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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
*rolls eyes* The stories you come up with to avoid facing my Mags, Omega, and Psylocke team again :p Don't worry about it, I've got a fairly good cd repairing device; unless you really gouged it, I should be able to repair it without much trouble. Besides, it's not like I played it much anyway, didn't have much competition till you mentioned you played it, and we've always got GGXX and Smash, no biggie.

Edit: So since there hasn't been any news, are we going to Derek's tomorrow? My sister has to work at 12, I get off work a little before then; would me and my brother showing up around 12 be too early for you?

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Ok, scratch the 8 hours crap, it's only going to take about fifteen minutes (Turns out I misunderstood what I was told, son of the rich!). Call me anyway Derek and tell me what the plan is going to be.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Yeah, DIing kept extra hits from being followed up immediately, but more still came...still have to work on finding ways to AVOID taking your **** hits though.

So anyway, out of curiousity, were you still planning on going to TG6? I remember you saying something around November/December you were planning on going and taking whoever was second best of our group with. Not saying that I think I'd do well at this point; I have a feeling I'd get slaughtered...but it'd still be fun to play some other high level people, might even pick up some new tricks. Meh...it's just been on my mind on and off for a while. I'm tempted to make a trip down there just for the **** of it, see how I do and all that.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Oh, didn't I tell you? I was medically disqualified 5 days before I was supposed to leave because of the medication that I was (and still am) on for my alleged tuberculosis. I've never been contagious or anything; it's not even guaranteed that I have it, I tested positive on a skin test before I left Japan so they slapped me on meds for 9 months as a precaution in case I actually have it. This month is my last month on them; I was supposed to head off to basic in February. From what I was told, I was disqualified and had to wait until I finish the medication before I could go in; at which point I'd have to go through the whole process over again. Seeing all the crap going on in the world now (as opposed to when I first started the process of enlisting around a year and a half+ ago), going in the military's started looking a lot less tempting (which is why I've started looking more and more at what I should major in for college), so before I'd even consider starting up the process again, I'm going to wait to see who wins the upcoming election (I loathe Bush.)

So...you have an estimate on what it'd cost to go to and come back from TG6? I just need to know around how much I'll have to have set aside. Anyway, from what I've gathered; what seems to bother some people about you is the way you seem to take your matches too seriously (I'm guessing "BULL****!!!" and what not). At least that's what I read when I went exploring tourney threads a while back.

Anyways; out of curiousity, how do you think I'd do against the average skill level down there? So-so, good, bad? Just need to work on those little things you keep reminding me of. It'd help if I could practice against high level strats more than once a week...of course, it'd also help if I worked on getting my fingers 100% under control as opposed to the reflex crap I pull (too many dash As, not grabbing with non-Samus characters, chronic missile cancelled sex kick, blah blah blah...) Focusing more on the match would likely help as well...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Don't worry about the tuberculosis, I was x-rayed, had blood tests done, all that crap; I was never contagious (assuming I even had it).

Money for the trip wouldn't be a problem. Your predicted amount is around a single paycheck, maybe a bit more; I should be able to afford it rather easily.

The main problem with the SHB for Samus (that I can see) is that she's too bloody slow in the air; you'd have little trouble nailing her back down. Seems like the only ways around it for her are to either luck into getting a gap large enough to successfully jump through, or dodge/shield the blasts until you get close enough and either shield the laser and (god forbid) roll behind Falco, hopefully causing the expected follow up to miss, or maybe try wavedashing away out of the shield; or jump at the start of the battle and close in from there. Speed's the major issue though; Samus just seems too slow to easily get away from the SHB. Marth's faster at getting in the air than Samus, that's probably why I was able to partially find a way around the SHB with him.

But anyway, a contributing factor as to why nobody else has really found a way around your Falco is because it looks like they refuse to play against him. Chris preferred to play your Marth, I don't recall Ian playing against Falco too often; ditto for Dustin and Matt (no comment on my brother). Just seems like I'm the only one who actually wanted to fight Falco at times; it's hard to learn ways around your strats if you're changing up who you play every week. Not that you do that so much anymore; but I recall you setting Falco aside for 2-3 weeks straight while you were working with Marth a few months back.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Marysville Washington
hey Lunaris, if u remember me, im the falco that stole your color from skypal, heh. than u became ANGR. ive gotten aloy better with falco, but not to be rude/overconfident or anything but even though i havent played him, i think i could beat ur friend guy (u said he could beat alot of the regs.) Well, lata


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Assuming nothing major happens, I'll likely be at TG6; so if you want a chance to play me Jem, I'll be there :D It'll be fun to fight someone other than the same 3-4 people over and over again.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Marysville Washington
i dont know if i could make it to tg6... its the whole out of state thing. none of my parents can take me, and i dont really have a ride... so that sucks.. meh. Yeah it would be nice to play you though, outside of the tourneys i go to, i play the same 2 people, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
You've snapped...or been hanging around Burke/Matt too much. I'm not all too sure I want to know what was going on...

Anyways, I don't know about the whole road trip with people I don't know; especially going from Washington to Cali. Nothing against the Washington crew or anything, but being on the road for hours on end really doesn't sound very appetizing. I'd rather sit on a plane for 5-6 hours than endure a 4-5 hour flight followed by a long *** car ride. I don't do very well on car trips, get bored way too easily.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
...you found something important related to Smash? Or finally got a way to get vids online? You burned millions of copies of my GGX cd and are going to distribute them to all SWF members? (*******!!!) I dunno; you really don't want me to start guessing about such things, my theories can get rather...interesting:D

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Man, this thing with the captain has really got you in a good mood Derek, just in the sense that you are posting more comedic material all of a sudden, or maybe that's not the case....I dunno...GET OFF MY BACK!!>_<


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
So I won't need to bring my copy of GGXX over anymore, right? Meh, I'll keep bringing it, just in case something happens to yours; btw, MvC2's still working, right? :p

Anyway, if we're doing the usual tomorrow, give me a call when you wake up (sometime post 12pm, I'll be working 'till then).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Link to a site with tons of GGX2 #Reload match vids:


Good matches there, probably could keep you busy for a while just trying to watch them all.

Anyway, I think I'm going to take a break from Melee for a few days; seeing as I've been playing like utter crap yesterday and today with my technical game and concentration being outright horrible, I think a break would probably do me some good...oh well, there's always GGXX.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I'll see if I can find anyone who knows of any Venom combo vids; can't guarantee much since combo vids tend to last only a few weeks before being taken down, but I'll see what I can do.

If the Testament in question was yukinose's, then he's one of the best Testy players I've seen vids of. He also plays Bridget, and I think Slayer too; but I mostly follow his Testament matches, pretty nasty stuff.

Yeah, I'll register for the whole Smashers by region. I'm guessing the reason you're asking me is because I'm probably the #2 contributor to our little thread here :p Anyway, yeah, I will; doubt anybody will turn up though. Just seems really unlikely that there's any hidden talent in this state.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
That's just how Baiken plays; rushdown and her dust loop. Though if you found that rushdown impressive, you really need to see a good Millia (and I am really wishing I hadn't had to reformat my laptop a while back; I'm having to recollect the videos I had, but haven't been able to find some of the better ones :( ). You should show Chris some of those videos if you haven't already, give him an idea of what I meant by rushdown ('cause I'll be the first to admit that I can't play Baiken's offense for ****). There should also be a few good Johnny vids there for Matt too. Oh, and I still have the insane Venom vs Millia match where they took turns kicking each others asses.

As far as Venom combo vids go, I've heard there's one called "Steel Ball Run" or something along those lines on the irc #gamecombos channel (if you can get to it; if not, I'll see what I can do).

Anyway, it seems that my plans of taking a break from Smash are failing miserably...I played a few rounds yesterday when I was with my GGXX friends (major ownage by my hands...) and it would seem that my little brother's friend wants to play me again. **** it all...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Which Testy vs Baiken vid were you watching? I've seen matches between yukinose and two different Baikens from that site, both Baiken players landed their dust loop (albeit they were shorter than Sol's). Baiken's dust loop only goes for an average of 2-5 loops, not much more is possible since hers requires tension for every rep (with some exceptions where she scores a second air dust with no tension necessary). But any combo that involved Baiken bouncing her opponent off the wall with her air dust, maybe hit them once or twice, then another air dust, few more hits, air dust, etc. is a dust loop. The FRCs aren't always on the air dusts, sometimes they're on a Tatami, I think I recall a vid where something else was RC'd, though I'm not positive. But anyway, long story short, Baiken's dust loop looks vastly different from Sol's (no dust, dust, land, re-jump, dust, dust, land, etc.)

It would've been my youngest brother's friend (**** 11 year olds -_-), fortunately he didn't show up. It's not really a matter of me losing; I know I'd win, by a large margin too. I could've beaten the kid before I started improving my game after meeting you. The only people who constantly make me work for my wins are the guys in our group; I have yet to meet someone else who constantly gives me a hard time. The reason I'm trying to take a break from Smash is partially because of a thread they've got going in MD right now (seems taking a break from time to time helps get rid of bad habits), and because I haven't really taken a break from Smash since I met you guys (I think...). That's playing almost daily searching for new things, figuring things out, trying to apply this and that for Samus, Marth, Fox, Sheik, and Falco (the characters I've put some time and effort (read: more than a day) into learning to play) for almost 7-8 months now. I think it's time to give myself a break...so I've been playing more GGXX :p Figuring out some new things for I-No (baiting techs for air throws; yum :D), putting some time into Jam, trying some new things for a couple of other characters in general.
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