to drop singles, and I don't think anyone wants that. It sounds like a promising idea though, we would just need to find a way to implement it. I think the only way to do it would be to somehow transform/combine singles at tourneys into ladder matches. Any ideas anyone?


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
It would potentially cut into friendly matches, but I think if people had their minds set on them they would get done, as I've noticed alot of tournament time is spent watching.

A best of whatever between pkm and chet would work well imo. Even after pkm delivered his statistical point of view it shouldnt affect the here and now.

At the point in time of the challenge, you are better or worse than your opponent. Bad days are bad johns, but if you lose because of it, you are only fueled to perform better next time around. This is like instant hype generator.

As for Vlad's question regarding time frame, challenging once a tournament would be appropriate as most seem to think even getting one in will cut in on time. However, tournaments can be far apart, so we could replace this to maybe once or twice a month, which I believe gives player's a solid amount of time to make technical improvements to their game.

Sandbagging will only last one challenge, cuz once you lose your spot, you're gonna fight like hell to get it back, or you worth nothing!!!!!!11


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
I think like raynex said, a combination of both tourny placings and "ladder" matches would be the best. Especially when it's close between two spots (Chet and pkm for example), a ladder match would be best, since it really proves who is better. However, you can't forget about tourny placings since they see how you do vs "everyone" and not just the spot in front of you.

Theoretical PR:

2. Bam
3. Chet
4. PKM
5. Locke

For example, say someone like locke beats chet and bam in the next like 3 tournies. However, locke can't manage to beat pkm in these "ladder matches", and pkm loses to chet and bam in these next 3 tournies. Then it is quite clear that locke is performing better than pkm, even though he can't beat pkm directly.

See what I (and i assume raynex has the same though as I do) mean by needing a balance?

BTW, this is just an example, it's easier to understand if I use real names rather than "Player A, Player B" etc etc.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
I'm drunk.

That's the kind of thoughts that doesn't really back up the PR. I have major respect for you as a player Reggie, and I don't think I am better than yourself, tournament placings are still in your favor, if we consider since we've started playing. It still means something to me.
The Present is what counts. At the moment, you are better than me.

I would make some change on the PR but chester is always offline -_-
Thatguy PR is interesting but I need to get in touch with chester first and then we will study possible changes.
I'm okay with that. Talk to the other 5 panelists.
Tournament placings? mmm.. I would have to disagree.. I would say the last 4 tournaments you guys are about even.. like 2 tournaments Chet did Better than PKM and 2 other tournaments PKM did better than Chet (TCT, FCD, OC, SFF2)... so one more tournament should state who would take 3rd or 4th..
I can't believe I actually thought like that, that's idiotic. One more tournament does not mean anything.
Hmm... I can only agree...
I lmaoed.

Also, bleh @ stats, they don't really mean much anymore. Unless for some reason I decide to improve and practice at the game, but I only play with fenostol and kage once in a while, so that's not gonna happen, since I'm sure you (jason) play often with the other guys. Also, Kage beats me more often than enough now. And I play more Halo 3 than smash now. Also, girls.
The real trick is that you can get 15th if you beat Vwins at RPS. Try your Avalanche!
Everyone should play CvS2 until brawl comes out! And toronto guys, come to ToS4 if it happens, haven't seen/played you guys since like, STYD2 i think?
Are you actually good at the game? I don't know anything about CvS2. I should find the game somewhere. Also approves the T.O. comment.
Warren: me you & Chet on 3s! Liek tranz. Good times.

As for proof, if you still want it: I beat Jarc in a tourny set, I ALMOST beat Chet in a tourny set (2-1 for him). Beat Bam a couple of times (but not in tourny). Got owned by vwins. >_>
Debuzz johns. *reference: chet vs kage, SFF2 >____>* *cough cough* Also, did he just call him Warran?
yeah but it was one game

against a dk

with platforms

with peach

i know vidjo didnt do it, but i'm just too pro.
robert for bumsechs
*reads through some of the thread*

WTF Warren, you troll everywhere you go. I thought it was just LL, lmao. You have a serious trolling problem <_<
O_o I don't like playing against you when there's something on the line. Cuz I feel like we both deserve to win cuz we're good friend [/hoe moe]
Vwins, let Daisy101 beat you. That'd be sick.
It would potentially cut into friendly matches, but I think if people had their minds set on them they would get done, as I've noticed alot of tournament time is spent watching.

A best of whatever between pkm and chet would work well imo. Even after pkm delivered his statistical point of view it shouldnt affect the here and now.

At the point in time of the challenge, you are better or worse than your opponent. Bad days are bad johns, but if you lose because of it, you are only fueled to perform better next time around. This is like instant hype generator.

As for Vlad's question regarding time frame, challenging once a tournament would be appropriate as most seem to think even getting one in will cut in on time. However, tournaments can be far apart, so we could replace this to maybe once or twice a month, which I believe gives player's a solid amount of time to make technical improvements to their game.

Sandbagging will only last one challenge, cuz once you lose your spot, you're gonna fight like hell to get it back, or you worth nothing!!!!!!11
I don't approve of the challenge system. It'll only cause more **** cause people are gonna be like " WTF I CHALLENGED THAT DUDE AND WON 1 MATCH, I SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN VWINS!!!" and it's gonna be even more effed up. I don't like that idea, but if you guys wanna go on some crazy system, go ahead.

chester out for 3 more weeks >_>

EDIT: Elef would laugh when seeing the length of the post cuz I'm not sober lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Oh guys, check this out.


TO is planning on hosting a tournament on the 24th of NOV. Our venue would be a 3 floor house (all to us) and the plus side to it is that if you guys want, the option of sleeping over is available. So yeah would any of you guys come?
This could also help you guys out with the PR talk and such :].


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2007
if cvs2 is bad, smash is the worst game ever.


cvs2 just isn't anything amazing competitive wise, rcing was dominant for most of it's life


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
if cvs2 is bad, smash is the worst game ever.


cvs2 just isn't anything amazing competitive wise, rcing was dominant for most of it's life
I just said that because cvs2 is basically a watered down version of KoF with ''recognizable characters''

With some of Capcom's ''gimmicks'' thrown in... (CCs...:urg: Parries...:urg: Super Cancels... :urg:)


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Move the CvS2 convo to the Mtl thread please. Don't worry everybody makes mistake, even I forgot this was the PR thread. Let's make an effort to keep this thread spam free. >_>
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