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Almost as Cool as Genesis Results (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) june 6, 2009


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
NIN it still would have been hilarious teaming
we coulda called ourselves "tylenol and water" or "dead men walking" or something

haha too bad ally isn't as good at old school 64 games (get ***** in 64 yee!!!)


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
1. Ally (Snake) - god dam bro so amazing, all your pool matches are up, and that last stock on anthony on yoshis was rediculous
4. Doc (Meta Knight, Diddy) - great pool matches
9. Minus (Falco) - why do i keep running into you first round in brackets lol, great falco though i gotta work on my kirby
13. NikoK (Peach) - had fun in friendlies, both melee and brawl
13. Jaske (Ice Climbers) - mm for 81 cents lol, falcon all dai!
17. PNDMike (Snake, Jigglypuff) - please not ddd lol,
17. Dimmy (Meta Knight) - grr patience, something i will never learn
17. Wolfblade (Lucario, Pikachu, Fox) - great matches wish i coulda dont kirby on fox
17. Anthony (Meta Knight) - great matches
17. Iliad (Marth) - fool on a took
25. KC (Luigi) - luigi ftw, fun matches
25. Chaotic (Lucario) - good matches, wish i knew lucario a bit better,
raynex - so ****in ****, amazing fox, ROY HAS TEH FIRE! hopefully ill be in better melee shape for the next tourney, i think ima learn ganon.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
I wish that was recorded! Ally running away in fear of the all powerful Wolfblade!:laugh:
Haha Wolf, good stuff.

How many matches did you do with Ally, and what were the results?

NIN it still would have been hilarious teaming
we coulda called ourselves "tylenol and water" or "dead men walking" or something

haha too bad ally isn't as good at old school 64 games (get ***** in 64 yee!!!)
Haha yeah more than likely. Team names would of been jokes without a doubt.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Gotta get going soon so I can't give big shoutouts right now, but I will say thanks to Mikey, Minus, and anyone else who helped with organizing this, it was really fun!

Fogle: Thanks for playing me in Brawl for the first time in almost 2 months. They were actually fun :) I hate your ROB btw :(
Your Pika is pretty good; and yes, ROB is mean :(

Thanks for coming down, I wouldn't have been able to get to the tourney if it wasn't for you. Thanks for the Sheik pointers, I really look forward to stepping up my melee game. I stand by what I said, I think you would make an incredible Snake.
Thanks for housing us, we all really enjoyed the stay at your place. I'll bring some Claritin or something next time :) No problem on the melee tips, you know where to talk to me if you have any other questions! As for Snake, I may try him out a bit more. I need to stop playing so many characters I think though :/


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
first off, thanks mikey for running this! and Minus (and a bit ThatGuy as always) for getting things to run smoothly!

1. Ally (Snake) -- next time we'll play some more...
2. Kingace(Meta Knight) -- you're MK is **** man, I'm surprised at how much better you've gotten, you'll be seing more of me I hope
Holy (ROB)split -- you dirty frenchman! i dunno what it is, but I don't think i'm in your league anymore... I'll be catching up quickly though :)
5. Ambrose (Ice Climbers) -- thanks for the friendlies! i learned a lot playing against you, like just how far away nana can be and get recovered by your up-b lol
7. Joe (Meta Knight) -- good matches :) at the time I was frustrated I lost, but you played solidly, and they were definitely fun to play
7. ThatGuy (Mario) -- you suck! lol, next time I'm going to have to joel-combo you :)
9. Minus (Falco) -- good playing you man, i learned a bunch of stuff from you, and it was fun talking with you too
9. Cyan (Game and Watch) -- gg's for sure! I'll be looking for a rematch next chance I get
13. NikoK (Peach) -- you also suck :p good chillin' as always, maybe you can stop by ottawa on your way to montreal?
13. Mikey (Dedede) -- I will never, EVER, get D3-cided again lol... great games! both in doubles and singles
17. PNDMike (Snake, Jigglypuff) -- housing was epicly beach oriented :) more housing needs to cook me breakfast
17. Carter (Samus, Pikachu) -- your samus was fantastic in teams, and I'll be hard pressed to find people much better with those characters... tonnes of fun
17. Wolfblade (Lucario, Pikachu, Fox) -- thanks for the friendlies again :) i'll see you and your hat at the next tournament
17. Iliad (Marth) -- tight matches, though I may cut down on the pre-game chatter next time... ps - don't take anyone from ottawa to moses-cruise :)
25. Distructo (Toon Link) -- good to see you again! i did think you were way more menacing at LBT, but that may be the tink practice i've had since then... it was fun playing you again :)
25. KC (Luigi) -- great luigi, good pressure, it could have gone either way, and i expect the same next time we meet
25. Pho (Toon Link) -- good matches :), not much to say other than that, very solid tink
25. Infzy (Sonic) -- your hair was almost as spiky as sonics! and you forgot your power cable again lolz... see you later
25. Chaotic (Lucario) -- good to see you again, your lucario is very patient :) a new for me... hope to see you at the next one


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Awesome tourney, really well run! So much epic and win, it deserved a bigger turnout. I've got some crazy vids of this I'll be posting tomorrow -- stay tuned!

Thanks for all the matches everyone!

Cyan: I'll get my moneymatch next time :) and you watchout, bwahaha. 'grats on doubles btw!

Fogel: great to see you again!! next time we team we'll have a better team name, which means we'll do better somehow :) (less SDs perhaps :psycho:)

Toronto Joe: wow you're a cool guy irl..... you're gonna lol at these vids :) GGs!

PNDMike: you're really good at this game bro... I'll record the "You're too slow" at next tourney :)

Wolfblade: wowww you are legit ash ketchum... toooo proooo. but I'll wreck all your poké-tiers next tourney :p these vids are hilarious btw; you'll see :)

masterdrenin: GGs! sonic > falcon bwahaha :) ... only cuz of that SD tho, sadface! was fun playing with you!

Holy: Thanks for the MMs and friendlies! the ROB practice was great.... next time I'll know better how to deal with all ur stupid tricks (read: Bair and gyro) ;)

Doc: wowwwwwww you're goooooood! thank you for the priviledge of getting wrecked by your DeDeDe. Friendlies were fun. Enjoy the cash!

bwahahaha your one loss in pools was to my sonic :bee: playing you is so fun, your ICs are so beast! GGs as always

NikoK: great to see you, too bad we didn't get to play

buenob: yo thx for the matches, sucks you got knocked out so early... great to see you again tho.... crap I forgot to take back my ext. cable!!! lol

Nuklz: your fox is so beast! suuuucks about pools.... oh well, keep reppin' ottawa plz

Ally: your snake is soooooo straaaaaange; and so is your falcon lol... thanks for the matches, ur goin down next time tho!! Sonic > Falcon

9. You're too Slow
OMG Sonic comes from nowhere. What a pest lol.
low-percent spring > uair kills, bwahahaha


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
lol, melee failed it up hard at this.

I was in winner's finals though (adnan put me as a blank name facing Ally first round for some reason, near the top of the bracket so it looks messed.).


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Sounds like it was awesome. Congrats to Ally... Holy... I should just have that on standby all the time.

Any Cammy users for the SF4 tourney? They get my props.


Smash Cadet
Jun 20, 2007
Toronto, ON
25. Distructo (Toon Link) -- good to see you again! i did think you were way more menacing at LBT, but that may be the tink practice i've had since then... it was fun playing you again :)
Yea it was fun. God **** i did so bad that day...i got 2 stocked by drenin's falcon LOL
Then i did better like 6 hours later...beating Holy was my highlight of the day.
Oh and getting that title for best tl in ON lolol.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Not writing that **** again, just typed a WHOLE 2 pages long of dedicated shoutouts and my computer freezes.

Bell f*cking sucks.

Sorry guys, for what its worth I appreciate how nice all of you were, well most of you. I had some good laughs and some great sets, I'll write shoutouts later.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Haha Wolf, good stuff.

How many matches did you do with Ally, and what were the results?

If yer refering to Goldeneye... 1 match. Power weapons, first to 10. 10-0 for me, full health... sooo JV 11 stock:laugh:

And for Brawl pools, he 2-0'd me. Snake vs. Fox (Vulpix) and it was only a 1 stock each time. 1 Stock with him in the kill zone, but he got utilts off before I got usmashes :p

I was very happy with them to say the least. Every time fox gets closer and closer to takin him out. So its bound to happen.

People should not be afraid of Ally! He will be beaten! A Robot can only be as good as it was programmed! Humans can increase their skill through practice!

~ A public service announcement from Wolfblade.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Yea it was fun. God **** i did so bad that day...i got 2 stocked by drenin's falcon LOL
Then i did better like 6 hours later...beating Holy was my highlight of the day.
Oh and getting that title for best tl in ON lolol.
haha that was hilarious... i played pretty bad too i was really tired and stressed cuz of my calc and chem exam and stuff <.<; still i hope you had a good time
falcon's 2gud!!! ;P

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
lol infzy that interview was so random XD

and yeah Garion you should have came, it was epic !_!


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
Brawl Singles:
1. Ally (Snake) - me
2. Kingace(Meta Knight)/Holy (ROB)split

Kingace: Good stuff man, almost got me all 3 games, last stock and sometimes last hit. Nice comeback to the smash scene haha.

Holy: Good job, sad you split with Kingace, I would rather see a real tourney ending.

4. Doc (Meta Knight, Diddy): Nice man, almost beat Kingace ^^
5. Nickcam (Wario): CGs Cgs! X.x
5. Ambrose (Ice Climbers): Sad that you had to play me -.- I always tend to ruin your bracket or something. Amazing ics still.
7. Joe (Meta Knight) LOL ***** where's ur Fox HUH NO that friendly didnt count too. ^^ hopefully I'll see you soon.
7. ThatGuy (Mario) O M G Y O U A R E J U S T T H E M O S T A M A Z I N G M A R I O. Le technical et le ****. Best Mario in my heart.
9. Minus (Falco) LOL C4. You're too good man. Suck you didnt see it coming.
9. Pastaboy (Diddy) Didn't really talk to you much. Good job stll ^^.
9. Fool (Falco) Didnt see you
9. Cyan (Game and Watch) Haha, the pic and all that stuff, too cool ^^
13. NikoK (Peach) LOL Trash talking is good huh? Nice seeing you again.
13. Mikey (Dedede) Thanks for organizing this tourney. always well run. I'll be back anytime.
13. Jaske (Ice Climbers) Didnt see you
13. Gi (Wario) Joel + Revenge = ECCSL?
17. Buenob (ROB) stop forgetting ur cables XD
17. GoJit (Captain Falcon, Snake ) Haha I think I had the most fun with you. C.F dittos and pics and funny times. Haha too good GoJit. I'll see you again maybe ^^.
17. PNDMike (Snake, Jigglypuff) XD.FALCONNNNN.
17. Dimmy (Meta Knight) Didnt see u
17. Carter (Samus, Pikachu) thanks for the help still. ALways good to see Samus ****.
17. Wolfblade (Lucario, Pikachu, Fox) Hahaha, close on beating me, but not lucky at getting me always in ur bracket x.x. Good job still.
17. Anthony (Meta Knight) **** lol, got me. UP B!
17. Iliad (Marth) I didnt talk to you? I dunno.
25. Violent-Nin (Various) I didnt talk to you? I dunno.
25. Distructo (Toon Link) Haha stop taking me to one stock XD
25. KC (Luigi) ****, almost beat me twice... close, awesome LUIGI.
25. Pho (Toon Link) I didnt talk to you? I dunno.
25. Sauc3 (Kirby) lmao sorry for torturing ur kirby.
25. Infzy (Sonic) haha fun time man, ur the sonic who got closer on beating me than most of U.S TOP ones. Infzy for best Sonic ^^
25. Ryanfw (ZSS) I didnt talk to you? I dunno.
25. Chaotic (Lucario) Great Lucario. Keep the good work.

I had a good time here except when I found out that my Snake wasn't on that table anymore =( No where to be found once again, was he stolen? was he thrown in the garbage for having no head? I'll probably never find him ever again... oh well. Ggs all.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
I had a good time here except when I found out that my Snake wasn't on that table anymore =( No where to be found once again, was he stolen? was he thrown in the garbage for having no head? I'll probably never find him ever again... oh well. Ggs all.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

I remember at PY you left it on the table and me, joe, anthony, and Ambrose were playing with it lol. we tried to make him ftilt.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

I remember at PY you left it on the table and me, joe, anthony, and Ambrose were playing with it lol. we tried to make him ftilt.

It was too good. Do I have to start bringing my Old Snake to tournaments now? :laugh:


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Holy crap, look at how diverse the characters used are!

I can't believe a Mario came 7th. O_o ThatGuy must absolutely ****.

Sounded fun, wish I could've gone.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
If yer refering to Goldeneye... 1 match. Power weapons, first to 10. 10-0 for me, full health... sooo JV 11 stock:laugh:

And for Brawl pools, he 2-0'd me. Snake vs. Fox (Vulpix) and it was only a 1 stock each time. 1 Stock with him in the kill zone, but he got utilts off before I got usmashes :p

I was very happy with them to say the least. Every time fox gets closer and closer to takin him out. So its bound to happen.

People should not be afraid of Ally! He will be beaten! A Robot can only be as good as it was programmed! Humans can increase their skill through practice!

~ A public service announcement from Wolfblade.

Lmao, oh snap. Good stuff Wolf. Me and you need to play each other then for the title of God of GoldenEye lol. It's too bad this match couldn't take place 10 years ago when I was in my prime in GoldenEye. :laugh:

But if your as good as I think you are then it should be interesting, I'd imagine if we'd ever team we'd be too dominating.

Nice on your Brawl matches vs Ally, I was watching the first match between your Fox and his Snake, but then I got distracted by something lol.

I was the guy in the Red Raptors Hat btw. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Shouts time:
1. Ally (Snake) - **** as always.
2. Kingace(Meta Knight) - Very good games in pools. Grats on 2nd.
/Holy (ROB)split - My butt still hurts from our bracket match. GGs.
4. Doc (Meta Knight, Diddy) - ¬_¬
5. Nickcam (Wario) - Doesn't matter how good at mindgames you are, you just can't.
5. Ambrose (Ice Climbers) - We didn't play, and thank god, I hate climbers.
7. Joe (Meta Knight) - Yeah I have a bit of mk practice... lol. GGs.
7. ThatGuy (Mario) - O_O Mario is too good! One of the last people I was expecting to get beaten by, until I played you, lol.
9. Minus (Falco) - Keep your eyes on the C4!!!
9. Pastaboy (Diddy) - Maybe next time.
9. Cyan (Game and Watch) - GGs in pools, I must learn to play GaWs.
13. NikoK (Peach) - Peach is all over the place, GGs.
13. Mikey (Dedede) - I warned you. Theres a reason m2k said it was unwinnable, camping is too good.
13. Jaske (Ice Climbers) - See ambrose, save the part that we didn't play.
13. Gi (Wario) - Just keep it chill man, GGs.
17. Dimmy (Meta Knight) - You are too modest. Just need to know when its time for nado, shuttle loop, or dsmash, lol.
17. Carter (Samus, Pikachu) - By far the most chill person ever. I will do my best to never lose to climbers again.
17. Wolfblade (Lucario, Pikachu, Fox) -JV 11, The worst beating Ally has ever gotten, too good.
17. Iliad (Marth) - Alwyas lols talking with you, don't give up on your tourny, it will be sick.
25. Distructo (Toon Link) - GGs

P.S.: I'm starting to play wifi. If anyone wants to play lmk, ill have my FC up soon.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario

Lmao, oh snap. Good stuff Wolf. Me and you need to play each other then for the title of God of GoldenEye lol. It's too bad this match couldn't take place 10 years ago when I was in my prime in GoldenEye. :laugh:

But if your as good as I think you are then it should be interesting, I'd imagine if we'd ever team we'd be too dominating.

Nice on your Brawl matches vs Ally, I was watching the first match between your Fox and his Snake, but then I got distracted by something lol.

I was the guy in the Red Raptors Hat btw. :laugh:
Hmmm... teaming in Goldeneye to scrub people outa money... that just might be crazy enough to work!

We'd have to come up with a whitty name... Violent Nintendo could work what with me and all the pokemon stuff... or team Wolfblade and Violent-nin are 37% better than the best players in the world... though we would have to abbreviate that somehow... We'll think of something:p


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
Hmmm... teaming in Goldeneye to scrub people outa money... that just might be crazy enough to work!

We'd have to come up with a whitty name... Violent Nintendo could work what with me and all the pokemon stuff... or team Wolfblade and Violent-nin are 37% better than the best players in the world... though we would have to abbreviate that somehow... We'll think of something:p
Haha your idea for team names is just too good. If there's actually a N64 @ OIN and GoldenEye then we can definitely team up. Lmao, we got plenty of time to think up names. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
lol WOLF and NIN are too good

you guys can **** mine and CYAN's shiz or something haha
but you need to pay US ;)

if i go to the OiN stuff I'd bring my 64 :)

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
omg i remember the snake toy, it was on the table at the back i remember
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Last I saw the toy, it was being used to prop up the AV cables for a TV at the back (where pool 4 was). It's gone? That sucks! I kept touching it before my matches for good luck, to channel Ally's DI. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
The states already tried to invade canada, and Ally beat them. And then Ally marched to the white house and burned it down for spite...

Hmm... Sounds familiar.

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